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Caz: Your honor, we call to the witness stand Mr. Jerwil Casumpa defendant in this case.

-After swearing in-

Caz: Your honor the purpose of the testimony of Mr. Jerwil Casumpa is to deny all the
allegations levied against him and to identify and authenticate his counter affidavit. May I
proceed, your honor? 

Caz: How old are you Mr. Cruz?

Jerwil : 31 years old 

Caz: What is your legal status?

Jerwil: Single

Caz: What is your occupation Mr. Cruz?

Jerwil: Im delivering  milk but I also sell milk produced by my own carabaos.

Caz: Who are 

Caz: Usually in a day, how many deliveries do you make?

Jerwil: 2- 3 deliveries 

Caz: In a week how many times do you deliver?

Jerwil: I do not have specific schedule. Deliveries would rely on the availability of the milk.

Caz: What do you ride to make these delveries?

Jerwil : My motorcycle

Caz: How do you guarantee that the milk you are delivering or selling is safe to drink.

Jerwil: They are pasteurized milk.

Caz: Where were you on June 6, 2022?

Jerwil: At Barangay Ayala and Barangay La Paz.

Caz: What were you doing in those places you have mentioned?
Jerwil: That day I had fresh produced of carabao milk so I sold
them to my regular customers

Caz: Who are these customers?

Jerwil: Celestial Miranda, Margie and Fred Fajardo and Mrs. Maria
Luz Bernardo.

Caz: On that day Mr. Witness, where did you go first?

Jerwil: I first went to the Baragay Hall of Ayala

Caz: Who was there?

Jerwil: Celestial Miranda, the barangay secretary - my regular


Caz: Who else was present at the Barangay Hall?

Jerwil: The Punong Barangay Jim Conrad Tee. 

Caz: How did you gain a loyal customer like Ms. Miranda?

Jewel: I often deliver fresh and she know of its because before
buying I would allow her to taste it first.

Caz: After delivering milk to Ms. Miranda where did you head

Jerwil : I head straight at Barangay La Paz

Caz: Who are your customers there?

Jerwil: The spouses fajardo and mrs. cruz

Caz: Whose house you went first?

Jerwil: Spouses Fajardo

Caz: Can you narrate the scenario when you arrived at the
fajardo’s residence?
Jerwil: I knocked on the door and someone opened the door. I
was surprised that it was the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Fajardo
who opened the door. Because of the heavy bottles that I was
carrying, I asked if I could enter inside the house to place the
four (4) bottles of milk that were intended for them.

Caz: What happened next?

Jerwil: I asked MJ to taste the Carabao Milk and without

hesitation she drank it immediately and said “okay na to” and I
then left the house to make another delivery.

 Caz: Why did you ask MJ to taste the carabao’s milk?

Jerwil: I always let my customers taste the Milk before they

accept it to ensure its freshness.

Caz: Where did you deliver next?

Jerwil:  To Mrs. Maria Luz Bernardo who is also my regular

customer in La Paz. 

Caz: How far is the house of Mrs. Maria Luz Bernardo from the
Fajardo’s Residence?

Jerwil: It was just near like not more than 20 minutes ride.

Caz: When you arrive at the residence of Mrs. Cruz who else was

Jerwil: It was just her.

Caz: How many bottles did you deliver to her

Jerwil: I delivered four bottles but before selling it to her I asked

her first to taste the milk and she did. 

Caz: What else did you do in the residence of Mrs. Cruz

Jerwil: I had talks with the old woman about life and stuff.
Caz: For the rest of that week where were you?

Jerwil: I was in my residence taking care of my carabaos and

doing some other chores.

Caz: How did you know that there is a case filed against you?

Jerwil: I personally received a subpoena coming from the City



Caz: I have here a subpoena with a signature under the Return

Copy part, is this your signature?

Jerwil: Yes. 

Caz: Is this the subpoena that you are referring to?

Jerwil : Yes

Caz: Your honor we pray that this return copy of subpoena be

marked as annex 3

Caz: Mr. What was your reaction when you learned that a rape
case is filed against you?

Jerwil: I am surprised. I fear god and the law. In fact, I do not

have any derogatory record in our barangay. 

Caz: How do you say that you have no derogatory record?

Jerwil: Im sure because I am abiding the law. In fact, I secure a

barangay certification which contains that I do not have an
existing derogatory record.

Caz: I am showing to you a barangay certification. Is this the

barangay certification that you are referring to?

Jerwil: Yes
Caz: Your honor we that the Barangay Certification of No
Derogatory Records be marked as Annex 4.

Jerwil: Mr. Cruz do you recall of having executed a counter

affidavit in relation to this case?

Jerwil: Yes

Caz: If that will be shown to you would you be able to recognize


Jerwil: Yes

Caz: How?

Jerwil: I have affixed my signature

Caz: I am holding here a counter affidavit can you go over it?

Caz: What is this in relation to the counter affidavit that you have
mentioned earlier?

Jerwil: That is the same judicial affidavit.

Caz: Your honor we pray that this counter affidavit be marked as

annex 5.

No further questions, your honor.

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