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2016 IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Electronics Engineering (UPCON)

Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi, India, Dec 9-11, 2016

Optimum Coordination of Overcurrent Relays Using

the Modified Jaya Algorithm

P. P. Bedekar P. N. Korde
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Govt. College of Engineering G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology
Amravati, India Pune, India
e-mail: bedekar_pp@rediffmail.com n_pragati25@rediffmail.com

Abstract—Application of modified Jaya algorithm for constrained linear programming problem (LPP) [2, 3]. Several
determining the optimum time multiplier setting (TMS) and plug methods, like simplex, two phase simplex, revised simplex,
setting (PS) of overcurrent relays (OCRs) is presented in this big-M, dual simplex, GA, PSO etc., have been proposed to
paper. The OCR time coordination is of great importance as it solve this problem [2-13].
reduces the power outages by avoiding the backup relays to mal-
operate. For this, the OCRs should have PS and TMS values set If the optimum values of both PS and TMS are calculated
to their optimum values. Setting the PS and TMS of OCRs to then the problem becomes a constrained nonlinear
their optimum values can be formulated as a constrained non- programming problem [14]. Several methods have been used
linear optimization problem. The objective is to find the value of to calculate the optimum value of these parameters of OCRs
PS and TMS of OCRs so as to make the time of operation of which reduces the total operating time of relays while
relays as minimum as possible. This is to be achieved under the maintaining the coordination between them. Hybrid GA-Non
constraint of maintaining the coordination of relays.
linear programming method has been proposed in [15]. A
Jaya algorithm is a recently proposed simple optimization review of OCR coordination has been presented in [16, 17].
technique which can be used for solving the constrained This paper suggests a simple modification in the original
optimization problems. The main contribution of this paper is Jaya algorithm and then presents application of modified Jaya
modification in the original Jaya algorithm and application of algorithm for determine the value of PS and TMS of OCRs
modified Jaya algorithm to determine the values of PS and TMS which are optimum. Jaya algorithm is a recently proposed,
of OCRs, which are optimum. The results are compared with the powerful optimization method, using which the constrained
results obtained using genetic algorithm (GA). It has been shown optimization problems can be solved easily [18, 19]. This
that the modified Jaya algorithm outperforms the GA. Also it is algorithm is based on the concept that solution obtained in any
shown that the problem can be decomposed in parts to reduce the iteration should move nearer to the best solution and at the
complexity without loss of accuracy. same time should move away from the worst solution.
Keywords— Backup protection; Constrained optimization; The penalty method has been used to incorporate the
Overcurrent relay coordination; Jaya algorithm; Modified Jaya constraints in the objective function. The algorithm has been
algorithm; Genetic algorithm tested successfully on many systems and in this paper two of
them are presented.
Power system protection plays vital role in the power
system stability. Overcurrent protection is the main protection The problem of finding the optimum value of PS and
provided to sub-transmission and distribution systems. It is TMS of OCRs, can be stated as a non-linear optimization
used as backup protection to transmission systems [1]. The problem. The objective function of relay coordination, is
main purpose of primary relay is to protect the system against stated as follows [3-7],
faults within its primary zone, but primary relay fails to i.e.,
operate then backup should give tripping command to the min f ¦W n
.t n , k
n 1
associated circuit breaker. The relays must have proper
coordination so that there should not be any maloperation.
This can be done by calculating the operating time of relays, r: total relays,
properly. The relay operating time depends on its TMS and tn,k : is the time of operation of relay Rn for k as fault point,
PS. So main aim of researchers is to select suitable values of and
these settings of relays so that overall time of relay operation Wn: weight to be assigned for operating time for relay Rn
should reduce, and simultaneously there should be Since distribution systems have all the lines of
coordination with other relays. approximately same length and the lines are short, value 1 is
assigned to weight for all relays [2].
Determination of optimum values of TMS, considering The objective of minimizing the total operating time of
predetermined and fixed values of PS, can be formulated as
relays is to be achieved under four sets of constraints [15]

