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Volume: 6
Pages: 11-22
Document ID: 2022PEMJ405
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7424058
Manuscript Accepted: 2022-10-12
Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1073-1084, Document ID: PEMJ405, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7424058, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Development of a Retention Program Through Motivation-Hygiene Theory of

Selected Private Teachers
Lois Jamin B. Tambuyat*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

In recent years, school administrators have had a continuous concern about the retention of private
school teachers. The Philippines is one of the countries that experience a constant turnover of
teachers especially in the basic education. This mixed method study examined the factors that
influence the private teachers to stay or leave private schools. To know the factors that most affect
them, Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory was explored in this study. An adapted survey
questionnaire was used in this study and it was accessed by 206 private teachers. Meanwhile, self-
made interview questions were constructed by the researcher and 16 private teachers were
interviewed. The researcher utilized a cluster sampling technique where the researcher divided the
population into multiple clusters for the investigation. The result of the survey and interview was
used as a ground basis to derive a retention program for private school teachers to alleviate the
turnover. The findings of this study were redounding to the benefit of the private schools considering
that a job retention program plays an important role in the private schools. The greater demand for
quality education in the private schools justifies the need for more effective strategies to retain the
teachers. Therefore, private schools that apply the job retention program derived from the results of
this study will be able to maintain the best and most qualified teachers in their institutions.

Keywords: retention program, motivation-hygiene theory, private school teachers

Introduction teachers which became a primary contributor to

teacher shortage (Sutcher, 2019). Public schools have
lower turnover rate compared to the private schools
In recent years, school administrators have had a with a high rate of turnover of teachers.Apparently, the
continuous concern in the retention of private school turnover rate in the private schools is almost twice
teachers. The Philippines is one of the countries who than that of the public schools (Schmitz, 2017).
experience a constant turnover of teachers, especially Gradually, novice private school teachers have
in basic education. Numerous teachers leave the dramatically increased their turnover rate; whereas in
company or the profession each year in which the public institution, new teachers were most likely to
teachers’ retention became a significant problem stay today. As a matter of fact, every age group except
because it could cause teacher shortage and hiring and teachers with 20 or more experience has increased
training novice teachers in the private school (Sumipo, faster in the private than the public sector. The
2020). National Center for Education Statistics conducted a
Schools and Staffing Survey among the public and
To develop success in schools, their utmost priority private school sectors. It was designed to provide in
should be to attract and retain qualified and equipped the elementary and secondary education a descriptive
teachers. Dela Cruz (2016) agreed to this when she data. It covered topics from the teachers’ demand,
mentioned that retaining teachers is one of the several characteristics, conditions in schools, view in school
reasons for education effectiveness. The public and climate and problems in their respective schools,
private school partnered in delivering quality compensation, and hiring and retention practices.
education to the students; however, according to
Bulawat (2020), public and private schools have a Contrary to the general accepted belief, teacher
usual scenario when it comes to fresh graduates of retention rates arenot changing that much.It stays in its
education, as most of them only secure a job in the high turnover rate. Teachers, regardless of what age
private school to become a training ground, acquire and year they have started, in their fifth year of
experience, and to wait to pass the board exam then teaching about one-third of them leaves and within ten
later on apply to the public school. This behavior years half were already gone. Thus, there is no drastic
should be changed as private schools are not all the decrease in teachers’ retention; it sticks with its high
same. turnover rate.

There is a high rate of attrition among the private According to the Department of Education (2019),

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1073-1084, Document ID: PEMJ405, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7424058, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

