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Ted Strauss
128 Av. Clermont, Montreal, QC, H2T2N1
(514) 475-2374


My 10 years of professional experience combines software development and social
sciences (psychology, linguistics, and education). I am also an accomplished artist, and try
to contribute creative ideas to any project. I work well independently and in a group, but
my preference is always to be part of a team. I am a strong communicator and attentive
manager. I give clear constructive criticism and positive feedback to my colleagues. My
goal is to find a challenging job with a successful company, where I can contribute to
exceptional projects as part of a team. I am a Canadian citizen.

Career achievements

Moss Rehabilitation Hospital, Aphasia Center, Philadelphia
Developed a web application for researchers to search and share data
related to language disability. Off-site contract.

Language Mate, New York City
Technical lead designing and implementing projects to bridge the
language gap in health care. Hired and managed off-site coders.

University of Connecticut, Department of Psychology
Research assistant for a professor studying the psychology of language:
computer models, psych. experiments, research, and writing.

Columbia University, Department of Psychology, New York City
Research assistant for same professor as above.

Universitt Bremen, Department of Linguistics, Germany
Research internship programming a language generation system.

MEMS Conference, Montreal & Berkeley
Executive director of international conference on microtechnology.



New School for Social Research. M.A. in psychology
Thesis: formal analysis of youths emotional writing on a self-help website

McGill University. B.A. in cognitive science (comp sci focus)
Thesis: computer modeling of French vowel pronunciation

Technical competency
Java, MySQL, PHP, Javascript, CSS, LISP, Tcl/Tk, Python, C, GUI, XML, XSD,
HTML, Apache, Server administration, JSON, various algorithms, Psyscope, Joomla,
Drupal, Moodle, Unix, Linux, E-Prime, eye-tracking hardware, Praat, ProTools, Cubase,
BIAS Peak, Max/MSP, Sound engineering, Photoshop, Flash
Software credits:,,

Publications, presentations, awards

Effect of representational distance between meanings on recognition of ambiguous
spoken words. (2010) Mirman, D., Strauss, T.J., Dixon, J.A., and Magnuson, J.S.
Cognitive Science, 34(1), 161-173.
jTRACE : A reimplementation and extension of the TRACE model of speech perception
and spoken word recognition. (2007) Strauss, T.J., Harris, H.D., & Magnuson,
J.S. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers. Psychonomic Society
Beyond Monosyllables: Word Length and Spoken Word Recognition. Strauss, T.J., &
Magnuson, J.S. 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Washington,
D.C. 2008.
Effect of global context on homophone ambiguity resolution. Mirman, D., Magnuson,
J.S., Strauss, T.J., & Dixon, J.A. 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
Washington, D.C.. 2008.
Teasing apart phonotactic probability and neighborhood density in spoken word
recognition. Mental Lexicon Conference. Strauss, T.J., & Magnuson, J.S. Montreal,
Integration of visual context in spoken word recognition: Homophones and the visual
world. Mental Lexicon Conference. Mirman, D., Strauss, T.J., & Magnuson, J.S.
Montreal, 2006.
Speech Perception: Linking Computational Models and Human Data. Strauss, T.J.,
Mirman, D., & Magnuson, J.S. 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
Vancouver, Canada. 2006. (6 hour tutorial)
Interaction in Spoken Word Recognition Models : Feedback helps. James S. Magnuson,
T.J. Strauss, Harlan D. Harris. Psychonomic Society 46th Annual Meeting. Toronto,
Canada. 2005.
NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship; $34,000. 2007
NSF Grant # BCS0447025, travel award; $1,000. 2005

Arts and music
Lifelong music and art practice. Most recently created and performed in The Duck Wife,
an award winning dance rock opera that toured Canada. Artistic resume available.

Aitist statement
I leaineu fiom my gianufathei at a young age that ait anu science aie peifectly
complementaiy appioaches to living, anu have followeu both paths believing that
the most exciting iesults happen in uialogue. I biing music, peifoimance, anu visual
aits togethei with knowleuge anu methous fiom psychology, anthiopology, cultuial
histoiy anu othei social sciences. The social sciences pioviue inspiiation anu
contextualization foi my aitistic piactice. The cieative expiession of scientific iueas
opens up an exciting uialogue with my scientific colleagues.

