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CONTENT TITLE: Different Types of Readers, Which One Are You?

UPLOAD DATE: Friday, 26 June 2020

Different Types of Readers, Which One Are You?
Do you stay up all night to finish a book or do you only read few pages a day? Everyone has a
distinct reading personality. Here’s some types of book readers, find yours!
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1. The Bedtime Booker
They find it relaxing to read before bedtime. Reading books at the same hour everyday
whenever you find it difficult to fall asleep, and will probably stop when you are stuck
between lines because of drowsiness.
2. The Weekend Warrior
This type of readers read for pleasure on a weekend or holiday. So they enjoy their time
reading the book and don’t rush to finish it.
3. The Note-Taker
They might have difficulties understanding the passage so they take notes and reread it
after finishing a chapter. Taking notes can be a great way to process information and
reflect on our own thoughts.
4. The Fickle Reader
The fickle readers tend to get bored easily, so they move on to whatever scenes that
catches their eye.
5. The Shy Reader
This type of readers loves to read. They read for their own pleasure and don’t really talk
about it to anyone. Nor they join any book clubs or any other social media platform.
These distinct personalities of book reader affected on how long we will finish it and how we are
going to talk about the book. Do you have your own way of reading books? Tell us on the
comment section!

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