978-1-5090-5384-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 479

A. Coordination Criteria of Relays E. Relays Characteristics
When fault takes place, primary and backup relay There are different types of OCRs, having different types
simultaneously sense the fault. Mal-operation can be avoided, of characteristics as given in equation (6)
by making an arrangement such that backup relay will operate The operating time of OCRs is given as:
only if the primary relay fails. Considering the fault to be at D ( TMS ) (6)
point k, and Rm and Rn are the primary and backup relay op
( PSM )
respectively, then the constraint to give proper coordination is where,
stated as top: operating time of relay, and
t n ,k  t m ,k t ' t (2)
PSM: plug setting multiplier.
where, for fault at k
t m , k is the time of operation of Rm, The α, β constant details are given in Table I [1, 10, 15,
t n , k is the time of operation of Rn,

' t is the selective time interval (STI) TABLE I

B. Bounds on Relay Operating Time
OCR type D E
The relays can’t have operating time less than a particular
value and more than another particular value. This can be Instantaneous Fixed Operating time.
written in the form of constraint as Definite Time Pre-calculated and fixed operating
t n , m in d t n , k d t n , m ax (3) time
Inverse Definite 0.14 0.02
where, Minimum Time
t n , m in is the lower bound on the time of operation of relay at (IDMT)
location n for fault in its primary zone Very Inverse 13.5 1
Extremely 80 2
t n , m ax is the upper bound on the time of operation of relay at
location n for fault in its primary zone
C. Bounds on TMS of Relays
Jaya algorithm is simple and powerful optimization
The relays can’t have TMS less than a particular value algorithm which is based on the principle that the solution in
and more than another particular value. This can be written in any iteration moves nearer to the best solution and at the same
the form of constraint as time moves away from the worst solution. The common
TMS n , m in d TMS n d TMS n , m ax (4) control parameters are used in this algorithm [16, 17]. It starts
where, for relay Rn with a user defined population size (number of probable
candidate solutions). To convert the problem in to an
TMS n , m in is the lower bound on relay TMS unconstrained optimization problem, the penalty method is
TMS is the upper bound on relay TMS used. Value of objective function corresponding to each
n , m ax
probable solution is found out, and the best solution and worst
TMS n , m ax
and TMS n , m in
can be chosen as 1.2 and 0.025 solution are identified. Using these best and worst solutions,
and respectively [20]. other solutions are modified. Unlike the other modern and
nature inspired algorithms which use only the best solution/s
D. Bounds on PS of Relays to obtain new solution, Jaya algorithm uses both the worst and
Like TMS, the relays can’t have PS less than a particular the best solutions to find the new solution. Thus, the algorithm
limit and more than another particular limit. This can be always tries to move towards the best solution and
written in the form of constraint as simultaneously tries to increase the distance from the worst
PS n , m in d PS n d PS n , m ax (5)
A. Algorithm
where, for relay Rn
The steps of the Jaya algorithm are as below:
PS n , m in is the lower bound on relay PS
01. Start
PS n , m ax
is the upper bound on relay PS 02. Initialize size of population, number of design
variables and specify the criteria to terminate the
PS n , m ax
and PS n , m in
can be selected as below [20] algorithm
1.25 * maximum load current ≤ PS, and 03. In the current population find the best and worst
(2/3)* minimum fault current ≥ PS solutions
04. Using the best and worst solutions, find the new
05. If the new solution is better than the previous solution

Then new solution should be considered for next A. Illustration I
iteration A radial system is considered with two IDMT directional
Else keep the same (previous) solution OCRs. The same is shown in Fig. 1.
06. Is the stopping criteria satisfied
If yes, jump to step 07
If no, jump to step 03 B
07. Display the optimum solution
08. Stop Fig. 1. A simple radial system

