Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of X80 Pipeline

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j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 7 7 3 2 e7 7 4 4

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Stress corrosion cracking behavior of X80 pipeline

steel under alternating current, Desulfovibrio
desulfurican and cathodic protection potential

Qi Fu a,b,1, Qingyu Qin a,b,d,1, Boxin Wei a,b,c,*, Jin Xu a,b,c,**,

Changkun Yu b,c, Cheng Sun a,b,c,***
School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Shenyang, 110016,
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, 110016, China
Liaoning Shenyang Soil and Atmosphere Corrosion of Material National Observation and Research Station,
Shenyang, 110016, China
SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co. Ltd., Liuzhou, 545007, China

article info abstract

Article history: The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior of X80 pipeline steel under Desulfovibrio
Received 9 March 2023 desulfurican (D. desulfurican), alternating current (AC) and cathodic protection (CP) was
Accepted 5 May 2023 studied by the constant load tests and slow strain rate tensile (SSRT) test. The results
Available online 10 May 2023 showed that both AC interference and relatively negative CP potential aggravated pitting
corrosion and enhanced the SCC susceptibility under the constant load. In the saline soil
Keywords: environment containing D. desulfurican, the AC greatly contributed to the cracking ten-
X80 steel dency of X80 pipeline steel and resulted in the safe CP range that was too narrow for
Microbiologically influenced practical engineering application, thus requiring appropriate discharge methods.
corrosion (MIC) © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
Alternating current (AC) BY license (
Cathodic protection (CP)
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC)

[1e3]. However, due to the complex soil environment and

1. Introduction stress conditions, stress corrosion cracking (SCC) often occurs
in buried pipeline steel. It occupies one of the key factors that
With the substantial increase of energy demand such as oil compromise the safe operation and service life for the pipe-
and natural gas in recent years, X80 pipeline steel has also line, so the major pipeline accidents caused by it occur from
been widely used in the transportation of buried pipelines time to time [4e6].

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
*** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (B. Wei), (J. Xu), (C. Sun).
School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China Shenyang 110016 China, and Institute of
Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenyang 110016 China.
2238-7854/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 7 7 3 2 e7 7 4 4 7733

Table 1 e The elemental composition of API X80 pipeline steel (wt%).

C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Cu Al Mo Ti Nb V N B Fe
0.07 1.82 0.19 0.007 0.023 0.026 0.17 0.02 0.028 0.23 0.012 0.056 0.002 0.004 0.0001 Balance

