The Blue Dot 9

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ISSUE 9, 2018
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization | Mahatama Gandhi Institute of
Education for Peace and Sustainable Development

35 Ferozshah Road, ICSSR, Building, 1st Floor

New Delhi 110001, INDIA

THE BLUE DOT features articles showcasing UNESCO

MGIEP’s activities and areas of interest. The magazine’s
overarching theme is the relationship between education, peace,
sustainable development and global citizenship. THE BLUE
DOT’s role is to engage with readers on these issues in a fun NANDINI CHATTERJEE SINGH
and interactive manner. The magazine is designed to address
audiences across generations and walks of life, thereby taking the Programme Specialist - Science of Learning
discourse on education for peace, sustainable development and
global citizenship beyond academia, civil society organisations
and governments, to the actual stakeholders.

THE BLUE DOT is published biannually.

The Blue Dot is available free of charge.
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Communications Specialist

Prasun Mazumdar Design |


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this magazine

do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of

The image used on the cover of this issue of The Blue Dot is
purely representational and conceptual in nature.

Artificial Intelligence
for Education
tutor. Personalised learning, the holy grail message is achievable and if yes, what
of education, is a definite reality in this needs to be done to achieve that holy grail
hypothetical scenario. As I perceive it, of education.
making this a reality for children today is a This issue was based on one of the five
distinct possibility. main themes of our recently concluded
Is this just in the realms of fiction or TECH 2018 conference in Vizag, India,
a potential reality? The recent growing titled ‘AI and Education’, for which
importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) some of the world’s leading experts were
seems to point such a scenario as a invited to elaborate on the theme. Equally
reality within our reach. However, there important to have is the discussion on the

has also been growing concern over the privacy and ownership of information that
child somewhere
ethical and moral use of AI coupled will be generated by learners and teachers.
“Look again at that dot. in “poor” India is
with a fear of AI and making many jobs The use of information is a contentious
That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. having trouble with
redundant. Although the use of AI in the issue that needs to be addressed early as we
introductory algebra.
On it, everyone you love, education sector is at the nascent stage, embark on the exciting and path-breaking
This is new content for the child and the
everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, these fears are reflected as well and in journey that I have termed the The
bigger problem the child faces is that the
every human being who ever was, particular to the rising sentiment that AI Internet of Education (TIE). I hope that
teacher is hardly ever in school. There is
lived out their lives. will replace teachers. this journey will culminate in education
The aggregate of our joy and suffering some hope, however, as s/he has good
Doucher and Evers, in their seminal and knowledge becoming accessible to
thousands of confident religions, access to the Internet and to the many
book, “Teaching in the Fourth Revolution: and beneficial for all of humanity. A High
ideologies, and economic doctrines, online teaching tools on the subject.
Standing at the Precipice”, argue that AI Level Policy Forum on development of
every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, Despite this, the child cannot afford a
will no doubt have a major impact in the guidelines was initiated at the TECH
every creator and destroyer of civilization, personalised online tutor and continues
way learning and teaching will happen in 2018, after which the Vizag Declaration
every king and peasant, every young couple in love, to struggle to understand the basic
the future. There is no looking back. was adopted at the closing ceremony of
every mother and father, hopeful child, concepts. That, I believe, might be a
inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, But what that future will look like is for the conference, calling for development of
close description of the current education
every corrupt politician, every superstar, us here at the present to guide that journey. Guidelines for Digital Learning.
system in India and many parts of the
every supreme leader, every saint One thing is for sure: the traditional roles We here at UNESCO MGIEP have
and sinner in the history of our species lived there- of learners and teachers will evolve and already begun this journey by partnering
Now visualise a system where the
on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.” will need to be more symbiotic. with like-minded organisations and have
child is given access to an online global
But before we go into details of AI’s role developed a prototype platform called
intelligent education platform. As part
in education, some understanding of its CHI (Collective Human Intelligence). This
of this system, the child is paired with
scope is necessary. AI experts categorise platform allows educators and learners
CARL SAGAN a personalised BOT right after s/he
three main types of AI: Strong AI, Weak to develop curriculum, lesson plans and
PALE BLUE DOT: A VISION OF THE HUMAN FUTURE IN SPACE enters school. This BOT develops a keen
AI and Artificial General Intelligence. assessments in an interactive, immersive
understanding of the child’s attributes and
These are well explored and the myth and experiential environment, which is
learning preferences by evaluating data of
behind AI is discussed in this issue of supported by AI that is able to provide
the child’s ongoing learning experiences.’
The Blue Dot. These systems have been feedback to students and educators of
The BOT has access to a finite set
elaborated upon in detail and the myths progress and suggestions to improve
of possible interventions – arising from
surrounding them have been dispelled by learning.
learner-centric data derived from the
some of the world’s foremost AI experts.
experiences of millions of children
The second part of the AI and
learning algebra worldwide – to help the
education relationship explores how
child overcome learning problems. The
AI can be used to improve learning
BOT can parse all the learner-centric data
and make it relevant for 21st century
to identify specific interventions suited to
challenges. Articles written on this topic
the particular child who is its responsibility
will explore whether the new world that ANANTHA KUMAR DURAIAPPAH
– functioning as a virtual, personalised
I had proposed in the beginning of my Director, UNESCO MGIEP

0 1

Artificial Intelligence &

Currently, there is no universally
Education & UNESCO’s recognised institutional framework
on the ethics of AI, particularly in

Way Forward relation to education.

D I R E C TO R - G E N E R A L , U N E S C O he permeation of new technologies and Artificial am very pleased to share that our Category I Institute in
Intelligence (AI) is changing how we teach, live, the Asia-Pacific, the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute
work and learn. Undoubtedly, AI has the potential of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development
to widely benefit us and resolve various societal (MGIEP), has taken the lead on SEL and exploring ways
issues. At the same time, it also presents certain challenges that AI can be harnessed to integrate SEL into our Education
need to be addressed. Yet, if we are able to prepare ourselves to systems.
tackle these challenges, we will be able to benefit widely from this
collective intelligence and the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’. I am particularly pleased with the progress that has been made with
the development of an open-source indigenously-designed and
In the field of education, AI is expected to have a collaborative curriculum development and learning platform that
significant impact, transforming the way teachers work allows educators and students to innovate, develop and implement
by offering new teaching aids. It could revolutionise the way curriculum. This Collective Human Intelligence platform will use
in which students learn through personalised learning and through advanced AI and data analytics tools to personalise the learning
greater access to knowledge thus also potentially facilitating more experience for each user, as well as address data ownership, privacy
inclusive education. and security issues.

Clearly, the possibilities are tremendous. However, there are some Furthermore, I welcome the collaboration between the Institute
associated risks, particularly those related to individual privacy and the State Government of Andhra Pradesh, India, as well
and ethics. UNESCO, by its mandate, is ideally placed to as other partners and experts in the field of EdTech to establish
play a key role by supporting Member States to increase global guidelines for the exponentially growing field of digital
accessibility of technology, promoting the use of open- learning tools and methodologies. These guidelines will help the
source AI platforms and tools that encourage learning. development of digital pedagogical tools to effectively harness this
Additionally, UNESCO’s role will be crucial to rethink educational new technology for the betterment of society. I also look forward
curricula, by bringing into focus social and emotional learning to to the outcomes of the Institute’s annual international EdTech
build the emotional intelligence of future generations of learners. conference, TECH 2018, for which AI and Education was a
key focus area. I wish the Institute all the best in its endeavours
Currently, there is no universally recognised institutional framework to mainstream SEL through the use of AI: a vital issue as we
on the ethics of AI, particularly in relation to education. It is deliberate on the ethics of AI.
UNESCO’s duty, with the support of Member States,
to lead a global debate in order to establish a globally
accepted framework of ethical principles and we have
already begun work in this area.

The ninth issue of The Blue Dot, focuses on AI and the future of
education. It explores debates on the use of AI in education and the
potential it offers to complement existing education systems and
teachers, as well as in facilitating personalised learning. Indeed, I

ISSUE • 9 0 3

Approach to

AI is concerned with understanding
Artificial Intelligence for intelligence, by investigating the
design of machines that have

Education and Training intelligent abilities.

A rtificial Intelligence (AI) is no

longer just a Hollywood invention,
it is already impacting our lives.
From truck drivers, whose role may be
replaced by autonomous vehicles, to paralegal workers who can
be outsmarted by AI software, the world of work is changing with
increasing pace. The implications for education and training are
to software that can support students with individual tutoring for
their school and university studies, and learning platforms that
provide educational support informed by neuroscience. We can
track students’ interactions, from every mouse movement and each
keystroke and use AI to analyse each student’s performance in
detail. This analysis provides personalised learning for the student
and detailed feedback about the learning status of every student in
significant and far reaching. We need to prepare people for a future their class for teachers. Well-designed AI can help us tackle some
that will likely be evolving quickly, and not everyone will have a of our toughest educational challenges, such as global teacher
positive experience. However, it is not all doom and gloom. We shortages and the achievement gap between the more and less
can also reap huge benefits from AI if we approach it advantaged members of the population.

But what exactly is AI, and how can we approach it intelligently?

AI is concerned with understanding intelligence by

investigating the design of machines that have intelligent
abilities. AI has gained traction recently because of the ‘perfect
storm’ brought about by the availability of large quantities of data,
powerful computer processing with large clouds of cheap, accessible
storage and AI algorithms that can learn. These 3 factors: data, 2. Educate people about AI, so that they can use it successfully,
computing (power and storage), and sophisticated AI means that we ethically and knowledgeably. For some people, this understanding
can build vast AI ‘knowledge’ bases that can be sifted and searched about AI needs to be more extensive, to train people to: make
with stunning accuracy to pinpoint the minutiae of detail required responsible ethical decisions about how and when AI should be
to diagnose a disease, process an image, beat world champion game used; or develop the next generation of AI technology. Educating
players and to help us navigate through our complex physical and people about AI, can also be assisted by well-designed AI systems.
ROSE LUCKIN virtual worlds.
PROFESSOR,UCL Knowledge Lab 3. Prioritise the development of our own human intelligence so that
The intelligent way to approach AI is to focus on planning we focus attention on the elements of intelligence that are not (yet)
educational and training systems that use AI wisely to automatable with AI, such as social intelligence and metacognitive
prepare people to work and live with AI. The situation is intelligence. This too can be assisted by the smart use of well-
summarised in Figure 1 designed AI to track and support our learning and increase our
intelligence. For more detail about this, please see my 2018 book:
This figure illustrates that we need to: Machine Learning and Human Intelligence.
1. Engage educators and trainers in working with AI developers to
build AI technology that is specifically designed for education and The thoughtful design of AI approaches to education and
training. This AI development has already started: from experiential training has the potential to provide significant benefits
digital learning driven by AI powered virtual role play simulations, to educators, learners, parents and managers. It is a reason
for great excitement and concerted intelligent effort.

ISSUE • 9 0 5
36 44

Director’s Message 01 • Declaration of Independence II

By Dan Shefet
Artificial Intelligence for Education
By Anantha Kumar Duraiappah | Director, UNESCO MGIEP • Dreams & Reality: How AI will change Education YOUTH VOICES
• Can Artificial Intelligence Help Us Achieve Universal
Foreword 02 • CHI – a Knowledge Sharing Digital Platform Powered Quality Education?
30 by Machine Learning
Saurabh Roy | Chief Technology Officer, UNESCO MGIEP
By James Hodson
• Artificial Intelligence & Education & UNESCO’s
Way Forward • Artificial Intelligence for Education
By Audrey Azoulay | Director-General, Unesco By Soma S Dhavala

• Approach to Artificial Intelligence for Education &

Training • Interview with Dr. Avik Sarkar, Head – Data Analytics
By Rose Luckin | Professor, UCL Knowledge Lab Cell at NITI Aayog, Govt. of India 50


What we have been up to at UNESCO MGIEP

• The Digital Transformation of K-12: A Viewpoint

By Cathie Norris & Elliot Soloway

• Peace Machine as a Re-emerging Gandhi

• Personalising ‘Learning’ - Can AI Promise
Customised Education For ‘Humanity’ TECH 2018
By Timo Honkela Learning with AI
Nandini Chatterjee Singh & Raunak Jain
What to Expect at TECH 2018?
• Promoting Peace: How Can Data Science Assist?
By Srujana Merugu

Expert The Digital Transformation

Perspectives of K-12: A Viewpoint
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of C AT H I E N O R R I S , Regents Professor, Department of Learning Technologies, College of Information at
The University of North Texas
E L L I OT S O LO WAY, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Department of Cse, College Of Engineering, at
The University Of Michigan
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has caught the
imagination of the world and has been gaining
popularity in the business sector. To date, the Dr. Cathleen Norris is the Regents Professor & Chairperson, Department of
use of AI in education has been limited and at Learning Technologies, College of Information, University of North Texas. Dr.
times contested; most arguments against it centre Norris’ 14 years in K-12 classrooms – and receiving Dallas’ Golden Apple Award
– has shaped her university R&D agenda: developing resources to support
on how it will make teachers redundant and
K-12 teachers as they move into 21st century classrooms. From 1995-2001,
learning more automated than it is currently. Dr. Norris was President of the National Educational Computing Association
Rather than replacing teachers and making (NECA), and led its merger with ISTE, the International Society for Technology
learning impersonal, AI could take learning to a in Education, creating the largest, international organisation for technology-
completely new level. Read what academicians, minded educators in the world. Dr. Norris was Co-President/President of ISTE
from 2001-2004.
policymakers, practitioners and researchers have
to say about the use of Artificial Intelligence Dr. Elliot Soloway is an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Department of Computer
(AI) in Education Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, with appointments also in
the School of Education and School of Information, University of Michigan. For
15+ years, Dr. Soloway’s R&D efforts have been guided by the vision that mobile,
low-cost, networked devices are the only way to truly achieve universal 1:1 in
schools – all across the globe. In 2001, the UMich undergraduates selected him
to receive the “Golden Apple Award” as the Outstanding Teacher of the Year at
the University of Michigan. In 2004 and in 2011, College of Engineering HKN
Honor Society students selected Dr. Soloway to receive the “Distinguished
Teacher of the Year Award.” In 2001, Norris and Soloway founded GoKnow,
Inc., one of the first mobile learning companies; over 40,000 students
worldwide used GoKnow’s Mobile Learning Environment. In 2012, Norris and
Soloway founded the Intergalactic Mobile Learning Center, and with support
from private (e.g., Qualcomm, Google, George Lucas Education Foundation)
and public (e.g., National Science Foundation) sources, has published the
Collabrify Suite of Apps and the Collabrify Roadmap System – free, device-
independent, tools, used in classrooms all around the world.

