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Environmental Modelling & Software 96 (2017) 335e346

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Integrating water supply constraints into irrigated agricultural

simulations of California
Jonathan M. Winter a, *, Charles A. Young b, Vishal K. Mehta b, Alex C. Ruane c,
Marzieh Azarderakhsh d, Aaron Davitt e, Kyle McDonald f, Van R. Haden g,
Cynthia Rosenzweig c
Department of Geography, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, USA
Stockholm Environment Institute, Davis, CA 95616, USA
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, NY 10025, USA
Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ 07666, USA
The Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, NY, 10016, USA
The City College of New York, New York, NY, 10031, USA
The Ohio State University, Wooster, OH, 44691, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Simulations of irrigated croplands generally lack key interactions between water demand from plants
Received 5 January 2017 and water supply from irrigation systems. We coupled the Water Evaluation and Planning system
Received in revised form (WEAP) and Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) to link regional water sup-
19 June 2017
plies and management with field-level water demand and crop growth. WEAP-DSSAT was deployed and
Accepted 29 June 2017
Available online 18 July 2017
evaluated over Yolo County in California for corn, rice, and wheat. WEAP-DSSAT is able to reproduce the
results of DSSAT under well-watered conditions and reasonably simulate observed mean yields, but has
difficulty capturing yield interannual variability. Constraining irrigation supply to surface water alone
reduces yields for all three crops during the 1987e1992 drought. Corn yields are reduced proportionally
Irrigation with water allocation, rice yield reductions are more binary based on sufficient water for flooding, and
Water resources management wheat yields are least sensitive to irrigation constraints as winter wheat is grown during the wet season.
Crop model © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
United States

Software availability Program size: 500 MB

Name of software: WEAP-DSSAT 1. Introduction

Developers: Charles Young, Jonathan Winter, Vishal Mehta, Alex
Ruane Irrigated farms account for 80%e90% of consumptive water use
Contact address: Dartmouth College, 6017 Fairchild Hall, Hanover, in the United States and $118.5 billion of US agricultural production
NH 03755 (Solley et al., 1998; Schaible and Aillery, 2012). Despite the high
Telephone: þ1 603-646-6456 productivity of irrigated croplands, agriculture is typically the
Email: lowest value sector in a water resources system, and, subject to
Year first available: 2016 water regulations and rights, vulnerable to reductions during
Hardware required: PC, Intel with 4 GB RAM recommended drought. A major challenge for the hydrologic and agricultural
Software required: Microsoft Windows communities is assessing the effects of climate change on the
Availability and cost: Licensed software sustainability of regional water resources and irrigated agricultural
Program language: Fortran, Python, and Delphi land (Walthall et al., 2013). A key component of this challenge is the
fact that most agricultural models that have sophisticated repre-
sentations of crop physiology, management, and yield, and are
* Corresponding author. 6017 Fairchild Hall, Hanover, NH 03755, USA. thoroughly evaluated at the field scale, lack constraints on irriga-
E-mail address: (J.M. Winter). tion supply (Winter et al., 2017). Many crop models are run with
1364-8152/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
336 J.M. Winter et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 96 (2017) 335e346