private schools have 263,430 teachers and it changes

over the years due to leaving teachers in the private long term and maintain them motivated and
schools. However, in this type of situation in the
determined. Employee retention is encouraging
private schools, they were able to attract new
employees in a long period of time to remain in the
applicants who are novice, which makes it quite
complicated because private schools will lend time and
effort again to train these new teachers (Sumipo, According to Herzberg’s Theory, job satisfaction is
2020). Whereas, the public school sector also essential to any organization’s success and it is
experiences a turnover rate of teachers; however, it is connected to motivation as the major factor that affects
not as drastic as the private schools (Bulawat, 2020). human behavior and performance. Many researchers
have discussed and conceptualized motivation.
Many parents in the National Capital Region (NCR)
Whiseand and Rush (1988) defined in the early years
still prefer to enroll their children in private schools. It
that motivation is the individual’s willingness to
was proven when the pandemic happened, although
accomplish something to satisfy needs. Later,
there some private schools that had been closed due to
motivation was defined by Robbins (2001) as a needs-
business loss, there are still private schools that are
still running. It is because many parents and students satisfying process, which means that the person will
believe in the quality of education in the private give full effort in achieving goals when certain factors
schools even if there is a high price of matriculation. satisfy his or her needs. Fuller, (2008) contributed
With this, private schools should be able to retain the a recent definition of motivation, according to them
qualified and best teachers to maintain the quality of motivation is a person’s persistence and direction of
education for the students. When the private schools efforts to achieve a specific goal or objective.
suffer from teacher turnover, it would not only affect
There have been a number of valuable studies of
the flow of the workforce but would also highly affect
employee retention over the last decade, all of which
the quality of education that the school is promising to
the students. As training novice teachers will take a lot present evidence which motivation has been highly
of time and effort to make them equipped in the influencing employee retention in the company. It is
teaching field. either extrinsic or intrinsic motivation. However, none
of these studies tailored a precise retention program
The private schools of the District Swat of Pakistan especially for the private school and there is a need for
have experienced turnover of teachers also. It has been a private school to have this program as the demand
found that the private school teachers leave the school for teachers’ retention is high in the private school to
due to job stress and over workload (Khan et al., retain the quality of education. The researcher of this
2017). Similarly, private teachers in Indonesia also study is part of the Administration of a private school.
experience a quite high attrition rate of teachers. The researcher often handles interviews for the
Teachers in this country receive less reward and interested applicants, and most of them came from the
appreciation from the management; hence, private school. The researcher always asks the teachers
dissatisfaction takes place among the teachers the reason why they are leaving the company and most
(Hardianto et al., 2019). of their reasons are lack of benefits and the system of
the school. In addition to this, it was confirmed from
Around the world, teacher turnover has been the applicants that there is no retention program in
acknowledged as a serious issue in education. Plans their school.
for turnover remained remarkably consistent.
However, the reasons for them varied significantly This research study has a strong background when it
(Rasanen et al. 2020). The top reasons for teacher comes to the turnover rate of private school teachers; it
turnover intentions were a lack of professional has been defended and researched that the attrition
commitment and school structure and workload issues. among private schools is higher than the public school.
Several areas of the teaching profession should be This issue could lead to a bigger problem because not
changed at the same time to improve teacher job only the workforce was being affected, but also the
satisfaction and retention. Agarwal (2017) affirms that teaching ability of the teachers. Hence, there is a need
in any organization, employees are one of the most for a precise retention program for the private teachers
important resources and they can be defined as the life- to maintain the best teachers in the school and to
blood of the organization. To remain competitive, they continually provide a better and quality education to
should not focus only on hiring the best talents but the learners.
must be able to retain the best employees for a

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1073-1084, Document ID: PEMJ405, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7424058, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Research Questions addition to their teaching and other responsibilities.

