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Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:189

Analyzing the effects of urban expansion on land surface

temperature patterns by landscape metrics: a case study
of Isfahan city, Iran
Maliheh Madanian & Ali Reza Soffianian &
Saeid Soltani Koupai & Saeid Pourmanafi &
Mehdi Momeni

Received: 10 October 2017 / Accepted: 19 February 2018

# Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

Abstract Urban expansion can cause extensive chang- covered 15% of the total area in 1985, while this value
es in land use and land cover (LULC), leading to chang- had been increased to 30% in 2015. Then LST zoning
es in temperature conditions. Land surface temperature maps were created, indicating that the bare land and
(LST) is one of the key parameters that should be impervious surfaces categories were dominant in high
considered in the study of urban temperature conditions. temperature zones, while in the zones where water was
The purpose of this study was, therefore, to investigate present or NDVI was high, LST was low. Then, the
the effects of changes in LULC due to the expansion of landscape metrics in each of the LST zones were ana-
the city of Isfahan on LST using landscape metrics. To lyzed in relation to the LULC changes, showing that
this aim, two Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 images, which LULC changes due to urban expansion changed such
had been acquired, respectively, on August 2, 1985, and landscape properties as the percentage of landscape,
July 4, 2015, were used. The support vector machine patch density, large patch index, and aggregation index.
method was then used to classify the images. The results This information could be beneficial for urban planners
showed that Isfahan city had been encountered with an to monitor and manage changes in the LULC patterns.
increase of impervious surfaces; in fact, this class
Keywords Urban expansion . Land use/land cover
change . Land surface temperature . Landscape metrics .
M. Madanian : A. R. Soffianian (*) : S. S. Koupai : Isfahan
S. Pourmanafi
Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of
Technology, Isfahan 8415683111, Iran
e-mail: Introduction
M. Madanian
e-mail: In 1950, 30% of the world’s population lived in urban
areas. It is expected that by 2050, this will have reached
S. S. Koupai to 66%. Urban expansion in Africa and Asia is faster
e-mail: than other parts of the world, and it is predicted to
S. Pourmanafi become 56 and 64% by 2050, respectively. Continued
e-mail: urbanization is expected to add 2.5 billion people to the
urban population of the world by 2050, with nearly 90%
of the increase being concentrated in Asia and Africa
M. Momeni
Remote Sensing Division, Geomatic Engineering, University of (United Nations 2014).
Isfahan, Isfahan 8174673441, Iran Although urban expansion and industrialization im-
e-mail: prove the people’s quality of life, they can also cause
189 Page 2 of 11 Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:189

