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Signers of the constitution:

- Alix Master
- Pablo Álvaro López
- Sam Fiterman
- Sarah Scheinmann
- Xin Chen


Article 1.1
- We will Establish an Elective Republic because this political system promotes individual
rights and adequate representation for all citizens. This system is voluntary and allows for
popular sovereignty. The parliament and head of state will be popularly elective with
term limits to promote constant representation of all citizens' wants and needs.

Article 1.2
- We will establish a State of Autonomies where different administrative branches of the
political system are nationally or regionally administered. This system will promote
efficiency and allow different laws to adequately match the needs of different regions
while also providing unity and cohesion for other branches of administration such as
health care and education.
- The competences are as follows: Health (national), Education (national), Defense
(national), Immigration (national), Justice (regional and national), Economy
(national), Taxation (regional and national)

Article 1.3
- We will establish a secular state with complete separation between church and state.
Despite this separation, individuals will have the freedom to express their religious
beliefs in public, for example, by wearing a veil. However, public institutions such as
schools will not have the ability to promote a specific religious ideology but should allow
every individual their freedom to express their religious beliefs freely.


Article 2.1
- Our Constitution established a parliamentary system with a presidential regime where the
Head of State will be elected through a voting process by the people of our country. The
head of state will be chosen based on the majority of the citizens' election. This majority
voting system is advantageous to our country because it allows for effective elections that
represent the will of the people Within the parliament,

Article 2.2
- To be elected as the Head of State, our constitution has requirements that state that this
person has to fall within a set of categories and qualifications that we have come up with.
The person running for this position has to be a citizen of the nation between the ages 35
and 74 years of age. This person has had to live in or has been a citizen of the country for
at least 10 years. To qualify to be the head of state, this person also must have worked in
a field of government as well as attaining a college degree before in his or her lifetime.
The last thing to qualify as head of state is the person being elected must never have had
any violent or corrupt crimes on his or her record like a felony for example. Lastly, the
head of state can serve for no more than 2 terms, each term being 4 years.


Article 3.1
- We will establish a State with a bicameral parliament, whose members would be elected
through general elections, where each of the provinces of Spain are entitled to an initial
amount of two seats per province.
- The political model of the State will be a bicameral government.
- The referendum would be adopted in the State as a method of participation by the citizens
in the decisions of important laws and topics. It can be summoned by the government, the
legislative authorities or by popular initiative. The range of the topics and laws to be
discussed can be wide, from political to economics topics.

Article 3.2
- Our Constitution established a universal suffrage, where everyone can vote with the
minimum requirement that they should be 18 years old and have Spanish citizenship.
- Besides, it is also established that everyone can vote regardless of whether they are a
criminal or not, because felons shouldn’t be disenfranchised because of inequity in who is
in charge. And there are also the cases where those people might have wrongful

Article 3.3
- Our Constitution established that to become a member of the parliament should satisfy
certain requirements. Some of them are:
- Minimum age: Between 30 and 35 years old.
- Have the Spanish citizenship.
- Not having competing interests.
- Meet the eligibility requirements of the post (education, experience, etc…)
- Be registered in the electoral registration system.
- It is compulsory to anyone who is in the government to have a secondary job, and have
worked at least 5 years in another job before serving in the post. This is to prevent some
officials from staying too long in their seats due to not having another job. They should
not be in the office for life, so after their term they should go back to their previous job.
- The Parliament should be also elected by a variety of bodies (see 1.2).


