Words Are The Only Reality

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Sublime is the nature of creation

Three undone vows stood silent

as their culmination was brought to light
an absolute epiphany in the dark
drowning hours of painful labor
(Oh, so nonchalantly)

Eyes are the window to the soul they say

but all she glimpsed in those eyes was
a part of herself torn away so cruelly
only to be returned to her arms
(As if it was all a fantasy)

Passion is a treacherous beast

it doesn't always give what's desired of it
often leaving behind bitter memories
memories, which blossom into a love of their own
(Oh, what a blessing this has been)

The composition was fully aware that

a major part of voicing love was
acknowledging the pain behind its creation
forging an alliance worth a lifetime
(An unsaid oath stood strong)


By the deep horizon she mused

alone in her glowering hood
the rustles mere epiphanies
enduring more grief than she could

Beneath the daunting clouds

flowed the tame and steady wind
Its presence poor reminders
of the souls that had gravely sinned

The azure floundered under the burden

of holding up its robust spirit
of fueling the engines of love and passion
and not knowing the chains of kindred limit

May the waves of destiny flow

underneath the vision of the heavenly stars
washing away along with itself
the unrequited pains of the million scars

An elegy of divine condemnation

A thought. It's just a harmless thought. What possibly could be the repercussions?


Your thoughts, carry you away. Often, into realms that you have dreamt to traverse
or distances foreign to mankind. However, there comes a term when your very own
perceptions betray your prudence. Your judgments are blown haywire leading into
a forlorn abyss. A return from such depths is unforeseen, even to the mightiest of
In this hell, waits the Demon with his blood-soaked Trident held aloft. He craves
your attention. He implores you to come closer. He yearns for your brush. Aching
to hear the unspoken, pulsing from the thrill of the imminent shrieks of terrifying
The Devil simpers broadly at your trial. Licking his lips in delight. But, don't be
He's far from done. His play has just begun.
He is well versed in the tracks leading to and around the perishing world. He
descends his throne. With you shackled and crumbling by his mass of undying
corpses, he walks down the path to capture his next game. Unlike any other beast
in this domain, the Devil plays out a strategy that leads the prey right into his
palms. He needn't soil himself for the loot. For he's the Devil after all.
Employing them one by one, he enamors them into submission.
Once the victim loses himself, the Devil steps down the pedestal, seizes them by
the gorge, as does a mother feline to her cub, and hauls them down the dingy
hallways of hell.
Never to be seen again.
All traces of you and your kind faded into the dense breath of the underworld.
Never trust the devil. Let me rephrase. Never trust man. For you might never know
who the devil disguises himself as.
Beware unwise human,
the wrath of the devil
he shan't show any mercy
in his glory, he shall revel


The blinding light shone upon me

the taut wisdom that lay beneath
the oceans that held still forthwith
soon wept tears of the silver sheath

Is this what follows the acquaintance

of passion, conflict, and harmony
where the grief fades into the twilight
and the stillness brings back its hegemony

It wasn't truly what I desired for

to be relieved from this absurd circle
passing back and forth in the pendulum of being
a story that could be eternal

Hail the epiphany of nature

thy sounds prevailing upon my soul
rending me apart bit by bit
metamorphosing into a quadrupole

The wind brushed past my shoulders

Its touch leaving me mystified
My thoughts returning to the forefront
Their tendrils blandly unified

The stories were woven a while ago

their legacies rooted to the core
desolate chapters true they were
in the findings of the soul unknown

The pain that was shrouded within

saw the rosy light of the day
the yielder within me saw for once
the hope that hid underlay

The leaves that lay still on the ground

broke their languorous state
to fly into the bright horizon
to serve someone else's fate

Abyss to salvation
[A flash fiction entry submitted to Kidengage in 2019]

The farther he moved ahead, the farther the exit seemed to be. Channeling all his
energy onto his feet he bounded forward, brushing aside the gradually emerging
traces of cold despair. Adrenaline pumped through his body. He didn't stop to
breathe or rest; his limbs were numb from pain yet all his mind could deliberate
was escaping this godforsaken tunnel. A cold whirring sound rebounded across the
damp walls of the shaft. A chill washed down over him. No. Not again. A lever
slowly turned somewhere beyond his line of sight. The wheel of time was at it
again, feeding off his misery. Click. Thunk. The time had been reset. He was back
again to where he had begun. The light at the end of the tunnel had once again
disappeared. How long has it been? A month? Two perhaps? He was slowly losing
the last shards of hope he was clasping onto. The glass was invariably cracking.
Whomever it was that had placed him here, as a lab rat for their morbid amusement
were surely having the time of their lives. His on the other hand was fading away.
For as long as he could remember, he was stuck in this endless loop. His journey
began in a dingy hall, only for the realization to set in that it was after all a tunnel.
A long filthy tunnel. Infinite, as it oftentimes appeared to him. The farther he ran
chasing the crack of light at the very end, the farther it appeared to be. Yet, when
he would finally manage to come any closer, he would jolt back into consciousness
at the spot he commenced. Usually, after a dozen or so of these depressive
occurrences he would kneel, head tucked into his knees, gaining a fetal position
one that indicated a mother's warmth. But had he ever known someone akin to a
mother? Probably not, he had no recollection of it whatsoever. He'd occasionally
hear voices calling out to him. His name being whispered out. Someone was
seeking him, yet that someone was unable to reach out to him. At these times, he
would walk around the tunnel trying to find anything of significance for his way
out. However, all that greeted him was darkness, suffocating endless darkness,
darkness that could swallow him whole.

After yet another dozen futile attempts of reaching the light, he sat back down,
leaning against the wall, feeling the sweat pour down his front. Huh? Sweat? He
looked up in surprise, but, he had never felt perspiration before, even after all those
miles of running for so long, not once had he broken out in sweat. What was going
on now? Just as these thoughts clambered across his tense wires, a sharp pain shot
across his right arm. He had been stung. He jumped upright and desperately
scoured the darkness, all the while holding onto his throbbing arm. His eyes darted
towards the usually remote end of the tunnel, this time however it was glowing
ever so brightly. The onslaught of events were beyond his comprehension but
before he could make sense of what was happening, his legs leaped forward. Once
again, he ran, chasing the light. To his surprise it didn't repel him now, in fact, the
warm glow almost seemed to be beckoning him closer into its embrace. He lost
command over his senses and felt his body being carried onward as though it were
gliding through the air.
"He's awake!" "SON" "Someone call chief!" SON "His vitals are rising put that
damned oxygen back on!" "Turn on the drips." "Son, can you hear me?" "Miss, I'm
extremely sorry, but we'll have to ask you to wait out now." "No, but my-" "He'll
be fine now ma'am, please escort her out" "Get the defibrillator on" "5,4,3,2,1
"Situation stabilizing." A blur of jumbling bodies. Utter disarray everywhere. It
had taken some time but he had finally made it. He had gotten out of the
godforsaken tunnel.

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