scheduled irrigation or unlimited automatic irrigation (e.g., water shortages (e.g., decreased precipitation, enhanced evapo-
Bondeau et al., 2007; Jones et al., 2003; Raes et al., 2009), each of transpiration, changes in allocation) directly impact irrigated crop
which has important disadvantages. With scheduled irrigation the yields, with applications for identifying and testing policy and
dates and amounts of irrigation are prescribed in advance. This is management approaches.
problematic in locations and years where this information is not
readily available, or in predictive applications (e.g., seasonal fore- 2. Model description and development
casts, climate change projections). Automatic irrigation doesn't
require prior knowledge of water applications, instead relying on a To simulate water demand and supply for irrigated agriculture, a
rule-based approach (often linked to soil moisture) to irrigate from model must link information about regional water supplies and
an unlimited water supply. This leads to inconsistent, and occa- management with field-level water demand and crop response as it
sionally implausible, biases and errors that muddle the picture for develops throughout the season. To accomplish this, we coupled
stakeholders and policymakers seeking to understand agricultural the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT;
sustainability issues. Hoogenboom et al., 2012; Jones et al., 2003) to the Water Evaluation
Multiple studies have addressed the impacts of climate on irri- and Planning system (WEAP; Yates et al., 2005a, 2005b). Below we
gated agriculture at scales ranging from regional to global; how- describe the development of the coupled model, WEAP-DSSAT, as
ever, few have explicitly coupled a crop model to a calibrated well as our iterative simulation approach, which together add
hydrologic and water resources allocation model. Elliott et al. water supply constraints to automatic irrigation in DSSAT and
(2014a) compared water supply projections from ten global hy- detailed crop water use and yields to WEAP.
drologic models and water demand projections from six global
gridded crop models. Results suggested that the effects of reduced 2.1. Water Evaluation and Planning system
irrigation were comparable to the direct impacts of climate change
on global production of maize, soybean, wheat, and rice, with some The Water Evaluation and Planning system (WEAP) is used to
acute regional impacts. However, Deryng et al. (2016) noted dis- model water supply and management within WEAP-DSSAT. WEAP
crepancies in projections of agricultural water supply and demand is an object-orientated model that solves a time evolving mass
due to varying responses of crop water use to increased CO2 by balance based on a water allocation objective function. At each time
global gridded crop models, and the lack of response of crop water step, hydrologic fluxes from the surface and near surface are passed
use to increased CO2 by some global hydrologic models. Piontek to appropriate river and groundwater objects, where they are
et al. (2014) explored climate change impacts on multiple sectors, balanced with an objective function that maximizes satisfaction of
including water availability and agriculture. Several areas were demand and instream flow requirements, subject to supply prior-
found to have overlapping risk for severe change both in water ities based on water rights and regulations, demand site prefer-
availability and climate, including the southern Amazon Basin and ences, mass balances, and other constraints (Yates et al., 2005a,
regions in South Asia. Wada et al. (2013) used a set of seven global 2005b). WEAP has a flexible time step that can range from daily
hydrologic models to explore the change in irrigation water de- to annual, which also determines the time scale over which water
mand by the end of the century, finding a considerable increase allocation is calculated.
during summer months in the northern hemisphere. Huntington WEAP divides study regions into user-defined sub-catchments;
and Niswonger (2012) focused on the seasonal timing of stream- groundwater basins; irrigated areas; urban/export uses; environ-
flow and surface and groundwater interactions over the Western mental requirements; and water system elements such as canals,
United States. Specifically, they used an integrated model of surface diversions, and reservoirs. Water supply in WEAP is provided by an
water and groundwater inclusive of snowpack and snowmelt embedded hydrologic model forced by an external climate dataset
forced with twelve general circulation model (GCM) projections. that simulates runoff, groundwater-surface water interactions, and
Future climate was shown to decrease summertime flows by more snow processes. Before the addition of DSSAT, agricultural water
than 30% averaged across the ensemble, with reductions found demand in WEAP could be simulated using a variety of approaches
even in GCM simulations that projected increased annual precipi- that range in complexity from a simple crop coefficient method to
tation. Groundwater is a critical source of water for irrigated agri- more complex hydrology-based algorithms that incorporate runoff,
culture, and groundwater management remains a salient issue for infiltration, soil moisture storage, deep percolation, and evapo-
sustainable irrigated agriculture (Do € ll et al., 2012). Taylor et al. transpiration as a function of soil moisture status.
(2013) outline the complexity of groundwater response to climate The WEAP framework readily accommodates user specified
change and human impacts, including annual precipitation and models, or modules, that can be plugged into and controlled by
streamflow; timing, intensity, and duration of precipitation and WEAP's water budget and allocation logic. WEAP has been used for
streamflow; land use; snowpack; groundwater pumping; and sur- range of applications, including large river basins with substantial
face water irrigation. Groundwater pumping has been shown to be irrigation such as California's Central Valley (Mulligan et al., 2011;
unsustainable in the Central Valley of California; however, to date Sandoval-Solis et al., 2010), village scale modeling of community
the use of groundwater has been largely unrestricted in California livelihoods (Varela-Ortega et al., 2011), and the exploration of
(Famiglietti, 2014). climate change impacts on hydropower generation (Mehta et al.,
The water-agriculture nexus has been identified as a high pri- 2011). WEAP deployed over the Central Valley has been shown to
ority area within the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and adequately represent both local and regional water balances, and
Improvement Project (AgMIP; Rosenzweig et al., 2015, 2013). The the allocation of groundwater and surface water supplies (Purkey
importance of irrigated agriculture to global food production, as et al., 2008; Yates et al., 2009, 2008).
well as the response of crop water supply and demand to climate, A feature critical to assessing the impacts of climate change on
necessitate explicitly simulating effects of water availability on agriculture, and which is notably lacking in the California imple-
irrigated yields. In the following sections, we describe the devel- mentation of WEAP, is a representation of plant physiology in plant
opment, application, and evaluation of a coupled hydrologic, water water use and yields. WEAP simulates crop water use by assigning a
resources allocation, and crop model. The objective of creating this seasonal cycle of agricultural vegetation to every user-defined sub-
coupled model is to more realistically simulate irrigated agricul- catchment. For each time step, potential evapotranspiration is
tural yields, and specifically to develop a modeling system in which scaled by a crop coefficient. This approach, while reasonable for
J.M. Winter et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 96 (2017) 335e346 337

hydrologic applications, does not include climate impacts on agri-

cultural productivity or capture the effects of a changing environ-
ment on plant physiology, such as increased carbon assimilation
and water use efficiency under enhanced carbon dioxide concen-
trations or increased transpiration under warmer temperatures
(Kimball, 2011; Tubiello et al., 2007). These effects are critical for
projections of irrigation demand, crop yields, and water manage-
ment. Coupling DSSAT, a process-based crop model, to WEAP ex-
pands WEAP's capabilities beyond hydrological applications, and
makes it ideally suited for exploring water-agriculture interactions.