many problems, such as global warming, air pollution, et al. 2013; Xie et al. 2013; Zhou et al. 2011, 2014; Li
and industrial wastes (Memon et al. 2008). Urban et al. 2013; Liu and Weng 2008, 2009).
growth has changed the biophysical environment. This LULC patterns have two fundamental aspects: com-
phenomenon, by substituting soil and vegetation with position (the abundance and variety of land cover clas-
impervious surfaces such as asphalt and buildings, has ses) and configuration (the spatial arrangement or dis-
affected Albedo and surface runoff water characteristics; tribution of land cover classes) (Turner 2005). The com-
this has, therefore, significantly influenced the processes position and configuration of LULC types can greatly
of the surface-atmospheric energy exchange at the local affect the magnitude of LST (Zhou et al. 2011). The
and regional scales (Lo and Quattrochi 2003). Changes spatial patterns of the landscape components, including
in ecological conditions caused by urban expansion, the size and shape of the patch, the shape of the build-
such as watershed pollution, biodiversity loss, and cli- ings, and the spatial configuration of the LST, are af-
mate change, can all affect the local and global ecosys- fected (Weng 2009; Zhou et al. 2011). Therefore, an
tem services, ultimately influencing their ability to sus- accurate evaluation of the spatial patterns and temporal
tain the urban population and its infrastructure. Human changes is essential in order to better understand the
activities have largely contributed to the fragmentation dynamics of spatial patterns and land surface processes
of urban landscapes (Alberti and Marzluff 2004; and their relationships in heterogeneous landscapes (Wu
Keshtkar and Voigt 2016). et al. 2000).
Remote sensing data, due to the provision of time- The main objective of this study was, therefore, to
sequential observations, can have a great potential for investigate the effects of LULC changes due to urban
studying the urban surface energy budget, as well as expansion on LST using landscape metrics. This study
spatial patterns and time dynamics of urban thermal was conducted in Isfahan city, Isfahan province, Iran,
landscapes (Weng 2009). The thermal remote sensing which has experienced urban expansion and population
data can also be used to examine the patterns, processes, growth in the last decades.
and changes in the landscape in order to quantify the
energy and flow exchanges (Quattrochi and Luvall
1999). Land surface temperature (LST), which is de- Study area
rived from thermal infrared (TIR) data, is one of the key
parameters in the physics of ground surface processes The study area was the city of Isfahan, in Isfahan prov-
on a regional and global scale; it involves interactions ince, Iran, with an area of 57,265.2 ha, covering 15
between surface-atmosphere and energy flow between municipalities (Fig. 1). Elevations in the city varied
the atmosphere and the earth (Wan 1999). LST and from at least 1550 m above sea level around Zayandeh
emissivity data can be useful in environmental and Rood River to a maximum of 1650 m at the higher
climate studies of the city, especially for the study of elevations. The population of Isfahan was increased
the urban heat island (UHI), and the relationship be- from 986,753 in 1986 to 1,756,126 in 2011 (Statistical
tween LST and surface energy fluxes, in order to exam- Center of Iran 2011). The average temperature of the
ine the characteristics, patterns, and processes of the city in July, 2015, was 29.31 °C (Iran Meteorological
landscape (Quattrochi and Luvall 1999). Organization).
Land use and land cover (LULC) types are associated
with the properties of urban thermal condition (Liu and
Weng 2008; Weng et al. 2004; Voogt and Oke 1997). Data and methods
LULC patterns play an important role in determining
ecosystem functions and representing the in situ land- The data used in this study consisted of two Landsat 5
scape patterns (Bain and Brush 2004). Although many and Landsat 8 images acquired, respectively, on August
LULC types affect LST in the urban environment, veg- 2, 1985, and July 4, 2015. Images had been already
etation abundance and impervious surfaces are consid- rectified by USGS with an acceptable RMSe; however,
ered as the most effective determinants (Zhou et al. the images were matched to ensure their accuracy. Ra-
2014). In recent years, several studies have examined diometric and atmospheric calibration was conducted by
the effects of different LULC types on LST patterns, the Chavez’s Cos(t) method (Chavez 1996) prior to
using the landscape metrics (Weng et al. 2007; Zhang image classification. To calculate the normalized
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:189 Page 3 of 11 189

Fig. 1 The study area. The location of Isfahan province in Iran (left). Landsat 8 OLI image of the city of Isfahan on July 4, 2015 (right)

difference vegetation index (NDVI), the top-of- harvested agricultural land, bare land, water, and road
atmosphere (TOA) reflectance was used. A supervised (Fig. 2). The overall accuracy of the 1985 and 2015
non-parametric support vector machine (SVM) method maps was more than 85%. Categories of impervious
was applied to generate LULC maps. Due to its ability surfaces and road were merged for further analysis.
to use a small set of training areas and often the creation
of classified maps with higher accuracy, SVM is of Derivation of LST and identification of LST zones
special interest in remote sensing in comparison to the
traditional methods (Mantero et al. 2005). In this re- In order to derive LST maps, Landsat 5 band 6 (10.40–
search, by using this technique, LULC maps were cre- 12.50 μm) and Landsat 8 band 10 (10.60–11.19 μm)
ated in six classes of impervious surfaces, vegetation, were used, with a spatial resolution of 120 and 100 m,