0 7

The Digital Transformation of K-12: A
Viewpoint While those quotes had “business” not
• “Most1 school leaders know we’re in the midst of a digital
“education” in mind, the reality is this:
transformation, with a size and scope larger and more significant educating students is as much a business
than anything we’ve seen before…. Educators know they have to
as banking, retailing, entertaining, etc.
change but are challenged by the convergence of technology and
pedagogy. What technologies can affect learning and experience? are!
How can we get all educators on board? How can we build a case
to support our goals? What’s our future vision?”
century skills – creativity, communication, collaboration, and
The above quote sums up the status of the “digital critical thinking. And, while “driving revenue” is not a focus of
transformation”, or DX2 to the cognoscenti, in K-12: desire – at public education, the public purse snaps shut if value is not being
least some – is there, but action – for the most part – is lacking. delivered!
Arguably, the digital transformation of K-12 education is the most
important task ahead for us in education. It is towards developing • “… using digital technologies” — The new acronym for the
a deeper understanding of what digital transformation is, why it range of technologies encompassed by the term “digital” is
needs to be undertaken, and how it can be accomplished, that we SMAC5: social, mobile, analytics and cloud technologies. But
write this Blue Dot article. So, let’s begin with the “what.” let’s make it “SMAAC” – where the second A represents “AI” or
artificial intelligence.

• “… retool business models and processes” — Simply put

What is Digital transformation? a “business model” is the way a company makes money. For
example, one of Apple’s core business models is manufacturing
• “Digital transformation3 is a fundamental shift in how a firm and selling iPhones. But, if the rumors6 are true, Apple is creating
delivers value and drives revenue.” a new streaming service that includes original TV content, so that
collecting subscription fees is an example of Apple retooling its
• “Digital transformation4 involves using digital technologies to business model and processes. In education, rather than a teacher
retool business models and processes to make them more efficient standing in front of the class and delivering a lecture, while
or effective.” students copy down on paper the teacher’s words, schools will need
to develop “digital pedagogies” that exploit SMAAC and provide
While those quotes had “business” not “education” in students with the personalised learning experiences that they are
mind, the reality is this: educating students is as much a demanding.
business as banking, retailing, entertaining, etc. are! • “2018 Digital School Districts Survey: Respondents Use And the only way to provide personalised learning is via
• “… make [the business models and processes] more efficient or Technology to Put Students First” technology13:
Let’s unpack those dense sentences: effective” —The terms “efficiency” and “effective” are at the core
of digital transformation. We will explore those terms when we The survey11, tapping into schools in “small, mid-sized and • “More than nine in 10 respondents to a survey on
• “… a fundamental shift …” Not just a “shift” but a “fundamental discuss the “how” of digital transformation. large districts in 24 states” conducted by the Center for Digital the topic reported that in the pursuit of encouraging
shift.” Not digital transition but digital transformation. Words do Education found12 that: personalised learning, their districts 1) provide software
count here and what is being proposed is truly a dramatic and or digital curriculum to classrooms … 2) provide
“fundamental” break with the past. Analog, paper-and-pencil computing devices to classrooms…”
technologies, while comfortable and effective – for some – are not Why Is Digital Transformation Needed? More than nine in 10 respondents to a
the building blocks of the future. Digital is based on bits; analog As we will describe in the “How” section below, there are several
is based on atoms. Atoms and bits are different: duplicating atoms • “Nine out of 10 businesses today are undergoing some form
7 survey on the topic reported that in the ways to provide personalised learning – but they all employ
is expensive; duplicating bits is trivial; changing atoms – erasing a of digital transformation and customer experience is a stated top pursuit of encouraging personalised
word in a sentence – is messy and time consuming; changing bits – priority.”
plopping in a new word into a sentence – is easy, quick, and cheap. learning, their districts 1) provide software Besides needing to improve “customer experience,” digital
Indeed, we are only beginning to appreciate the implications of a While there is debate that the 1983 “Nation At Risk” report
8 or digital curriculum to classrooms … 2) transformation is needed because those customers – the students
world based on bits, not atoms. of today and most assuredly of tomorrow – are expecting it!
may have portrayed American education in an overly poor light, provide computing devices to classrooms Today’s students are virtually born with a “phone” – the students
there is no question that there is considerable room for improving9
• “… how a firm delivers value and drives revenue.” Delivering student achievement in U.S. schools. Indeed, in education today, of today do not call their mobile devices “smartphones” but simply
“value” is absolutely the top priority in schools. While that value “customer experience is the priority!” The following title10 of an “phones” – in their hands. Phones: The penetration of personally
shares much with the past – education must develop students to be article paints a clear picture: • “The top learning priority in education for technology use is owning a smartphone is now down14 to the 12-13 year olds in
ethical individuals, 21st century students must develop 21st personalised learning. 5th grade15. Yes, today, the research16 is mixed on whether using

0 9

computers for learning leads to increased student achievement. lead the way in the digital transformation of K-12. Presenting And,

But, just as entertainment, medicine, retailing, farming, banking, learning opportunities in the context of solo and collaborative • “Digitally41 maturing [organisations] cultivate a culture that
etc., etc., are not going back to analog technologies, education is
Machine learning techniques underlying game play, may well better align with the motivating factors for supports change and attracts talent. Commitment and leadership
not going back to paper-and-pencil technologies. Educators will personalised learning will disrupt, in the today’s learners. As the learners of today play games outside of are required. To succeed, you have to be dedicated to investment,
learn how to use digital devices to enhance learning; it’s only a Christensen-sense, your child’s school in school, it makes good sense to bring the mode of learning inside change, talent development, and have a clear vision… and be
matter of time. of school, as well. committed to it.”
the near term. You can take that prediction
to the bank! We truly believe that a bet against technological change is a really In the business world:
bad bet; new digital technologies will be invented and they will
How is Digital Transformation Realized? enable dramatic transformations. But, while ML may have finally • “… all companies42 must transform to be digital companies to
learning algorithms can provide useful learning analytics to conquered31 the game of Go and bested our best human player32, remain competitive.”
In carrying out DX, the consensus is that technology itself is teachers so they can personalize the learning for their students. delivering personalised instruction33, diagnosing disease, predicting
important: While learning analytics can be deceiving at times, financial – and weather – changes, etc. are highly challenging In K-12? The economic forces driving businesses are not
and will require our absolutely best thinking and absolutely best necessarily the same ones that drive K-12 education. What
• “Digital transformation is often driven by the IT organization. … • ”… it has become clear to many that the use of data is critical technology. These are early days for ML; we urge patience and schools, what districts will invest the time and resources to digitally
The technology is actually the center of what growth is built on. to how ‘educators28 evaluate their practices and monitor students’ caution34. transform? Interesting questions – stay tuned!
The technology implications are driving the future of the business academic progress.’”
itself.” Now, digital transformation isn’t just about technology! In all the
As well, ML can provide more “natural” ways to interact with articles about DX, success in DX involves people, organizational
And the core technology driver will be AI – Artificial Intelligence: computers. For example, the explosion of voice-based interfaces culture, and leadership:
(e.g., Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa29) point to a future where
• “If [your company doesn’t17] have an AI strategy, you’re going to voice can be used for both fast and sustained interaction. Integral • “Hire35 the right people to bring about change. Create a culture
die in the world that’s coming. … more and more AI interfaces will to voice-based interfaces is natural language understanding30 that makes data-based decisions.”
provide natural language inputs and outputs, and proactively make by computer. Yes and no. As an experiment, we went into a
decisions on the user’s behalf … “ kindergarten (children of age 4, 5, 6) and tried to use voice and • “… success36 requires CEOs to develop the right leadership
natural language software to analyse these children’s utterances. capabilities, workforce skills and corporate cultures to support
AI – or, more accurately18, ML – machine learning19 – is the latest, While the software failed almost every time – kindergartners do digital transformation….”
cure-all, technological hype in a long line of technological hype – not speak in grammatical sentences, do not enunciate clearly, and
some successful (2G, 3G, 4G), some not (have you seen a 3D TV make up words willy-nilly – we were assured by ML engineers that • Easy to say! In today’s schools, teachers are predominately
lately?) AI is not a new technology; researchers have been if they had 5,000 hours of recorded speech from these youngsters, drawn from the “baby-boomer” and “Gen X” generations, who
exploring AI since the early days20 of computing. But, they could build an effective voice-based, natural language system are digital immigrants, while the students in their classes are
thanks to the exponential growth of the chip industry, as predicted for those youngsters! Perhaps! millennials who are digital natives.
so presciently by Gordon Moore in 1965, AI has come on the
scene now only because computers are finally21 powerful enough – ML can also support the production of curriculum that serves as And37,
at everyday prices – to actually run the computation necessary to the heartbeat of a classroom. • “ … research shows that student teachers will initially teach the
implement “AI.” way they were taught.”
• Chi.Buzz – Developed at the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi While teachers can learn and change38, a recent study39 found that:
As we have argued previously22: Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development
• “Machine learning techniques underlying personalised (MGIEP), CHI – Collective Human Intelligence – is a platform • “A majority (70-78%) of teachers expressed discomfort with
learning will disrupt, in the Christensen-sense, your for creating digital courses that employs ML to support the newer teaching practices that rely on technology”
child’s school in the near term. You can take that development and enactment of digital courses. Daunting! With all the professional development that has
prediction to the bank!” been showered upon today’s teachers, “a majority” are still
• Collabrify Roadmap – Developed at the Intergalactic Mobile uncomfortable using technology to facilitate collaboration, enable
For example, in early math education, in grades 1-3, companies Learning Center (IMLC), at educators can create project-based learning, personalize learning, etc.
such as Dreambox23 and Knewton24 are providing personalised digital curriculum, Roadmaps, visual, concept-map-like structures,
instruction25 systems that do result in improved test scores. That that guide students through a lesson. Finding content on the
said, we urge the interested reader to review a “confession26” Internet (in the form of OER – Open Education Resources) for
by Larry Berger, CEO of Amplify27, Inc., who has been trying the learning activities in those Roadmaps is a challenging, time- Concluding Remarks
to build personalised learning systems for over 10 years. Berger consuming activity. We are exploring how to incorporate ML to
argues that there are a number of issues that prevent the provide curriculum developers with suggestions about relevant Digital transformation is not a one-time event; rather it is as
development of a personalised learning system for all grades and OER content. ongoing process:
all subjects and for all students.
Games, that combine novel, graphical interfaces with ML • “Digital40 is a journey that requires [organisations] to be agile”
But, let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water: machine algorithms in the context of provocative story-lines, may ultimately

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environment.pdf 21
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3 transformation-today

4 services-
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and-right-about-u-s-schools 29
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usage-in-k12.aspx 33
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explainer-intl/index.html 36

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16 part-1/

17 39
education%E2%80%99s-future 40
19 41

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Peace Machine as a

Re-emerging Gandhi

rtificial Intelligence (AI) has been under
development for more than 50 years.
Many ideas central to AI have been under
consideration from very early on. The basic
idea is to model or mimic human intelligence, including decision
making, problem solving, language and speech understanding,
machine learning, pattern recognition and a number of other
characteristics. Even emotions and creativity have been taken
into consideration. A common idea among AI researchers is to
see the developments as models of the true phenomenon, not as
independent achievements. Computers are not conscious and
emotional in a human way but successful analysis and modelling
has causal effects in the world of living humans.