2.2. Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer

Farm-level crop demands and the growth processes leading to

yield are handled within WEAP-DSSAT by the Crop Estimation
through Resource and Environment Synthesis (CERES) component
of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer
(DSSAT). DSSAT is a set of applications designed to understand,
predict, and manage cropping systems at the field scale
(Hoogenboom et al., 2012; Jones et al., 2003). DSSAT is essentially a
point-based (single hectare) model that runs on a daily time step,
with yields dependent on surface meteorology, a detailed soil
profile, cultivar genetics, and crop management. DSSAT simulates
biological processes that track carbon, nitrogen, water, and energy
budgets (as well as associated stresses) through a plant's devel-
opmental stages as it interacts with the environment and is
managed by a grower. DSSAT simulates a closed water balance that
has compared well with soil moisture measurements in the field
(Casanova et al., 2006; Sau et al., 2004). DSSAT supports models for Fig. 1. WEAP-DSSAT irrigation flowchart. Components are color-coded based on the
42 unique crop species, including all the major staple crops, and has length of time step considered for action e blue is yearly, green is user-defined (in this
been used in agricultural systems around the world for a variety of case monthly), and red is daily.
applications, including climate change impacts (Mearns et al., 1996;
Parry et al., 2005; Rosenzweig et al., 2014; Ruane et al., 2013; White
and deep percolation as a function of percentage irrigation demand
et al., 2011). In our simulations we run the CERES-Maize, CERES-
fulfilled, or the portion of the required irrigation water that is
Wheat, and CERES-Rice applications of DSSAT, which have been
allocated based on supply, hereafter referred to as allocation. To
widely used in crop modeling and studies of California's Central
develop these equations, WEAP runs DSSAT once with unlimited or
Valley (e.g., Brumbelow and Georgakakos, 2001; Greenwald et al.,
full irrigation and once with zero irrigation for the entire water
2006; Lobell and Ortiz-Monasterio, 2007).
year. Linear equations are then generated that relate allocation to
surface runoff and deep percolation so that WEAP can calculate
2.3. Coupling DSSAT to WEAP
surface runoff and deep percolation from irrigation dates and
amounts passed by DSSAT. In addition, the full irrigation run
The link between WEAP and DSSAT was implemented by editing
transcribes the irrigation dates and amounts from the automatic
the source code of WEAP, written in Delphi, to write DSSAT input
irrigation algorithm assuming unlimited water to a DSSAT input file
files, call the DSSAT executable, and read DSSAT output files. Within
for the catchment (blue boxes in Fig. 1).
WEAP, catchment objects are used to represent hydrological pro-
Once the linear relationships are generated, the water allocation
cesses, including crop water use. Within each catchment climate is
problem is solved and the allocation is computed at a user-defined
assumed uniform. Sub-catchments represent unique combinations
time step (in this case monthly, green boxes in Fig. 1) for every
of hydrologic parameters (e.g., land cover, soils). It is at the sub-
catchment. For each allocation time step and catchment, WEAP-
catchment scale that hydrologic calculations are performed and
DSSAT checks the demand from the DSSAT full irrigation run
DSSAT was integrated into the WEAP framework. For the sub-
against the water supply for agriculture (water for other uses is
catchments in which DSSAT is used, DSSAT simulates the hydro-
considered unavailable) passed from WEAP. If the allocation is 100%
logic cycle including irrigation surface runoff, infiltration, evapo-
then the full irrigation results are stored for each day (red boxes in
transpiration, and deep percolation, with surface runoff and deep
Fig. 1), no additional DSSAT runs are conducted, and WEAP-DSSAT
percolation being passed back to WEAP. WEAP is used to calculate
moves to the next allocation time step. If the allocation is less
the flow of water in the stream network, storage of water in res-
than 100%, then DSSAT is rerun from the beginning of the water
ervoirs and groundwater, and allocation of water to demands for all
year with reduced irrigation. This reduction in irrigation is
sub-catchments, as well as hydrologic processes in the sub-
accomplished through the modification of DSSAT input files. For
catchments DSSAT is not used in. WEAP water allocation is solved
each instance of DSSAT run by WEAP, WEAP creates an input file
at a user-defined time step that can range from daily to yearly, in
that contains settings for the DSSAT simulation, including irrigation
contrast to the fixed daily time step of DSSAT. If the WEAP time step
dates and amounts. As described above, this input file is first
is longer than a day, DSSAT output is aggregated for input to WEAP.
created assuming unlimited water. WEAP-DSSAT is then run iter-
The process for conducting a WEAP-DSSAT simulation is
atively, stopping the simulation for any month that the allocation is
described in Fig. 1. Water allocation in WEAP is solved by a linear
less than 100%, editing the input file to irrigate on the same days as
program, so for each allocation time step (in this case, monthly) it is
the water unlimited run but with the irrigation amount scaled by
necessary to develop linear equations that represent surface runoff
338 J.M. Winter et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 96 (2017) 335e346

