Culture Globalisation and Its Impact On A Filipino

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Culture Globalisation and Its Impact on a Filipino

Word Count: 372

Cultural globalisation is a phenomenon where there is a rapid movement of

ideas, values, and way of living fueled by the efficiency provided by the rapid

improvement in communication, innovation in technology, and in general, globalisation

(Watson, 2022). It has three main paradigms, namely, cultural differentialism, cultural

hybridization,and cultural convergence. These three played a great role in the quest for

homogeneity supported by the emergence of social media.

The first aspect is the cultural differentialism. This is an aspect of culture

globalisation that is a barrier for homogeneity. It tends to stubbornly remain different and

preserve the “tradition” or the establish standard culture. A good example would be the

clash of Western countries and Islam.

The second aspect is the hybridization where the cultures are like a remix, which

brings together and highlight the sameness and not the differences of each which in

turn produces a unique culture. It accommodates and respects the tradition while at the

same time integrates its to an existing one. Philippines is a good example as its culture

is flourishing by mixing Eastern and Western culture. It was shaped from our pre-

colonial, during, and post colonialization, weaving the different cultures introduced to

use during the time we were under different powers like Spain, US, and Japan.

The last aspect is cultural convergence in which cultures are blending together

by sharing their culture with each other while maintaining their own identity. It is like a

mirror that reflects the essence of each culture interacting with each other. A good

example of this is the availability of media platforms like Netflix, Disney+, Bilibili, which

makes the shows from different parts of the world available for us to appreciate.

In totality, these aspects played a great role for me in deepening my

understanding of my nationality and my culture. I can easily adjust and adapt with

different nationalities because I was introduced not only to a culture laden with Hispanic

and western influence, I also became knowledgeable with arts thru social media. It

helped me understand the culture of other neighboring countries while at the same time

be able to compare it side by side with the culture I grew up with.

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