SCC is known to occur primarily on the basis of localized sessile SRB cells on the sample surface, which causes changes
corrosion, while sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) and alter- in the local environment on the steel surface, and conse-
nating stray currents have been shown to cause localized quently to differences in the SCC behavior [25]. Therefore,
corrosion (mainly pitting corrosion) on steel surfaces, which under the action of CP, the mechanism of AC on the cracking
are important reasons for pipeline SCC [7e9]. The pitting pits susceptibility for X80 samples in biological media containing
can be used as the starting point of crack initiation and SRB is not clear, and needs further investigation.
eventually lead to the occurrence of pipeline SCC. The role The objective of this study is to reveal an intensive and
played by alternating current (AC) on near-neutral pH solu- systematic study for the role of AC in the stress cracking
tions in influencing SCC susceptibility was discussed by Wan susceptibility of X80 high-strength pipelines exposed to SRB
et al. [10]. They concluded that AC not only had a localized and CP. This paper was carried out in the Dagang saline soil
corrosion enhancement effect on X80 pipeline steel, but also containing SRB with or without AC interference, and the in-
improved SCC sensitivity. Zhu et al. [11] explored the SCC fluence of AC and SRB in the corrosion process of X80 steel
behavior of various AC density disturbances on X80 pipeline under CP protection was determined. To explore above
steel in alkaline solution. They concluded that AC density had mentioned contents, the experiment was carried out using
a positive relationship with the corrosion rate of steel and that confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), weight loss test,
AC superposition in alkaline solution had an increasing effect scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron
on SCC susceptibility. They also believed that X80 pipeline spectroscopy (XPS) and slow strain rate tensile (SSRT) testing.
steel presented intergranular fracture characteristics due to
anodic dissolution in the absence of AC current; however, the
high AC density applied to the steel under the mixture 2. Materials and methods
mechanism of anodic dissolution and hydrogen embrittle-
ment (HE) caused the transgranular fracture characteristics 2.1. Preparation of X80 steel, microbial cultivation and
[12]. For SCC affected by biological factors, SRB can alter the experimental media
surrounding soil environment, and undergo sulfate reduction
reaction under the action of extracellular electron transfer The sample used in this experiment was API X80
(EET) [13e15]. During this process, hydrogen atoms are pro- high-strength steel, purchased through China Baoshan Iron
duced, which may lead to HE, thus improving the SCC sus- & Steel Co. and its elemental composition was detailed in
ceptibility of pipeline steel [16e19]. Table 1. Table 2 listed the mechanical properties of X80 pipe-
Currently, cathodic protection (CP) and anticorrosive line steel in air, where s0.2, sb and j represented yield strength,
coatings are commonly used to treat corrosion hazards in tensile strength and reduction in area (RA) respectively, as
pipelines. However, once the anticorrosive coatings peel and measured by tensile tests. In this experiment, the dimensions
crevices are formed, which creates a good anaerobic envi- of the tensile samples were the same as in previous studies
ronment that favors the growth and propagation of SRB [20]. It [25]. Before the test, all tensile samples were scraped succes-
was found by Wu et al. [21] that the combination of SRB and sively from 120 grit to 800 grit with silicon carbide sandpaper,
stress could conjointly promote secondary pitting and sec- then cleaned using acetone and anhydrous alcohol, finally
ondary cracks, thus shortening the fracture time of pipeline placed in a cold air stream for drying.
steel. They also pointed out that for X80 steel in Shenyang The strain used in this experiment was Desulfovibrio desul-
neutral solution, CP and SRB contributed to its SCC suscepti- furican (D. desulfurican), one of SRB. The strain was cultured
bility, and the two could synergistically promote SCC of X80 using API RP-38 medium containing 0.2 g/L MgSO4$7H2O, 10 g/L
steel [22]. The SCC behavior for X80 pipeline steel under the NaCl, 0.5 g/L KH2PO4, 0.1 g/L ascorbic acid, 4 g/L sodium lactate
action of CP and SRB was directed by Xie et al. [23]. They and 1 g/L yeast extract with the pH value between 7.0 and 7.2
thought that CP potential promoted the hydrogen evolution [5]. Prior to cultivation, the culture solution was deoxidized
reaction in a positive direction during the negative shift, while with filtered and sterilized nitrogen of >99.999% purity, sub-
pitting corrosion caused by SRB provided the basis for crack sequently autoclaved at 121  C for 20 min. D. desulfurican seeds
nucleation. Both increased SCC susceptibility and HE risk of used in the experimental procedure were obtained by pre-
pipeline steel. Their team members also found that SRB could cultivation in an incubator at 37  C for one day.
enhance the cathodic hydrogen evolution reaction under CP,
resulting in hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) of steels [16].
In the actual environment, X80 steel in buried service will
be subject to both SRB, AC and CP. During the application of Table 2 e Mechanical properties of API X80 pipeline steel
in air.
AC interference, CP potential will be significantly disturbed,
further affecting the rate of iron dissolution and cathodic re- Steel Yield strength Tensile strength Reduction s0.2/
action proceeding, thus altering the propensity to cracking of s0.2 (MPa) sb (MPa) in aera j sb
the pipeline steel [24]. Furthermore, applied AC also affect API 5L X80 580 627 69% 0.93
7734 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 7 7 3 2 e7 7 4 4

Table 3 e Chemical composition of Dagang soil (wt%).

pH Cl SO2
4 NO
3 Ca2þ Mg2þ Kþ Naþ Organics Total nitrogen Total salt
8.76 1.71 0.25 0.014 0.025 0.034 0.07 0.014 1.05 0.48 0.034 3.17

