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PLAN 201 18-03-2023

ID NO. 202221977


As I ask myself what my version of Utopia is, I was reminded of a song with the first
“When she was just a girl, she expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
So she ran away in her sleep
Dreamed of para-para-paradise
Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise
Every time she closed her eyes”

This song is called Paradise by Coldplay. Once upon a time, we were all children. Life seemed

great in general for toddlers who were adored and supported by their parents. When praises are

given simply for learning to talk and walk, when there are no strict expectations and

understanding is always offered. By discovering wonders day by day, we were full of dreams

and optimism, a period when we thought to our young minds; what a wonderful world. Then

one day, suddenly, we all grew. Along the way, we realized through experiences and life lessons

that the world isn’t so perfect after all. For a young adult like me, barely new to the real struggles

of life, there would be moments when I find myself in search of comfort by trying to escape, just

like the girl in the song, seeking some sort of paradise. So when I imagine a Utopian World, I

get this feeling of wanting to go back to my younger days. When my actions and the person I

am becoming wasn’t being criticized by societal expectations. When all people seemed kind and

when the world was mainly fair and just. When the sense of harmony and the illusion of

perfection exist. Although, that is a kid’s perception, a sheer illusion of fantasy just like any other

Utopia, a vision of an ideal society, it is but a mere dream. But hey, anyone can dream. So in

this article, come with me as I explore my vision of Utopia based on my personal beliefs, values

and experiences as well as principles of justice, equality and sustainability. After all, as an

aspiring planner, refer to me as that girl who ran away in her sleep, dreaming of paradise.

Lets begin by imaging the world not being run by Money. In the Philippines, there is a

phrase that goes “What is money? Paper Only”. This phrase is highly popular among our group

of friends when we are about to spend money on something expensive, trying to find humor in

spending. Despite the fact that numerous studies have demonstrated that money cannot

purchase or equate to happiness, it does give you a great deal of power and freedom. In my

Paradise, people will not care whether you have any because the use of money is not

encouraged. Most things cannot be purchased with cash. Basic necessities are provided by the

government while wanting more means trading goods and services for knowledge, skills, talents

or other of the same value. This can encourage equitable chances for all of its residents. The

Island’s main slogan would be "pay it forward," where helping or giving to others is reciprocated

by expecting them to do the same for others in the future.

I've chosen an island as the location of my utopia's framework. The way of life on an

island has always amazed me. Maybe it's because I haven't traveled to many places or because

most of the peaceful spots I've seen are on little islands. Consider the islands of Siargao,

Boracay, or Suquijor. These are all little islands with a wealth of natural diversity. Most locals are

content, uncomplicated, and relaxed. Most individuals don't try to lead extravagant lives;

instead, they are content to sit on beaches in flip-flops, eat uncomplicated meals, and cheerfully

converse about their lives. Another fantastic aspect of it is that it serves as a gathering place for

individuals from all over the world who are united by a shared love of the ocean. It might be

surfing, scuba diving, or just a simple desire for a calm life by the sea. Everyone in the surfing or

diving community is nice and generous, prepared to share everything with you, and they come

from all walks of life. Some of them even left their city lives to be one with the sea. Hence, the

notion is that the right kind of people and community could be created by working toward the

same objective of finding fulfillment in doing what you love and blending in with your paradise.

As a certified diver myself, I am especially protective of the ocean and the creatures who live

there since it feels like a complete different world down there. You may say I can identify to

Avatar: The Way of Water because there are so many fascinating and unique creatures

underneath. So let's make my own utopia the sort of safe haven I'm familiar with.

For its structure, the island uses hydroelectric power and solar panels exclusively to

power its infrastructure. The usage of air conditioning is restricted to specific seasons and

temperature increases. In accordance with usage, every building in the city has been

aesthetically constructed to permit the passage of light and air from the mountain and the sea.

The city restricts the use of nonrenewable energy sources. There are numerous footpaths and

bicycle lanes, but only public transportation is available. There are underground fast trains

accessible. People can choose to live underground, beside the sea, or on a mountain. In no

event may any structure be built upon any wet regions or zoning areas inside the protected

zones. Monthly ocean cleanups are planned, and marine life is protected. Maintaining the

island's sustainability is the primary focus of industry work here. Everyone must receive

education on the value of the environment and sustainable living practices. The management of

waste is closely adhered to. Also, the usage of tower farming, which requires 95% less water

and less space, is employed to produce fruits and vegetables for each household. There are

modern medical facilities available to everyone. Crime-committers will be exiled from the

community for a period of time as punishment. Here, people can enjoy their life by going surfing

in the morning, doing community work as their job, scuba diving, and generally leading simple

lives in harmony with the environment. To live happily and contentedly is the goal here. Those

who wish to travel to other locations outside the island can do so for a reasonable price using

solely low-carbon aircraft.

The highest value on this island is respect for the environment, the law, and its citizens.

For individuals who are willing to recognize that everyone has various cultures and beliefs but

also know how to compromise, conflicts may be resolved by a body of a government. Those

who solely want to win and are unwilling to make concessions or give in under any

circumstances can resolve their disputes outside the island. All parties should agree on and

accept the space planning and guidelines. It is all about fostering community and improving

society here; there is no tolerance for corruption or self-serving gain. Although excellent

citizenship and adherence to the local way of life are equally vital, competent governance is an

absolute necessity.

Everyone has a different appetite for life. And while I may find this environment to be

charming, others might not. While everybody is invited to visit, not everyone is allowed to stay.

Only people who can appreciate the effort done in the place are welcome to reside on the island

because it has a very distinct taste in terms of life. It will always be open to proposals about how

to make society better, but not at the expense of environmental health. Yet since the island has

its limits because of the services it must provide for its residents and the need to safeguard the

environment, only a sizable population is acceptable. The objective is to set an example for

others and present an alternative way of life.

Dreaming of a paradise is simple; setting the parameters to make it a reality is more

challenging. Given that dreams have the capacity to be limitless, discussing my concept of

Utopia was simple. But reality and the limitations of my knowledge and perceptions kept

dragging me back. Because imagining this ideal society, that we all know will never be

achieved, makes me realize how helpless and flawed I really am. Nevertheless , Utopia inspires

hope in us and motivates us to improve—not just for ourselves but also for others and the future

despite of challenges. With that let me end this piece with a few more lines from the song


“And so lying underneath those stormy skies

She'd say, "oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I know the sun must set to rise"
This could be para-para-paradise

Song Title: Paradise by Coldplay written by Chris Martin


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