allocation, and then rerunning from the beginning of the water year 3.2. Model setup
using surface runoff and deep percolation from the reduced allo-
cation simulation. WEAP-DSSAT is based on a WEAP model developed for Yolo
This process is repeated each month until the simulation ends or County (Mehta et al., 2013). In that model the entire area of Yolo
the harvest date is reached. Because DSSAT cannot run a single County as well as the portions of Lake County that provide water to
simulation with both prescribed and automatic irrigation, the Yolo County were simulated using catchment objects. The bound-
DSSAT algorithm for automatically triggering irrigation was aries of the areas represented by each catchment object are shown
implemented in the coupling of WEAP to DSSAT, allowing WEAP- in Fig. 2. In the upper Cache Creek watershed the model contains
DSSAT simulations to use prescribed irrigation amounts for past reservoir objects for Clear Lake and Indian Valley Reservoir, the
monthly time steps and automatic irrigation amounts for the cur- main sources of surface water in Yolo County during the summer
rent monthly time step. The result of this iterative approach is a months. Reservoir operations are controlled by the Solano Decree
time series of irrigation dates determined using the same automatic which has been programmed into WEAP (Mehta et al., 2013).
irrigation algorithm in DSSAT with irrigation amounts adjusted Downstream, on the valley floor, the irrigated area is subdivided
based on allocation. Once the simulation finishes, some key DSSAT into catchments that represent the Capay Valley, Yolo County Flood
output variables are aggregated by WEAP-DSSAT into a single file Control and Water Conservation District, and all other irrigated area
for analysis, including soil moisture from the DSSAT soil water file; in Yolo County. Water preferences are set in the model so that
planting date, harvest date, and season length from the DSSAT plant surface water is used first if available, and groundwater is used
growth file; evapotranspiration from the DSSAT soil-plant- second. The model was calibrated using crop water use information
atmosphere file; and agronomic results (yield, biomass, etc.) from from the Department of Water Resources, reservoir storage infor-
the DSSAT summary file. We note that both WEAP and DSSAT are mation, and historical diversions. Additional details on WEAP setup
relatively computationally efficient, so our iterative approach over and calibration can be found in Mehta et al. (2013).
regional spatial scales such as the Central Valley is not limiting. WEAP-DSSAT was initialized October 1, 1980, and run through
The final component of the WEAP-DSSAT coupling is the spec- September 30, 2008, capturing the 1981e2008 water years, with
ification of soil moisture initial conditions for the next model year. WEAP run at a monthly time step to leverage the calibration and
The use of continuously simulated soil moisture and nutrients, as evaluation of WEAP over Yolo County by Mehta et al. (2013) and for
opposed to annually reinitialized simulations, has been shown by computational efficiency, and DSSAT run at the default daily time
Basso et al. (2015) to be extremely important for accurate crop step. WEAP and DSSAT were forced using surface (2-m) air tem-
modeling. At the end of each yearly simulation, soil moisture values perature and precipitation from the Maurer et al. (2002) 1/8
for each soil layer are read from the soil water file and then used in gridded observational dataset, and surface wind speed, surface
the next year's input file as the initial soil moisture conditions. relative humidity, and insolation from AgMERRA (Ruane et al.,
2015). Specifically, WEAP was forced using monthly temperature
and precipitation, and DSSAT was forced using daily temperature,
3. WEAP-DSSAT deployment over Yolo County and evaluation
precipitation, wind speed, relative humidity, and insolation data,
allowing both models to respond consistently to changes in climate.
Input climate time series were extracted from gridded datasets
We apply WEAP-DSSAT to a county in California's Central Valley
using the nearest neighbor of the WEAP catchment centroid. DSSAT
as a test case to explore the impacts of climate and water supply on
has primarily been used for staple crops, so our initial assessment of
a productive and drought-prone irrigated agricultural system.
climate impacts on irrigated agriculture is focused on corn (maize;
Zea mays), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum), and rice (Oryza sativa).
3.1. Study region However, we note that specialty crops (e.g., tomatoes, almonds,
grapes) dominate agricultural production by value in Yolo County.
California's $42.5-billion agricultural sector is supported by a Crop management information is described in Table 1.
complex water management system prone to acute shortages and Both the planting and harvesting end date are consistent with
susceptible to climate change (Garfin et al., 2014; NASS, 2014). The the crop phenology and typical planting dates in the region (Pen ~ a-
scale of water development in California is among the most sub- Barraga n et al., 2011; USDA NASS, 2010), and are expected not to be
stantial in the world, including massive shifts in water from one met only in exceptional circumstances. Soil properties, including
basin to another over distances of hundreds of kilometers in order soil moisture initialization, were defined for all crops using a
to satisfy water demands (National Research Council, 2011). We generic deep sandy loam profile. Details on the construction and
focus our test case deployment of WEAP-DSSAT on Yolo County, and attributes of the soil profile can be found in the source code
our agricultural analyses on Yolo County Flood Control and Water (Hoogenboom et al., 2012). We focus on the role of water in limiting
Conservation District (YCFCWCD), shown in Fig. 2. crop production, so shut off all nutrient stresses in DSSAT under an
Yolo County is a well-studied, intensively managed, and water- assumption of well-fertilized fields. Automatic irrigation for corn
limited agricultural area in the Sacramento River basin in northern and wheat is triggered when the fraction of soil moisture in the top
Central Valley, with crops covering 57% of the land and agriculture 30 cm of the soil profile falls below 50% of soil saturation. Water is
accounting for almost 95% of the County's total water withdrawal of then applied as furrow irrigation until the soil moisture level rea-
approximately 1.23 billion m3 yr1 (Mehta et al., 2013). YCFCWCD ches 100% saturated. Rice is flooded on the first day of the planting
covers 41% of Yolo County's irrigated area and is located in the window through harvest to a depth of 50 mm. Bund height is set to
western-central portion of the county (Mehta et al., 2013). 100 mm, and percolation rate is assumed to be 4 mm day1. Sim-
YCFCWCD supplies surface water to its agricultural customers from ulations for each crop were run using the observed atmospheric
Cache Creek, primarily from Clear Lake and the Indian Valley CO2 concentration time series of Keeling et al. (2001). We note that
Reservoir. Despite this infrastructure, total irrigation demand ex- while planting date, harvesting date, and irrigation applications
ceeds what YCFCWCD can supply, and there have been three times will vary by year due to weather, all other crop management is
in the past 40 years with absolutely no water supplied by the static.
District (1977, 1990, 2014). Additional details on Yolo County and Crop varieties were selected for each of the three crops based on
YCFCWCD agriculture can be found in Mehta et al. (2013). the field and management characteristics of Yolo County. Field corn
J.M. Winter et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 96 (2017) 335e346 339

Fig. 2. Modeled agricultural area (YCFCWCD) and Yolo and Lake County catchments, with inset of California's Central Valley and Yolo County.