Hence, a large compensation was not always the
This study was proposed to know the best practices to
solution to make the teachers stay in the company.
promote teachers’ retention in the private school. This
study sought to answer these questions: Furthermore, there is trouble with teacher turnover
because it greatly affects the students and the school.
1. What are the factors that give job satisfaction to the
Addressing it is critical because not only academics
private teachers to stay in the school?;
were affected but as well as the financial costs of
2. What are the factors that give job dissatisfaction to
teachers’ turnover. Thomas and Hammond (2019)
the private school teachers to leave the school?; and
researched in South America and the findings
3. What are the best practices to develop a retention
expressed that there are higher turnover among
program for the private school teachers?
mathematics, science, special education, English, and
world languages teachers. In addition to this, lack of
Literature Review support from the administration, low compensation,
and alternative certification are part of the factors of
teachers’ turnover. While recruiting teachers during
Teachers in private schools have many advantages teacher shortages is vital, doing so in a way that results
over public schools when it comes to small class sizes, in high turnover inflates teacher demand, making it
comprehensible policies, thin management structures, more difficult to fix shortages in the long run.
ideal teaching conditions, and common goals. Sumipo Teachers must be adequately retained so that all of our
(2020) sought to find out the factors which affect the nation's schools have enough well-prepared and
decisions of teachers to stay in the selected private dedicated instructors, and teachers in our classrooms
schools in Bohol. The researcher used Fredrick have the time and skills to adequately serve all of the
Herzberg’s Motivation & Hygiene Theory, it was learners. Customized policy interventions can help
concluded that motivational factors are the strongest address the fundamental issues that drive teachers out
factors responsible for the retention of the teachers. of the classroom, stabilizing and eventually enhancing
Teachers' decisions to stay at private schools were the teaching workforce so that all children are better
influenced by motivational variables, particularly those served.
related to the profession itself, such as a passion for
teaching and a sense of fulfillment, According to the Turnover of teachers has been a problem across
findings, a comfortable working atmosphere with different domains. In Indonesia this was not a new
favorable relationships with coworkers, administrators, issue for them. Hardianto, et al. (2019) investigated the
parents, and students would surely motivate instructors private schools as the researchers have seen that there
to continue at their professions. Although private will disrupt the quality of education and achieve the
schools may not be able to compete with public ultimate goal of education if there will be a continual
schools on pay and benefits, if other requirements are high turnover rate of teachers. There are 149
met, instructors will prefer more noble principles than participants that participated in this study and it has
money and benefits. been revealed that rewards are the most important
factors that give the most negative influence among
Public schools in the Philippines are pictured as
the teachers. Hardianto et al. (2019) stated that
greener pastures than private schools. However,
teachers work better if they were able to acquire
Bulawat (2020) investigated public schools because
decent rewards because rewards have the highest
there is a large turnover of teachers. In public school,
influence on teacher job satisfaction in Indonesia.
the teachers were given five to seven workloads and
Additionally, teachers who have given the chance to
the desire that greatly fueled their decision to leave the
activities that will test their competencies have been
public school is because of a lot of responsibilities as
found to be more valued (Hardianto et al. 2019;
well as lack of opportunity for career advancement. In
Zaraket & Saber, 2017; Addai et al. 2018).
addition, failure to implement better company policy
and lack of technological support are also factors why Numerous factors pressure the teachers to leave the
teachers leave the public school (Bulawat, 2020). school. A study about the relationship of job turnover
There was a strong link between motivation and intention, workload, compensation, and conditions and
hygiene factors, with the higher the motivation, the stress in the work in private schools has been sought
better the hygiene factors. While motivating by Khan et al. (2017). There were 248 private school
considerations accounted for the bulk of teacher teachers who participated in this study where they
turnover, the findings of the study revealed that they were united in a decision that job stress and workload
were also decisive to leave the service due to the
massive quantity of paperwork they had to complete in
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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1073-1084, Document ID: PEMJ405, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7424058, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

have been the prior factors that affects the private consequence that could be long term for both
teachers to leave the organization. However, a good individual learner and educational system. One of the
compensation and benefits will help to lessen the consequences is the development of a child,
turnover rate of the employees in Indonesia. specifically their personality, and social skills can also
be hindered because of teacher turnover from the
Kamalaveni et al. (2019) contributed a comprehensive departure of a teacher with whom they connected
view regarding the strategies and operations to retain emotionally (Newberry & Allsop, 2017; Gallant &
the qualified and talented employees. According to Riley, 2017). The administration should be highly
them, retaining the workforce in the 21 st century means emotional intelligence also to be a good team builder.
people are in a dynamic environment which includes Employees are most satisfied in the workplace when
growth, development, and technology. Managing the administration knows the importance of
talent is a demanding task, and policies and practices relationships and inspiration and encouragement and
must be properly created in order to retain the best this could lead to teachers’ retention.
employees. As this study shows, organizations are
using a variety of strategies and tactics to retain talent. Azeez (2017) strongly agreed that organizational
To avoid staff poaching, compete with competitors, growth will benefit with the retention of employees,
and stay competitive in a dynamic environment, however, the most challenging task of a company
businesses must focus on attributes that improve today is employee satisfaction and retention. Truly,
employee satisfaction and loyalty. employee’s motivation is the key to any success of the
organization because it consists of the drive and
In many countries, teacher retention is a challenge commitment of the employees to their daily role. The
(Menon &Bracklin, 2021). The researchers absence of motivation can affect the workforce that
investigated the school leaders and teachers in India could cause low productivity that would fall short in
which is a country that has a problem in teachers’ reaching the objectives of the company. As employees
retention regarding how teacher retention impacts the are the lifeblood of the organization, it is important
stakeholder of the school in private early childhood that they are driven. The work of the employees should
schools. The researchers focused on the problem of be balanced and wouldn’t consume all their energy. A
compensation for other workloads, positive workplace study using the same theory was explored in a hospital
relationships, flexible schedules, teaching autonomy in Oman among the job satisfaction of medical
and recognition for work. Reducing workloads could laboratory professionals. Alrawahi et al. (2020) sought
be a marker to avoid teacher attrition because to know the motivational elements that are correlated
increasing salary is not always the solution, as with job satisfaction. The researchers concluded that
workload is part of their responsibility. However, it the absence of hygiene factors that were identified in
must be considered the stress that may occur because the study such as health and safety, heavy workload,
of increased workload. Teachers' attrition may salary, recognition, and policy cause job dissatisfaction
decrease in the long run if there is also a good among the medical laboratory professionals. Arawahi
relationship in the workplace such as listening to their et al. (2020) concluded that these specific factors must
concerns and taking positive action. be addressed to the hospital managers to improve the
motivation of health workers.
Thomas and Hammond (2019) stated that the major
reason that teachers discontent start when there is a
lack of support from the school management or
administration, large class size, and low salary, even
the factor that teaching profession isn’t a good career This research study aimed to utilize the Motivation-
option. The effects of teacher attrition are negative for Hygiene Theory to know the satisfiers and dissatisfiers
all the stakeholders of the school, including the of the private school teachers in order to develop a
student, parent, teachers, and community. The retention program for them. It is essential to
consequences of this leads to loss of experienced understand first the factors that influence most the
teachers that can lead to poor effects on learner’s private school teachers to stay and leave the school to
learning (Rinke & Mawhinney, 2017; Gallang & finally develop the best retention program, making this
Riley, 2017). Teacher attrition also negatively a qualitative type of research. There have been
influences the efficacy and success of the school as an evidences of studies that are similar to this one. The
integrated system, disrupting the educational outcomes literature has been designed to present rather than
and learning environment (Thomas & Hammond, examine their research accomplishments and is more
2017). Furthermore, they affirmed that there is a concerned with their shortfalls and the need for greater