The solution is modified (as mentioned in step 04) using the 1) Problem Formulation: Table II shows CT ratio,
following formula [4, 5]: minimum fault current, maximum fault current and maximum
load current, for the relays RA and RB.
mod ified
j , k ,i
X j , k ,i
 r 1 j ,i ( X j , best , i
 X j , k ,i
)  r2 j ,i
(X j , worst , i
 X j , k ,i
) (7)
where, Xj,k,i is the value of the variable j of solution k in
iteration i; Xj,best,i is the value of the variable j for best solution Relay Max. fault Min. fault Max. load CT Ratio
current current current (A / A)
in iteration i; Xj,worst,i is the value of the variable j for worst (A) (A) (A)
solution in the iteration i; r1j,i and r2j,i are random numbers for RA 4000 1000 300 600 / 1
variable j in iteration i. These random numbers should be in RB 3000 1000 100 200 / 1
the range [0, 1].
B. Suggested Modification For each relay the operating time (minimum) was considered
as 0.2 s and the selective time interval (STI) was taken as 0.57
MATLAB code has been developed for application of s. Table III shows the current through the secondary of the CT
Jaya algorithm to solve relay coordination problem. While associated with the relays.
applying Jaya algorithm for relay coordination problem it was
found that in some iteration, the modified value of few TABLE III
variables (as calculated using equation 7) for some candidate CURRENT SEEN BY THE RELAYS
solutions, do not follow the lower or upper bound. In this
Fault point Relay
situation the algorithm moves far away from the optimum
solution and does not give feasible solution (as the values of Just after bus A 6.667 A --
few variables for one or more candidate solutions are not Just after bus B 5A 15 A
within the specified range). A small and simple modification
in the Jaya algorithm is suggested in this paper to tackle this Considering x 1 and x 2 as TMS of relay RA and RB
situation. The modification is “if the value of any variable in
any iteration for any candidate solution violates the specified respectively, and x 3 and x 4 as PS of relay RA and RB, the
bound then it is set to be equal to its limit value”. This step is problem can be written as –
to be introduced between step 04 and step 05 of the algorithm 0 . 14 x 1 0 . 14 x 1 0 . 14 x 2 (8)
min z  
given in part A. The step is as below: 6 . 667 x3
0 . 02
1 5 x3
0 . 02
1 15 x4
0 . 02

If X
mod ified
j , k ,i
< (Xj)min then X
mod ified
j , k ,i
= (Xj)min Subject to,
0 . 14 x 1
t 0 .2
If X
mod ified
j , k ,i
> (Xj)max then X
mod ified
j , k ,i
= (Xj)max 6 . 667 x3
0 . 02
0 . 14 x 1 (10)
This small modification makes drastic improvement in the t 0 .2
5 x3
0 . 02
performance of the Jaya algorithm.
0 . 14 x 2
t 0 .2 (11)
0 . 02

Jaya algorithm with suggested modification was used to 0 . 14 x 1 0 . 14 x 2 (12)

 t 0 . 57
find the optimum values of PS and TMS of OCRs. A program, 5 x3
0 . 02
1 15 x4
0 . 02
in MATLAB, was developed for the same. Various cases were
0 . 025 d x 1 d 1 . 2 (13)
tested using the program and it was found to give correct
result in all cases. In this paper, two typical cases are 0 . 025 d x 2 d 1 . 2 (14)
presented. 0 . 625 d x 3 d 1 . 111 (15)
Details of application of modified Jaya algorithm to find 0 . 625 d x 4 d 3 . 333 (16)
the optimum OCR coordination is presented for first case
(illustration I). Problem in case II (illustration II) has been Equations (9), (10), and (11) give the minimum operating time
solved in the similar manner. constraint, (12) gives the coordination constraint, (13), and
(14) give the bounds on TMS, and (15), and (16) give the

bounds on PS. This is a nonlinear programming (NLP)
problem, with four variables (x1 to x4). The optimum value of
these variables is to be found out satisfying the constraints
given by equation (9) to (16)
2) Application of Modified Jaya Algorithm: For applying
modified Jaya algorithm to this problem, the problem is first
written as an unconstrained optimization problem. For this the
penalty method is used.
The TMS bounds, given by equations (13) and (14), are
taken as the upper and lower limit of the variables x1 and x2, Fig. 3: TMS and PS of relays corresponding to best candidate solution
and the PS bounds, given by equations (15) and (16), are taken against iteration
as the upper and lower limit of the variables x3 and x4; in the
modified Jaya algorithm program. 4) Comparison with GA: Global optimum solution is
Penalty method has been applied to incorporate the relays obatined by GA in most cases, but randomness in the process
operating time constraints [equations (9) to (11)], the of GA, causes the it to converge at local mimimum. For
coordination constraint [equation (12)] and the relay comparing the results of the modified Jaya algorithm with
characteristic constraints in the objective function [15] and those obtained using GA, the same problem was solved using
thus the problem is converted in to unconstrained optimization GA. It is observed that we do get values close to the optimum
problem. A positive large number is used as penalty because values in many trials, however in some trials GA converges
the objective is to minimize the function. Modified Jaya away from the optimum solution. The shown is in Fig. 4.
algorithm was then applied to this problem. 50 candidate
solutions were considered and the candidate solutions were
modified using equation (7) with the suggested modification.

