Activity Number 7

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Activity #7: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Activity Title: “From Tragedy to Triumph: Reinventing Romeo and Juliet for the
21st Century Audience”
Objective: To create a short film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet set in a 21st-
century context.
 Scriptwriting software or a pen and paper for writing the screenplay
 Filmmaking equipment (e.g. camera, tripod, microphones)
 Editing software (e.g. iMovie, Adobe Premiere Pro)
 Props and costumes as necessary
 Discussion questions (see below)
1. Begin by discussing the following questions with your group:
 What are some of the key themes of Romeo and Juliet that are still relevant to
a 21st-century audience?
 How can the story be updated to reflect modern concerns and issues?
 What kind of tone or mood do you want to convey in your film adaptation of
Romeo and Juliet?
 What kind of music, if any, would you like to use in your film?
2. Divide into groups of 3-5 people and begin writing the screenplay for your film
adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. Use the original text as a starting point, but
feel free to update the dialogue to reflect modern speech patterns and idioms.
Consider using a modern-day setting for your film, and think about how you
can update the story to reflect contemporary concerns.
3. Once you have a completed screenplay, begin planning and shooting your
film. Use the equipment available to you to capture footage and audio of the
scenes you have written. Think creatively about how you can use camera
angles, lighting, and sound design to convey the tone and mood you want to
4. Once you have all the footage you need, begin editing your film using the
software available to you. Consider how you can use music and sound effects
to enhance the emotional impact of your film. Think about pacing and the
overall structure of your film, and consider cutting or rearranging scenes as
5. Screen your film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet for the rest of the class. After
the screening, discuss the following questions as a group:
 What did you like about this adaptation of Romeo and Juliet?
 How did this adaptation update the story for a 21st-century audience?
 What themes and concerns did this adaptation explore that were not present
in the original text?
 Did this adaptation stay true to the spirit of the original text? Why or why not?
 What would you have done differently if you were making this film?
Submission of this activity is on or before the 4 th Quarter Examination: June 30,
Supply the names of the following students in the table below:
Production Designers:
Actors and Actresses:
This is how you will be graded:
Criteria Description
Concept and How unique and creative is the concept and interpretation 10%
Originality of the story? Is there evidence of originality and
innovation in the adaptation?
Storytelling and How effectively has the story been adapted to a modern 30%
Adaptation context? Is the adaptation faithful to the original text while
also adding something new to the story? Are the
characters well-developed and relatable?
Technical How well is the film executed technically? Is the 30%
Execution cinematography visually compelling and appropriate for
the story? Is the sound design and editing effective and
well-done? Is the pacing appropriate?
Acting How effective and convincing are the performances of the 20%
actors? Do they bring the characters to life in a way that is
true to the story and the director's vision?
Overall Impact How impactful and engaging is the film overall? Does it 10%
successfully convey its message and connect with the

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