!"#$%&'()*+,'-)*#./+01)*.+12+3#$&14&+3$#,'& (2u11)
An album of oiiginal acoustic music set to lyiics fiom the plays anu poetiy of
Beitolu Biecht. Nusicians: Bave Quanbuiy (guitais), }osh Zubot (fiuule), Nicole
NcBonalu (cello), Ronalu Feathei (peicussion).

uuitaiist, vocalist, anu composei with oiiginal Rock banu uiub Animal, with
influences in punk, new wave, anu classic iock. SS total peifoimances in New
Yoik City iegion, Nyitle Beach, Niami, Nontieal, 0ttawa, Toionto, Eumonton.
Banu mates: Alex Rau, Ranua Eiu, Biian Abbott.
2uu9 - 5$67+8)(9-4:+4S minutes (self-titleu album)
2u1u - ;'#+<6,=+>(2#:+Su minutes
Sounu uesign anu peifoimance foi an expeiimental shauow play set in colonial
times. Peifoimeu Apiil 2uu9 at Scaiamouche ualleiy, New Yoik City. }essica Segal
NFA, aitistic uiiectoi.

Commanu post of the futuie (2uu8)
Sounu uesign anu puppeteei foi expeiimental puppet play about the influence of
ieligious themes on conseivative politics in the 0.S. Peifoimeu Apiil 2uu8 at the
Tiny Theatie Festival, Biick Theatei, Biooklyn, NY. }essica Segal NFA, aitistic

Nusic anu sounu uesign foi expeiimental theatie piece baseu on life of Naiy
Shelley. Peifoimeu at Bysteiia Festival, Toionto, 2uu7. Anna Leventhal, Taliesen
NcEnany, uiiectoispeifoimeis.

;()+B46&#+0&6@(1 (2uuS-2uu7)!!
0wneu anu opeiateu a music iecoiuing stuuio in St. Benii, Nontieal. Clients weie
inuepenuent musicians in a wiue iange of styles.

C1)&-*#+D1#&$%+E16$)-4 (2uuS)
An inteiuisciplinaiy collaboiation between music anu liteiatuie. The woik
consisteu of iecoiueu poetiy set to musical compositions anu sounu uesign. The
iesulting CB was packageu with the jouinal. Publisheu 2uuS. Rachel Bempsey,
Beiiuie Cousins (jouinal euitois)

Aitistic uiiectoi, composei anu banu leauei foi this 'uance iock opeia' auaptation
of an Inuit folk tale. The 1-houi show featuies a live banu, a S membei uance
tioupe, anu full setcostumelighting uesign. The show touieu 4 Canauian cities
in summei 2u1u, anu ieceiveu ciitical acclaim anu populai success. 1S peison
piouuction team.

K'$1)1"(@#1*$-L'%+MNO+ (2uu9-piesent)
Expeiimental viueo woiks piesenteu as an installation. Chionoviueogiaphy aims
to visually iepiesent natuial psychological & physiological piocesses thiough
viueo. The teim K'$1)1"(@#1*$-L'% is inspiieu by Fiench physiologist Etienne-
}ules Naiey, who useu photogiaphy to stuuy animal locomotion in the late 187us.
Collaboiatois: Pablo Rouiiguez (uiiectoi of photogiaphy), Anueis Yates (actoi),
Baniela Canuillaii (actoi), }enn Boan (uancei).

Kitikmeot Beiitage Society is a cultuial oiganization baseu in Cambiiuge Bay,
Nunavut whose manuate is to pieseive anu piesent the cultuial heiitage of Inuit
people fiom the Kitikmeot iegion. I was hiieu as a ieseaichei anu auuio engineei
foi a pioject ueuicateu to Inuit Bium Bance music. Recoiuings weie maue with
1u elueis, to iesult in a music CB, multi-lingual book, anu exhibition.

D.%,'141*%+12+4-)*6-*# (1998-piesent)
Completing a mastei's uegiee in psychology on the topic of theiapeutic wiiting
by teenageis. 8 yeais ieseaich on the psychology of woiu peiception. S jouinal
publications; 1u confeience piesentations.
2uuS. Ncuill 0niveisity, B.A. fiist class honouis in Cognitive Science. Ninoi in music
2u11. New School foi Social Reseaich (New Yoik City), N.A. in Psychology.
1u yeais of classical music tiaining fiom Royal Conseivatoiy of Nusic, Winnipeg.

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