Table 1
Crop management for WEAP-DSSAT simulations. Note that the planting for wheat occurs in the year previous to harvest year, and that crops are harvested automatically at
maturity. The harvesting end date is included to ensure crops that are planted but do not mature are cleared before the start of the next water year.

Crop Density [m2] Row Spacing [cm] Depth [cm] Planting Window Harvesting End Date

Corn 6 61 7 3/1e6/1 9/30

Rice 200 25 2.5 5/1e5/25 9/30
Wheat 270 16 3 10/20e12/31 9/30

in the Sacramento Valley is grown both for grain and silage, with Important characteristics for California wheat production include
the harvested acreage planted for grain accounting for approxi- short stature, lodging resistance, soil saturation tolerance, shatter
mately 70% of total field corn harvested acreage. However, the split resistance, and nitrogen responsiveness (University of California
in grain and silage production is variable, and often dual-purpose Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2006). A medium
varieties are planted that can be used for either grain or silage grain hard red spring wheat cultivar with the desired properties
based on market conditions (Frate and Schwanki, n.d.). Farmers in was not available in DSSAT, so a modified hard red winter wheat
this area generally use slow maturing corn varieties to take available in DSSAT was determined to be the best choice. Rice
advantage of the long growing season in the region (Frate and production in California is dominated by semi-dwarf, medium-
Schwanki, n.d.; Pen ~ a-Barraga
n et al., 2011). We selected a corn grain varieties, with the majority classified as early maturity
cultivar in DSSAT that contains the generic attributes of California (Espino et al., 2013; Geisseler and Horwath, 2013). These varieties
corn, but does not match a specific variety grown in Yolo County to provide a high yield and quality of rice, as well as flexibility in
maintain flexibility for model applications beyond Yolo County but planting dates due to the relatively short time to maturity. As with
within the Central Valley. The majority of California's wheat pro- corn, a rice cultivar in DSSAT was selected that contains the key
duction is hard red spring wheat planted in the fall (University of properties of rice currently grown in California, but is not a specific
California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2006). rice variety from Yolo County to ensure that the model is valid for
340 J.M. Winter et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 96 (2017) 335e346

applications throughout California. observations either needed no or simple unit conversions.