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1073-1084, Document ID: PEMJ405, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7424058, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

research. This study focused on developing a retention The information they have provided would be treated
program through hygiene-motivation factors on private with the utmost level of anonymity and confidentiality
teachers. The reason for choosing such a sample is and to prove this fact, the ‘Name’ part was held as
mainly because as reflected by literature, the being ‘optional’; and (4) It was mentioned that upon
population of this group is increasing and there is a completion of this research the data will be secured
high attrition among the private teachers (Sumipo, within the College of Education, National University
2020).Though this was a well-defined topic, there is of the Philippines.
still a lack of retention program for the private school
teachers that was derived from the studies which made Research Instrument
this study use literature from primitive origin as no up-
to-date data existed. Survey. To gather the necessary data, the researcher
used a survey questionnaire via Google forms. The
Research Design questionnaire had a series of statements and the
participants were asked to specify the degree of their
This study utilized the mixed method. Data were agreement accordingly. The questionnaire had a 5-
collected through interviews composed of open-ended point Likert scale from “strongly disagree” to
questions, and a survey questionnaire. It sought to “strongly agree”. All questions that were used in the
identify the factors that affect the teachers’ retention, survey were derived from Ewen, et al.,1966; Graen,
how the motivation factor (intrinsic motivation) and 1966; Sergiovanni, 1966; House andWigdor, 1967;
hygiene factor (extrinsic motivation) solve the Lindsay, et al., 1967; Maidani, 1991; Pizamand Ellis,
turnover of the teachers, and to know the best practices 1999;and Klassen, et al., 2010. Each factor’s
to help the private schools maintain the best and numerous questions were asked for the computation of
qualified teachers in the school. The researcher utilized the average and to enhance the accuracy of the
a cluster sampling technique where the researcher measure.
divided the population into multiple clusters for
research. Then, the researcher selected random groups Interview. The questions for the interview were
using simple random sampling technique for data formulated by the researcher and were validated by
collection and data analysis. three (3) validators. The interview guide consisted of
forty-four (44) questions. The questions were based on
Research Context and Participants the theoretical framework of this study to suffice the
answer of the research questions.
The participants of the quantitative study are 206
teachers in Metro Manila. The survey questionnaire Data Gathering Procedure
was accessed by 58 private schools and there were 206
teachers who answered the survey. Among the Quantitative Procedure. The researcher sought help
participants, 128 were female teachers (62.10%) while from the Federation of Apssam Mapesa Mappresa
78 were male teachers (37.90%). There were more Association to send the survey link among the private
licensed teachers in the private school which were 161 school members of this organization. The researcher
(78.20%) teachers while there were 45 (21.80%) sent a permission letter to the President if she can send
teachers who were not licensed. On the other hand, the the survey link to pursue this study. The researcher
participants of the qualitative study came from four was able to grant access and successfully sent the
private schools, and the researcher was able to survey link to the private schools. The survey was
interview four teachers from the first school, five completed in one sitting. The researcher assured the
teachers from the second school and seven teachers respondents of the confidentiality of their responses as
from the third school with a total of 16 teachers. the researcher asked for their private information such
as name, gender, district, etc. The gathered data was
The ethical considerations explained while circulating tabulated by the researcher, and sought a statistician
the questionnaire via electronic form were as follows: for statistical computation and analysis. The statistical
(1) Guaranteed privacy of data for the ones agreeing to treatment is descriptive statistics such as mean and
participate; (2) Their willingness to participate or standard deviation.
abstain from participating, but once the questionnaire
was agreed to be filled the participant had to answer all Qualitative Procedure. The researcher did a focus
the questions and the design was in such a way that not group study to answer the interview questions. The
a single question could be skipped without answering, group was chosen as regards their demographic traits
else they could not proceed to the next question; (3) and the questions were designed based on the topic of

