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GRADES 1 to 12 School: BAGO OSHIRO


Learning Area:
Teaching Dates February 3, 2022
and Time: 9:00-10:00 Quarter: Q2-
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the different regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum
B. Performance
C. Learning Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of electromagnetic
Competency waves
Code: S10FE-IIa-b-47
D. Learning 1. Describe the wavelengths of the different forms of electromagnetic
Objectives: spectrum and;
2. Compare the wavelengths of radio waves, microwaves, infrared,
visible lights, x-rays, and gamma rays.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Science 9 Teachers Module
2. Learner’s Science 9 Learners Module: The Colors of Rainbow pp 7-11
3. Textbook
4. Additional DepEd Science 10 Learners Material
from the
5. Other Google Meet, Application
A. Reviewing Previous -Prayer
Lesson/Presenting -Checking of attendance
the New Lesson -Setting rules and protocols in the class
KRA 2 OBJ. #5, Ind.4 -Encouraging the leaners to participate, listen and ask queries in the class
Established safe and secure discussion and follow instruction easily.
learning environments to
enhance learning through the -The teacher encourage and nurtur the student’s individual differences,
consistent implementation of beliefs, values, culture and religion.
policies, guidelines and
procedures. Teacher: Good morning class!
MOV – The teacher ensures Students: Good ma’am!
that the learners follows and
foster a sense of acceptance
and understand that whatever Review of the past lesson
characteristics, beliefs, culture, All about rainbow!
religion, values, intellectual and
physical capability they have. “
The Path to Excellence Starts here”
➢ The teacher use the kahoot online instructional application to
catch the interest of the students especially those students who
are hearing impared person.
1. A rainbow shows up as a spectrum of light: a band of colors that
includes what colors?
Answer: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
2. Rainbows are beautiful representations of light.
Answer: True!
3. Rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection,
refraction and dispersion of sunlight in water droplets suspended in
the atmosphere after a rain shower.
Answer: True
B. Establishing a The students will learn the different regions of electromagnetic waves (EM
purpose for the waves) and their frequencies and energies. They will be able to describe and
lesson compare these EM waves in terms of frequency and energy which depend
on their wavelength.
C. Presenting Strategy
examples/instances ➢ The teacher prepared a pictures/ images on the screen with it’s
of the new lesson corresponding scrambled letters.
KRA 3, OBJ. # 9, Ind. 8 ➢ The students will guess the scrambled letters which the picture
Design, adapt and implement depicts.
teaching strategies that are
responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and Unscramble the letters using the picture shows.
talents 1. EEDSP- Speed
2. REEUFNEQY- Frequency
MOV---the “unscramble” activity 3. THWLAVEGEN- Wavelength
will make students analyze;
thus, they will use their own
4. CITENGAMORTCELE AWVE – Electromagnetic Wave
experiences to recognize the 5. IAORD- Radio
unscrambled words. The said 6. EAWVROCMI- Microwave
activity is very appealing to 7. ELBISIV HTIGL- Visible light
learners with special needs and 8. TEOVIRAULT- Ultraviolet
gifted learners.
9. YSAR-X - X-rays
10. AAMMG SYAR- Gamma rays

Very Good!
D. Discussing new Strategy
concept and ➢ The teacher will show an interactive image of lights where the students
presenting new skill can give their personal opinion about what is in the picture.
KRA 3, OBJ. # 9, Ind. 8
Design, adapt and implement
teaching strategies that are
responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and

KRA 3, OBJ. # 10, Ind. 9

Adapt and use culturally
appropriate teaching strategies
to address the needs of
learners from indigenous
groups “
The Path to Excellence Starts here”
MOV--- Emphasize the Teacher: What do you think is the picture all about?
importance of believing one’s Answer: Visible light/white light
self specially those who have
disabilities and members of the
Teacher: Yes, indeed! This visible light has colors known as the rainbow. It
IP Groups. is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and
dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing
in the sky. It takes the form of a multicolored circular arc.
Visible light-can be seen with our naked eye.

And White light entering a prism is bent, or refracted, and the light separates
into its constituent wavelengths. Each wavelength of light has a different color
and bends at a different angle. The colors of white light always emerge
through a prism in the same order—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo,
and violet. And this visible light is a form of electromagnetic waves. What are
the other forms of electromagnetic spectrum?