The coastal saline soil used in the experiment was from rate of SSRT test was 106 s1, and the strain and stress were
Dagang, China, and its physicochemical properties were recorded during the experiment.
shown in Table 3. The biotic environment required for this During SSRT test, the corresponding CP potentials (OCP,
experiment was prepared by mixing 800 g of Dagang soil that 850 mV, 1000 mV and 1200 mV) were added to steel
had been dried, screened and sterilized by ultraviolet light for samples through a three-electrode system, where the working
30 min, 80 ml of API RP-38 medium containing D. desulfurican electrode was the X80 steel tensile sample, the counter elec-
and 200 ml of deionized water treated with high purity ni- trode was the graphite plate and the reference electrode was
trogen and autoclaving. The abiotic solution was used as the the copperecopper sulfate electrode (CSE). After SSRT test, we
control, and 80 ml of sterile and deoxygenated medium was appraised the SCC susceptibility, and RA of X80 steel samples
added to replace 80 ml D. desulfurican medium. After 14 days of after fracture under different conditions was calculated ac-
the experiment, sessile and planktonic D. desulfurican cells cording to the following formula:
were counted using the most probable number (MPN) method.
RA ¼ ðS0  SF Þ = S0  100% (1)
All anaerobic operations were conducted using a sealed glove
box whose interior excluded oxygen by passing nitrogen. where S0 and SF were the initial and final cross-sectional areas
of the tensile sample, respectively.
2.2. Experimental procedures
2.3. Corrosion rate measurement
2.2.1. Constant load test under AC, D. desulfurican and CP
A stress loading experimental setup was used to perform Prior to the weight loss test, the tensile samples were weighed
tensile experiments, as shown in Fig. 1. The applied load was using an electronic balance with 0.1 mg accuracy and the
0.8s0.2 and repeated loading was required to maintain con- weight was recorded as W1. Subsequently, they were taken
stant stress value due to the relaxation of the steel. An AC out after 14 days of experiment under different conditions and
current (50 Hz, sine wave) of 100 A/m2 was applied to the steel the corrosion products formed on the surface of the samples
samples through an AC power (ITECH, China), and a loop were carefully removed by mechanical and chemical methods
current flowed between the graphite and steel samples. Dur- according to ASTM G1-03[26]. Mechanical methods included
ing the whole constant stress test, different CP potentials light scraping and scrubbing, which removed closely adhered
including open circuit potential (OCP), 850 mV, 1000 mV corrosion products from the surface, and placing the samples
and 1200 mV were applied to the samples. in the Clark's solution containing 20 g Sb2O3, 1 L HCl (r ¼ 1.19 g/
ml) and 50 g SnCl2 to remove residual corrosion products.
2.2.2. SCC susceptibility test of X80 steel Finally, the sample after removal of corrosion products was
For the SSRT test, the samples (sealed with anticorrosive rinsed with deionized water and alcohol, dried and weighed,
paint, working area of 1 cm2) and pre-prepared soil medium and the weight was recorded as W2. The corrosion rates under
were placed in a plexiglas box through a glove compartment different conditions were obtained by sample weight and
filled with high purity nitrogen according to the procedure immersion time [27].
described in section 2.1, left at room temperature for 12 h and
then moved to a tensile machine. A constant CP potential was 2.4. Corrosion morphology characterization
applied to the samples by means of a potentiostat. The strain
In order to investigate whether D. desulfurican was involved in
the corrosion process of X80 pipeline steel at different CP
potentials, the corrosion products on the surface of the sam-
ples were gently scraped off after 14 days of experiment, and
the corrosion product composition was analyzed by XPS test
(ESCALAB 250, Thermo VG, USA). After 14 days of constant
load experiment, the surface corrosion morphology of the
tensile samples was observed using SEM technology (XL30-
FEG, Philips) at 20 kV beam voltage after removal of corrosion
products under different conditions. The maximum pitting
width and depth of pits on the steel surface were character-
ized by CLSM (Olympus, Japan).
For the SSRT test samples, first, the fractured tensile
samples were cut to remove the excess; then, the fracture and
the surface were cleaned using the method described in sec-
tion 2.3; finally, fracture morphology and the surface micro-
Fig. 1 e Schematic diagram of the experimental test setup. morphology near the fracture were observed by SEM.
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AC interference, the erosion degree on X80 sample surface at