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1073-1084, Document ID: PEMJ405, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7424058, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

interest. The researcher carefully planned the series of allowed them to improve their experience, skills and
discussion designs to obtain the information from the performances (4.54). The evaluative statement with
private school teachers. The researcher individually the lowest mean revelaed that they would choose
asked therespondents to participate in the interview. career advancement rather than monetary incentives
The researcher aimed to let the participants narrate (4.28). The motivational factor with the highest grand
their experiences in teaching in the private schools. mean was Achievement (4.54) while the lowest was
The interview was done via Zoom. Advancement (4.39). The motivational factor with data
closely related to the average was Achievement (SD =
Results and Discussion 0.66) while the factor with large variance between the
data and the statistical average was Recognition (SD =
This study was proposed to determine the best
practices that promote teachers’ retention in private Metz (2018) has identified achievement motivation as
schools. a significant element of organization behavior as it
influences the performance, job satisfaction and
The Factors that gave Job Satisfaction to the commitment of an individual. Achievement motivation
Private School Teachers to Stay in the School also correlates to work-life balance which this relation
is supported by the two-factor theory of Herzberg
Table 1. Descriptive Analysis for Herzberg’s (Metz, 2018). Mahmoudi (2017) concluded that
Motivational Factors on Retention of Private School achievement motivation is a great factor in increasing
Teachers the effectiveness of work quality in an organization.

Table 2. Descriptive Analysis for Herzberg’s Hygienic

Factors on Retention of Private School Teachers

Table 1 shows the descriptive analysis of quantitative

data for Herzberg’s motivation factors in relation with
the retention motives of 206 selected private school
Table 2 shows the descriptive analysis of quantitative
teachers. The evaluative statement with the highest
data for Herzberg’s hygienic factors in relation to
mean revealed that the respondents were proud to
retention motives of selected private school teachers.
work for the school because it recognizes their
The evaluative statement with the highest mean
achievements (4.57). This is followed by two
revealed that colleagues were important to them(4.59),
evaluative statements with similar mean revealing that
followed by another idea that their colleagues were
they felt that they have contributed towards their
helpful and friendly (4.54). The evaluative statement
schools in a positive manner (4.54) and their job

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1073-1084, Document ID: PEMJ405, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7424058, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

