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1. Print out invoice and jobsheet from LST/ALT email

2. Go to
3. Login as LST/ALT (username & password, refer word file: LST -ALT USERNAME PW IN SSMS)

4. Click Task/Helpdesk > Task and click button Create New

Task/Helpdesk > Task

Create New
5. Key in/input information of LST/ALT based on their jobsheet (Customer Task, Customer Name,
Requested By, Device ID, Title, Description, Department, Team and Assign To – LST/ALT code)
> click button Confirm & Submit

6. Click on notification, and choose the top (latest) task on the list

Choose the top

(latest) task
7. You will see the task/jobsheet displayed. Click the button Start Jobsheet and key in the
jobsheet description.

Start Jobsheet

Submit button
8. After you key in the description, click the blue Submit button, and you will see page like this:
9. Click the button Charges to customer and select/click LST Form button

Charges to customer > LST Form

10. You will see the Sales Invoice (LST Form) page. Please fill in the info (Description, Date & Ext No.
- Jobsheet No) and click Save Draft button.
a. If you have no item purchased for your service, click button Generate Invoice.
b. However, If you have item purchased for your service, please click the button Purchase
Invoice on the top right side, to key in the item information.

Purchase Invoice
11. When you click the Purchase Invoice button, you will see page like this.

Create New

12. Click the top right button, Create New – to key in the purchase invoice for your item that you
have purchased, and you will be redirected to this page.
a. Fill in the information – Supplier, Description on item, Purchase Remark (customer
name), Invoice No, Date of Invoice, Terms (30 Days), Ext No (Jobsheet No.)
b. Click button Save All, and Add Item (to add the purchased item)


13. After clicking Add Item, fill in information of the purchased item (Item/Service Group, Item
Description, Customer Item Description, Purchase Item Remark, Cost Price, Selling Price,
Project Code and Qty). After that, click button Create.

14. Back to the Sales Invoice page, if you have item, you can now click the Add Item button, and
make sure you click Save Draft first. After completed with adding the items, click the Generate
Invoice button.
15. After clicking the Generate Invoice button, Sales Invoice No will be generated. HQZ invoice code
is for service only (zero amount invoice without item charge to customer), while HQS invoice
code, is for charging/billing the customer on items purchased.

Invoice number

16. After generating the Sales Invoice, please click button Cancel on the top left, to go back to the
Task/Helpdesk page. Next, click on the End Jobsheet button. After that, you can click the
ALT/LST Charges button.

End Jobsheet

ALT/LST Charges
17. After you click the ALT/LST Charges button, you will see the LST Charges page. Fill in the
information needed
a. Supplier, Description, Inv No, Date (inv date), Sales Person (LST Code), Terms (30 Days)
and Ext No (Jobsheet No)
b. Other Charges – Mileage (how many km for 2 ways), and Delivery charges if have.
c. Click button Save All. If the Grand total amount is correct, you can click on the button
Submit for verification



18. This message will be displayed once you click Submit for Verification. Click OK if all are okay.

19. The status SUBMITTED FOR VERIFICATION will be displayed. Therefore you claim will be
processed accordingly by Smarter personnel. To refer your claim status, click on the menu LST
Charges, and you will see your claim list.

Log off

To view LST
claim status

20. Once you have finished, you can log off from the system (SSMS)

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