The societal impact of AI has grown considerably during

recent years. There are multiple reasons for this development.
The use of artificial neural networks and statistical machine
learning are used to analyse large data collections. These collections
are like artificial experiences: sounds, spoken and written language,
Timo Honkela serves as a Professor at the University images and videos. The systems have growing cognitive capacity,
ability to model human intellect based on the availability of
of Helsinki, Department of Digital Humanities.
increased amount of data and computing power and data storage.
Earlier positions include Professorships at the Earlier the systems were programmed with the aim to transfer
University of Art and Design Helsinki and Helsinki expertise into them in the form of rules. Current solutions are
University of Technology, where he received his PhD mainly based on programming systems to learn.
world is becoming increasingly frightening, intended to be available for and used by write the book “The Peace Machine -
in 1998. Dr. Honkela has served as Chair of Finnish
also due to growing environmental large numbers of people. The Testament of an AI Researcher”,
Artificial Intelligence Society and as Executive The AI developments are mostly directed to industrial and
concerns. which was published in October 2017 in
commercial purposes. The steps taken in this may lead into more
Board Member of the European Neural Networks Development of the concept of the the Finnish language. The book is now
efficient provision of products and services. An emerging challenge
Society. His interests are in philosophical topics is that many professionals lose their work. This leads into problems
The Peace Machine is a concept Peace Machine began in early 2017. The being translated to English and should be
regarding human existence, emergence in relation of applying AI with a range of author’s own personal history adds another published by 2019. Another effect of this
in the societies as finding the work place as a replacement is not
to conceptual systems, and cultural evolution. technologies and disciplines dimension to this. This includes 30 years was that a society in Helsinki came into
straightforward. The AI methodologies are also used to develop
understanding to promote peaceful of research on AI and being diagnosed being in September 2018 to coordinate
increasingly efficient weapons. Overall, many people feel that the
conditions in the world. The with the worst kind of brain cancer. The research, development, and international
main areas are (1) increasing mutual tumor was operated upon in December collaboration on this topic.
understanding among people, (2) 2014 but left the author blind in the right
The Peace Machine is a concept of promoting awareness of one’s own and eye. Nevertheless, the fact that life gave the
applying AI with a range of technologies others’ emotions, and (3) developing fair author a reprieve led to the idea of a book
conditions on a large scale. The Peace on the Peace Machine. Many interviews
and disciplines understanding to promote Machine is not one device or system to newspapers, radio and television
peaceful conditions in the world. but a wide range of modules, tools resulted in an outpouring of support, and
and applications. They are mostly thousands of people helped the author

1 5

to be available and useful for people all around the world. To

Increasing mutual understanding among
people reach necessary levels of trust, the systems must use open source
software. A system that can have substantial effect on people
AI can be used and further developed into
cannot be closed within the digital walls of the system. The directions that support reaching goals that
In general, it is hard to arrive at mutual understanding.
It is particularly difficult to achieve this when people have
citizens and the governments, or their trusted representatives need Mahatma Gandhi would be happy and
to be able to see what is within the system, whether they live in
different backgrounds, education, experience, cultural
India, USA, China, Russia, Iran, Israel, Iceland or anywhere else. proud of.
contexts, etc. People not only have different values and
opinions, the same words also hold different meanings
for them.This is quite obvious for those who work in multicultural
or international organisations. Information technology has not Developing fair conditions on a large scale
been aligned to deal with this phenomenon as computers are
Promoting awareness of one’s own and
programmed with clear definitions of meaning. The development
others’ emotions What is fair can be seen as a question of meaning negotiation.
of AI and information technology has to be guided by careful, Moreover, it is an essential question when we consider human
philosophical understanding. The systems that conduct meaning An important part of human decision-making is based condition and our societies. Situations in different parts of the world
negotiations take into account the contexts in which people express on our emotions. Emotions help us to make quick decisions are history dependant to a high degree. Not all people consider
when swift action is required. On the other hand, our emotions can all people to be free and have basic human rights regardless of
become tuned into some less optimal states or reaction tendencies. their gender, race and position. From the systems theoretical
From the point of view of promoting peaceful conditions, point of view, equality is a problematic notion. One possibility
Luckily, in addition to machine orientation towards fear and anger is problematic. They prepare of approaching this is to consider distributions and contextual
translation, tools for meaning negotiation us to be aggressive and violent. They can be used to manipulate representations of reality. Like emerging new medicine provides a
us to be available for violent actions even when these actions are chance to take care of each person individually, the societies can
can be developed to help in managing against our best interests. It can be also asked if violence is ever be made better for all taking each person individually, providing
situations in which differences in truly well grounded. The true problems in the world are related improved conditions for all. This can help in the promotion of
experience, education and values have to poverty, health and the environment. Violence and war may freedom, associated with increasing level of responsibility. The
sometimes be seen as a means to break through some situation but developments do not need to be directed by a small number
caused the conceptual systems of people to there are other solutions. Machines do not have emotions of people like it is done nowadays. Namely, natural language
be different. but they can analyse our emotional states and related processing and machine learning is making it possible to organise
individual and social processes. We can develop our wisdom true meetings among very large number of people. A meeting of a
with the AI systems that would make us more aware of underlying million or billion people is not a voting arena but provides chances
themselves. The meaning of a word is not carved in stone but it is mental processes that may be problematic, for instance, due to for true discussions when matters are considered among people
dependent on the linguistic, external and even internal context. Us childhood trauma or culturally embedded reaction patterns based at a grass root level. People will be able to craft solutions with
humans can deal with this to some extent but information systems on cultural patterns established over generations. It may sound unforeseen capacity and level of participation.
usually cannot deal with this at all. The idea of unambiguous paradoxical but we could use computers to help us to achieve
meaning and crisp interpretation has been a guiding principle for progress in these matters. A high level of transparency is needed Some of the goals for development may sound utopian. However,
many strands of philosophy and for computer science. Regrettably, the content presented in the book does not relate to predictions but
it is not practical because we humans form heterogeneous to goals and plans. AI can be used and further developed
groups.. Luckily, in addition to machine translation, tools Machines do not have emotions but they into directions that support reaching goals that
for meaning negotiation can be developed to help in Mahatma Gandhi would be happy and proud of.
managing situations in which differences in experience, can analyse our emotional states and
education and values have caused the conceptual related individual and social processes.
systems of people to be different. The ways in which people
understand language cannot be solved by education because us
human cannot be reprogrammed like machines. The machines
can, however, serve as our interpreters if we so wish. in the development of these kinds of systems. Machine learning
is not a straightforward solution in all of this because machine
learning, in its most common forms, is based on data that may
Good quality machine translation hypothetically improves
also lead to problematic solutions, not only good ones. Therefore,
peaceful conditions in the world as people can encounter over
intentionality is an essential concept: what do we wish to achieve,
language borders. On the other hand, meaning negotiations may
why and how. This is only to a limited way a technological
be needed in addition to straightforward machine translation.
question but much more a societal and ethical question.
Google has succeeded in improving the quality of its machine
translation system by taking into use neural network methodology,
in particular deep learning systems with multiple “intuitive”
information processing layers. The Peace Machine is intended

1 7

Promoting Peace: How Can

Data Science Assist?

eace has long been a professed goal of the
mankind, but it has not been pursued with
the rigour it demands. While many inter-
governmental organisations and policy institutes
do exist, which are dedicated to promoting peace, the study of
peace-building and conflict resolution mechanisms has primarily
been limited to the humanities community with only peripheral
involvement from experts in data science and related areas.
Clearly, the necessity to account for cultural nuances, human
emotions, irrational behavior, and different notions of fairness
in peace-building makes it a highly challenging space for a hard
scientific approach. However, the effectiveness of data science
approaches has been demonstrated in domains with similar
complexity such as advertising, online political campaigning,
personalised learning, and various forms of match-making. The
recent Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal, in particular,
highlights the potency of a data-driven approach to influence
human behavior at a massive scale. The primary reason for
the limited participation of the data science community
in the pursuit of peace is that it has not has been
sufficiently incentivised in our increasingly capitalistic
world unlike advertising, which is now being honed to almost an insurance numbers, and called the authorities to lodge a FIR. We good news is that over the last two decades, there have been
exact science at companies such as Google and Facebook. commiserated with each other on the unfortunate incident and massive advances in data management, internet technologies,
wished each other safe journey on our way back home. Within two computing technologies, and machine learning, and these
This article attempts to examine certain vital elements required days, the insurance companies had figured out how the damages technologies have leveraged each other to create a perfect storm,
Srujana is a Machine Learning researcher and to advance peace and provides a sense of how data science can had to be paid for, and both parties readily accepted the decision. which makes it possible for us to attempt to solve such challenging
consultant with over a decade of experience. She potentially contribute to those elements. At the same time, it lists The contrast between the two incidents could not have been problems.
currently works as a founding member of a stealth caveats and external factors that need to be considered to ensure more stark. The triggers were the same, but the outcomes vastly
that the potential is realised. different, which made me wonder why that was the case.
mode startup. Prior to that, she was a principal data
How can data science assist?
scientist at Flipkart (Bangalore) and a volunteer There seemed to be at least four salient factors that could explain
for Ekstep, an education startup. She has been Elements of peaceful conflict resolution these differences. To understand how and where data science and machine learning
employed with Machine Learning groups at Amazon • Regulatory structures that strongly discourage violence (ML) can help, let us delve deeper into the obstacles faced in
(Bangalore), IBM Research (Bangalore/New Delhi), Heading home one evening in a cab, I had a close encounter • Predisposition of the population towards peaceful behaviour creating some of the factors that contribute to peace.
and Yahoo Research (Santa Clara). Srujana has with mob violence. A car crashed into our vehicle, and within a • Familiarity with the resolution process of common conflicts
matter of minutes, a massive crowd of people assembled. Folks • Availability of arbiters perceived as neutral and knowledgeable Regulatory structures & policy decisions. Government
published her work in several conferences and
started arguing with each other, and before long, the arguments by all the parties organisations and policy think tanks have enormous
journals on data mining/machine learning and is power to influence policy decisions and regulatory
devolved into a violent fight resulting in multiple people getting
the recipient of multiple best paper awards. She injured without any resolution on handling the damages from None of the above positive factors are easy to create. Neither is mechanisms, but often do not make good choices even with
received her M.S. and Ph.D. from the University the accident. This incident took me back to a more serious this list exhaustive as there are many other aspects (e.g., inherent an abundance of good intentions. These suboptimal choices are
of Texas at Austin and her B. Tech. degree from IIT car accident that happened a few years ago in California. In power imbalances, malicious intent by third parties) that one needs primarily due to a lack of access to the relevant data as well as an
Madras. contrast to the episode in Bangalore, the parties involved in to consider to address the vast variety of conflicts such as domestic inability to distill the available data to perform a what-if-analysis,
the accident just pulled over, assessed the damages, exchanged violence, communal riots and territorial disputes. However, the e.g., is free public schooling till the age of 18 years likely to result

1 9

in fewer cases of domestic violence? programmed by experts. In fact, ML methods have more in

effective arbiters. Resolution of
conflicts is often tricky in the absence of common with the way humans learn. For example, consider how
Data science approaches can
Today’s cultural forces a child learns. To him/her, it is important to determine if a new
a neutral, knowledgeable arbiter. In most
optimise this decision-making (e.g., social media, news conflicts, it is not only the neutrality that is person is friendly or hostile. The learning process involves making
process in multiple ways by: media, video games, in question; the sheer volume of disputes multiple observations over time on people’s attributes such as the
makes even the number of available tone of voice, facial expressions, and creating a mental model of
• enabling semi-automated consolidation movies) and education arbiters extremely low. Automated ML hostile vs. friendly, which can be then be employed to characterize
of relevant data from a wide range systems are much agents by design do not have a bias a new person.
of heterogeneous, structured and specific to a particular situation and are
unstructured multi-lingual, multi-media
more geared towards Machine learning operates similarly and involves three key
more likely to be neutral and perceived
sources across the world, promoting competition, as such. It is also a scalable option to elements.
• offering insights on temporal trends, aggression, and violence deploy automated agents directly or as
natural clusters, and frequent patterns to assistants to humans to enable thoughtful • Explicit representation of all the relevant information, e.g., the
policymakers, than peacefulness and and timely resolution of conflicts. There tone of voice, as variables in a mathematical framework
• discovering associations between policy cooperation. is, in fact, ongoing work on using • Collection of empirical observations on the variables
choices and outcomes for different ML models to assist judges in • Learning algorithms to infer associations between variables using
contexts via analytic models learned coming up with objective and fair the gathered data.
from the data, demographic, environmental factors and judgments. Specialised ML systems are
• performing quick and accurate content consumption history, can also also being used to evaluate the truth of The benefits of data science methods relative to manual judgment
evaluation of different policy choices via pinpoint the reasons for a peaceful or objective claims from different sources stem from their ability to effortlessly handle trade-offs among
statistical tests. violent disposition, which can then be based on the raw evidence, which can multiple possibly conflicting signals, incorporate massive amounts
used to recommend appropriate corrective help in resolving differences. of data, and contextualise predictions for fine-grained contexts.
Promoting a peaceful mindset or learning actions to educators/leaders However, one must be extremely mindful of the fact that ML are being aggressively deployed in these ecosystems but primarily
among people. Today’s cultural targeted towards each individual. For The above ideas on applications of data techniques have a heavy dependence on data and do not have to optimise business metrics, which are not necessarily aligned
forces (e.g., social media, news example, if a child is aggressive because science for peaceful conflict resolution are any innate ability to generate predictions. In particular, the most towards creating a peaceful society. How much ever governmental
media, video games, movies) of a lack of basic needs such as food just the tip of the iceberg, and there are commonly used class of ML methods, i.e., supervised learning and inter-governmental organisations attempt to promote peace,
and education systems are much and housing, it is preferable to focus on possibly many more. methods, need adequately labelled data to first learn what they are
more geared towards promoting addressing those issues than inundating expected to predict, e.g. if we want to rate content as peaceful or
competition, aggression, and violent, we first need sufficient training examples of peaceful and
her/him with messages on peacefulness. Like any other powerful technology, data
violence than peacefulness and Caveats on the limits of violent content. Furthermore, the applicability of an ML model
cooperation. The current state of affairs Familiarity with common resolution data science is often limited to data distribution it is trained on, e.g., models science is a sharp double-edged sword that
most likely is due to the apathy on the mechanisms. A common cause for trained on the US population might or might not generalize to can cut both ways.
part of the educators and media owners avoidable violence is ignorance of Intelligent ML-based systems such as a different community. If it turns out that data used to build ML
towards promoting peace. Nevertheless, resolution mechanisms for everyday Google search, Facebook feeds, Amazon models is biased or noisy, then the predictions of the resulting
even if a positive intent could be induced conflicts, e.g., domestic abuse of women product recommendations and Uber models are also likely to be biased and erroneous. these efforts are likely to be subverted by these highly influential
with changes in regulation, it is still by their spouses, communal riots, have become an integral part of our lives, ecosystems. It is critical to impose well-thought-out content
non-trivial for moderators to weed out economic exploitation of tribal and but most of us do not yet have a good standards and regulatory mechanisms that make it economically
objectionable content and for educators rural people by others. This observation understanding of how data science and External regulatory factors needed for profitable for these privately-owned ecosystems to promote peace.
and influencers to take appropriate is particularly true for the poor and ML work. Misconceptions around data success
actions to mold the behaviour of people under-educated parts of the population. science make it seem like either like a
under their influence since that requires ML - based personalised content “panacea” or an “out-of-control beast”, Like any other powerful technology, data science is Summing up
fine-grained contextualisation. recommendation systems that can leading to all kinds of absurd headlines a sharp double-edged sword that can cut both ways.
offer content on conflict resolution full of hype or fear. The reality is far Consolidation of data not only unlocks valuable insights but To conclude, data science has the potential to make immense
Data-science based systems can processes tailored to a person’s different, and it is essential to understand also poses enormous risks if it falls into the hands of malicious contributions to the pursuit of peace. Providing macro-level
be quite helpful in solving some situation, in the language and this to ensure appropriate and effective players. It is imperative, therefore, to carefully formulate policies insights to policymakers, curating personalised content on peaceful
of these challenges. In particular, media of his/her choice can go use of data science. that safeguard against privacy breaches and potential misuse, and conflict resolution, guiding educators in molding the behaviour of
it is possible to automatically assess a long way in addressing this ensure strict compliance. The GDPR regulation is a commendable their wards and automated agents for arbitration are some of the
different types of content (movies, problem. One can also create engaging The core of data science is machine effort in this direction, but more work remains to be done. many ways that data science can assist in promoting peace. There
games, online posts) on the likely impact role-playing games powered by ML learning, which comprises techniques are, of course, caveats on the applicability of data science and risks
it has on a consumer, which can then algorithms that can simulate typical that enable machines to learn from data There is considerable evidence to demonstrate that of privacy breaches that should be taken into consideration. Most
be used to regulate the content sources. conflict scenarios and train the players on without being explicitly programmed. privately-owned information ecosystems such as search importantly, it is essential to harness the capitalistic
Twitter, Facebook, and Google already navigating such situations in real world. These techniques are different from the engines, social media networks and news media, driven forces of the world towards the pursuit of peace.
have such systems in place. Analysis of older generation AI methods such as rule- by engagement-drive business metrics, are resulting in
behavioural data, combined with medical, Neutral, knowledgeable and based systems that had to be explicitly increasingly polarised communities. Data science methods

2 1

Declaration of

Independence II

Data Subjects of all countries unite !

