New Historicism & Cultural Materialism

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Some Important writers

Important gures associated with New

Important writers
Stephen Greenblatt: Stephen Greenblatt is considered one of the founders
and leading gures of New Historicism. His book "Renaissance Self-
Fashioning: From More to Shakespeare" (1980) is a seminal work that explores
the relationship between literature and the formation of identity in the

Michel Foucault: Although not exclusively associated with New Historicism,

the works of French philosopher Michel Foucault have been in uential to the
development of the theory. His ideas on power, discourse, and the ways in
which institutions shape knowledge have informed New Historicist approaches
to literature.

Louis Montrose: Louis Montrose is a literary critic known for his contributions
to New Historicism. His essay "Professing the Renaissance: The Poetics and
Politics of Culture" (1989) examines the political and ideological dimensions of
Renaissance literature.

Catherine Gallagher: Catherine Gallagher is a literary scholar who has

engaged with New Historicism. Her book "The Body Economic: Life, Death,
and Sensation in Political Economy and the Victorian Novel" (2006) explores
the intersections between economic theories and Victorian literature.

Jonathan Dollimore: Jonathan Dollimore has applied New Historicist

approaches to the study of Shakespeare and early modern literature. His book
"Radical Tragedy: Religion, Ideology, and Power in the Drama of Shakespeare
and His Contemporaries" (1984) examines the political and cultural implications
of Renaissance drama.

Marjorie Garber: Marjorie Garber is a literary critic who has incorporated New
Historicist perspectives in her work. Her book "Shakespeare and Modern
Culture" (2008) explores the continued relevance and cultural impact of
Shakespeare's plays.

Important gures associated with Cultural

Important writers
Marvin Harris: Considered the founder of cultural materialism, Marvin Harris
was an American anthropologist who developed the theory and its principles.
His book "Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches: The Riddles of Culture" (1974) is a
seminal work in cultural materialism.

Eric Wolf: A prominent anthropologist, Eric Wolf expanded on Harris's ideas

and further developed cultural materialism. His book "Europe and the People
Without History" (1982) is a signi cant contribution to the eld.

Raymond Williams: A British cultural theorist, Raymond Williams applied

cultural materialism to the study of literature and culture. His works, such as
"Culture and Society: 1780-1950" (1958) and "Keywords: A Vocabulary of
Culture and Society" (1976), are in uential in cultural studies.

Frederic Jameson: An American literary critic and Marxist theorist, Frederic

Jameson has made important contributions to cultural materialism in the eld
of literary studies. His book "Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late
Capitalism" (1991) explores the relationship between culture, capitalism, and
social change.

Alan Liu: Alan Liu is a scholar known for his work in the eld of digital
humanities. He has applied cultural materialist perspectives to the study of new
media and digital culture, exploring the intersection of technology and society.

Leslie White: An American anthropologist, Leslie White proposed a theory of

cultural evolution in uenced by materialist perspectives. His book "The
Evolution of Culture: The Development of Civilization to the Fall of
Rome" (1959) explores the relationship between technology, energy, and

Pierre Bourdieu: A French sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu's work on cultural

capital and the social reproduction of class has been in uential in cultural
materialist analysis. His book "Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement
of Taste" (1979) examines the role of cultural practices in maintaining social

Important Figures Associated with Cultural

Important writers
Terry Eagleton: A British literary theorist, Terry Eagleton has engaged with
cultural materialist perspectives in his work. His book "Literary Theory: An
Introduction" (1983) provides an overview of di erent theoretical approaches,
including cultural materialism.

Stuart Hall: A Jamaican-born British cultural theorist, Stuart Hall was known
for his contributions to cultural studies. While not strictly a cultural materialist,
his work on the politics of representation and the relationship between culture,
power, and identity intersects with cultural materialist concerns.


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