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Names: Ruiz Alva Eduardo Jesus

Level: Adavanced 06 American English

Not Is a surprise for all but I consider my father my really hero, He was available in my
wrong moments and for me it is too much, no just any family member would do that
can be my mom, but my dad is the support of my life, in spite of all many improperly
things that I maybe have made and I couldn´t avoid it, He covered me a lot of times.
One of things for which I forever will need of my father is in that moments where I
request the opinion or comments of another persons so he appears there, comes until
me and ask me;”what happen”, I tell him my dubts and aswers me with a testimony,
perhaps this happens more when I feel so bad or have the head down.
Also When I wanna go out to walk on the Street with my close Friends, my daddy and
me gonna where my mom for her to let me out, sometimes is difficult come out
without speak it good with her so my dad is there for me and accompanies, like that
how Peru has their inconditionals, my father always is in these cases.
For end I remember that one time, I took out bad califications in my english institute,
previously never I didn´t until that time, I recognized my mistake in front of him, just
know never has hitted me in my life since i have memory. We saw the released notes
and he he had paid my subsanation without my mom knowing, honestly my dad
covered for me several times
. Always will acknowledge him like my true hero…

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