We were promised ultimate freedom and liberty and instead we have
become serfs of new masters.

Your tyranny has overshadowed and transcended that of

government- yet you are not elected.
You have highjacked our space, our freedom and our sovereignty.
You have no moral right to rule us or possess us.
You are not welcome among us.
You do not answer to democracy, but you will have to answer to
us, the People.
Your arrogance and indifference to human tragedy, your abuse
and avid concentration of power and hegemony disqualify you
from the role you have usurped.
You have transformed our dreams and promises of decentralised
freedom into a centralised nightmare.

Under the pretext of saving the world you fill your coffers
without contributing to society.
You yield before no manipulation.
Dan Shefet: Lawyer at the Paris Court of Appeal You have degraded us to products in your realm. Products that
(France) deserve no respect.
Governments cannot and will not stop you, but we the People will.
Dan Shefet is a frequent speaker at international We will boycott your services. We will take our clicks away from
conferences and academic venues on IT Law, Data you and your empire will crumble.
You have no right to make judgments affecting life and death.
Privacy Content Regulation and Human Rights on
the Internet. In 2014, he founded the Association We no longer trust you.
for Accountability and Internet Democracy (AAID), What you fear most is our passion. What you lack most is
the main objective of which is to introduce a general are intolerable. monitor all of your new “technology” whether developed in-house
principle of accountability on the internet. Privacy is not dead. Get over it. or acquired and in particular those technologies that apply to
You will allow Data Subjects all over the world to take artificial intelligence.
Now, here are our demands: control of their own data and immediately heed their You will refrain from further abuse of your dominant position
demands for deletion and de-referencing. destroying any alternative to your « services » and consolidating
You will give us back control over our lives.
You will not anoint yourself to be the judge over the your power even more.
We will only allow you to co-exist with us if you accept that with
appropriateness of such demands.
power comes obligations and that your disregard of ethics and
You will allow public inspection to verify that these demands This time we will create a true civilization of the Mind in
social responsibility will cease.
have been met and that data has been definitely and permanently Cyberspace.
You are not above the law and your failure to assume your
erased from your gigantic data troves - because we do not trust May it be more humane and fair than the world you have made.
obligations and contribute towards society are shameful.
Your abuse of your overwhelmingly dominant position and your
Paris, France
failure to take ethics into account when developing, or rather,
You will create an ethics board with independent experts who will August 3, 2018
acquiring new technology and services (you develop little yourself)
Dan Shefet
2 3

Dreams and Reality:

How AI will Change
H arri K etamo , founder of H eadai , senior fellow in U niversity of T urku

Because AI will change everything, it

is said that AI will change the way we
learn. This couldn’t be a more misleading

What is learning as a phenomenon

The way people learn is an outcome of millions of years of
evolution and it cannot be changed with technology. In short,
we learn through interaction by observing the world around
us i.e. we make observations, conceptualise our observations
and connect them into our existing understanding. When we
connect observations we have made before, we just strengthen
our current understanding. When adding new observations, we
learn. When we make observations that don’t fit into our existing
understanding, we might end up learning and at the same time
Harri Ketamo, Ph.D. is an entrepreneur with 20
changing our understanding radically.
years experience in learning sciences and artificial
intelligence as science and as business. Currently In science, the learning process is studied at the for example Furthermore, technologies have enabled a remarkable change is not dependent on which algorithms or technological frameworks
he is founder & chairman of Headai, a jobTech chemistry level, biological level, neural cell level, social level in education and teaching. Radio brought access to good quality are used.
company solving global talent mismatch and and psychological level. All science supports this generalised educational content for millions. Internet provided access to a
definition of learning, no matter if we call it conceptual learning, lot of information, readily available for learners. A decade later, Furthermore, AI is old. As a science, it comes from the 50’s and it
workforce re-skilling challenges with AI. He’s
constructivism or connectivism. Claims that AI will change the there was no need to just deliver information in schools – new has been with us for more than 60 years. The first generation AIs
also actively participating in academic research pedagogical innovations were developed. The Learning process, were decision trees and state machines, based on programmed
way we learn is just like a claim that television will change the
as an adjunct professor at Tampere University of way we learn. Every ten years, there have been technologies that however, remained the same: we yet connected our observations rules. In many solutions, the rules were based on scientific work
Technology and as a senior fellow at University of have claimed to change the way learning happens. Games (2010), into our mental understanding. Learning is hard work, but we and millions of lines of data, but the rules were programmed
Turku. Previously he has been founder & CEO of mobile devices (2000), Internet (1990), CD-rom (1980), television can make it more enjoyable, accessible and effective with good after people found the rules. In second generation AI, there are
gameMiner (game AI that learn from players), xTask (1970), programmed instruction (1960), radio (1950) and spirit pedagogy. Technology alone is never the answer. no pre-programmed rules and machines would learn the rules
duplicators (1930), just to mention a few. from the given data. In other words, the rules with which AI works
(adaptive learning platform for mobile devices) and
are not programmed, they are (machine) learned. There are
SkillPixels (elementary school as a mobile game). Coming back to Artificial Intelligence (AI) excellent use cases for both types of AI, for some cases
We dream that technology would make learning fast and easy, but
Ketamo was awarded the Eisenhower Fellowship in that’s an illusion. programmed rules are perfect, because they are fast to
2017. We should not spend too much time on defining what AI is. perform, e.g. spell checking. Some other cases require
However, all technologies, including artificial intelligence, All machine performed activities that would require conscious machine learning because of the complexity of the case,
have changed our abilities to make observations of the world. thinking also from people, can be called Artificial Intelligence. AI e.g. speech recognition. The third generation is going to

2 5

be about extending the concept of machine learning. i.e. power of AI is not in improving old process, we have to rethink the
teaching machines case by case with natural language. processes.

AI can be used as an assistant for people, as a closely managed If we want to understand the major opportunities related to AI,
worker or as an autonomous system. In many cases, we use AI we have to focus on one of the biggest global challenges we face in
in the form of a co-worker, letting it to do easy, boring, dirty or education: We don’t have enough teachers to provide education for
dangerous tasks. Assisting AI performs numerous supporting tasks everyone. This is critical in elementary education, but remarkable
for professionals and so enabling them to focus on higher order also in vocational training, higher education and lifelong learning.
thinking. Currently, there are very limited number of autonomous
In early years of education, such as elementary education and
primary education, the human teacher cannot be replaced. No
Alongside AI ethics, we should discuss way. Soft skills and transferrable skills such as critical thinking,
problem solving, team work and communication needs interaction
data ethics: who is allowed to collect data, with people. However, we can provide AI-based teaching assistants
who owns the data, is the data real and and helpers for teachers and so enable teachers to work with
bigger groups. This, however, requires AI-pedagogy, which we
valid, what are biases in the data, what is don’t have it yet. We need to invest a lot in pedagogical research
the role of manipulation, and so on. in order to understand the full potential of AI to elementary

AIs in use, however, when we refer to AI, we tend to think In lifelong learning, work place training and professional
autonomous AI. It is important to note that the ethical discussion development, the key factor is to understand what skills are needed
around AI is very different if we talk about autonomous systems in the labour markets now and in the future. Although there is
or systems that provide assistance by performing routine tasks. research being undertaken, big data is not being applied and
Alongside AI ethics, we should discuss data ethics: who micro-skills are not being focused upon because there is too much
is allowed to collect data, who owns the data, is the data data and complexity for people.
real and valid, what are biases in the data, what is the
role of manipulation, and so on. We have to accept we can For a couple of years, we have had AI assistance that reads
not talk AI as an isolated system, it is always connected to other through terabytes of job openings, curriculums, future forecast
technologies and processes. reports and labor market analysis, to build a real time research
report on skills seeking. We could do this also with people, if we
just could have millions of people to do this work.
And how AI will change education
AI can build parallel models on an individual’s skills at micro
There is nothing new in applying AI to learning. In 1912, Edward level, it can easily show an individualised career path: direct jobs
Thorndike introduced his idea about The Learning Machine. The with person’s current skills as well as low-hanging jobs that are
machine could ask questions of the learner and suggest further accessible after person gets couple of identified skills. Furthermore,
readings, if required. Because there were no modern computers when AI knows the curriculums, it can also reveal educational
invented at that point, The Learning Machine applied punch opportunities relevant for individual.
cards to run Adaptive Learning features 100 years before the
concept of Adaptive Learning became popular in practice. When the skill gap is recognised, AI can construct tests and
curate content packages for the individual. In other words, AI
Adaptive learning applies computational methods that fit into the can produce online courses from identified skills and so bring
AI-family, and so we can call it AI. There are also two generations vocational training and lifelong learning for billions of learners.
of adaptive learning. Prior to the 1990s, adaptive learning was
based on rules found in scientific research and then programmed Finally, AI won’t change the way we learn, but it can change the
into machines. Post the 90’s, real-time data was used in order to access to education, globally. Download #YouthWagingPeace now.
provide highly individual learning experiences for the learner and Also available, Action Guidelines for Prevention of Violent Extremism (English and French versions)
detailed learning analytics. This required other technologies Details, visit :
like fast internet, big memories, own devices and
computation power to support AI.

There are parallel opportunities to apply AI in several educational

tasks to either improve or speed up the process. However, the

International Youth Campaign

on Kindness for the SDGs

The UNESCO MGIEP has initiated the International Youth Campaign on Kindness for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The purpose of this Campaign is to mobilise the world’s youth to achieve the 17 SDGs through transformative acts of kindness. The
overall goals of the campaign are to:

• Create a positive culture of kindness where a person’s selfless act matters and to show how it can make a difference to the SDGs

• Provide a comprehensive, independent, fun and engaging pathway for youth to demonstrate how an act of kindness is a non-trivial
task and that being kind is “cool”

BE A PART OF THIS 1. Bhubaneshwar City, India: SDG 9: Innovation, Industry and Infrastructure

2 & 3. Kolkata City, India: SDG 4: Quality Education: An educational session at two NGO
4. Lucknow City, India: SDG 2: Zero Hunger
5. Kolkata City, India: SDG 4: Quality Education: An educational session at two NGO’s
FOR DETAILS, VISIT 6. Lucknow City, India: SDG 2: Zero Hunger: Food distribution among the underprivileged in Lucknow (in collaboration with the Robin Hood Army)
2 9

outique or personalised and enjoyable experience. It should allow
learning is the final children to learn at their own pace, it
frontier of a successful should do so in ways that address their
education system. various strengths and weaknesses, and
Recent research in neuroscience has most importantly, it should prepare them
demonstrated that each brain is ‘wired to realise their full potential. For this
uniquely’ and thus ‘learns differently’. to happen, learning needs to become
Thus far, education systems have focused ‘personal’. While the premise is exciting
on curricula geared towards producing a and promising, such a personalised
workforce for mass industrial deployment learning system has seemed utopian thus
and have implemented the ‘one size fits far.
all’ approach. Unfortunately, this has led
to the following undesirable results: The resurgence of Artificial
Intelligence or AI, however, offers
(1) Many individuals trained but unable to a ray of hope in achieving such a

Personalising ‘Learning’ -
adapt to changing job requirements, ‘personalised learning system’. In
(2) Little consideration for natural talent, order to understand how AI can make
thereby killing creativity, this possible, we will give an overview of
(3) Little or no love for learning, AI, how it has resurfaced, examples of its

Can AI Promise
(4) Unhappy, frustrated youth. application, followed by how we expect AI
to facilitate ‘personalised learning’.
Consequently, the current education
systems finds itself broken, insufficient

Customised Education
and ineffective at meeting the demands of What is AI ?
the 21st century.
The term Artificial Intelligence or
For education to provide holistic AI was coined by John McCarthy in

For ‘Humanity’
development to children, it is urgent and 1956, two years after the untimely
necessary that learning become a fun death of Alan Turing, who came
to be known as the father of AI. In
1950, at a time when the first general-
The resurgence of purpose computers were being built,
N andini C hatterjee S ingh Artificial Intelligence or Turing was already grappling with the
Programme Specialist - Science Of Learning, Unesco Mgiep AI, however, offers a ray question “Can machines think?” He
R auna k J ain of hope in achieving such developed a hypothetical machine,
Former Consultant, UNESCO MGIEP a ‘personalised learning called a Turing machine, for encrypting
system codes built to test and define Machine
Intelligence and thus refers to computer
programs that exhibit human-like