with the lowest mean revealed that they were that I taught”; “The achievement I need to be
encouraged to work harder because of their salary significant in school is to see my students learn a lot
(4.05). The hygienic factor with the highest grand and apply all the values that I taught…”; and I feel
mean was Relation with Peers (4.55) while the one satisfaction at my work when I share my knowledge to
with the lowest was Money (4.07). The hygienic factor my students and they learned something that can
with the lowest variability of data around the mean benefit them in the future. Teachers feel accomplished
was Relationship with Peers (SD = 0.66) while the when their students learned and apply what they
hygienic factor with the highest dispersion of dataset taught. “Producing globally competitive 21st century
relative to the mean was Money (SD = 0.97). learners” is considered as an achievement by a
Asaari et al (2019) concluded that money is a great
motivation and has a positive strong relationship with Finishing tasks on time. Private school teachers feel
the employee’s performance. It has been stated that if extremely accomplished when they complete projects
the money motivation increases, the performance also ahead of schedule or before the deadline. When asked
increases. Companies should be aware of that what makes them feel satisfied or accomplished in
providing and developing good reward program that their work, relevant responses are “Every time I
includes salary is one of the best strategies to retain the finished my work on time”; “For me, accomplishing
employees as this is one of the most attractive the task everyday is my achievement”; and “When I
strategies especially in a country with difficult accomplished my task on time.”
economic conditions. Hence, employees would
experience security with their physiological and Rich experiences related to being a teacher.
security needs which eventually would give an Relevant factors that added to the sense of
outcome of satisfaction of the employees. Asaari, et al. achievement of the respondents are the opportunities
(2019) declared that unnecessary delays of this would given to them to lead, organize and coordinate diverse
cause poor motivation; thus, salaries should be school programs and activities. Having opportunities
increased regularly. However, there should be a to emcee school programs are well-appreciated by
classification with the increase of salary. The many respondents. One participant noted, “The
researcher believed that there are certain employees contribution to the school that makes me proud is
who deserve a salary increase depending on the when I was the one who became emcee in the
performance. program.” Other experiences that are considered as
achievement by the teachers are being part of
Thematic analysis of qualitative data gathered from establishing the Supreme Student Government, being a
focus interviews and essay questions in the key person in the application of a Senior High School
questionnaire generated themes that account for the strand in their school, creating free website for online
factors that gave job satisfaction to the private school classes, decorating the venue for school programs,
teachers to continue rendering service to the schools being a Scout Master, being in-charge of the United
they are currently employed. Nations activities, and being leader of a dance troupe.

Achievement. This factor refers to the sense of Advancement. This factor relates to the gratitude of
achievement the private school teachers feel when the private school teachers toward their institution for
perceive that they are competent to teach, their funding their graduate education and equipping them
teaching is effective, they finish their tasks on time and with cutting-edge communication and information
have rich experiences related to their job. technology.

Competence to teach. This refers to the private school Graduate Studies. Participants believe that the school
teachers’ perception that they are able to do their job promotes advancement “by allowing teachers enroll in
well. “I am satisfied with my work. I know I am doing master’s studies.”
my job and responsibilities well,” testified one
participant. Information and Communication Technology. The
private school teachers appreciate the schools that
Effectiveness of teaching. Private school teachers feel adapt with the changes, train teachers to become
sense of achievement when they perceive that the successful educators of the 21st century, and provide,
students effectively learn from them. This is evident in as one participant put it, “a learning with the use of
their responses like, “I feel accomplished and satisfied advance technology where both teachers and learners
when I see my students learned and applied the lessons cope with the fast pace of learning modalities.”

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Research Article

Work Itself. Teaching provides non-monetary rewards adapting to online teaching modality.
that private school teachers appreciate.
Seminars. Teachers value when their school sends
Exercise of Generativity. The participants perceive them to seminars and conferences or organizes internal
that teaching gives them opportunity to exercise training programs. Throughout the interviews, the
generativity, i.e. a concern for establishing and guiding participants brought up this theme a number of times.
the next generation. They would stay in their current
job for the love they have for their students and the Adapting to online teaching modality. Many
satisfaction they get every time they are able to share respondents noticed some level of growth after having
knowledge with other people. Majority of the adapted to the new teaching modality. Upon learning
participants claimed that what makes them excited in strategies to deliver instruction online due to the Covid
their work are their students. When asked what makes 19 pandemic, private school teachers became
them excited about their work, they replied “Thinking technology savvy. This gives them some sense of
about students makes me feel excited”; “To see the pride.
students and to teach them”; “To see the achievement
of my students” and “My students make me excited at Constructive Criticism. Participants credit
work. Because of them my work becomes easy.” constructive feedback for some of their improvement.
They reported that constructive criticism helped them
Emotional Reward. The private school teachers change even though they felt scared and degraded
perceive teaching to offer emotional reward. This when their flaws were pointed out. The comment, “It
manifested in their responses such as “I am happy and was the honest criticism that helped me to improve my
content with my job. As a teacher it feels great teaching style. I'm grateful for this kind of evaluation,”
knowing that the students learned from me.” Being an demonstrated this.
educator brings satisfaction of giving love and being
loved. Company Policy. This factor refers to the various
facets of school management that encourage teachers
Recognition. Recognition highly motivates the to continue serving their institution and to be proud of
participants in this paper to stay in their current it.
workplace. Private school teachers feel valued, happy,
satisfied, grateful, inspired and motivated when they Good governance. Respondents who perceived that
and their efforts are recognized. As one participant their schools maintain good, fair and consistent policy
expressed it, “I am feeling valued when we are intend to stay in their institutions. They appreciate how
recognized and it pushes me to work harder.” their schools prioritize the welfare of the students and
teachers. “I feel proud of the school that I work
Expressions of gratitude. Praises, motivating words, because their policies are focused on the well-being of
compliments and affirmation, acknowledgement of their students and employees,” testified one
efforts, congratulatory messages, and smiles are participant. Another participant pointed out, “I am
expressions of gratitude that give job satisfaction to proud of the school when they are consistent with their
private school teacher. Receiving words of gratitude policy.” The private school teachers are motivated
like ‘thank you’, ‘good job’, and ‘congratulations’ when the school policies include reward mechanism
keep them motivated. like giving certificates, awards, and plaques to
deserving faculty members. Benefits like scholarships
Tokens of Appreciation. It makes private faculty are also highly appreciated.
members happy when their efforts are being
appreciated through incentives, certificates and Care and support for teachers. Teachers in private
plaques. Participants suggested “to give certificate to schools are more likely to continue working in
performing teachers at the end of the school year.” environments that foster growth and care. Some of the
Receiving cash gifts is also a swell motivator. What a responses given in response to the question of what
joyous moment for them the school administrators school policy keeps them from leaving their current
provide food to celebrate finished events and well- school include: "their plans which are always
accomplished tasks. discussed with us," "they want the best for all
teachers," "the love and warmth being shown to us,"
Growth. This factor refers to the improvement the and "those that help us to be globally competitive
private school teachers have gained by attending teachers." Respondents like the lee-ways given to
seminars, participating in various school programs, teachers like giving the non-board passers to teach and