Fig. 2 Land use/land cover (LULC) maps on August 2, 1985, and July 4, 2015
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respectively. The thermal bands of the Landsat images characteristics of each LST zone. Figure 3 shows land
had been resampled by USGS to a 30-m resolution. surface temperature zones in 1985 and 2015.
First, the digital number (DN) of the thermal bands
was converted to spectral radiance and then to the at-
Landscape metric calculation
satellite brightness temperature in Kelvin. Since the
temperature obtained from this step was related to the
In this study, landscape metrics including the percentage
black body, corrections for spectral emissivity were
of landscape (PLAND), aggregation index (AI),
required. Therefore, the thresholding NDVI method
Shannon’s diversity index (SHDI), large patch index
was applied based on the method presented by Valor
(LPI), and patch density (PD) were calculated using
and Caselles (1996). This method has been applied by
the FRAGSTATS software (McGarigal and Marks
several researchers (Leo et al. 2016; Zhang and Wang
1995). PLAND and SHDI are used to measure the
2008; Ghobadi et al. 2015). Finally, LST was calculated
composition of the landscape, and the aggregation index
using the following equation in Kelvin (Artis and
refers to the texture of the landscape (McGarigal 2015).
Carnahan 1982) and eventually converted to centigrade
The Shannon metric was selected to analyze the diver-
sity in the landscape. The PLAND, AI, and LPI metrics
were examined at the class level, and the SHDI, PD, and
LST ¼ AI metrics were analyzed at the landscape level. Table 2
1 þ ðλT B =αÞIn ε
displays the metrics used in this research. It is worth
noting that landscape metrics are sensitive to spatial
where LST is the land surface temperature in Kelvin, TB
scales (Turner 1990). In this research, Landsat images
refers to the effective at-sensor brightness temperature in
with a spatial resolution of 30 m were used.
Kelvin, λ stands for the wavelength of the emitted
radiance in meter (effective wavelength is 11.457 μm
and 10.904 μm for the thermal bands of Landsat 5 TM
and Landsat 8/band 10, respectively, based on Jiménez- Results and discussion
Muñoz et al. (2014)), ⍺ = 1.438 × 10−2 mK, and ε is the
surface emissivity. Comparison of the two LULC maps for the two dates
The zoning of the LST maps was done using the showed that during 1985–2015, the impervious surfaces
natural breaks method. This method is based on the in Isfahan have been approximately doubled, such that
assumption that the data are naturally classified into this class covered 15% of the total area in 1985, while
meaningful groups separated by breaks (Smith 1986). this value was increased to 30% in 2015. Part of this
Table 1 provides a summary of the statistical growth occurred in the agricultural lands, leading to the

Table 1 Summary statistics of the land surface temperature zones

Date LST zones Internal value (°C) Mean LST (°C) SD LST (°C) Mean NDVI Area (ha)

August 2, 1985 Zone 1 23.91–31.40 28.82 1.67 0.440 3098.88

Zone 2 31.40–36.91 34.69 1.55 0.282 8806.77
Zone 3 36.91–39.91 38.56 0.80 0.150 13,044.60
Zone 4 39.91–41.91 40.86 0.68 0.113 10,006.02
Zone 5 41.91–43.91 43.11 0.55 0.086 10,837.71
Zone 6 43.91–55.75 45.39 0.98 0.069 11,471.22
July 4, 2015 Zone 1 31.22–38.22 36.64 1.33 0.408 1321.02
Zone 2 38.22–40.72 39.80 0.65 0.197 5481.36
Zone 3 40.72–43.22 41.90 0.71 0.166 9083.97
Zone 4 43.22–47.22 45.24 1.16 0.161 11,815.56
Zone 5 47.22–51.22 49.42 1.15 0.121 16,778.07
Zone 6 51.22–56.87 52.64 1.10 0.083 12,785.22
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:189 Page 5 of 11 189

Fig. 3 Land surface temperature zones on August 2, 1985, and July 4, 2015

Table 2 Landscape metrics used in this study (McGarigal 2015)