3 1

knowledge that they provide, they are capable of only

implementing rules and are unable to
Next, we will review the evolution of AI learn from patterns and implement new Categories of
systems within the framework described trajectories or outputs.
above. A historical review of the evolution Artificial Intelligence
of AI systems reveals that they appear to
have followed a different process – one Gen 2 AI – Data-driven
that has been driven by algorithm and Learning
technology development. Based on their
capabilities, developed AI systems have The next big leap in AI systems happened
been categorised in distinct generations. with the advent of Big Data. For a
long time, access to limited data, which
was isolated and held in data cocoons,
Gen 1 AI – Rule-driven prevented AI from being tested or
Learning implemented in demographic settings.
Recent advances in data collection Gen 1 AI –
Rule Driven Learning
The first generation of AI programmes and assimilation techniques have made
The first generation of AI programs that were
described knowledge through the available to us enormous amounts of developed incorporated computer programs that
described knowledge through the definition of
definition of static rules. One of the data, which is analysed using advanced
static rules. One of the earliest in this series, was
earliest programmes in this series was data analytics methods – this entire the development of computer programs that
played chess. Such systems offered limited
designed to played chess. Computer process is referred to as Big Data. Further,
perception of the outside world, namely that of
systems used a set of defined rules to play the migration from regular CPUs to the chessboard.
chess with humans and their algorithms extremely powerful computing devices
became so good that the systems even has enabled the development of parallel
beat humans. Such systems offered limited intelligence engines. AI programmes have
perception of the outside world, namely leveraged this to great advantage; for
that of the chessboard. instance, novel transformative algorithms
are now available to identify clusters
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and patterns in datasets. Often, patterns
are a second example of first- not visible to humans can be located
generation AI. They demonstrate using such algorithms, sometimes even
the ability to identify location, through trial and error. Thus, training
Gen 2 AI –
analyse and contextualise it on a a system using Big Data has made a Data Driven Learning
map, and provide solutions in the huge impact on utilising the power of The next big leap in AI systems happened with
intelligence such as logical reasoning, change the types of tasks performed Agency) to understand the evolution of form of directions. GPS systems ‘pattern recognition’. However, it is brittle the collection and availability of BigData. For a
problem solving and 1learning. by humans and those performed by AI. Based on this, intelligence may be long time, access to small limited data, which
possess very limited abilities to cope – it breaks as soon as soon the data set was isolated and held in data cocoons, prevented
machines. As a consequence, AI has broadly be 3 described. with deviations from the routine, yet changes. AI from being tested or implemented in
The Turing machine was able to caught the imagination of not only population settings
their presence and utility in our daily
implement algorithms that could mimic technologists and entrepreneurs, but • Perception – The ability to use lives cannot be denied or ignored. One example of second-generation AI’s
the process of basic human decision- also educationists and policy makers. AI sensory systems and language to obtain When viewed through the dimensions implementation is Microsoft’s Twitter
making. A number of algorithms were is unique in being a generic umbrella information about the natural world of intelligence described above, first- Bot 9 and the controversy surrounding it.
developed and some of them were technology that can enable many different generation AI systems are only capable Popularly named Tay, this teen-talking AI
implemented successfully in cracking disruptive technologies and solutions. • Problem analysis – The ability to process of using ‘problem analysis’ for limited chatbot was built to mimic and converse
secret codes during the war; however, the information obtained above in order applications of the outside world. For with users in real time; it was released via
many algorithms remain untested due to to identify a problem, analyse it and instance, users of Google Maps will know Twitter in 2016. As it began to converse
the limitations of computing capabilities. Creating a Framework for provide a solution that based on a set of pre-defined rules, a with users, some people took advantage
With recent advances in both computing AI map prescribes a specific route. However, of Tay’s machine learning capabilities
power and algorithmic efficiency, AI • Abstract knowledge – The ability to based on their experience, a driver may and began to teach it racist and offensive Gen 3 AI –
gained traction. This trend is expected to The conception of an AI system indicates abstract knowledge from perception in take a different route each day, while the language. As a consequence, the bot Context Driven Learning

accelerate as new computing technologies that it should possess the ability to interact one domain and apply it to another application is unable to learn the route began to post offensive tweets through its Building from the earlier paragraph, it this
therefore quite clear that the primary focus of
such as neural processors and quantum with the real world. To understand AI’s taken by the driver. Thus, while first- Twitter account, forcing Microsoft to shut 3rd Gen AI is to build and incorporate algorithms
computing achieve stability and maturity. progress thus far, we will elaborate on the • Experiential learning – The ability generation AI computer programs possess down the service only 16 hours after its that understand context and implement an
analytical path to decide response.
four dimensions identified by DARPA to continually learn from real-world great capabilities and are constantly being launch.
AI technology is projected to dramatically (2 Defence Advanced Research Projects data patterns and refine perception and deployed in many industries for the value
2 3 3
ISSUE • 9 3

While the incorporation of Big Data it would need to understand context

offers tremendous promise and is exciting, and have the capability to go from one
second-generation AI lacks the power of domain to another; abstracting knowledge To understand the role of AI
logical reasoning, understanding context and learning. Thus, the possibility of a in education, we first have
and abstracting knowledge to different system or machine understanding the to understand the concepts
domains. Human beings learn in multiple context of its environment, and learning which make education
ways – through experience, patterns, and adapting based on changes in that systems successful, which
and imitation – to list a few. Clearly, environment, is possibly the next frontier will then help us understand
such ideas needed to be translated to of AI. how AI can add value to
algorithms and incorporated in third- each component in the
generation AI. The Role of AI in Education system.

To understand the role of AI

Gen 3 AI – Context-driven in education, we must first machine during learning, which makes it
Analysis understand the concepts that make possible for us to collect data on decision
education systems successful, making. This data would be supremely
Building upon our argument, it is quite which will then help us understand valuable to understand students’ learning
clear that the primary focus of Gen 3 AI how AI can add value to each patterns, types and pace, which in turn
is to build and incorporate algorithms component in the system. The two could be used to build and train AI
that understand context and implement primary components of any education systems.
an analytical path to decide response. As system are the student and the teacher.
discussed earlier, the data sets on which AI Imagine a digital platform presented to
systems are trained are brittle. Thus, the An ideal education system should provide children as an interface where they can
Gen 2 AI is only as good as its data set it is content that is contextually relevant, speak, touch and visualise information,
trained on and is incapable of recognising technically sound, and emotionally and engage with it. This information
right from wrong. For instance, as seen rewarding to ensure that students acquires can be provided in visual or auditory
in the case of Tay, when the bot was skills and continue to remain motivated modes, or even as a short movie. Using
provided new patterns by Twitter users, to 4 learn. This can be achieved if they the powerful modality of a story, children
it learnt new patterns, not realising that can be engaged in a learning experience
are provided an educational experience footprint that can be used to profile every user. Central to this We have not yet determined all the skills that today’s pre-schoolers
these were inappropriate patterns or even that requires interaction with a digital
that is immersive, multi-sensory, paced digital curriculum would be the inclusion of skills that emphasise will need in the workplace of 2030. We are hopeful, however,
different from what it was taught earlier. platform. The story itself is delivered in
appropriately, and rewarding. compassion, collaboration and co-operation among fellow that such interactive platforms will cater to individual needs and
This brings to the fore the value of logical a format that immerses children in an
experience where they respond, interact, participants, so that children build emotional intelligence along provide ‘personalised learning’ to develop skill sets that will allow
reasoning and analysis in AI systems. For teachers to effectively with intellectual intelligence. every child an equal opportunity to realise their full potential.
think critically and take decisions towards
implement good teaching practices,
specific outcomes, while their interactions
The second aspect that Gen 3 AI needs education also needs to be engaging For the teacher, this technology would facilitate intelligent tutoring.
are recorded as a digital transaction.
to incorporate is recognising patterns and fun, and most importantly, The teacher would be able to analyse each child’s learning path
across domains and abstractions. Humans allow the teacher to continuously and actively generate/select content that intervenes to improve
beings’ ability to not only recognise Navigating through this story would
measure learning and receive weaknesses, and design well-informed strategies that can be tested
patterns but abstract knowledge require children to assume a different
transparent feedback. and improved in a self-learning environment.
such that it can be used in different identity – a common aspect of gaming
settings is incredibly powerful and – and then make a choice. Throughout
Artificial Intelligence embedded in Over a period of time, the learning patterns and teacher
is learnt and accomplished without too this process, children are provided
digital learning ecosystems presents interventions would begin to contribute to a collective intelligence,
much data and quite early in life. One information and learn, making both
the possibility of achieving both of the both from student and teacher, and then be automated by AI to
simple example is our ability to recognise intellectual and emotional decisions, and
above in a measurable and scientific multiple languages that would be available across classrooms.
handwriting, which varies hugely among constantly questioning and reflecting on
manner. It is the theoretical basis on Here, children would also benefit from the best pedagogical
people. Yet, the human brain is capable the situations presented in the story. Such
which personalised learning and analytics practices that would have been gleaned from multiple teachers. AI
of recognising a word written in various a process would not only allow them to
work to enable richer understanding would also have learnt patterns from the collective intelligence and
ways. One faculty that the human brain learn in a fun and engaging manner but
of learning data and improve learning thus the data set being brittle would cease to be a concern.
uses here is the understanding of context, also permit continuous assessment of the
effectiveness at scale.
which is a vital aspect the way we make different skills that need to be acquired.
The digital transactions that learners Such a platform has been built by the UNESCO MGIEP, titled
decisions. For AI systems to be more The integration of AI into learning CHI (Collective Human Intelligence - This learning
effective, it is important that they be would undertake on such a platform
systems is possible because of digitisation. platform will provide a safe learning environment for learners and
able to take decisions based on context. –from conversations to assessment
Here, digitisation refers to the constant its first version was launched at TECH 2018.
If third-generation AI is to be effective, exercises to games – would have a digital
interaction of the individual with the
3 5

CHI – A Knowledge
Sharing Digital Platform
Powered by Machine
R oy S aura b h , C hief T echnology O fficer , U N E S C O M G I E P With this acknowledgment, we tried to leverage the strengths
• Ownership of the data generated by existing platforms solely lies
of both the research fields of AI and the Neurosciences in our
in the hands of for-profit organisations, depriving the world of the
conceptualisation process to work towards helping leaners Learn.
invaluable data insights that could help take corrective measures
Roy Saurabh has over 13 years global experience in Technology & Strategy for the betterment of the world.
Consulting. Roy has a proven track record in large-scale project management, UNESCO MGIEP’s work in the field of Differential Learning
and rich data sets that have been curated for advanced model
Entrepreneurship, and Technology Consulting. Previously, he was the Head of These limitations, when thought of in the context of education
training with years of education related legacy data, has helped
Technology for the National Skill Development Mission, impacting more than 3 us organically draw learnings from one field to the other. One
and learning outcomes, become even more critical because of the
million lives, Director for Oracle’s leading Europe Partner, Cedar Consulting UK, dynamic nature of today’s education ecosystem. Since, we are
of the major learnings of such a brainstorming session led to
trying to prepare learners for such dynamic environments; creating
and Founder/CEO of Zosher. Roy has in-depth knowledge of different client/server the inception of a unique knowledge sharing platform, titled
engaging learner tools. In many ways, this puts into practice
architectures based on various frameworks, data visualisation tools, classification Collective Human Intelligence <codename: CHI> (We prefer the
Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences pedagogical framework
& regression models and other popular as well as advanced Artificial Intelligence Greek pronunciation /kaɪ to the Kung Fu Panda3 version).
/ NLP and Machine Learning algorithms.
CHI, quite simply, is an AI-powered digital platform
that helps extract learnings from tasks that AI does well,
to help teach and consequently learn. CHI helps curriculum
designers, policy makers, content developers, teachers and students

rtificial Intelligence (AI) and the models, data scientists always have had a superior human rethink how knowledge and intelligence can be imparted in
Neurosciences have been interlinked since the intelligence counterpart to refer to while envisioning or drawing the 21st century. Central to the design and development of the
time the field of AI was at a nascent stage. inspiration for AI models. platform was the question ‘how learners learn’.
Parallels were drawn between artificial
intelligence and human intelligence, as early as 1956, in What makes this co-existence exciting is that both fields Before delving into the technical vision and features of CHI,
a workshop held on the campus of Dartmouth College [1]. Many have some highly specialised ‘knowns’ and ‘unknowns’. understanding the ‘WHY’ behind the development of CHI is
When the reasons became compelling enough, the technology
of the early pioneers straddled both fields, with collaborations When we talk about blind spots in the neurosciences, a basic critical. The two factors that fueled CHI’s conceptualisation were:
requirements and long-term vision began taking shape. CHI uses
between the disciplines of neuroscience and artificial intelligence in-depth understanding of creativity, imagination, dreams the latest innovative technology to ensure maximum
proving to be highly productive (Churchland and Sejnowski, 1988, and consciousness is still lacking. As a recent DARPA project • Limitations that the current content creation mainstream
engagement of creators and learners as well as provide
Hebb, 1949, Hinton et al., 1986, Hopfield, 1982, McCulloch study[3] indicates, while AI has taken strides in some super platforms present, both in the form of content design tools/
deep insights from the crowdsourced learner & creator
and Pitts, 1943, Turing, 1950) [2]. Whether it is Neural Network, specialised pockets, basic human common sense is absent in content delivery modes and the limited data insights that existing
datasets. The scale of the impact and the number of data points
Reinforcement Learning or the Machine Learning training at least the current applications of AI across various fields. platforms provide for the creator community.
per platform-registered user are a dream for any Technology team