Article 4.1
- Everyone has the right to life and to physical and moral integrity, and may under no
circumstances be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading punishment or
treatment. The death penalty is hereby abolished, except as provided by military criminal
law in times of war.
- The provision of aid in dying, better known as euthanasia, will be legal as a procedure by
which you will be provided, directly or indirectly, with the necessary medicines to cause
your death.
- The minimum requirements are: be of legal age, capable and aware at the time of the
request, have Spanish nationality or legal residence in Spain or a certificate that proves a
time spent in Spanish territory of more than twelve months, have in writing the
information that exists about your medical process, the different alternatives and
possibilities of action, including that of accessing palliative care and the benefits to which
you are entitled according to the dependency care regulations, suffering from a serious
and incurable disease or a serious, chronic and disabling condition, causing intolerable
suffering, provide informed consent prior to receiving aid in dying, in the case of people
in a situation of de facto incapacity, the provision of assistance in dying can only be
facilitated if it has been previously signed in a prior instruction document or legally
recognized equivalent document. In the case of having appointed a representative in that
document, it will be the valid interlocutor for the responsible doctor.
- Health professionals directly related to aid in dying have the right to declare themselves
conscientious objectors. In this case, your doctor will inform you and put you in contact
with another non-objecting doctor.
- You have the right to withdraw and not continue with your request for aid in dying at any
time during the procedure. You must inform your responsible doctor and the procedure
will be suspended.
- It must be a long and thorough process.
Article 4.2
- Each parent will have 16 weeks (compulsory for the first 6 weeks after birth). Extendable
by 2 weeks (one week for each parent) for each child from the second birth, adoption or
multiple births, or up to 18 weeks when the child has a disability. Extendable if the
new-born baby is hospitalized (maximum 13 weeks).
- There will be a consideration of two more optional weeks for the woman because of the
physical effort and recovery.

Article 4.3
- Freedom of expression
- All citizens have the right to freely express and disseminate thoughts, ideas
- and opinions through words, in writing or by any other means of communication;
- Citizens are allowed to express their political beliefs as long as danger is not
promoted or incited
- They may be allowed to burn a flag, however, as soon as violence is on the
horizon it must be stopped.
- The exercise of these rights may not be restricted by any form of prior censorship.
- These freedoms are limited by respect for the rights recognised in this Title, by
the legal provisions implementing it, and especially by the right to honour, to
privacy, to personal reputation and to the protection of youth and childhood.

Article 4.4
- The entire wealth of the country in its different forms, irrespective of its ownership, is
subordinate to the general interest.
- Free enterprise is recognised within the framework of a market economy. The public
authorities shall guarantee and protect its exercise and the safeguarding of productivity in
accordance with the demands of the economy in general and, as the case may be, of its
- Free market will be recognised, notwithstanding the need of assistance for people who
cannot afford to be in the free market.
- Public initiative in economic activity is recognised. Essential resources or services may
be restricted by law to the public sector, especially in the case of monopolies. Likewise,
intervention in companies may be decided upon when the public interest so demands.
- This intervention will be restricted to preventing inflation to extreme degree, ascertaining
the competitive markets, to be named.

Article 4.5
- Citizens will not have the right to bear arms, only law enforcement officers who use it to
promote safety should have access to a gun. As a result, we will establish a restrictive gun


- We will not legalize the death penalty in any case as we believe this is inhumane. Instead,
we will allow for life in prison without parole for the most severe criminal offenses.
Some examples of where one will be subject to life in prison without parole include serial
murders, terrorist attacks, child abuse resulting in death, human trafficking, and serial
rape. Aside from these charges, those in prison will have the opportunity to shorten their
sentence through exhibiting good behavior and moral progress.


- We will legalize prostitution to promote public safety and for the safety of those engaging
in the activity. We believe that citizens will engage in prostitution regardless of whether
the law allows for it. Therefore, government-regulated prostitution will allow for us to tax
the activity and enforce necessary safety regulations. For example, women and men alike
should be subject to frequent testing to prevent the spreading of sexually transmitted


- We believe that it is our duty to take an active role in combating global pandemics. We
will not force any citizen to get vaccinated against their will. However, we will not allow
citizens to hold certain jobs if they do not receive a vaccination as they can prove
dangerous to the public without sufficient protection. For example, first responders such
as doctors, nurses, firemen, and police officers are required to be vaccinated. We will
impose additional safety measures in the case of a global pandemic as well. We will
require citizens to wear face masks in public places and restrict travel to a certain degree.
Additionally, we have the right to restrict occupancies in public places such as restaurants
in order to mitigate the spread of germs.


- Our government takes the rights of animals very seriously. Therefore, we believe that
citizens should only be allowed to experiment on rodents and other animals with limited
brain capacity and a short lifespan. It is cruel to perform testing on other animals such as
dogs and cats. Additionally, under no circumstances should eugenics be applied on any

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