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English tutor

am I?

-Am I a girl?
-Am I your friend?
-Where am I?
-Am I your sister?
-Am I your beat friend?
-Who am I?
-Am I a teacher?
-Is he your dog?
01 -Where is he?
-Who is he?
Is he? Is she? Is it? -Is he there?
-Is he a dancer?
-Is she your friend?
-Is she her sister?
02 -Is she your mom?
-Is she your teasher?
-Where is she?

-What is it?
-Where is it?
03 -Whom is it?
-Where is it?
-Whose is it?

Are we? are they? are you?

01 03
-Where are you? -Are we friends?
-Who are you? -Where are we?
-Are you his brother? -Are we at school?
-How old are you? 02 -Are we free now?
-Are you there? -Are we there?
-Are they our teachers?
-Are they my group?
-Are they a family?
-Are they friends?
-Are they there?
Choose the correct present simple forms of ‘to
be’ for the gaps below. 04

A: _____you a teacher?
B: Yes, I _____ (are/am/is)
A: _____ your name Marcus?
B: Yes, it ____ Test
A: ____ your children here?
B: No, they ____

A: ___ this your suitcase?

B: No, it ____

A: Where ____ we?

B: I think this ___ Oxford street
Choose the correct present simple forms of ‘to
be’ for the gaps below. 04

A: ____ it Saturday today?

B: No, It ___ Sunday. (are/am/is)
A: ____ your friends from the UK?
B: No, they ____ from the US. Test
A: Hello, Maria. How ____ you?
B: I _____ fine, thanks.

A: How old ____ Peter?

B: I think he ___ is 30 years old
A: ___ David and Molly here?
B: Yes, they ____ next to the door.
I usually teach English at a language school in the summer. I often can’t enjoy the summer

because I am so busy. So next summer, I’m not planning to work. Instead, I’m going to

have a proper summer holiday. I’m going to buy a campervan and drive around Ireland.

I’m going to visit lots of beautiful beaches and learn to surf! I’m mostly going to travel

alone, but I will visit friends. One friend, Cathy, is a school teacher, so she has a long

summer holiday, so hopefully, we will spend a week or two together. Another Irish friend,

Joe, has a new house there, so I’ll stay with him for a few days and help him paint the

Де ти?
Як в тебе справи?
Хто ти?
Де він?
Він мій брат
Вона твоя подруга?
Ми в магазині
Скільки тобі років?
Чий він брат?
Хто він?
Вона моя мама
Він твій тато?
Вони твоя сім'я?
Вони твої тваринки?
Ми друзі?
1/ Прочитати та перекласти текст 2 рази (самостійно, якщо є
незнайомі слова, дивитися у словник/перекладач)

2/ Перекласти ПИСЬМОВО на англійську мову речення на

минулому слайді (Сфотографувати та надіслати мені фото до заняття,
щоб я могла перевірити та на уроці одразу сказати про помилки, якщо

3/ Виписати та вивчити всі незнайомі слова на наступному слайді.


Вивчити His - його

Her - її
Your - твоє
Their - їх
Our - наше
Aunt - тітка
Uncle - дядько
Grandfather - дідусь
Grandmother - бабуся
Cousin - кузен. двоюрідний брат або сестра
Child - дитина
Children - діти
Son - син
Daughter - донька
Grandson - онук
Granddaughter - онука

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