3 7

trying to do something meaningful with Artificial Intelligence facilitates instant feedback, review as well as AI powered help
(Deep Learning in particular). With rich Datasets to train on, facilitating trial & error learning in a judgement-free environment.
the key features that we are setting out within CHI are Machine CHI leverages AI for adapting to the pace of learning and can
Translation [5], Sequence Tagging, Sentiment & Emotion consistently offer more complex tasks suited to the pace of the
Analysis, Recommendation Engine and Handwriting Recognition. learners, making learning completely non-linear. Finally, learners
These features, when implemented in conjunction with learner- are provided an opportunity to experience unique content (such
centric platform design, would slowly start to unleash the power as course material on SEL developed by UNESCO MGIEP) that
of technology in the educational context. The platform, in the would be exclusive to CHI.
first phase, tries to solve real issues that are left unaddressed in the
legacy platforms from both learners’ & creators’ perspectives. We acknowledge that the sheer mention of Artificial Intelligence
or AI in various fields invokes mixed reactions and feelings. Some
From the content creator’s point of view, CHI offers rich see automation in general and AI in particular as a threat to
content creation abilities, including embedding audio, current and future jobs. Few subscribe to even more extreme views
rich text, video, journaling, games (developed using quoting Elon Musk’s dire warning about AI[6] in every context
Unity/Phaser) to name a few. The platform framework that even vaguely mentions automation. Then there are some, who
design has been made extremely intuitive and powerful to help are downright excited about AI as the long-awaited game changer
significantly reduce creators’ learning curve. Creators are further that is bound to make us more human by automating everything
armed with real-time emotional analysis insights related to course else that doesn’t fit the definition of our innate ‘humanness’. At the
reviews, discussions and facilitated dialogues. These insights help end of the day, it does not matter which end of the spectrum you
creators identify the temotion shift on pertinent topics and identify fall under on the topic of AI, one thing that no one cannot deny
influencers by studying context-specific trends. Further, with a is that Artificial Intelligence has already made its way in almost all
powerful character recognition feature, CHI helps content creators sectors. Therefore, in our view, one of the first things that requires
in uploading and transcribing offline legacy content, thus reducing our immediate attention is the role of digital technology in field
the data entry effort drastically. Finally, advanced analytics helps of education. While for most of us, our education systems did not
creators be mindful of what is working and what is not in terms or could not prepare us for the Fourth Industrial Revolution or
of the learning outcomes of the respective courses. Creators what we would prefer to call as the First Intelligence Revolution, it
have the ability to ‘create’ customised learner-centric courses by would be remiss for us to make the same mistake by not preparing
personalising features such as the layout of the learning blocks our future generations for a change that is imminent.
or button design. Simultaneously, they have access to advanced
analytics such as student dropout rate and time spent on lessons, With so much to offer to all stakeholders, the long-term vision
modules or the courses. Predictive analytics within CHI can requires patronage from the Application Development community.
potentially help creators take pro-active actions, especially in the CHI reach its true potential only when supported by a global
case of at-risk learners who may be on the verge of dropping out. community of learners, content developers and application
We hope that these power-packed features of CHI are leveraged developers. We believe that a community committed to learning
at scale, helping embed global best practices for future content will ensure CHI stays true to that vision; embedded in that vision
creators. is a truly open-source, community-supported platform that gains
from the Collective Human Intelligence. It is no doubt a grand
The real strength of CHI, however, lies with the various features experiment but one that needs to be explored and implemented if
available for learners; the development of CHI was conceptualised we truly believe in transforming education for humanity!
with learners at the center. Learners experience a guided yet
flexible and a highly personalised learning environment. Every
interaction on the platform is utilised as a way to learn more about References
the learning habits of the learner to help achieve the learning
outcomes using the best available digital pedagogical learning [1]
mode within CHI. 5707fa972c6e1dc92474f6.pdf
Further, deeply embedded analytics and user behaviour indicators 3
of learners as well as collaborative-based recommendation [3]
engines help in providing recommendations of the most suitable and-test-common-sense-for-ai/
learning resources available from the CHI repository for learners, [4]
in areas where they need maximum support. Learners have an gardner_theory_multiple_intelligences.pdf
opportunity to experience the immersive courses in the form [5]
that they are most accustomed to or adept at, without diluting [6]
the course’s learning outcomes. With contextual metadata, CHI more-dangerous-than-nuclear-weapons.html

3 9
i n t e rv i ew

can also be of immense help in areas such as teacher performance AI can also facilitate experiential learning by simulating study tours,

Interview with
analysis and teacher placements. In higher education, data science which are typically only undertaken by students living in urban
can help in student on-boarding, curriculum design and student areas. Videos, augmented reality and virtual reality can make this
lifecycle management. happen, for instance, by simulating historic monuments, landforms,
motor mechanics, and more.

Dr. Avik Sarkar, 3. What do you perceive as threats of AI in

education / how can these be addressed? 6. What is the current landscape of AI and
education in India in terms of the no. of companies

Head – Data Analytics Cell Teachers are the most important factor in ensuring the success of
education. The most successful universities are the ones with the
best teachers. In the context of schools, the countries with the best
/ institutions working on this?

Several e-learning platforms are gaining popularity in India.

at NITI Aayog, Govt. of India

educational outcomes have a rigorous process to select teachers and There is a huge opportunity for these e-learning platforms to
reward them for imparting quality education. Replacing teachers help fill students’ learning gaps by explaining concepts in a
with AI-based adaptive learning robots could lead to low learning simplified manner through the use of digital technologies. The
outcomes in students. The education sector should be wary of Government of India has also launched its e-learning platform to
replacing teachers; instead, it should use AI to complement enhance the learning process for students.
teachers’ efforts in imparting quality education.
An Interview with Akriti Mehra

7. What are some of the limitations / challenges that

4. How will the role of teachers / educators you foresee with regard to the implementation?
be affected with the permeation of digital
technologies and AI? These digital technologies would require personalised digital tools
Dr Avik Sarkar is an Officer on Special Duty at NITI Aayog, a premier policy think- such as computers/laptops/tablets, along with stable internet
tank of the Government of India. Dr Sarkar is heading the Data Analytics Cell at NITI AI and other digital technologies should be used to help connectivity. As mentioned previously, digital access would remain
Aayog, developing a roadmap for the use of data, analytics, and AI for governance, teachers in imparting education. They can be used for predicting a major challenge as many rural areas do not yet have access to
policy-making and inclusive growth in India. Dr Sarkar has over 17 years of experience student potential and marks as well as chances of at-risk students quality internet connection or personalised digital devices. Great
across different aspects of data analytics, statistical modeling, data/text mining across dropping out. This information would be valuable for teachers in progress is being made by the government to bridge the learning
companies such as IBM, Accenture, Nokia, NASA, Persistent Systems, Zycus, etc. targeting specific interventions for at-risk students. The state of gaps and reap the benefits of digital technologies.
He has been nominated among the “Top 10 Data Scientists in India” in 2017 by the Andhra Pradesh had conducted a pilot to predict drop-outs based
Analytics India Magazine. on past student scores and student backgrounds. In one of my
previous roles, I had worked towards predicting students’ scores at
Singapore schools, based on historic performance, extra-curricular
activities and socio-economic data.
1. How will AI impact the future of education? 2. How can AI, big data and data science be used
effectively in education? AI and allied digital technologies can also be used to mark
Artificial Intelligence or AI provides predictions on new scenarios students’ answer sheets (including hand-written ones), thereby
based on learnings from large volumes of historical data. We have We need to take a step back and examine what data is facilitating noting each student’s strengths and area of
to take a holistic look at a range of digital transformation in the available from India’s education sector to enable data science improvement. This will save enormous time for teachers by
education sector, along with aspects such as early prediction of and related activities. Once data is available, it can be used for allowing them to document detailed personalised feedback for
student marks. Augmented reality, virtual reality and videos can discovering patterns or predicting insights from data. For example, each student.
provide great help to students in visualising various letarning items. in India, while information on schools is collected, data on student
Blockchain can be used to validate degree certificates assigned to performance is hardly available in the digital format. This results
students. Hence, we should look at range of digital technologies in limited potential for analysis. Access to student performance 5. What is the role of data and artificial intelligence
rather than focusing solely on AI in the education sector. and other student-related data in the digital format can help in India’s inclusive growth?
predict future scores and potential drop-outs.
Adaptive self-learning is the most popular AI application for the In cases where teachers are not adequately skilled, AI-based
use of data, analytics, and AI for governance, policy-making and Nevertheless, the DISE (District Information System for Education) technologies can help them identify areas of improvement and gain
inclusive growth in India. Again, this would require personalised has excellent data on school infrastructure, facilities, etc. Data new skills. AI can be a major tool in ensuring inclusive education
PCs/laptops – how many students in India can afford this? Hence, science can help understand patterns that are most relevant to if it is used to identify students who need special teacher
adaptive self-learning can be possibly suggested for higher studies predict student drop-outs and low learning outcomes in schools. It intervention.
or while preparing for entrance exams.

4 1
11 catalytic sessions with over 50 speakers


Key Updates Transformative

Beyond Four Walls
of The Classroom
Intelligence and
The Institutional
Framework for

at TECH 2018 and Digital

Pedagogies for
and Digital
Pedagogies for
the Future of
of Digital
in Education:
THEME Towards
TECH 2018, UNESCO MGIEP’s international conference, organised with the State Government of Andhra Pradesh, showcased the role Surveillance or
of games and digital learning in enabling a shift from “transmissive pedagogies” to “transformative pedagogies” to create peaceful Collaborative
and sustainable societies. A key output of the conference was the adoption of the Vizag Declaration on Guidelines for Digital Learning
as well as the signing of several Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) and launch announcements.
DATES | November 15 – 17, 2018

VENUE | Novotel, Vizag, Andhra Pradesh, India



Jessica Lindl – Global Dan Shefet – Lawyer at Gregoire Borst – Peter Vesterbacka – Harri Ketamo – Founder SESSIONS by Anantha Duraiappah, PANEL - Artificial
Head of Education at Unity the Paris Court of Appeal Professor of Developmental Co-founder at Lightneer, and Chairman, Headai
Technologies. (France). Psychology and Cognitive Fun Academy. Formerly Director, UNESCO MGIEP Intelligence in
Neuroscience of Education,
Mighty Eagle at Angry
Education: Who
Owns and Who

4 3
Improving Social
Accountability of
Can Artificial Intelligence
OECD data shows quite clearly a relationship between increased

Government Purchases per capita expenditure on education, and increased per capita

Help Us Achieve Universal

GDP. Intuitively, more education is linked to stronger economies,
Through Financial
stronger institutions, and stronger societies. However, spending
Statements Data Mining
Quality Education?
more doesn’t necessarily translate directly into better education
outcomes, and countries with higher perceptions of corruption
In recent work from Brazil’s Office of tend to fare worse, since the money that is available is not used
JAMES HODSON the Comptroller General, researcher efficiently. Corruption, transparency, and accountability are areas
Rommel Carvalho found that even a where Artificial Intelligence can have an important role, ensuring
simple implementation of an analytical capital flows to the right places and is able to impact the lives of
platform for government transaction- the end users--the students.
level spending could engender more
responsible fiscal behaviour from Being inclusive doesn’t just mean solving corrupt
officials. The project automatically practices in terms of monetary flows or systemic
identified instances of spending biases. It also means tailoring our education systems to
anomalies in procurement systems individual, emotional, cultural, and societal needs. These
James Hodson is a researcher, entrepreneur, and social activist. His work spans Machine Learning, (e.g., hundreds to thousands of dollars types of adaptation require data and knowledge about individuals-
Economics, Sustainable Global Development, Sociology, and Philosophy. James currently serves for a can of Coca Cola), and allowed -data that must be protected and used only with the understanding
as CEO of the AI for Good Foundation; and as Senior Researcher at the Artificial Intelligence overseers to identify and incentivise good and consent of the humans involved. Privacy, a key factor here, is
Department of the Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia. Through these roles, James seeks to effect behaviour. yet another emerging area of research in Artificial Intelligence--to
lasting change in our economies, societies, and scientific understanding. ensure we bring the benefits of the data revolution to everyone,
without jeopardising trust.

here is hope and expectation that the What can and should we do to bring the benefits of big Education is the cornerstone of human prosperity and
maturing of Artificial Intelligence (AI) data and Artificial Intelligence to improve quality of flourishing. Education brings understanding, compassion, and
techniques over the past years could lead to learning? the means to make a positive difference in the world. Now is
significant improvements across the social the time to bring the benefits of technology, data and
spectrum. From improving global health and software) use only very basic machine learning (for example, to Artificial Intelligence to learning at all levels, in all
well-being to alleviating food security concerns, preventing crime, More Open Data, More Open Education match speech patterns) to help students succeed. Fifty years on, environments and for all people. With focused efforts today,
and addressing corruption, AI has been heralded as a universal Resources learning environments should be immersive, interactive, and we can break down the barriers, inequities and misunderstandings
solution. At the AI for Good Foundation, we measure the potential In online settings, massive amounts of data are being collected virtual tutors should be there for students whenever a teacher that prevent us from achieving our full potential. Artificial
for Artificial Intelligence to have an impact to achieve the Sustain- regarding learner choices, behaviours, and outcomes. Some cannot be, promoting social, emotional and conceptual learning. Intelligence is not a one-stop solution, but its presence can
able Development Goals. One of these goals is to ensure quality of these data are being used to make recommendations, or allow us to place renewed emphasis on the identification and
and inclusive education for all, and promote lifelong learning. to improve courses in future. These data need to be properly implementation of new paradigms for learning and development.
However, learning has been one of the areas least impacted by harnessed to drive our understanding of how individual students Promote Economic Opportunity
the onslaught of data science and machine learning--with little to learn best, and to give them the guidance and resources they need Understanding the relationship between learning, skills, and Let’s use this as an opportunity to take big steps forward.
speak of beyond light personalisation of Massive Open Online on a case by case, self-serve basis. Learning settings need to escape employment is critical for the future strength of our economy.
Courses (MOOCs). the classroom into the real world--allowing people to continue Artificial Intelligence can help us to identify trends from
learning along their personalised paths to their learning goals at local to global scales, and prepare the workforce of About the AI for Good Foundation
It would be unfair to say that no effort is being dedicated to this any time. tomorrow today. Not only can a detailed view of the current The AI for Good Foundation is a US 501(c)3 Public Charity and
task. Certainly, there are researchers working on virtual mosaic of supply and demand of abilities help us to ensure global non-profit that fosters activities to maximise the benefit
tutors1, automated text-book creation2, personalised consistent high quality employment, but also to appropriately of AI technologies for social good through the lens of global
learning paths3 and more4. However little as yet has made it Intelligent, Supportive Learning incentivise the learning of skills that will create economic sustainable development. Through a blend of foundational
into mainstream adoption, and even less has been shown to have Environments opportunity in future. Labour economists and AI researchers can research, outreach, education and policy engagement our current
consistent positive impact on learning outcomes. Classrooms, In classroom settings, teachers often do not have the work hand in hand to ensure appropriate models are built and projects are helping to advance the global sustainable development
training and continuous education in developed countries (those time for highly personalised 1-1 tutoring and feedback. mechanisms derived to extract maximum social surplus. agenda — a set of goals adopted by 150 countries to end poverty,
with ample resources to experiment) look more or less as they did Instead, work is set to be reviewed at a later time, introducing a lag protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Find out more
50 years ago, except with access to the internet, and perhaps some between effort and feedback. This separation dilutes the learning Even the best systems are useless if they don’t reach the about the AI for Good Foundation and how you can help by
“educational activities” on computers that do little more than experience, and makes it harder for teachers to tailor content to people who need them most. Can AI help us to improve visiting
distract classrooms and disrupt social learning. their students. Classroom support “AI Tutor” systems have been global access to learning?
available since the 1970s’, and yet today’s most sophisticated
learning technologies (e.g., Rosetta Stone’s language learning Eradicate Corruption