Metrics Equation and description

Shannon’s diversity index m

(SHDI) SHDI ¼ − ∑ ðPi lnPi Þ
Landscape level i¼1
Pi = proportion of the landscape occupied by patch type (class) i
Patch density
(PD) PD ¼ NA ð10000Þ ð100Þ
Landscape level N = total number of patches in the landscape.A = total landscape area (m2).
(AI) g ii
AI ¼ ∑ max→g Pi ð100Þ
Class and landscape level i¼1
gii = number of like adjacencies (joins) between pixels of patch type (class) i based
on the single-count method.
max-gii = maximum number of like adjacencies (joins)
between pixels of patch type (class) i (see below) based on the single-count method.
Pi = proportion of landscape comprised of patch type (class) i.
Percentage of landscape area n
(PLAND) ∑ aij
Class level PLAND ¼ Pi ¼ j¼1A ð100Þ
Pi = proportion of the landscape occupied by patch type (class) i.
aij = area (m2) of patch ij.
A = total landscape area (m2).
Largest patch index
(LPI) n 
Class level max aij
LPI ¼ A ð100Þ
aij = area (m2) of patch ij.
A = total landscape area (m2).
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change in the use of these lands which was mostly surfaces on August 2, 1985, was 4.87 °C, while the
evident in the west and northwest of Isfahan. Vegetation difference was decreased on July 4, 2015, and the
(class 2 and class 3), which mostly included agricultural temperature of these two classes was approaching to
lands, was declined from 32.52% of the total area in each other; one of the reason could be the destruction
1985 to 22.68% in 2015 (Fig. 4 and Table 3). Changes in of massive gardens in the west and northwest of Isfahan,
the cultivation pattern and droughts were other reasons and their conversion to impervious surfaces; these lands
for this reduction. Another part of this growth was played an important role in cooling the area. Asgarian
related to the conversion of bare lands to impervious et al. (2015) found that the increase in the area of the
surfaces, such as the creation of residential towns in green space patches within the built-up area in the city of
southern Isfahan and the establishment and expansion Isfahan could lead to the decrease of the urban LST.
of industrial towns in the southeast and northwest of Natural vegetation and gardens in the west of Isfahan
Isfahan. Zayandeh Rood River was full of water on have a lower LST than the agricultural lands in the east
August 2, 1985, but on July 4, 2015, it only had water and north of Isfahan. The standard deviation value of
in parts of the city of Isfahan. Bare land category was 4.08 for this class could confirm that by different vege-
declined from 52.43% of the total area in 1985 to tation locations, there are different temperatures.
46.77% in 2015 (Table 3). Figure 5 shows the percentage of land cover and land
In this study, LULC patterns in these two dates were use (PLAND) in the LST zones, and Fig. 6 shows
analyzed. To this end, landscape metrics obtained from landscape metrics in these zones. PLAND is a measure
the analysis of LULC maps were used. Thermal zoning of the landscape composition, and it is important in
was done using the natural breaks method for both dates many ecological applications and comparison of the
(Fig. 3), leading to the creation of six temperature zones, landscapes of different sizes (McGarigal 2015). On
with all the zones having lower LST in 1985 than in August 2, 1985, the LST zone 1 was dominated by
2015. As shown in Table 4, the highest LST was exhib- vegetation, with 96% of this zone belonging to this
ited in the bare lands, harvested agricultural lands, and class, which mainly included agricultural lands in the
impervious surfaces, respectively, while the lowest LST west of Isfahan and green spaces around the river.
was observed in water, which was followed by vegeta- Zayandeh Rood River, which was more voluminous
tion. It should be noted that the LST of all LULC than July 4, 2015, was located in this zone. The high
categories was increased from 1985 to 2015. This was AI of vegetation in this zone confirmed the high degree
such that the average LST of all impervious surfaces in of integrity of this class. On the other hand, the highest
the study area was increased from 39.22 °C in 1985 to LPI in this zone was related to the vegetation class and it
43.48 °C in 2015. The standard deviation value of this was one of the reasons for the lower temperature of this
class had also been increased; one of the reasons could zone in comparison to other ones (Fig. 7). Seventy-three
be the changes made in this class in 2015, such as the percent of the LST zone 2 was devoted to vegetation,
construction of buildings of varying heights. The tem- which mainly included agricultural lands in the east and
perature difference between vegetation and impervious north of Isfahan and green spaces located in the city. In

Fig. 4 Changes in LULC classes

from 1985 to 2015
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:189 Page 7 of 11 189

Table 3 LULC changes from 1985 to 2015

LULC August 2, 1985 July 4, 2015 Changes

Area (ha) Area (%) Area (ha) Area (%) Hectares %

Impervious surfaces 8516.34 14.87 17,409.9 30.4 8893.53 15.53

Vegetation 13,102.2 22.88 10,007.55 17.48 − 3094.65 − 5.40
Harvested agricultural land 5520.78 9.64 2979 5.2 − 2541.78 − 4.44
Bare land 30,023.55 52.43 26,782.7 46.77 − 3240.9 − 5.66
Water 102.33 0.18 86.13 0.15 − 16.2 − 0.03