Due to the unsustainable use of groundwater in California WEAP-DSSAT evapotranspiration in Yolo County was compared
(Famiglietti, 2014), we ran two sets of simulations to capture the to remotely sensed evapotranspiration estimates from the Terres-
two extremes of groundwater supply. In the first, we automatically trial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS) Satellite Irrigation
irrigated with no limitations on water amount (WEAP-DSSAT Full). Management Support (SIMS; Melton et al., 2012). While both WEAP
In the second set of simulations (WEAP-DSSAT Surface), we high- and DSSAT simulate ET, we only consider ET output from DSSAT as it
light the potential impacts of eliminating groundwater pumping by should best represent plant water loss over agricultural areas. SIMS
irrigating exclusively with surface water. In these simulations, integrates satellite, ground observations, and model results to
crops are automatically irrigated until irrigation water demand produce near real-time simulations and forecasts of environmental
exceeds surface water supply, and then irrigation applications are conditions, including potential evapotranspiration (Nemani et al.,
proportionally reduced after that based on the ratio of surface 2009). Crop evapotranspiration in SIMS is calculated using the
water supply to irrigation water demand. We note that the areas California Department of Water Resources Spatial California Irri-
simulated are all within the surface irrigation canal service area of gation Management Information System (Hart et al., 2009) and a
YCFCWCD, so are therefore less sensitive to the elimination of remotely sensed crop coefficient (Kc), described in more detail
groundwater pumping than Yolo County overall. We further note below. This presents a marked improvement over the use of
that the WEAP-DSSAT Surface simulations are hypothetical and weather station potential ET with a fixed Kc, which is spatially
proportionally reducing irrigation applications is a simplistic coarse and does not account for crop rotation, phenology, and land
approach. A more practical modeling or scenario-based treatment use changes between years.
of groundwater, as well as representations of crop prioritization SIMS combines TOPS with Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM),
(e.g., irrigating higher value fields or perennials first), fallowing, Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETMþ) and MODerate
and deficit irrigation, would be necessary for more realistic simu- resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite imagery to
lations of Yolo County irrigated agriculture. create a map product that covers approximately 4 million ha of
agricultural land in California at a 30-m resolution (Melton et al.,
3.3. Observed yield and evapotranspiration datasets 2012). Landsat imagery provides the spatial resolution for field
scale measurements, while MODIS provides temporal resolution
To assess the accuracy of WEAP-DSSAT predictions of grain yield, with gap-filling due to the Landsat 7 Scan Line Corrector (SLC)
we compared simulated yields of corn, wheat, and rice to average failure, thus providing timely data accessibility and applicability
yields reported for Yolo County by the USDA's National Agricultural (Melton et al., 2012). SIMS provides information on crop conditions
Statistical Service (1980e2014) and observed yields from agro- and water use through the TOPS SIMS website (http://ecocast.arc.
nomic field trials conducted in Yolo County. Field trial data for, including basal crop evapotranspiration
irrigated corn (1994e2007) and irrigated wheat (1994e2013) (ETcb; Fig. 3), basal crop coefficient (Kcb), fractional cover (FC),
yields were obtained from a long-term experiment conducted at normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from a combination
the University of California's Russel Ranch Sustainable Agriculture of Landsat and MODIS, and NDVI from Landsat only. We note that
Facility (Scow, 2009). The corn varieties planted in this experiment ETcb doesn't account for soil evaporation, free water surface evap-
were long duration hybrids: Pioneer 3162 (1994e2000) and oration, or reduced transpiration from crop water stress unless the
ST7570RR (2001e2007). Over the period of this field trial three stress affects crop development.
hard red spring wheat varieties were used; Yolo (1994e2002), We obtained monthly SIMS ETcb for 2011e2014 for Yolo County.
Summit (2003e2005), and Cal Rojo (2006e2013). Observed rice Data for 2012 relied more heavily on MODIS as Landsat 5 data were
yields were obtained from a database of annual variety trials con- not available, and Landsat 8 was not yet collecting data. Crop
ducted by the University of California at three field sites in Yolo boundary information downloaded from Yolo County (http://www.
County (University of California Cooperative Extension, 2015): was used to identify and extract ETcb for each field
Greer Farm (1981e1997, 1999e2003), Erdman Farm (2004e2005), of corn, rice, and wheat, and then generate a county-scale mean of
and Webster Farm (2006e2010, 2012e2014). Yield data from the ETcb for each crop. We caveat that due to temporal coverage of
M-202 cultivar was used for all years. We note that while cultivars climate data used to force WEAP-DSSAT, SIMS data does not overlap
are known for the field trials, we selected generic cultivars in with WEAP-DSSAT simulations, so seasonal cycles of ET for WEAP-
WEAP-DSSAT to keep our test case consistent with a regional DSSAT (1981e2008) and SIMS (2011e2014) were calculated by crop
application of WEAP-DSSAT in which cultivars would not be to produce an approximate comparison between remotely sensed
known. Generic, uncalibrated cultivars have been used extensively and modeled crop ET for corn, rice, and wheat in Yolo County.
in regional- to global-scale crop model simulations (e.g., Elliott
et al., 2014b; Kucharik, 2003; Rosenzweig et al., 2014); however, 4. Results and discussion
we acknowledge that this simplification has consequences for
interpretating results. We did conduct an analysis to explore the WEAP-DSSAT produces near-identical (within 1%) yields relative
sensitivity of simulated yields to cultivar parameters. Specifically, to the original DSSAT model under well-watered conditions for
for corn and rice we increased P1 and P5 by 10% and decreased P1 corn, rice, and wheat, with one exception (not shown). DSSAT ir-
and P5 by 10%, and for wheat we increased P5 by 10% and decreased rigates on the day of harvest in the wheat simulation for 2001,
P5 by 10%. Corn yields were most sensitive to changes in P1 and P5, while WEAP-DSSAT does not because it is unrealistic. This alters the
approximately 15% on average, followed by rice, ~4% on average, initial soil moisture conditions enough for 2002 to produce a 24%
and with wheat being relatively insensitive to changes in P5, less increase in DSSAT wheat yield relative to WEAP-DSSAT. Below we
than 2% (not shown). compare yields and evapotranspiration simulated by WEAP-DSSAT
Some observed yield units needed to be converted for consis- to observations for Yolo County.
tency with WEAP-DSSAT, which simulates dry grain in kg ha1.
NASS corn was converted from bu ac1 to kg ha1 assuming 56 lb 4.1. Yield evaluation
bu1. NASS wheat was converted from bu ac1 to kg ha1 assuming
60 lb bu1. Rice field trial yield data were converted from units of lb Fig. 4 shows WEAP-DSSAT simulated, NASS, and field trial yields
ac1 at 14% moisture to kg ha1 dry grain yield. All other for corn, rice, and wheat, and Table 2 contains the means of and
J.M. Winter et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 96 (2017) 335e346 341

Fig. 3. SIMS mean annual ETcb (mm/month) over Yolo County for 2011e2014.

correlations across simulated and observed yields. As described WEAP-DSSAT Full and WEAP-DSSAT Surface to field trials is a result
above, we ran WEAP-DSSAT with both a full allocation of water, of field trial yield data availability coinciding with years in which
representing surface water augmented by unlimited groundwater, surface water provided a full allocation. For both rice and wheat,
and then a surface water only allocation, which falls short of irri- WEAP-DSSAT Full yield correlations to NASS and field trial data are
gation water demand in some years. We primarily analyze WEAP- lower, averaging approximately 0.30. For comparison, correlations
DSSAT simulations with a full allocation (WEAP-DSSAT Full) between NASS and field trial yields are about 0.50 across all crops.
because we are using irrigated field trial data, and believe full WEAP-DSSAT Surface correlations for rice and wheat across both
irrigation is more relevant to NASS, and WEAP-DSSAT Full allows us observational datasets are much lower, and often close to zero or
to confirm the consistency of WEAP-DSSAT to the offline version of even negative, underscoring the importance of groundwater
DSSAT when run with unlimited water. However, we also include extraction for the region. We note that more accurate simulations
the results from WEAP-DSSAT irrigated exclusively with surface of yields could likely be achieved by calibrating the model using
water (WEAP-DSSAT Surface) in Fig. 4 and Table 2 for reference. field trial data, as well as more specific cultivars, planting dates, and
On average WEAP-DSSAT Full corn yields agree with field trials, water and nutrient management.
and are approximately 10% higher than NASS yields. Differences
between field trial and NASS yields could be the result of a wide 4.2. Evapotranspiration analysis
range of management and environmental factors. In addition, field
trials can be managed in a way that is not practical at larger scales, Overall WEAP-DSSAT reasonably simulates average growing
and NASS averages yields over the entire county. WEAP-DSSAT Full season evapotranspiration (ET) for corn and wheat, and captures
overestimates rice yields by 13% and 26% relative to field trials and some features of the ET seasonal cycle when compared to SIMS ET;
NASS, respectively. Unlike corn and wheat, water stress is probably however, there are differences between WEAP-DSSAT and SIMS
not a cause of differences across yields as all fields are flooded. within season. We again caveat that the seasonal cycles and mean
WEAP-DSSAT Surface better simulates mean yields of corn when values for WEAP-DSSAT and SIMS are for 1981e2008 and
compared to NASS and rice when compared to either observational 2011e2014, respectively, and note that California was in a persis-
dataset, but low correlations suggest this accuracy is false. WEAP- tent drought during the growing seasons SIMS is available for,
DSSAT Full simulates wheat well, with yields only slightly lower which could have led to discrepancies between WEAP-DSSAT and
than both NASS (7%) and field trials (4%). When rounded, wheat SIMS planting, crop phenology, and harvesting, and consequently
yields produced by WEAP-DSSAT Full and WEAP-DSSAT Surface are ET. While caution should be exercised in interpreting results, we
identical. nonetheless feel that comparing WEAP-DSSAT and SIMS ET is useful
WEAP-DSSAT Full simulations of corn produce the highest cor- given the scarcity of comparisons between crop model simulated
relation coefficients, both with field trials (0.43) and NASS (0.36). and observed ET.
The correlation of WEAP-DSSAT Surface and NASS is poor while the WEAP-DSSAT Full and Surface capture some features of the SIMS
correlation of WEAP-DSSAT Full and WEAP-DSSAT Surface to field ET corn seasonal cycle, but greatly underestimate ET in August
trials is identical for corn. The unexpected identical correlations of (Fig. 5). WEAP-DSSAT Full is more accurate on average (7%
342 J.M. Winter et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 96 (2017) 335e346

