Perceived Stress As Correlates To The Aggression Profile Among Drug Dependents: Basis For Enhanced Behavioral Management Program

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Volume: 6
Pages: 1130-1134
Document ID: 2022PEMJ411
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7430237
Manuscript Accepted: 2022-10-12
Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1130-1134, Document ID: PEMJ411, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7430237, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Perceived Stress as Correlates to the Aggression Profile Among Drug Dependents:

Basis for Enhanced Behavioral Management Program
Hazel Mae S. Arpia*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

This study determined that perceived stress correlates to the aggression profile among drug
dependents. Its result served as the basis for an enhanced behavioral management program. Perceived
stress was the feeling or thought that an individual has about how much stress he is under at a given
point in time or over a given time. Whereas, aggression is a behavior that involves a threat or action
that potentially or actually causes pain, withdrawal, or loss of resources. The researcher used the
descriptive- correlational method, as it was adopted to gather the data needed in determining the
relationship between perceived stress and aggression among drug dependents. The Perceived Stress
Scale (PSS) and Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) were used to measure the mentioned variables.
Based on the gathered data, results showed that the severity of stress of the respondents falls under
the moderate level; though the majority of the respondents have a high level of aggression. There is
also a significant relationship between stress and the aggression profile of drug dependents. With
these results, an enhanced behavioral management program was proposed.

Keywords: aggression, perceived stress, drug dependents, behavioral management program

Introduction drugs are regularly used to lessen the manifestations of

stress, which in some cases prompting substance
This study explored the perceived stress as correlates misuse and compulsion. Individuals who have
to the aggression profile among drug dependents for a encountered unpleasant circumstances may take this to
basis of an enhanced behavioral management program. the limit, utilizing liquor or drugs to dull tension and
Seen stress was the feelings, thoughts, or musings that other ongoing side effects of pressure, rapidly getting
an individual has about how much stressing factor they reliant upon the
are under at a given point on time or all through a
given time. Then again, aggression is a conduct that Managing stress is an imperative segment of the
includes a danger or activity that possibly or causes enslavement recuperation measure since it helps
torment, withdrawal, or loss of assets. While inside the people who use substances as a way of dealing with
Rehabilitation Center, stress and aggression both stress to discover a better source for pressure. By
dominatingly impact the conduct of a drug dependent. doing techniques to manage stress regularly, addicts
Stress altogether corresponds to animosity, which will be better prepared to deal with any tough spots
regularly results in infringement and rowdiness. that they may look for later on.
Hence, understanding the relationship of these two
factors significantly be gainful in aiding drug Persistent drug and liquor misuse may prompt reduced
dependents towards their recuperation. execution at work and school and affects people’s
capacity to keep up with sound relational connections.
Working in a Rehabilitation Center for more than 3 It can likewise add to a sensational decrease in mental
years, difficulty in controlling aggressive impulses of and actual wellbeing. In any case, quite possibly the
drug- dependent patients often resulted in frequent most ignored dangers encompassing long haul drug
violations of house rules. One of the major factors that and liquor misuse lie in the capability to lead to
aggravates the aggressive impulses of the patients was furious, silly, and conceivably vicious conduct in
due to stress that they experienced. Therefore, as a certain people who battle with the issue.
psychologist, it is considered as one of the major
problems that needs to be considered for treatment Research recommends that throughout the time liquor
aside from their drug dependence. and medications have been connected to outrage and
hostility. Alcohol, energizers like cocaine and
Addiction and stress frequently go connected at the methamphetamine, anabolic steroids, weed, and
hip. For the individuals who are managing significant various drugs have either been used to upgrade
degrees of stress in their day-by-day lives, liquor and abnormal energetic states or have been caught in the
precipitation of shock and hostility. Not only do huge

Hazel Mae S. Arpia 1130/1134

Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1130-1134, Document ID: PEMJ411, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7430237, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