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1073-1084, Document ID: PEMJ405, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7424058, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

“when someone make a mistake they would give him helped me a lot especially during difficult time”; and
another chance.” “We are like close relatives who help and support one
another”, a workplace that resembles the nurturing and
Quality of Education. Private school teachers feel supportive characteristics of a family promotes loyalty
pride when their institutions have a good reputation of and retention.
producing competent learners. One participant replied,
“Yes, I see myself reaching my retirement age in this Work Security. Majority of the respondents perceives
institution because it has great stories of the successful that their jobs provide sense of security. This relate
teachers and students.” They are satisfied also when work security to occupational safety,
their schools are able to compete with other schools in
academic and non-academic contests. Occupational safety. “I feel safe every time I am at
school” is a response that summarizes the sense of
Relationship with Peers. Among the factors on safety the private school teachers feel about their
retention, harmonious relationship with colleagues is workplace. The respondents believed they are
identified as the main reason for the private school protected inside the school campus because of the
teachers to stay in their current schools. Participants security guards and CCTV cameras installed in
claim that their kind and appreciable co-teachers are strategic areas of the school. Furthermore, they believe
the source of their happiness and good vibes in the that they can trust each other for protection: “We are
workplace. A participant acclaimed, “My colleagues all safe and secure. The school has a security guard
are important to me because they are the one who and installed with CCTV cameras and of course we
inspires me to go to work every day.” The solidarity protect one another.”
makes their work much easier.
Social protection. Private school teachers may find
Camaraderie. The participants reported high work security in their relationship with colleagues and
appreciation to the mutual trust and friendship among school administrators. “I see myself that I will retire in
people they spend a lot of time together. Camaraderie this company because of how they treat me”; “I am
is a strong retention factor proved by these responses, very sure and secure with my job here. My directress
“Having teammates that I respect and trust, I feel and principal are very kind and understanding”; and “I
motivated to do my best,”; “We do not hesitate to feel safe because my co-teachers treat me as family”
share constructive criticism within the team and I show the sense of security the respondents have as a
believe that we help each other to grow both as result of their connections with co-teachers and school
professionals and as human beings”; and “My administrators.
colleagues help me even through the hardest part of
the job. That's why I'm very thankful.” These teachers Government mandatory contracts and benefits.
value the assistance they receive when they don't Some respondents relate work security with salary
comprehend some instructions, when they need to increase, employment contracts and benefits mandated
brush up on computer-related technical knowledge, or by law. They tend to stay to educational institutions
when they need to learn how to facilitate new teaching that comply with these.
approaches. A teacher described her colleagues as this:
“They are my friends. We help each other, we learn Relationship with supervisor. As motivational
from each other also. The respondents appreciate how reasons for private school teachers to stay on the job,
their co-teachers support and lift one another. “Even this factor is emphasized by a highly supportive
when co-teachers are busy, they always reach out to supervisor, mutual respect, and constructive criticism.
me”; “They are always ready to help”; and “They
always have open arms for me in times of need” are Supportive supervisors. Private school teachers who
responses that reflect how the private school teachers plan to continue working at their current institution
are motivated by their relationship with colleagues. praise their supervisors for being a good mentor and
approachable, saying that they are "always concerned
Being treated as family. Many respondents who about my current status and weekly ask me what else I
intend to continue rendering service in their current need for my students," "always at my back," "guiding
workplace described their colleagues as family and and helping me," “a friend that I can count on” and
their school a second home. Proved by responses like "supportive of me."
“My colleague here is very approachable not only
inside the school but also outside. We treat one another Mutual respect. The respondents express high regard
as family”; “They treat me well. They love me. They to the school authorities but also appreciate being