addition, the vast majority of the vegetation class in the highly integrated bare lands in this zone. Following the
study area was located in this zone. In the LST zone 3, LST zone 6, the LST zone 1 had the highest AI. The
the impervious surfaces category was dominant, such reason was the existence of dense vegetation in this zone
that from 8516.34 ha of impervious surfaces existed on (Fig. 7).
this date, 5219.73 ha, that was 61.2% of the impervious On July 4, 2015, the LST zone 6 had the highest LST,
surfaces of the total area, was in this zone, and 28.2% of while the LST zone 1 had the lowest LST (Table 1). As
the rest was in the LST zone 4. Also, the highest LPI in shown in Fig. 5, similar to August 2, 1985, the smallest
the zone 3 belonged to this class (Fig. 7); the presence of zone was the zone 1. The highest amount of water was
dense impervious surfaces was the reason for the higher in the LST zone 1, which was related to Zayandeh Rood
LST of this zone, as compared to zones 1 and 2. Bare River; during the considered period, only some parts of
land was the dominant type in the LST zones 5 and 6. As the river had water. As LST was increased from the LST
previously mentioned, the highest LST was observed in zones 1 to 6, the vegetation was reduced and the area of
this class. Therefore, the higher LST of these two zones, bare lands was enhanced. The least area of vegetation
as compared to other ones, was due to the bare lands (306.36 ha) and the largest bare lands (12,140.82 ha)
with high LST, which included soils without cover were observed in the LST zone 6. The highest and
around the city of Isfahan and rocky areas located in lowest mean of NDVI was, respectively, in the LST
the south and east of this city. In these two LST zones, zone 1 and the LST zones 5 and 6, similar to August
other LULC types had a very small area, such that only 2, 1985 (Table 1). In the LST zone 1, which had the
8.9% of the zone 5 and 37% of the zone 6 belonged to lowest LST, vegetation was dominant, which mainly
other classes. included the green spaces surrounding the river and
On August 2, 1985, the LST zone 3 had the highest the gardens and agricultural lands in the west of the city
SHDI and PD (Fig. 7). In terms of the value of SHDI of Isfahan (Fig. 5). Therefore, the presence of dense
and PD, the LST zones 2 and 4 had a moderate value, vegetation and Zayandeh Rood River were the main
and the LST zones 1, 5, and 6 were of low value. The reasons for the lower LST of this zone in comparison
smallest value of SHDI and PD were observed in the to other ones. This is because vegetation can increase
LST zone 6 with the dominance of the bare land cate- the evapotranspiration and transpiration, thereby having
gory. The highest value of AI was exhibited in the LST a cooling effect on their surroundings. It should be
zone 6, which was due to the existence of dense and mentioned that the conversion of agricultural lands and

Table 4 Statistical descriptive (mean and standard deviation) of LST in 1985 and 2015 over different LULC types

Impervious surfaces Vegetation Harvested agricultural land Bare land Water

M (°C) SD M (°C) SD M (°C) SD M (°C) SD M (°C) SD

August 2, 1985 39.22 1.55 34.35 3.86 39.37 2.20 42.97 2.72 30.54 3.1
July 4, 2015 43.48 3.28 43.20 4.08 48.29 2.05 50.31 2.95 37.94 5.19
189 Page 8 of 11 Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:189

Fig. 5 Percentages of LULC types in the LST zones

gardens located in the west and north of the Isfahan into ones. The LST zone 1, in July 2015, covered a smaller
impervious surfaces has led to the decrease of vegetation area of vegetation than did in August 1985; one of the
as compared to 1985. reasons was the growth of the city of Isfahan amid the
On July 4, 2015, SHDI and PD values were moderate agricultural lands, which has led to a change in the use
in the LST zone 1 (Fig. 6). The highest LPI in this zone of these lands and the reduced vegetation. SHDI and PD
was related to the vegetation class, which explained the values were moderate in the LST zones 2, 3, and 5. The
lower temperature of this zone, as compared to other LST zone 4 had the highest SHDI and PD. The highest

Fig. 6 The landscape metrics in each LST zone created from the August 2, 1985, and July 4, 2015 images
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:189 Page 9 of 11 189

