Comprimento Forca

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function [fl] = forclen( lf, lfopt, w)

% purpose - compute force produced by a muscle at given length

% ------
% John H. Challis, The Penn. State University (April 28, 1998)
% calling
% -------
% fl = forclen( lf, lfopt, w)
% input
% -----
% lf - current length of fiber
% lfopt - optimum length of muscle fiber
% w - model width parameter
% output
% ------
% fl - fraction of maximum isometric force muscle can produce at current
% length

fl = 1 - ( (lf - lfopt) / (w * lfopt) )^2;

if (fl < 0.0)
fl = 0.0;

%%% The End %%%

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