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Topic 1: Wild animals

1. Q: Are there wild animals in your country?

A: There are plenty of animals in the wild or in the national park. We have a
wide variety of species, including rare mammals, reptiles and amphibians.
But actually I haven’t been seen them before.

 Mammal (n.): loài động vật có vú

 Reptile (n.): loài bò sát
 Amphibian (n.): loài lưỡng cư
2. Q: Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?
A: When I was a child, I went to the zoo and being amazed by all the
different animals. It was an incredible experience seeing the animals in their
natural habitat. It’s beautiful part of my childhood. I would love going to a
safari one day, beacuse I can get up close and personal with some of the
animals there.

 Natural habitat (n.): môi trường sống tự nhiên

 Get up close and personal (v.): đến gần
3. Q: What is the animal you would like to see in the wild?
A: It’s tough to pick just one favourite wild animals, but I adore dolphins
because it’s friendly and intelligence.

 Tough ~ hard ~ difficult: khó

4. Q : Are there TV programs ab wild animals in your country?
A: Actually, I have never seen this kind of Tv program in Vietnam, so
whenever I wanna watch it, I often switch to foreign channels.

Topic 2: Teacher
1. Q: Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
A: Even though I admire teacher, I don’t think it’s perfect job. Also
with my character, it’s hard for me to become a teacher.
2. Q: Do you remember one of your teachers?
A: it’s my E teacher. She always smiled whenever she entered the
classroom. After her interesting lessons, I felt inspired to learn
3. Q: Do you have a favorite teacher?
A: yes, absolutely. As I’ve mentioned before, her name is Ngoc and
she was my high-school English teacher. I loved how she made
learning fun and how encouraging she could be because at the time,
English wasn’t my strength. Thanks to her, I graduated with honors.


1. Q: Do you usually carry a bag?

A: I carry school bag every day when I go to school. It’s lovely backpack
with a lot of draws. It’s very convenient for me to keep my things.
2. Q: What kinds of bags do you like to carry?
A: I like sth that portable and durable, also has good looking. I would say
LV leather hand bag is perfect for me.
3. Q: Do you change your bags often?
A: I wish I could but I can’t afford it. It costs a fortune, so I can’t change my
bag often.


1. Q: Do you like ice cream?

A: Yes, absolutely. Ice cream is one of my favorite desserts. I love the
variety of flavors and the creamy texture. It’s a treat that helps you cool off
on a hot summer day, and it’s always a hit with kids.

o Texture (n.): cảm giác trong miệng của một món ăn

o Cool off (v.): làm mát
o A hit with sb (n.): được ai đó ưa chuộng

2. Q: Did you eat ice cream when you were a child?

A:  I was definitely a fan of ice cream as a kid. I remember whenever I
performed well at school, my parent rewarded me ice cream . Now that I'm
older, I still enjoy it just as much – it’s like a little taste of childhood
whenever I have some.
3. Q: Are there shops selling ice cream near the place where you live?
A: Yes, there is a mom-and-pop shop a stone’s throw from my house, and
ice cream is sold there.There’s an ice cream parlor a few blocks away
where ice cream sold has a wider variety of flavors. During the summer
months, I can get a cold treat whenever I want.

 Mom-and-pop shop (n.): hộ kinh doanh gia đình

 Stone’s throw from (n.): rất gần nơi nào đó
 Parlor (n.): tiệm

4. Q: Have you ever made ice cream?

A: I’m not cut out for cooking. I try my hands at making ice cream a couple
of time but I failed most of the time.


1. What kind of TV programs do you like?

I don’t usually watch TV, to be honest. But whenever I have time, I tend to binge
watch game shows all day. It’s because I want to be entertained after a long hard
day at work. This is also a good way to help alleviate stress and recharge the
battery so I can get back to work strongly.

 binge watch: cày phim/xem một nội dung liên tục trong một thời gian dài
 alleviate stress: xả stress
 recharge battery: “sạc pin” (hồi phục lại năng lượng)
2. Do you often watch programs on the TV or on your cellphone?

I find myself watching more and more content on my cell phone rather than
watching TV in my living room. It is just more convenient because most of these
programmes are also free. I even signed up for Netflix to enjoy my favorite TV
series and shows!
3. Do you like watching the same kind of programs all the time?
I tend to watch different types of programs depending on my mood and who
I watch with. Watching the same stuff all the time could be boring, so I
prefer switching different contents and exploring new ones.
4. Do you talk with your friends about the program you watched?
No -  I prefer to talk about personal lives, and what’s going on, you know,
what we interested in, rather than TV programs. All my friends have
different tastes - Some of my friends like drama programs, and some like to
watch web series, so we do not discuss TV programs.


1. Is it easy for you to find time to see your friends?

I have a lot of free time after school, so I always meet my friends. I hang out
with my friends a couple of time a week. This is also a good way to
help alleviate stress and recharge the battery.
2. What do you like to do when you are with your friends?
There are a lot of things that I would do with my friend like going to the
park, watching movie or window shopping... I feel like a host of plan
whenever I spent time with my friend.
3. How important are friends to you?
Friends are incredibly important to me. They are the ones who understand
me and help me get through tough times. I remember a time when I was
about to graduate from my university, I had a lot on my plate and
felt stressed out. My friends helped me to organize my schedule, so I could
get everything done. There’s no denying that they are people I can rely on,
and I wouldn’t be the same without them.

 Tough time (n.): thời gian khó khăn

 Stressed out (phr.): rất căng thẳng
 Have a lot on one’s plate (idiom): có nhiều công việc phải giải quyết
 There’s no denying (phr.): không thể phủ nhận
4. Where do you often meet each other?
We usually meet up for dinner or drinks or sometimes go to a movie or a
concert. We also like to explore new places together, like trying out a new
restaurant or visiting a museum. We always have a great time, and it’s a
great way to stay connected.


1. What was your childhood dream?

2. What is your current dream?

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