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1073-1084, Document ID: PEMJ405, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7424058, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

valued for who they are and what they bring to the century pupils."
institution. When conflicts arise, they want their
supervisors to talk to them in a nice and professional Work-related stress.“As a teacher, my work is an
way. If the topics are delicate, they prefer a private everyday battle where I should be prepared to fight a
meeting where they can only speak with the parties lot of struggles” is the sentiment of one of the
concerned. respondents. Participants find it difficult to do the
tasks they need to comply with every day. “I feel
Money. Although the participants uttered that they are overwhelmed with paperwork and deadlines” and
motivated more by other factors rather than money, “Having several assignments to complete at once,
many of them asserted that receiving a pay raise will meeting tight deadlines, and receiving too few
inspire them to remain at their current job. While half resources to properly handle responsibilities” are some
of the participants claimed that their salaries are of the stressful comments of the participants.
enough for their personal, day-to-day needs, the other
half admitted that they long for additional Teaching Various Subjects. “I am loaded with
compensation. different subjects,” one of the participants sadly
commented. Another reason why private school
Salary increase. Many participants suggested salary instructors might quit their jobs is that they are
increase and “to give the teachers the compensation required to teach a variety of subjects in different
that they deserve.” grade levels that have nothing to do with their area of
academic expertise.
Extra pay for extra work. Some participants
suggested additional pay for every hour of overload. Seeking Better Opportunities. Participants who
planned to leave their workplace want to explore other
Working Conditions. This refers to both social career opportunities aside from teaching. Some people
environment and physical conditions in the think their existing educational institutions won't be
workplace. able to give them the chances they want. One even
thinks that continuing in her current position would
Favorable social environment. Respondents highly prevent her from achieving the personal growth she
valued “a great atmosphere where love and desires. Another reason the private school teachers
compassion exist.” They appreciate open and honest plan to leave their existing jobs is to look for
communication among administrators and colleagues. employment in public schools.

Conducive physical conditions. Many respondents

decided to stay in their current workplace because of Conclusion
“the atmosphere that encourages teachers to perform
well.” They appreciate schools that are well-ventilated, The following conclusions were drawn from the study
conducive to learning and complete with facilities and results: First, this mixed method study explored and
equipment needed for teaching. examined the high attrition rate of private teachers and
their decision to stay when most of them are licensed,
The Factors that gave Job Dissatisfaction the professional teachers. Through the gathered data and
Private Teachers to Leave the School interviews, the researcher fully understood the
importance of having a retention program to each
Qualitative data gathered through interviews with the private school.
private school teachers generated themes pertaining to
the factors that make the respondents dissatisfied and Second, the study concluded that teachers who are
may cause them to leave their current workplace. being paid well, rewarded emotionally, have a good
relationship with supervisor and colleagues, and have a
Learning modalities due to the pandemic. The work-life balance have the motivation to stay in their
Covid-19 pandemic's effects on learning modalities current workplace. This result lead to a more in-depth
caused some private school teachers to have trouble analysis for this research to generate a retention
adjusting. They found it challenging to interact with program, objectives, and strategies for the private
the pupils while teaching online. One of the school.
participants testified that "there are challenges
encountered which demand a teacher to have plenty of Finally, the Retention Program that was derived from
tolerance and understanding in dealing with the 21st- this study could be usedby the private schools to

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Research Article

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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Schmitz, K. (2017). Why do private school teachers have such high
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Build-Up Knowledge Academy
Sergiovanni, T. (1966). Investigation of factors which affect job
satisfaction and job dissatisfaction of teachers. Journal of Manila, Philippines
Management. 28, 23-25.

Sumipo, J. (2020) Stay with me: Factors influencing teacher’s

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