3) Results: 100 iterations of the algorithm were performed.

The optimum PS and TMS values are as under –
TMS1 = 0.1682 PS1 = 1.1110
TMS2 = 0.0939 PS2 = 0.6250
In each iteration the value of objective function for the
solution (corresponding to best candidate) obtained is stored
and plotted in Fig. 2. The optimum value of the objective
function is found to be 1.61725 (obtained in approximately 60 Fig. 4: PS and TMS of relays (best values) against iterations of GA
iterations). In this trial the values of PS and TMS obtained are as
below –
TMS1 = 0.2462 PS1 = 0.6250
TMS2 = 0.0480 PS2 = 3.0038
It gives the objective function value of 1.7282 (which is
not optimal).
After performing many trials for each problem, it is found
that the modified Jaya algorithm always converges to the same
and optimum value. Thus it can be said that, the modified Jaya
algorithm outperforms the GA technique.

Fig. 2: Value of objective function corresponding to best solution B. Illustration II

A single end fed, with six OCRs, shown in Fig. 5, was
Fig. 3 shows the values (best) of PS and TMS of relays considered. OCR 1 and 6 are taken as non-directional and
during different iterations of the algorithm. All the constraints other OCRs are taken as directional. It is a multi loop system
are satisfied by the values of PS and TMS obtained. The as different configurations are formed depending on the fault
minimum operating time (for any fault location) is obtained point.
and also the proper coordination is ensured.

The optimized values of PS and TMS are obtained and
Bus 1
shown below –
1 6 TMS1 = 0.0765 PS1 = 0.5000
TMS2 = 0.0250 PS2 = 0.2000
TMS3 = 0.0250 PS3 = 1.7305
TMS4 = 0.0250 PS4 = 2.0110
2 Bus 2
C TMS5 = 0.0025 PS5 = 0.2000
Load TMS6 = 0.0665 PS6 = 0.5000
(200 A)
B The objective function value is found to be 3.2035 (1.5669 for
part I and 1.6366 for part II).
4 5 Objective function value for the best candidate solution in
Bus 3 each iteration, for part I, is shown in Fig. 6 and the same for
part II is shown in Fig. 7. The values of PS and TMS of relays
(300 A) 1, 3 and 5 for the best solution, obtained during different
iterations of the algorithm are shown in Fig. 8, and the same
Fig. 5. A distribution system with six OCRs for relays 2, 4 and 6 are shown in Fig. 9.
The source is taken to be of 25 MVA, 11 kV. The source In this case also, all the constraints are satisfied by the
impedance is taken as (0+j 0.25) pu. Base kV and base MVA obtained values of PS and TMS. The relay operating time is
are taken as 11 and 25 respectively. The impedance of the two minimized for any fault location and the proper coordination is
lines (bus 1 to bus 2 , and bus 2 to bus 3) is taken as (0+j 0.3) also ensured.
pu. And the impedance of the line connected between bus 1
and 3 is taken as (0+j 0.7) pu. The line charging admittance
and the load currents during fault were neglected. Table IV
shows the relationships of relays (primary-backup). Table V
shows the maximum and minimum fault current, maximum
load current and CT ratio.

Fault Primary Backup

point relay relay
A 1 --
2 4
4 6 Fig. 6: Value of objective function for the best solution (Illustration II–Part I)
B 3 1
4 6
C 6 --
5 3
3 1


Relay CT ratio IL,max If,min If,max

(A / A) (A) (A) (A)
1 600 : 1 300 604.92 3033.2
2 100 : 1 -- 342.60 395.63 Fig. 7: Value of objective function for the best solution (Illustration II–Part II)
3 200 : 1 100 604.92 1576.6
4 100 : 1 -- 342.60 834.7
5 100 : 1 -- 604.92 698.5
6 400 : 1 200 342.60 1895.8

In this problem the time of operation of relays 1, 3 and 5,

is found to be independent of the time of operation of relays 2,
4 and 6, for fault at any point. Hence it is easily possible to
decompose the problem into two parts. First part consists of
optimizing the value of PS and TMS of relays 1, 3 and 5, and
in the second part the value of PS and TMS of relays 2, 4 and
Fig. 8: PS and TMS of relays 1, 3 and 5 corresponding to best candidate
6 are optimized. These two parts were solved independently.
solution against iteration
This reduces the complexity of the problem.

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