quantities of the personality changing substances

debilitate understanding yet furthermore there is proof
that alcohol and drugs — through their ability to adjust
neurotransmitter levels change demeanor state. by the different rehabilitation institutions concerning
the necessary actions for their behavioral management
As the National Institute on Drug Abuse clarifies, program.
hostility is one of the conceivable results of certain
sorts of medications. The Mayo Clinic additionally
depicts how a few energizers can build an individual's
degree of forcefulness. Furthermore, talk about the
ways that utilizing certain drugs can prompt hostility Research Design
and vicious conduct. It clarifies that a few substances,
like liquor, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines, decline The research design used in this study is the
an individual's nervousness, which thus makes him Descriptive-Correlational method. It was adopted to
bound to partake in risky exercises. gather the data needed in determining the levels of
stress and aggression among drug dependents.
All things considered, not all addicts are violent, and Descriptive research illustrative exploration portrays
the individuals who are might be vicious just to what exists and may assist with uncovering new
themselves and not to other people. In any case, the realities and which means. It depends on quantitative
relationship between illicit drug use and viciousness is information accumulated from composed archives,
sufficient that anybody considering substance misuse individual meetings, test results, and overviews. The
treatment ought to be ready to address outrage, motivation behind expressive examination is to notice,
dissatisfaction, and different sentiments and practices depict, and record the parts of a circumstance as it
that can prompt savagery. Not exclusively do drugs normally happens. Likewise, the Correlational method
cause various indications, they cause various impacts was used in an attempt to seek the relationship
in various individuals. between the perceived stress and aggression among
drug dependents which served as the basis for the
The association between substance abuse and brutal Enhanced Behavioral Management Program.
conduct has been particularly detailed. For example,
one of the journals in substance abuse treatment saw Description of Respondents
that in the abundance of 75% of people who start
treatment for unlawful medication use report having The respondents of the study were 100 randomly
performed various showings of violence, including selected patients admitted at the Department of Health
(yet not limited to) ransacking, real assault, and using Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Taguig City. Out
a weapon to attack another person. Examining sexual of the total number of the sample of respondents, 37%
direction differentiates, the examination of alcohol and belonged to the 24-33 age group and 34% to the 34-43
meds tracked down that before searching for treatment age group. This demonstrates that a greater part of the
for substance abuse, the speed of horrendous exhibits respondents is in the early grown-up or grown-up
was basically pretty much as high as 72% among men years. Statistics suggests that the mean age of drug
and 50% among women. People evaluating treatment abusers is 31 years old and the initiation of drug use
were implied by family members considering awful starts in early adulthood (Dangerous Drugs Board,
lead finished while hindered. Also, researchers found 2016). Furthermore, with regards to the educational
that aggression between two people in a sincere or history, the majority of the respondents were at the
sexual relationship was "related with robust drinking high school level. Only 7% had vocational training;
scenes and cocaine use." college and elementary were 13% and 35%
Overall, the primordial goal of the study is to
determine stress as correlates to the aggression profile
among drug dependents which will serve as the basis Results and Discussion
for Enhanced Behavioral Management Program. This
study is a big help to the management of the
The study aimed to determine stress as correlates to
Department of Health Treatment and Rehabilitation
the aggression profile among drug dependents. It
Center, Taguig City for further implementation of their
program and additional intervention. Likewise, this
study will serve as the basis for future plans of action

Hazel Mae S. Arpia 1131/1134

Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1130-1134, Document ID: PEMJ411, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7430237, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

explicitly looked into the apparent pressure of the

respondents sorted into low, moderate, and significant
the high average level. This showed that respondents
degrees of perceived stress. Likewise, it dealt with the
had general control of truly forceful conduct and a
aggression profile and the significant relationship
somewhat normal capacity to control genuinely
between the perceived stress and the aggression profile
of the respondents. The result of this study served as forceful motivations. Also, they regularly express
the basis for developing an enhanced behavioral resentment in activities that keep away from a face-to-
management program. It utilized a descriptive design face showdown. They had an average degree of verbal
and correlational method. Simple random sampling aggression, which showed that respondents were
was employed in the study which led to the sample people who don't apparent themselves as contentious.
size of one hundred (100) respondents. Perceived Nonetheless, the hostility and indirect aggression of
Stress Scale (PSS) and Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) the respondents fell within the high level. This
were the instruments used to collect data. The gathered indicated that respondents were regularly connected
data were checked, tabulated, analyzed, and with the presence of peevishness, dissatisfaction,
interpreted using the frequency distribution and enthusiastic lability, and volatile motioning.
Pearson r for the correlation of the variables. Accordingly, the ramifications of heights on different
scales are amplified because the individual is in a
The severity of perceived stress of the respondents fell
condition of social distance and is not ready to
under the moderate level. This indicated that
consider the necessities or sensations of others.
respondents had an average amount of perceived
stress. No significant disturbance or negative
Table 3. Relationship of Stress and Aggression Profile
implications with regards to the stress.
of the Respondents
Table 1. Perceived Stress based on Mean Score

Majority of the respondents had a high average level

of aggression. This reports the respondents to have
relatively few but extreme intense angry or aggressive
episodes, as well as may have episodes that are less Enhanced Behavioral Management that focuses on
intense but relatively chronic. perceived stress and aggression profile was proposed.

Table 2. Aggression Profile based on Mean Score Behavioral Management Program

The severity of aggression of the respondents in terms

of different scales: both physical and anger fell under

Hazel Mae S. Arpia 1132/1134

Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 1130-1134, Document ID: PEMJ411, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7430237, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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