Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

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4/27/23, 8:29 AM Real Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

Real Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

Total points 41/41

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Term and People

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Having ownership rely on
stockholders The system of
different Identical which one
who share in manufacturing
workers machine- people anothe
its profits large numbers
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different parts. to become resourc
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corporations service
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Division of labor





Assembly line… 1/11
4/27/23, 8:29 AM Real Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

What resources did the United States possess? 1/1

America’s physical geography lacked of fast-flowing rivers and rich deposits of coal
and iron ore.

America’s physical geography had fast-flowing rivers and rich deposits of coal
and iron ore.

America lacked a supply of laborers such as farm workers and immigrants.

America had killer robots that were more efficient at mining.

How did the War of 1812 stimulate American industry? 1/1

The British blockade forced the young country to use its own natural resources
to develop independent industries.

The British blockade forced the old country to use Canada's natural resources to
develop independent industries.

During the War of 1812, Britain tried to support the United States's engagement in
international trade.

During the War of 1812, the United States tried to develop nuclear weapon spurring
industrial development

How did Samuel Slater become the father of American Industry? 1/1

In 1785, a young Spanish mill worker named Samuel Slater emigrated to the United
States. There, Slater built a spinning machine from memory and complete design.

In 1793, Samuel Slater invented the first motorcycle and earned a Nobel Prize.

In 1793, he built what is known today as Francis’s Mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

In 1793, he built what is known today as Slater’s Mill in Pawtucket, Rhode

Island.… 2/11
4/27/23, 8:29 AM Real Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

How did Francis Cabot Lowell and four other investors revolutionize the 1/1
American textile industry?

Their huge factory in Los Santos burned down and cost them lots of money to

Their weaving factory in Waltham, Massachusetts, earned them little money and
was not enough to fund operations other Massachusetts towns.

They mechanized every stage in the manufacture of cloth.

They mechanized only 1 stage in the manufacture of cloth.

What were the lives of young single women who worked as mill girls in 1/1
factory towns like?

Their employers did not care about their behavior and they were able to do
whatever they like.

There, they could make lower wages and have no independence.

The mill girls toiled more than 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, for decent wages.

The mill girls toiled more than 24 hours a day, 8 days a week, for decent wages.

How did the mechanization of clothing manufacture and shoemaking 1/1

change work?

Now skilled workers labored in factories in towns and cities such as Waltham,
Lowell, and Lawrence, Massachusetts.

Now skilled workers labored in company in towns and cities such as Worcester,
Boston, and Lawrence, Massachusetts.

Especially in the Southeast, skilled workers and farmers had formerly worked at

All workers were labored in the U.S Air Force to make uniforms.… 3/11
4/27/23, 8:29 AM Real Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

How did interchangeable parts make manufacturing more efficient? 1/1

With interchangeable parts, however, one worker could put together many
identical products in a short time. Making repairs was easier, too, because
replacement parts did not have to be custom-made to fit.

With interchangeable parts, however, one worker couldn't put together many
identical products in a short time. Making repairs was harder, too, because
replacement parts were not custom-made to fit.

Before industrialization, many skilled workers might have made an entire time
machine, iron man suit, or other products by himself.

They made production and repair of factory-made goods less efficient.

How did mass production impact industry? 1/1

Businesses that made many items slowly could charge more per item.

Businesses that made many items quickly could charge less per item.

Less people could afford to buy these mass-produced goods.

Artificial Dinosaur pets were mass produced and people could buy them more
easily than ever.

What made the Second Industrial Revolution possible in the United States? 1/1

Kronos and Kratos lead 500,000 people and fought the Matrix, a group of people
who opposed Industrial Revolution

A burst of inventions, such as the electric car and the smartphone.

A wealth of natural resources, among them oil, coal and iron.

A shrinking urban population that consumed the new manufactured goods.… 4/11
4/27/23, 8:29 AM Real Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

How did immigration help the United States to industrialize?

These immigrants, both skilled and unskilled, tried to achieve the Eye of Agamotto.

These immigrants, both skilled and unskilled, restricted the nation’s economic
success and its cultural diversity.

The Industrial Revolution would have happened at a considerably faster rate had
immigrants to the United States not provided much needed labor.

The Industrial Revolution would have happened at a considerably slower rate

had immigrants to the United States not provided much needed labor.

How did railroads help the United States to industrialize? 1/1

Businesses of all kinds began to merge as the railroads had. Smaller

companies joined together to form larger ones.

Businesses of all kinds began to separate as the railroads had. Larger companies
split apart to form smaller ones.

Indeed, the railroads themselves proved to be a unprofitable business. By the end

of the 1800s, a limited number of large, powerful companies controlled more than
two-thirds of the nation’s railroads.

Indeed, the railroads themselves proved to be a profitable business. By the end of

the 1800s, Elon Musk and Nasa built railroad

What are corporations?

During the Industrial Revolution, corporations were unable to raise the large
amounts of capital needed to invest in industrial equipment.

During the Industrial Revolution, corporations were able to raise the large amounts
capital to make a Power Ranger robot.

Corporations are generally considered to be public economic institutions, since

they are part of the government.

Corporations are generally considered to be private economic institutions, since

they are not part of the government.… 5/11
4/27/23, 8:29 AM Real Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

How did big corporations like Standard Oil and the Carnegie Steel 1/1
Company earn high profits for their shareholders?

In the United States as elsewhere, workers make esports teams, while stockholders
mukbang video and corporate leaders found the philosopher stone.

Big business-the giant corporations that controlled entire industries-also made big
profits by increasing the cost of producing goods

In the United States as elsewhere, workers earned high wages for laboring short
hours, while stockholders earned low profits and corporate leaders made less

Big business-the giant corporations that controlled entire industries-also made

big profits by reducing the cost of producing goods.