overestimates ET early in the growing season (May and June) and

underestimates ET late in the growing season (September). While
there are a variety of potential reasons for the differences in ET
between WEAP-DSSAT and SIMS, of particular note are planting
date and the timing and length of flooding, which are likely not
uniform across WEAP-DSSAT simulations and SIMS observations.
WEAP-DSSAT Full and Surface ET over wheat, which is largely
rainfed and grown in the winter, are similar to (7% underestima-
tion) SIMS ET on average (Table 3). WEAP-DSSAT overestimates ET
from November through February, and then underestimates ET in
April. This could be due to differences in the timing of crop coef-
ficient values in SIMS and crop phenology in WEAP-DSSAT, which
tends to harvest in late March or early April and thus reduces ET
late in the growing season, or a misclassification of mature wheat in
SIMS as a crop with higher ET.

4.3. Groundwater supply sensitivity assessment

Assessing exactly how irrigation patterns change under drought

in Yolo County is very challenging. While there is some fallowing
and deficit irrigation, many growers access groundwater to enable
high yields despite reduced surface water allocations. However,
California's Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA),
passed in the fall of 2014, mandates the development of Ground-
water Sustainability Plans, which are likely to place limits on
groundwater pumping by the early 2020s.
Fig. 6 shows the water allocation and yield ratios of WEAP-
DSSAT Surface, in which irrigation is supplied exclusively by sur-
face water mimicking a simplified application of the SGMA, to
WEAP-DSSAT Full. Overall, both corn and rice fare relatively well
without groundwater, as in most years irrigation demand is met by
surface water, with the exception of the middle of the 1987e1992
drought (California Department of Water Resources, 1993). In the
early part of the drought (1987 and 1988), water allocations for corn
and rice were close to full, and yields were unchanged from well-
Fig. 4. WEAP-DSSAT with unlimited water and surface water only simulated yields,
watered. In 1989, 1991, both corn and rice received no irrigation,
and NASS and field trial observed yields for: a) corn, b) rice, and c) wheat. resulting in failed crops. In 1990, fields were allocated roughly 35%
of irrigation demand. This resulted in an approximately 75%
reduction of corn yield relative to a full water allocation yield and a
underestimation); however, this is partially a result of compen- complete loss for rice. The following year (1991) water allocations
sating errors in the seasonal cycle. The SIMS ET seasonal cycle is were ~70% of irrigation demand, which reduced corn productivity
more consistent with WEAP-DSSAT Surface, particularly from May by about 25% but had no impact on rice production relative to well-
through July. The underestimation of WEAP-DSSAT ET in August watered. The remainder of the time series to 2008 contains a
could be due to discrepancies in maturity date either from the number of small reductions in water allocation. Most are less than
cultivar used in WEAP-DSSAT simulations or corn taking longer to 5% and none impact yield with the exception of corn in 2008, where
mature due to water stress in 2011e2014. WEAP-DSSAT Full and a water allocation of 86% of irrigation demand resulted in corn
Surface overestimate ET for rice by 29% and 23%, respectively yields 2% lower than well-watered. We again note that the areas
(Table 3). WEAP-DSSAT accurately simulates rice ET in July and simulated are all within the surface irrigation canal service area of
August, especially when run with surface water only, but YCFCWCD, so are therefore expected to be less sensitive to the

Table 2
Means of and correlations across simulated and observed yields. Both metrics are calculated over the length of record, shown in Fig. 4.