Students: Radio waves, Microwaves, Infrared, Visible light, Ultraviolet waves,

X-rays, Gamma rays

Teacher: Very Good!

E. Discussing new You can use your Mother Tongue if it finds difficult for you explaining in
concept and English.
presenting new
skills #2.
KRA 1, OBJ. # 3, Ind. 2
Display proficient use of Mother
Tongue, Filipino and English to
facilitate teaching and learning.

MOV--- Teacher has to

proficiently use the English
Language and code-switching
in explaining the concepts of
the lesson all throughout the

KRA 1, OBJ. # 1, Ind. 1

The Path to Excellence Starts here”
-Applies knowledge of content Strategy: Interactive Discussion
within and across curriculum ➢ The teacher will discuss the 7 electromagnetic waves or radiation and
teaching areas
MOV--- Integration of content
ask the students what is their observations about the picture.
knowledge within and across
subject areas is evident in Teacher: There are 7 types of electromagnetic waves or radiation. We have
MAPEH (Health), MATH radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma
Health (H9CE-Ib-d-10) explains rays. These waves do not require a medium to propagate, they can travel
how a healthy environment
positively impact the health of
through air and vacuum space. What do you think are its uses? You can use
people and communities (less Mother Tongue if it finds difficult for you explaining in English.
disease, less health care cost, 1. Radio waves used to broadcast radio and television.
etc.) 2. Microwaves used in cooking, radar, telephone and other signals.
3. Infrared transmits heat from sun, fires, radiators.
Math- (M9AL-IId-1) applies the
laws involving positive integral
4. Visible light makes things able to be seen.
exponents to zero and negative 5. Ultraviolet waves absorbed by the skin. It is also used in fluorescent
integral exponents tubes.
6. X-rays used to view inside of bodies and objects.
KRA 2, OBJ. # 7, Ind. 6 7. Gamma Rays used in medicine for killing cancer cells.
Maintain learning environments
that nurture and inspire
learners to participate, Teacher: Are there any questions?
cooperate and collaborate in
continued learning. What have you observed in the wavelength of each electromagnetic wave?
MOV –The teacher asks follow
up questions each one of them
to process the said activity. The
teacher also appreciate
students correct or wrong
answers. This will boost their
confidence to participate more
in succeeding activity.

Students: The distance of wavelength is different from each region. Example,

the wavelength of radio waves is longer compared to the wavelength of
gamma rays.

Teacher: Very Good! You have learned in your Grade 8 Science that waves
in general have speed v, wavelength (λ), frequency (f). And in a vacuum, all
electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed known as c which is
approximately equal to 3 x 108 m/s.

From the equation, v=λf, when the wave speed is taken to be constant, we
find that wavelength and wave frequency have inverse relationship. This
means that when the frequency is high, the wavelength is short. When the
wavelength is long, the frequency is low.

The Path to Excellence Starts here”
Which among the electromagnetic wave is the highest frequency? The
shorter wavelength?

Students: Gamma rays has the highest frequency and shorter wavelength.

Teacher: Very Good! Now, if we are going to compare the size of its
wavelength into a thing, this will be its comparison.

Table 1. The electromagnetic waves’, wavelengths, frequencies, and

Teacher: What have you observed in table 1?

Students: As the number of wavelengths increases, its frequency and energy

decreases. And as the number of wavelengths decreases, its frequency and
energy increases. Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional.

Teacher: Very good!

Table 1 shows the relative wavelength, frequency, and energy of each of the
different types of electromagnetic waves. The radio wave has the longest
wavelength among of all yet has the least frequency and energy. While the
gamma rays have the shortest wavelength among of all but it has the highest
frequency and the amount of energy. Therefore, the longer the wavelength,
the lesser the energy and lower the frequency of an electromagnetic wave.
The shorter the wavelength the greater the amount of energy and frequency
of electromagnetic wave.

The Path to Excellence Starts here”
F. Developing Activity 1: Tell me the height!