Johnson, W.L. & Lester, J.C. “Face-to-Face Interaction with Pedagogical Agents, Twenty Years Later”, 3.
Chen, Chih-Ming. “Intelligent web-based learning system with personalised learning path guidance.” Computers & Education 51.2 (2008): 787-814.
Int J Artif Intell Educ (2016) 26: 25. 4.
See, for example, “Artificial Intelligence in Education”, C.-K. Looi et. al. (Eds.), IOS Press (2005). 4 5
ISSUE • 9 2.
Singh, Rohit, Sumit Gulwani, and Sriram K. Rajamani. “Automatically Generating Algebra Problems.” AAAI. 2012.

Artificial Intelligence
“AI for Good Foundation.” AI for Good Foundation,
for Education
Carvalho, Rommel N., et al. “Probabilistic Ontology and Knowledge Fusion for Procurement
Fraud Detection in Brazil.” Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web II Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, 2013, pp. 19–40., doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35975-0_2.
Carvalho, Rommel, et al. “Using Clustering and Text Mining to Create a Reference Price
Database.” Learning and Nonlinear Models, vol. 12, no. 1, 2014, pp. 38–52., doi:10.21528/
Chen, Chih-Ming. “Intelligent Web-Based Learning System with Personalised Learning Path
Guidance.” Computers &amp; Education, vol. 51, no. 2, 2008, pp. 787–814., doi:10.1016/j.
Fairfield, John. “Speech Comparison in the Rosetta Stone” Proceedings of a Symposium on
Soma S Dhavala is an Innovator, Entrepreneur and AI Architect, operating at the interface of
Computer Mediated Language Assessment and Evaluation in Natural Language Processing -
Statistics, Machine Learning, Computing and the Internet of Things. He is a co-founder of
ASSESSEVALNLP ‘99, 1999, doi:10.3115/1598834.1598837.
VitalTicks, a digital healthcare startup, - where he is leading product design, architecture and
Farzindar, Atefeh, and Kešelj Vlado. Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 23rd Canadian solutioning. Soma consults in the EdTech space, architecting AI solutions and platforms, and
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2010, Ottawa, Canada, May 31 - June 2, designs and reviews curriculum in AI and Deep Learning.
2010: Proceedings. Springer, 2010.
“Home .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform.” United Nations, United Nations, Soma obtained his Ph.D (TAMU) in Statistics (where he worked on applying Bayesian
Nonparametrics to systems biology) in 2010, Master’s (IIT-M) in 2000 and B.E (SRKREC, Andhra
Pradesh) in 1997. He also worked in a post-doctoral role in the area of Dynamical Systems at
Hoppe, Ulrich. Artificial Intelligence in Education: Shaping the Future of Learning through TAMU for almost a year. He has over 10 publications and multiple patents to his credit.
Intelligent Technologies. IOS Press, 2003.
Johnson, W. Lewis, and James C. Lester. “Face-to-Face Interaction with Pedagogical Agents, MOOCs and Flipped Classrooms have become successful, and
Twenty Years Later.” International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, vol. 26, no.
Premise and Problem
Free and Compulsory Education for children in the age group of access to quality content is no longer a barrier, at least in terms
1, 2015, pp. 25–36., doi:10.1007/s40593-015-0065-9. of higher education. A person in a remote village in India can
6-14 is a Fundamental Right, enacted by the Parliament of India
Lee, Fong-Lok. “Web Algebra Tutor: A Web-Based AI-Enabled Interactive Learning
[1]. It acknowledges, in spirit, that access to education is necessary enroll in a course taught and conducted by faculty at Stanford,
Environment in Algebra.” The International Journal of Learning: Annual Review, vol. 8, no.
to realising an individual’s inner potential. However, it is quite a which would have been unthinkable a few years ago. Despite the
1, 2004, doi:10.18848/1447-9494/cgp/v08/47970. credibility of the offering and the relatively privileged learning
feat to achieve even this relatively modest goal in countries such
Li, Tao, and Samuel Sambasivam. “Automatically Generating Questions in Multiple as India, where the varied demographic landscape renders “one groups, such platforms suffer heavy dropout rates, largely because
Variables for Intelligent Tutoring.” Proceedings of the 2005 InSITE Conference, 2005, size fits all solutions” ineffective [2]. In addition, the number of either the intrinsic needs or the necessary prerequisites, or both,
doi:10.28945/2890. the aspirants, and the unfavourable skew on the supply side of the have not been met. As per the ASER 2017 report, unaddressed
Looi, Chee-Kit. Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Learning through Intelligent quality resources, makes it even harder. A larger supporting learning gaps typically carry forward, making the learner even
and Socially Informed Technology. IOS, 2005. ecosystem is needed, wherein an individual is given more vulnerable to failure in future [6]. Given a deeper mobile
attention based on his/her learning capabilities and the penetration, and cheaper data access plans, can data-
Rosé, Carolyn Penstein. Artificial Intelligence in Education: 19th International Conference,
changing world order. Adequate quality learning resources at hungry AI solutions deliver personalised education, and
AIED 2018, London, UK, June 27-30, 2018: ProceedingsnPart 1. Springer, 2018.
all levels (including physical, emotional, individual and societal) rival the breakthroughs happening in other disciplines
“THE VIRTUAL TUTOR - Development of a Virtual Tutor within a Simulated Working
are also required. Can technology help? such as Computer Vision and Natural Language
Environment.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported
Understanding (NLU)?
Education, 2012, doi:10.5220/0003966601910194.
Weischedel, Ralph M., et al. “An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Language Instruction.”
Artificial Intelligence, vol. 10, no. 3, 1978, pp. 225–240., doi:10.1016/s0004-3702(78)80015-
For a long time, EdTech remained an academic activity, where Parts
0. AAI-powered or an otherwise learner-centric EdTech
both models of learning materials and methods, and the means
Wenger, Etienne. Artificial Intelligence and Tutoring Systems: Computational and Cognitive
of instructional delivery, such as those found in intelligent tutoring offering needs to have, at the least, 1) presentable content and
Approaches to the Communication of Knowledge. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1987.
systems, were largely experimental and were without much representation of its constituents 2) an assessment framework 3)
penetration, despite strong theoretical foundations [3-4]. However, a taxonomy of the concepts and lesson plans to chart learning
as the internet has become both accessible and affordable, journeys. Outside the realm of these formal pedagogic elements

4 7

In order for AI-powered solutions to be

contextualised, commoditised, and
available to wider, diverse audience, a rich
set of tooling, standards, and best practices
are required.
[1] Right To Education Act, 2009
[2] Still too many children out of school, The Hindu, September 4, 2018
[3] Nikos, M., Hendrik, D., Katrien, V., and Erik, Duval., (2014), Recommender
Systems for Learning, Springer-Verlag NewYork, 2014.
[4] Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Eds. Editors: Nkambou, Roger,
Mizoguchi, Riichiro, Bourdeau, Jacqueline (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg, 2010.
[5] Jordan, K. (2015). Massive open online course completion rates revisited:
lie the important but often overlooked elements such as 4) user
Assessment, length and attrition. The International Review of Research in Open
experience, 5) behavioural and social contexts, and 6) benevolent
and Distributed Learning
marketing and branding. Without these conditions, chances of
an EdTech solution being a successful product are rather slim. [6] ASER 2017: Beyond Basics
Nonetheless, there are efforts to push the envelope, and harness [7] ALEKS
the seemingly ripe conditions for trying out AI powered solutions [8] ENLEARN
[7-10]. Any particular solution makes certain assumptions [9] Sana Labs: AI for Education
about those elements in the composition. Consequentially, the [10]
relevance and effectiveness vary for any learner. In order for AI-
[11] ReedEx: An Intelligent Reading Assistant
powered solutions to be contextualised, commoditised,
and available to wider, diverse audience, a rich set of [12] Fifteen Commandments and an Axiomatic Framework for building Machine
tooling, standards, and best practices are required. Learning Products
[13] openAI: Discovering and enacting the path to safe artificial general intelligence
[14] AllenAI: AI for the common good
Product Building Conclusion [15] AI for social good
AI and Machine Learning are still evolving. Unlike physical The potential of personalised quality education, regardless of [16] 500 Thousand AI Programmers Initiative
products that can be perceived directly, such as an electric geographical, socio-cultural and other affiliations etc.., by means
[17] Byju’s personalization engine
fan, AI products are most likely be intangible. For example, of AI and Deep Learning, is recognised [19-22]. However, a
a manufacturer can provide a five-year warranty on the fan’s sustained, coordinated effort to address them holistically, from [18] The EU General Data Protection Regulation
motor. A user can exercise the warranty when the motor burns pedagogical to experiential to business to ethics and governance [19] Dhar, V., Nilekani, N., S. Maruwada, Pappu, N. (2016), Big Data as an Enabler,
out. Contrast that with an AI-powered content recommendation angles, is required. Concerted efforts are needed to develop Journal of Big Data, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 137-140
solution – what can be guaranteed or certified about it? This a) data-first platforms b) shared NLU and AI infrastructure and [20] Kurshan, B, The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Education, in Forbes,
opens up a pandora’s box. Is there a way of building AI-powered c) agile processes to develop AI products. These products should accessed on 6th September, 2018.
products so that they conform to standards and scrutiny by eventually be used to create customised, relevant, engaging, [21] China State Council’s “A Next Generation AI Development Plan”,
third-parties? Are the results reproducible, auditable, scalable and explainable and governable solutions for every learner. [22] NITI Ayog’s discussion paper on “National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence
customisable, among many other dimensions? The AI industry document”, 2018
is responding to these challenges with conceptual
frameworks [12], open standards and platforms [13-15], All links were accessed on 6th September, 2018
and AI education resources [16]. Another set of orthogonal
concerns has far-reaching implications from a pedagogical
and ethical standpoint. At a fundamental level, can the results
be explained to the learner? Can the Right to Explanation be
enforced, which could be enacted as a law in the future? Should
AI-driven EdTech be regulated to safeguard learner interests? For
example, a popular commercially available learning application is
not in the purview of regulation.

4 9

Dr. Anantha Duraiappah elected as a Fellow UNESCO MGIEP conducts a Plenary Session

to The World Academy of Sciences at the the 11th Biennial Comparative
Education Society of Asia (CESA) Conference
May, 2018
May 11-12, 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Dr. Anantha K. Duraiappah, Director, UNESCO Mahatma
Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable The Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA) is an
Development (MGIEP) was recently elected as a Fellow to association of educational scholars, working to promote
The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), a pioneering, comparative education as a scholarly field across Asia
merit-based academy focused on the advancement of science and to strengthen Asian voices in global debates about
in developing countries. Dr. Duraiappah was recognised and education. The 11th CESA Biennial Conference was held
elected to TWAS for his contribution to the progression of on 11–12 May 2018 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The theme
the field of sciences in developing nations.Speaking on his for 2018 was ‘Education and Social Progress: Insights from
election, Dr. Duraiappah expressed: “It is an honour to be Comparative Perspectives’. On May 12, a plenary panel
a part of this prestigious body of scientists who have carried discussion was dedicated to UNESCO MGIEP’s seminal
out some ground-breaking work in science. I look forward report Rethinking Schooling: The State of Education for
to working alongside this body towards advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship in
sciences – specifically in the field of learning sciences.” Asia. Dr Yoko Mochizuki, Head of Rethinking Curricula
Programme of UNESCO MGIEP, presented the key

The Government of Delhi organises a

workshop for Special Educators in Screening
Different Learners Textbook Embedding Project going strong
in Sikkim with the Second workshop for
May 10, 2018, New Delhi, India
Textbook Authors
In its mission to achieve inclusive and quality education for May 20 – 22, 2018, Gangtok, India
all (SDG 4.7), UNESCO MGIEP conducted a capacity-
building workshop to enhance the skills of special educators The project to embed concepts of peace and sustainable
in identifying and addressing students who learn differently development in textbooks of Sikkim is progressing steadily
as part of Government of Delhi’s project SMILE for its with the second workshop for textbook authors organised in
public schools. It was held on May 10, at Department of Gangtok from May 20-22, 2018. The embedding project is
Education’s premises and attended by 60 psychologists conceptualised as a continuous and comprehensive capacity
from the National Capital Region. UNESCO MGIEP’s building of textbook authors. The second workshop
Difference Learning Project aims to improve functional marked a beginning with textbook authors starting to create
literacy rate by enabling teachers, special educators, early drafts of examples of chapters, which went through
psychological experts and parents to identify different participatory feedbacks as well as feedback from facilitators.
learners, provide diagnosis and cater to their different
needs in the classroom. Dr Nandini C. Singh, Head of
the Difference Learning Project at UNESCO MGIEP,
conducted the workshop in collaboration with Ms Geet
Oberoi, Founder of Orkids, an organisation working in
the field of assessment, remediation and teacher training
of educators.were discussed. The meeting also provided
the participants with the opportunity to understand the
work of their fellow partners for new collaborations and
partnerships to emerge.

