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1. Give the Types of Intellectual Property Rights with explanation.

A patent serves as protection against unauthorized creation, sale, or use of an invention by a third party.
When people consider intellectual property rights protection, patents are the form of intellectual
property rights that typically spring to mind.

Another well-known kind of intellectual property rights protection is trademarks. A trademark is a

distinguishing symbol that enables customers to quickly recognize the distinctive goods or services that
a business offers. A trademark may be written, spoken, represented by a phrase, symbol, sound,
fragrance, or color combination.

Ideas are not protected by copyright. Instead, it only applies to "tangible" types of original works, such
as music, painting, architectural plans, and even software codes. Any literary, musical, dramatic, artistic,
or architectural work produced by the author has the sole right to be sold, published, and/or

The secrets of a company are its trade secrets. They are confidential, proprietary systems, formulas, or
other pieces of knowledge that are not intended for illegal commercial use by others. This is an essential
measure of security that can provide companies a competitive edge.

2. In the Types of attacks, choose only 2 of them and tell your insight about it.

Phishing is a type of online fraud where the fraudster sends messages via email that seem to be from
banking companies or billing firms in an effort to trick users into revealing sensitive data.

Malware called ransomware is made to prevent a user or business from accessing files on a computer.
Cyberattackers put businesses in a situation where paying the ransom is the quickest and least
expensive option to recover access to their files by encrypting these files and requesting a ransom
payment for the decryption key.

3. Why is it important to have strategies that will ensure the cyber security?

1. Security of sensitive info: In the current digital era, businesses and individuals keep enormous
amounts of sensitive information online, including trade secrets, financial information, and personal
information. Cybersecurity measures aid in preventing illegal access to, theft of, or modification of this
data, preserving its integrity and privacy.
2. Preventing money losses: Both individuals and companies can suffer large financial losses as a result
of cybersecurity breaches. Cybercriminals may steal money, engage in dishonest behavior, or disrupt
crucial systems, resulting in financial losses. By deploying tactics like secure authentication, encryption,
and intrusion detection systems, effective cybersecurity strategies can reduce these risks and cut down
on financial losses.

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