KRA 1, OBJ. # 4, Ind. 3

Instruction: Describe the height of the wavelength by comparing it to things
Use effective verbal and non- which is of the same height in the electromagnetic spectrum with your group.
verbal classroom Refer your answer in no. 1.
communication strategies to
support learner understanding, 1. Radio waves- 3281 ft. building
participation, engagement and
2. Microwave-
MOV - The teacher establishes 3. Infrared-
classroom activity which 4. Visible light-
promote open communication 5. Ultraviolet light-
between the teacher and 6. X-rays-
learners, and among the
learners and their peers. This
7. Gamma rays-
involves activity where teachers
and learners openly discuss the Very
answers to the given questions.

KRA 2, OBJ. # 6, Ind. 5

Maintain learning environments
that promote fairness, respect
and care to encourage learning
MOV - The teacher mentions
about the fairness in dealing
with different ages of individual
to develop the skill-related


Activity 2: What’s my length?

Instruction: Compare the wavelengths of radio waves, microwaves, infrared,
visible lights, x-rays, and gamma rays. Using the table of electromagnetic
spectrum, determine the frequency and wavelength ranges of each of the
forms of electromagnetic waves.

The Path to Excellence Starts here”
Very Good!
G. Finding practical Teacher: The sun is a yellow star. It can warm our skin and give us light so
applications of we can see. However, the Sun can also burn us. How do we explain these
concepts and skills daily phenomena in terms of EM spectrum and wavelength?
in daily living
KRA 1, OBJ. # 4, Ind. 3 Students: Ultraviolet rays are harmful to the skin because it has a higher
Use effective verbal and non- energy level than visible light.
verbal classroom
communication strategies to
support learner understanding,
participation, engagement and
MOV - The teacher establishes
classroom activity which
promote open communication
between the teacher and
learners, and among the
learners and their peers. This
involves activity where teachers
and learners openly discuss the
answers to the given questions.
H. Making Wavelength and wave frequency are inversely proportional. This means that
generalization and when the frequency is high, the wavelength is short. When the wavelength is
abstraction about long, the frequency is low. The higher the frequency, the higher its energy
the lesson level. When the frequency is low, the energy level is also low.
I. Evaluating learning Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which has the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum?
A. Microwaves C. Infrared
B. Radio Waves D. UV
2. Which has the shortest wavelength among the EM waves listed
A. Microwaves C. Gamma Rays
B. Radio Waves D. X – rays
3. Which type of electromagnetic wave can be detected by the human
A. Gamma rays C. X – rays
B. Visible light D. Microwaves
4. Frequency and Wavelength is inversely proportional.
A. True C. Maybe
B. False “
The Path to Excellence Starts here”
5. Which of the EM waves below has the highest frequency?
A. Gamma rays C. UV Rays
B. Radio Waves D. Visible Light

J. Additional Activities Read in advance and take note the formula of frequency-wavelength
for application or relationship.
A. No. of learners
who earned
80% on the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
lesson work?
No. of learners
who caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. learners
who continue
to require
ANNOTATION 1.- Applied a philosophy of teaching that is learner-centered. ( KRA 4 Objective 16)

I do believe that students will learn better by experiencing the idea first hand. Students must try
and fail in order to learn and develop understandings about the world around them. I adhere to the
Progressivism Philosophy of Education where progressivism is known as "child-centred instruction
which means that everything that is done in the classroom, is done for the purpose of facilitating and
nurturing the student's development. It bases all of the lessons or plans on the developmental needs of
the children, and believes that a child should learn by doing, rather than by passively watching.
The following are the activities I used to my students that mirrors progressivism.
1. Learning objectives
2. Unscramble the letters using the picture shows, Tell me the height!, What’s my length
3. Evaluation

ANNOTATION 2- Use research based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning to
enhance professional practice. (KRA 1, Objective 2)

Probing student’s prior knowledge is a scientific process that aligns with interferring and observing.
Thus, the teacher shows picture analysis activity that enable the students sustain their learning interest
and for the development of their personal qoutients (intellectal, emotional, adverse, spritual and

The Path to Excellence Starts here”
Prepared by:


Observed by:


Master Teacher I

Master Teacher I

Head Teacher III

Principal II/ Science Cluster 6 Consultant

Noted by:



The Path to Excellence Starts here”

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