5 1

YESPeace Partners’ Meeting- India How should we prevent violent extremism?
The youth may have the answer!
May 22-24, 2018, Gurugram, India
May 25, 2018, New Delhi, India
UNESCO MGIEP hosted the 2018 Partners Meeting
of the Youth for Education, Sustainability and Peace It may have been early on a Friday morning, but
(YESPeace)Network at TERI Gram in Gurugram, India the 100 plus youth who attended the launch of
from 22-24 May 2018. The Partners’ Meeting brought #YouthWagingPeace—Action Guidelines for the Prevention
together existing and potential partners of the YESPeace of Violent Extremism (PVE) were raring to go with ideas,
Network from across South Asia and Africa. The meeting questions and tangible action points for PVE. The launch
served as a platform to develop a common and shared was followed by a riveting panel discussion on Youth
understanding of the YESPeace network, discuss the Action Across Borders which saw panellists such as author
potential of cross-country and intra-country collaboration and youth activist Gurmehar Kaur from India diving
between YESPeace partners, identify timelines and orient deep into their own experiences on youth empowerment.
the partners to MGIEP’s Youth Kindness Campaign. Underscoring the need for action-oriented guidelines,
Different ideas and strategies were explored and plans H.E Ms. Harinder Sidhu, High Commissioner to India,
for the growth and expansion of the network were Australian High Commission in New Delhi said, “The
discussed. The meeting also provided participants with the #YouthWagingPeace Action Guidelines helps individuals
opportunity to understand the work of their fellow partners and communities to build tools such as critical thinking,
for new collaborations and partnerships to emerge. resilience, compassion and respect for diversity which they
need to challenge extremist ideologies.”

Three-day workshop for young educators on

prevention of violent extremism Learn to play and play to learn – a
Distinguished Lecture hosted by UNESCO
May 22-24, 2018, Gurgaon, India
MGIEP on the role of gaming in education

The launch event of #YouthWagingPeace – Action June 28, 2018, New Delhi, India
Guidelines for Prevention of Violent Extremism was
preceded by an intensive 3-day workshop for 25 young
Can learning be made fun and experiential? In UNESCO
educators from across India, including three Rohingya
MGIEP’s Distinguished Lecture held at the UNESCO
youth working for the Rohingya refugee community in
New Delhi, India on Thursday, June 28, 2018, Zigor
Hernandorena Juarros, Senior Project Manager – Fun
Learning Department, Ubisoft (makers of Assassins Creed
Facilitated by Ms Carolyn Nash, Coordinating Lead Author,
Franchise, The Division, Far Cry, Watch Dog), discussed
#YouthWagingPeace and Mr Simon Kuany, Project Officer,
how digital pedagogies such as games can be used as an
#YouthWagingPeace, the 25 young educators were able to
effective tool to impart learning. The lecture was attended
adapt the Action Guidelines and came up with their own
by over a hundred participants including teachers,
context-specific lesson plans for their respective stakeholders
educators, curriculum designers, ed-tech experts, games
(teachers, school administrators, families and policymakers).
designers and developers as well as students. In his lecture,
UNESCO MGIEP will continue to work with these young
titled ‘Learn to play and play to learn, the role of gaming
educators to ensure that the lesson plans are implemented
in education’, Zigor explained how digital games can be
and the outputs reflected/included in the broader
designed to reward players, acknowledge practice and
#YouthWagingPeace workbook. This workbook will include
incremental progress, thus making learning more effective
all the tested lesson plans developed and tried by young
through peer-collaboration and a project-based approach.
participants of #YouthWagingPeace workshops.
Zigor also underlined the need to develop suitable content
for games to make them more relevant to 21st century
learners’ reaction from vision, and to turn the victim into
the hero or the warrior for waging peace.

5 3

Youth for SDGs Peace Tables: Organised by Second Futures Workshop on ‘The State

Standing Together to Enable Peace of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
June 29 - July 9, 2018, New Delhi, India
July 19 - 21, 2018, Paris, France
Twenty youth leaders from New Delhi and other parts of
India have created dynamic Community Action Plans for UNESCO MGIEP organised the Second Futures’
Art and Democracy, digital media, gender, and interfaith Workshop, held at La Sorbonne University, Paris between
dialogue. The plans were developed through a series of July 19-21, 2018, bringing together an expert group
Peace Tables from June to July 2018, organised by Standing comprising of representatives of different disciplines,
Together to Enable Peace (STEP), a prominent Indian including neuroscience, human development psychology,
NGO working to build peace and a partner in UNESCO anthropology, and education. The themes discussed
MGIEP’s Youth for Education, Sustainability and Peace were evidence-based practices for SEL implementation
(YESPeace) Network. Through the process of the Peace in education, and the commitment to bring nuanced
Tables, participants use their skills to combat the problems cultural contextualisation to the implementation of SEL
of incomplete and unequal implementation of the United programming in schools.
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well
as the challenges to peace, prosperity and security in the
context of a developing country like India. The Peace
Tables successfully enabled the young leaders to dwell deep
into their motivations, to sieve out reaction from vision, and First ‘Training the Trainers Workshop’ on
to turn the victim into the hero or the warrior for waging Cantor’s World
July 24 - 25, 2018, New Delhi, India

UNESCO MGIEP’s Games for Learning Programme

in collaboration with Fields of View conducted the first
Compassion Acts, Empathy and Benefits ‘Training the Trainers’ Workshop on the game Cantor’s
of SEL – UNESCO MGIEP conducts an online World. Cantor’s World, one of the many learning products
developed by UNESCO MGIEP, is a simulation based
presentation and discussion on SEL and game developed to understand the Inclusive Wealth Index,
Global Citizenship and to understand the uncertainties involved in governing a
complex socio-economic system of a country. The game is
July 2018 targeted towards master’s level students of economics and
sustainability studies and mid-career policy makers. The
workshop was conducted as a first step of the pilot study
A key focus area for UNESCO MGIEP is content to demonstrate the game to invited lecturers from different
development in socio-emotional learning, as part of which universities, introduce and train them on the game, in
the Institute delivered an online pre-recorded presentation order to facilitate its deployment as a pedagogical tool in
on SEL as a key essence of achieving global citizenship. classrooms in these universities. The lecturers will go back
As part of the presentation, Dr. Nandini Chatterjee Singh, and use this game as a learning resource in their classrooms
Programme Specialist –Science of Learning, posed some and suggest improvements to the curriculum modules and
reflective questions to the educator community, including: the game itself.
1) Discuss one compassionate act you did today 2) Can
you think of some ways to encourage empathy 3) Discuss
how socio-emotional learning can benefit students’ overall
learning. To view the presentation and read responses to the
reflective questions, visit: .

5 5

Ecology, Economy and Society: Essays in #KindnessMatters: Indian youth show

Honour of Kanchan Chopra by Vikram Dayal force of Kindness across the country on
(Editor), Anantha Duraiappah (Editor), International Youth Day through Instameets
Nandan Nawn (Editor) in 14 cities on the Sustainable Development
August 2018, India
August 12, 2018, India
UNESCO MGIEP’s Director, Dr. Anantha Duraiappah
recently co-edited a book titled ‘Ecology, Economy and More often than not, youth are the subject of skepticism
Society: Essays in Honour of Kanchan Gupta’. Published when it comes to stepping out of their comfort zones and
by Springer, the book includes four vital themes related to taking tangible steps towards the Sustainable Development
the environment-development discourse -- sustainability of Goals (SDGs). However, on International Youth Day
development, institutions and environmental governance, (Sunday, 12 August 2018) thousands of Indian youth
display the power of kindness across 14 cities joined
environment and well-being, and ecosystem and
forces to perform voluntary Acts of Kindness towards the
conservation. The book is a valuable resource for students,
Sustainable Development Goals and proved naysayers
teachers, researchers, practitioners and policy makers. A wrong. The unique pan-India Instameets, organised by
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed UNESCO MGIEP and Instagram India, were aimed at
between Samsung India and UNESCO MGIEP to launch mobilising youth to take tangible action towards realising
360-degree videos and VR educational content for 28 the Sustainable Development Goals, primarily in the
UNESCO Heritage sites in India. form of collaborative acts of kindness. While these acts of
kindness encompassed many issues, there was unanimous
commitment by all youth groups across SDGs and cities.
These unique Instameets marked the India launch of
the International Youth Campaign on Kindness for the
Sustainable Development Goals, which aims at collecting
Dr. Nandini Chatterjee Singh accorded The 25,000 stories of kindness by youth across the world by the
NASI – Reliance Industries Platinum Jubilee end of 2019. It is the first in the line of many international
Award 2018 events celebrating youth action towards realising the SDGs.

August 2018, India

Dr. Nandini Chatterjee Singh, Programme Specialist –

Science of Learning, UNESCO MGIEP was recently An Ahinsa Dialogue on ‘Creating a Culture of
accorded The National Academy of Sciences, India Peace’ – a conversation on peace, education
- Reliance Industries Platinum Jubilee Award 2018 for and neuroplasticity
Application Oriented Innovations covering both Physical
and Biological Sciences. Dr. Singh is one of six recipients October 2, 2018 | Paris, France
of this prestigious national award. At UNESCO MGIEP,
Nandini oversees the Rethinking Learning Programme,
including Libre, our flagship project and Difference In commemoration of the beginning of the year-long
Learning, amongst others. celebration of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary
and the International Day of Non-Violence 2018, the
UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi of Education for Peace and
Sustainable Development (MGIEP) and the Permanent
Delegation of India to UNESCO jointly organised the third
Ahinsa Dialogue on October 2, 2018. The dialogue featured
Sadhguru in discussion with Gregoire Borst, Professor of
Developmental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
of Education, LaPsyDE, on ‘Creating a Culture of Peace’.
Moderated by Dr Anantha Duraiappah, the discussion
involved Sadhguru and Gregoire engaging in a conversation
on ‘Peace, Neuroplasticity and Education’. Over 500
participants attended the dialogue, including various
dignitaries, educators, academics, policy-makers and youth.

5 7

#KindnessMatters: Youth across the #KindnessMatters: In a befitting celebration,

globe come out in large numbers to launch South African youth join forces to launch
UNESCO MGIEP’s International Youth UNESCO MGIEP’s Campaign on Kindness on
campaign on Kindness for the SDGs the ocassion of International Day of Non-
October 2, 2018 | New Delhi, INDIA
October 2, Cape Town
The global launch of UNESCO MGIEP’s campaign
witnessed mass participation from youth in four countries--- Africa Unite, in partnership with Activate! Change
South Africa, India, Pakistan and Mexico where UNESCO Drivers and the UNESCO MGIEP and Sustainable
MGIEP’s International Youth Campaign on Kindness for Development (UNESCO – MGIEP), Western Cape
the Sustainable Development Goals was simultaneously Provincial Government and City of Cape Town launched
launched via a live link connecting the four nations. the International Youth Campaign on Kindness for the
Sustainable Development Goals on October 2, 2018, at the
In true spirit of the campaign (which aims to mobilise youth Cape Town City Hall.
acts of kindness towards the Sustainable Development
Goals), the campaign launch witnessed massive acts of
kindness committed by youth for one or more of the
Sustainable Development Goals.
#KindnessMatters: Pakistan youth say ‘yes’
to Kindness; launch MGIEP’s International
Youth Campaign on Kindness at YESPeace
#TAGeKindness: Youth and policymakers Festival
dissect the role of “Kindness” in a time of October 2, 2018 | Islamabad, Pakistan
Societal and Planetary change
Over 130 young members of YESPeace Pakistan came
October 2, 2018 | New Delhi, INDIA
together in Islamabad on October 2 to launch the
International Youth Campaign on Kindness for the
On the occasion of the United Nations International Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The launch took
Day of Non-violence, and in line with its vision of place at the Hill View Hotel wherein the youth shared
mainstreaming the collective voice of youth in the highest their kindness stories with each other and video connected
levels of policymaking processes in education for peace, with the launch events in New Delhi, Cape Town and
sustainability and global citizenship, UNESCO Mahatma Monterrey (Mexico). The event was organised and managed
Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable by YESPeace Pakistan, a collective of youth organisations
Development (MGIEP) hosted the latest edition of its in Pakistan that included HIVE and College of Youth
flagship TAGe dialogue series as part of the Global Launch Activism and Development (CYAAD). The programme was
of the International Youth Campaign on Kindness for the supported actively by volunteers and facilitators from the
SDGs in 4 cities: New Delhi, India; Islamabad, Pakistan; International Federation of Red Crescent (IFRC) Pakistan.
Cape Town, South Africa and TEC de Monterrey, Mexico.

5 9
Learning with A.I. COMIC

I wonder how
they work..
Seesaws are
so much fun!

Miss, when we get back

Oh look! to class, can you teach us
There’s our teacher, how a seesaw works?
we can ask her.

Why later?
We can learn that
right now using
Artifical Intelligence!

See kids, A.I. can

make learning fun
and possible anywhere!
The Blue DOT is UNESCO MGIEP’s bi-annual publication, featuring articles showcasing our activities
and areas of interest. The magazine’s overarching theme is the relationship between education, peace,
sustainable development and global citizenship. To view the e-publication, visit –

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