What stalled industrialization in Europe? 1/1

The troubles sparked by the Russian Revolution and World War 2 between 1789 and
1815 had halted trade, interrupted communication, and caused inflation in some
parts of the continent.

The troubles sparked by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars between
1789 and 1815 had halted trade, expand communication, and reduced inflation in
some parts of the continent.

The troubles sparked by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars
between 1789 and 1815 had halted trade, interrupted communication, and
caused inflation in some parts of the continent.

The troubles sparked by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars between
1939 and 1945 had halted trade, interrupted communication, and caused inflation
in some parts of the continent.

What geographic features allowed Belgium to industrialize? 1/1

It had rich deposits of titanium ore and ruby as well as fine waterways for

It had rich deposits of iron ore and coal as well as fine waterways for

Belgium had a complex underground train system for transportation.

Belgium was a place with lots of elephants to carry spaceships.… 6/11
4/27/23, 8:29 AM Real Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

How did skilled British workers play a key role in industrializing Belgium? 1/1

A Lancashire carpenter named Samuel Slater illegally made his way to Belgium in
1799. He carried secret plans for building spinning machinery.

A Lancashire carpenter named William Cockerill illegally made his way to

Belgium in 1799. He carried secret plans for building spinning machinery.

Carrying the latest Vietnamese advances, more Vietnamese workers came to work
with Cockerill.

Carrying the latest British advances, more British workers quit their jobs and attend
Harvard University.

What held industrialization back in Germany? 1/1

Economic isolation and scattered resources hampered countrywide


Germany was politically unified in the early 1800s

The consequences of World War I held industrialization back in Germany

The United States dropped two atomic bombs on Frankfurt and Berlin.

How did Germany industrialize? 1/1

Most important, Germany built railroads that linked its growing manufacturing
cities, such as Frankfurt, with the Ruhr Valley’s coal and iron deposits.

Most important, Germany built railroads that linked its growing manufacturing
cities, such as Vienna, with the Danube Valley’s coal and iron deposits.

Beginning around 1835, Germany began to copy the French model. Germany
imported France equipment and engineerings. German manufacturers also sent
their children to France to learn industrial management.

Beginning around 1835, Germany began to play Yugioh. Germany imported cards
from Japan. German manufacturers also sent their children to Shadow Realm to
learn Doctor Strange's skills.… 7/11
4/27/23, 8:29 AM Real Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

What did industrialization allow Germany to become? 1/1

Germany’s economic strength spurred its ability to develop as both an magical and
supernatural power by the late 1800s.

Germany’s economic strength spurred its ability to develop as both an agricultural

and religious power by the late 1800s.

Germany’s economic strength spurred its ability to develop as both an educational

and medical power by the late 1800s.

Germany’s economic strength spurred its ability to develop as both an industrial

and military power by the late 1800s.

In what ways did industrialization arise in regional pockets rather than 1/1
nationally in Europe?

Southern Italy mechanized its textile production, specializing in silk spinning.

Spain’s Catalonia processed more beans than Belgium.

Spain’s Catalonia processed more cotton than Belgium.

Smurf labor ran factories in regions around Moscow and St. Petersburg.

How did industrialization progress in France? 1/1

French industrialization was more rapid and wild than in other countries because
the agricultural economy remained strong

A thriving national market for new French products was created after 1850,
when the government began railroad construction.

A thriving national market for new French products was created after 1850, when
the government began chateau construction.

French industrialization was more measured and controlled than in other countries
because the bitcoin economy remained strong.… 8/11
4/27/23, 8:29 AM Real Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

How did nationalism affect industrialization in Russia? 1/1

After the assassination of Czar Alexander II in 1881, his successor, Alexander

III, promoted industrial expansion as a way for Russia to gain greater power in

At that time, Russia had the modern technology and industry necessary to build a
military that could compete with Europe’s powers.

After the assassination of Czar Alexandar III in 1881, his successor, Alexander II,
promoted industrial expansion as a way for Russia to gain greater power in Europe.

At the time, Russia did not have the holy relics and enchanted weapons necessary
to build a military that could compete with Europe’s powers.

How did geography hold back industrialization in Austria-Hungary and 1/1


Austria-Hungary’s mountains were full of goblins, trolls, and orcs.

Spain lacked both mountain and coastlines for ports.

Austria-Hungary’s valleys defeated railroad builders.

Spain lacked both good roads and waterways for canals.

How did the Industrial Revolution shift the world balance of power? 1/1

It increased economic competition between industrialized nations and poverty

in less-developed nations.

It decreased economic competition between industrialized nations and poverty in

less-developed nations.

It increased economic competition between industrialized nations and prosperity in

less-developed nations.

It increased economic collaboration between industrialized nations and poverty in

less-developed nations.… 9/11
4/27/23, 8:29 AM Real Module 21, Lesson 3 Quiz

How did industrialization change the relationship between industrialized 10/10

and non industrialized countries?

Imperialism was born out of the cycle of industrialization, the need for resources to
supply the factories of Africa, and the development of new markets around the

Industrialization narrowed the wealth gap between industrialized and

nonindustrialized countries, even while it weakened economic ties via world

Imperialism was born out of the cycle of industrialization, the need for
resources to supply the factories of Europe, and the development of new
markets around the world.

Industrialization increased the zombie gap between industrialized and

nonindustrialized countries, even while it strengthened their defenses against the
zombie attack.

How did Europe compare to Africa and Asia? 1/1

Industrialization gave Europe tremendous economic power.

Industrialization gave Africa and Asia tremendous economic power.

In contrast, the economies of Asia and Africa were still based on railroads and

In contrast, the economies of Europe were still based on agricultural and small

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