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Group Members:

1. Chi Nguyen Thi Linh

2. Duong Vu Thuy
3. Huong Tran Thi Dieu

Activity: Countable and Uncountable Nouns used in the sentence pattern: “How much/many …?” (asking about the
Level skills: beginners
Age: 18-25 years old. They are immigrants of different countries.
Materials: projector, board, paper, pens/pencils, smartphones, computer/laptop
Time allotted: 10-15 minutes
Outcomes: Students will be able to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns
Instructions (step-by-step procedure):
Warm-up (video): Teacher shows a video about shopping at a grocery store and asks students to list out the items
mentioned in the video. Students will list all the nouns appearing in that video.
Presentation: Teacher shows the slides to introduce the definitions of Countable and Uncountable Nouns and then
guide them how to identify which one is Countable or Uncountable.
1. Group-work (paper) Students practice classifying the list of items they noted down from the video into 2 groups:
Countable and Uncountable Nouns. Teacher then provides the correct answers and explains if needed.
2. Individual work (Quizizz app): Again Students need to classify Countable and Uncountable Nouns through multiple
choice questions

Learning Theory: Social Culture Theory

1. ZPD:
What Students can do without help: understand the meaning of the nouns
What Students can do with help: identify countable and uncountable nouns.
2. Scaffolding
- Contextual support: a video about shopping in a grocery store
- Explain the rules
- Give examples to illustrate
- Correct mistakes
- Provide the guidance
3. Social Engagement
- Group work: collaborative and cooperative learning

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