Source and Crop Mean [tons ha1] Correlation Field Trial [ ] Correlation NASS [ ]

WEAP-DSSAT Full Corn 11.8 0.43 0.36

WEAP-DSSAT Surface Corn 10.6 0.43 0.03
NASS Corn 10.7 0.51 e
Field Trial Corn 11.5 e 0.51
WEAP-DSSAT Full Rice 10.8 0.33 0.30
WEAP-DSSAT Surface Rice 9.6 0.05 0.19
NASS Rice 8.6 0.52 e
Field Trial Rice 9.6 e 0.52
WEAP-DSSAT Full Wheat 5.1 0.27 0.29
WEAP-DSSAT Surface Wheat 5.1 0.01 0.18
NASS Wheat 5.5 0.50 e
Field Trial Wheat 5.3 e 0.50
J.M. Winter et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 96 (2017) 335e346 343

a) Simulated and Observed Corn Evapotranspiration a) Simulated Water Allocation and Corn Yield Ratios
300 1.8
WEAP-DSSAT Full WEAP-DSSAT Surface SIMS 1.6 Water Yield
200 1.2
100 0.6
0 0
4 5 6 7 8 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

b) Simulated and Observed Rice Evapotranspiration b) Simulated Water Allocation and Rice Yield Ratios

300 1.8
Evapotranspitation [mm month

200 1.2

Ratio [ ]
100 0.6
0 0
5 6 7 8 9 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

c) Simulated and Observed Wheat Evapotranspiration c) Simulated Water Allocation and Wheat Yield Ratios
150 1.8
100 1.2
50 0.6
0 0
10 11 12 1 2 3 4 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Month Year

Fig. 5. WEAP-DSSAT simulated (1981e2008) and SIMS (2011e2014) evapotranspira- Fig. 6. Water allocation and yields ratios (WEAP-DSSAT Surface divided by WEAP-
tion growing seasonal cycles for: a) corn, b) rice, and c) wheat. Blue and red lines show DSSAT Full) for: a) corn, b) rice, and c) wheat. Water allocation ratios less than one
irrigation supply derived from unlimited water and surface water only, respectively, denote irrigation water demand exceeding surface water supply. Yield ratios less and
while crosses denote overlapping 95% confidence intervals. more than one describe reduced and enhanced yields, respectively.

Table 3 First, wheat in California is largely grown in the winter when

Mean of simulated and observed evapotranspiration. Both metrics are rainfall is more plentiful. When combined with a relatively
calculated over the length of record for the growing season, as described
in Fig. 5.
drought-tolerant crop like wheat, these fields can usually be
managed as rainfed. We note that Fig. 6 does not describe the
Source and Crop Mean [mm] amount of precipitation during the growing season (larger for
WEAP-DSSAT Full Corn 123 wheat) or amount of irrigation applied (less for wheat). In 1989,
WEAP-DSSAT Surface Corn 114 1991, wheat received no surface water for irrigation and yields were
SIMS Corn 132
reduced by 18% on average relative to well-watered. As California
WEAP-DSSAT Full Rice 171
WEAP-DSSAT Surface Rice 164 was emerging from the drought in 1992, wheat received 67% of its
SIMS Rice 133 full water allocation, and yields were 12% lower than well-watered.
WEAP-DSSAT Full Wheat 38 In addition to the intuitive differences in wheat yields between
WEAP-DSSAT Surface Wheat 38 WEAP-DSSAT Full and WEAP-DSSAT Surface, we also found unex-
SIMS Wheat 41
pected yield increases of 35% and 62% in 1998 and 2003, respec-
tively, despite a full or slight decrease in growing season water
elimination of groundwater pumping than Yolo County and the
allocation. These spikes are a result of irrigation applications in the
Central Valley overall.
previous or current water year, which caused relatively small re-
While the drought of 1987e1992 clearly impacts water alloca-
ductions in soil moisture that substantially altered planting. The
tions for wheat, overall wheat yield reductions are small when
DSSAT automatic planting algorithm requires soil moisture greater
compared to corn and rice (Fig. 6). There are several reasons for this.
344 J.M. Winter et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 96 (2017) 335e346

than 40% of saturation, and in 1998 and 2003 the reduction in soil agriculture from seasonal to climatological timescales. Refinement
moisture delayed planting by a few weeks, shifting the entire of both groundwater and how growers practically respond to
growing season and thus changing the temperatures and precipi- reduced irrigation allocations (e.g., fallowing, deficit irrigation,
tation experienced by the plants. While there is some precedent for groundwater pumping) would also create more realistic assess-
this sensitivity in the literature (Basso et al., 2015), in the Central ments of climate impacts on agriculture. In addition, an evaluation
Valley practical considerations would likely cause growers to plant of DSSAT to simulate water-limited yields in California is needed to
wheat earlier regardless of soil moisture and then irrigate to ensure assess the accuracy and constraints of the model. Finally, better
the ability to double-crop their fields. management information would provide an opportunity to
improve automatic planting, harvesting, and irrigation algorithms
5. Conclusions in WEAP-DSSAT.

The utility of crop models that can only be run with scheduled Acknowledgments
irrigation or unlimited automatic irrigation is diminished for pre-
dictive applications over irrigated areas. Growers will adapt irri- This work was supported by the NASA Applied Sciences Program
gation schedules to future weather conditions, which is (NNH11ZDA001N-WATER). We thank Lyndon Estes and Cheryl
incompatible with a priori scheduling of timing and amount of Porter for sharing methods for compiling and running DSSAT on
irrigation, and the vast majority of irrigated croplands are irrigated Linux platforms. We thank Forrest Melton and Alberto Guzman for
because water is scarce locally, making irrigation from an unlimited providing access to SIMS evapotranspiration data for our study
water supply a flawed assumption. To address the deficiencies in area.
each of these approaches, we coupled a crop model to a calibrated
hydrologic and water resources allocation model. DSSAT adds the References
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