Shannon and PD index could confirm the high diversity especially in the west and north of Isfahan, and the
and heterogeneity of this zone, while the smallest value non-cultivation of part of agricultural lands in the east,
of AI was dedicated to this zone (Fig. 7). The largest reduced vegetation in this zone and replaced it with
area of the LST zone 3 belonged to the impervious impervious surfaces and bare lands, leading to an in-
surfaces category (67.87%), which was followed by crease in LST. Therefore, the increase of impervious
vegetation (25.34%). In general, the vast majority of surfaces patches in this zone had led to an increase in
the impervious surfaces of the study area (62.15%) were AI. Aggregation index in the LST zones 3 and 4 in 2015
located in the LST zones 3 and 4 at this date. The lowest had a high value, but it was slightly decreased, as
SHDI and PD and the highest AI were observed in the compared to that in 1985; the reason for this could be
LST zone 6. The low value of the Shannon and PD that in 1985, the city was more compact while in 2015,
index was indicative of the low diversity and heteroge- with the expansion of the city in different directions
neity in this zone. The largest area of this zone was non-uniformly, impervious surface patches were created
covered by bare lands (94.95%), and a small part was with less aggregation. In addition, in 1985, the impervi-
devoted to other classes. The highest LPI in the LST ous surfaces of the city of Isfahan had lower and more
zones 5 and 6 was related to the bare land class (Fig. 7). homogenous LST, while in 2015, the creation of the
In Fig. 7, the aggregation index of vegetation and impervious surfaces in different parts of the city resulted
impervious surfaces classes, which are two important in the creation of different temperature zones and
LULC types in the study area, is shown for two dates. In patches with different LSTs, so the temperature integra-
1985, in the LST zone 1, the area of the impervious tion in the LST zones 3 and 4 had been slightly de-
surfaces class was only 1.53 ha, while this was increased creased. However, the high aggregation of impervious
to 168.3 ha in 2015. Therefore, this increase resulted in surfaces in these zones could increase LST and also
more integrated patches of this class and the increased create hot spots. Studies have shown that the shape
AI. The LULC changes have led to changes in the LST and size of the patch, the shape of the buildings, and
zones of 2015, as compared to those in 1985. This was the spatial configuration are important properties that
such that the LST zone 2 in 1985 was different from that can affect surface energy transmission (Zhou et al. 2011;
in 2015. In 1985, this zone mainly consisted of agricul- Weng 2009). Therefore, increasing fragmentation in
tural lands around the city of Isfahan, while in 2015, the such areas with high density of impervious surfaces
conversion of these lands to impervious surfaces, can enhance the cooling effect by increasing the green

Fig. 7 The landscape metrics of LST zones for the impervious surfaces and the vegetation classes
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spaces of the city. Vegetation is considered to be the useful in studying such changes in the LST zones. In
most important factor in reducing temperature, which addition, the results of this study revealed that changes
can be effective in moderating the urban climate through in the LULC patterns, due to such reasons as the con-
evapotranspiration, shading, and less emissivity (Gallo version of agricultural and bare lands to the impervious
et al. 1993; Weng et al. 2004). In addition, in a diverse surfaces, could lead to changes in landscape spatial
landscape, the heated plots of impervious surfaces are properties such as PLAND, LPI, AI, and PD, as well
dispersed, and therefore, the LST is decreased (Xie et al. as LST patterns. The results also revealed that the land-
2013). A possible explanation for the increased AI in the scape metrics could be considered as a useful tool in
LST zones 5 and 6 in 2015 could be the development quantifying the urban spatial properties. In this research,
and expansion of industrial towns in the east, southeast, the analyses were based on landscape metrics at the 30-
and northwest of Isfahan. m spatial resolution. It is, therefore, suggested that in the
As shown in Fig. 7, LPI of impervious surfaces was further studies, the relationship between LULC patterns
increased in 2015, relative to 1985. Of course, in the and temperature conditions be examined in different
LST zone 3, it was almost constant. LPI of this class was spatial scales and the optimal scale be found. In addi-
grown in the LST zone 1 because of changes occurred in tion, Landsat images could be used to derive landscape
this zone. Increasing LPI of the impervious surfaces in patterns and LSTs and to identify the links between them
the LST zones could indicate the expansion of the city. at different times, thereby providing useful information
In the case of vegetation in 1985, the LST zones 1 and 2 to urban planners on how the LST changes with the
had a greater LPI than similar zones in 2015; the pres- changes in the LULC patterns. As these changes are
ence of vegetation with a larger area and the presence of likely to lead to an increase in the city’s temperature,
larger patches could be considered as one explanation. some steps are to be taken to reduce it.
LST zones 1 and 2 in 1985 had more aggregation than
did in 2015, due to the presence of large and dense Acknowledgements This research has been supported by the
Isfahan University of Technology.
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temperature zones in 2015 caused a temperature differ-
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