3. Results 1200 mV potential is greater than that at 1000 mV potential.
CLSM is used to analyze the three-dimensional pitting
3.1. Constant load test results morphology for X80 sample surface after cleaning the surface
film layer (Fig. 5). The maximum depth and length of pits on
3.1.1. Cell count results and XPS analysis the sample surface are shown in Fig. 6. At the same CP po-
Fig. 2 shows the count results of planktonic D. desulfurican cells tential, the AC effect results in a greater depth and length of
in soils and sessile D. desulfurican cells on X80 steel surface for the maximum pitting pits on the sample surface than on the
various CP potentials after 14 days of conducting constant control sample surface. Under OCP, maximum pitting depth
load experiments. As can be noted in the counting diagram and length on X80 sample surface are larger than those under
that when AC is not applied, there is no significant change for various CP potential. At 850 mV potential, the maximum
the amount of planktonic D. desulfurican cells at different CP pitting depth of the sample surface is smaller than that under
potentials, while the negative shift of CP potential give rise to other conditions, and the maximum pitting length under
the decrease of the amount of sessile D. desulfurican cells. 850 mV potential is only smaller than that under OCP con-
When AC is applied, planktonic D. desulfurican amount and dition. With the decrease of CP potential, surface maximum
sessile D. desulfurican cells amount under the same CP po- pitting depth for X80 sample increases and the length
tential is less than that without AC. Compared with D. desul- decreases.
furican cells amount at OCP, the D. desulfurican cells amount at
the 850 mV potential is almost unchanged, and the D. 3.1.3. Weight loss result
desulfurican cells amount at 1000 mV and 1200 mV poten- The corrosion rate for X80 steel in various test environment is
tials is significantly reduced. presented in Fig. 7. It can be observed from the weight loss
Fig. 3 displays the Fe 2p3/2 XPS fitting diagram in surface diagram that under same CP potential, the corrosion rate for
corrosion products. According to the binding energy given by X80 sample with AC is greater than that of the sample without
NIST XPS database, the test data is fitted through XPSPEAK AC. At the potential of 850 mV, the corrosion rate for X80
software. The fitting diagrams show that FeS (712.1 eV), Fe3O4 steel is significantly reduced compared with that of the OCP.
(710.4 eV) and FeOOH (711.5 eV) sub peaks exist in Fe 2p3/2 As the CP potential is negatively transferred to 1000 mV, the
spectra for various test environment. The FeS formed in the corrosion rate of the sample is further reduced. As the CP
film layer indicates that D. desulfurican participates in the potential reaches 1200 mV, corrosion rate of X80 sample
corrosion process. rises more than that at 1000 mV, which may be related to the
augment of the amount in pitting pits (Fig. 4). The above re-
3.1.2. Corrosion morphology observation sults indicate that 1000 mV CP potential can greatly reduce
Fig. 4 shows the surface micromorphology for X80 steel sam- the corrosion rate for steel sample, but further negative shift
ples after cleaning the surface film layer. It can be seen that no in CP potential does not improve the protection effect, and
matter whether AC interference exists, the erosion degree of even make the protection effect weakened.
sample surface under 850 mV potential is significantly
reduced compared with that under OCP. With the negative 3.2. SSRT test results
shift of CP potential to 1000 mV, the main erosion form for
sample surface is pitting corrosion, and no obvious uniform 3.2.1. SSRT curves and RA
corrosion is observed. However, as CP potential shifts further SSRT curves for steel samples in various test environment are
to 1200 mV, X80 samples suffer from aggravated corrosion shown in Fig. 8. From Fig. 8, it can be seen that whether AC
and the number of pitting pits increases; with the existence of interference is applied or not, the fracture strain of X80 steel
under 850 mV potential is greater than that under the OCP,
indicating that the 850 mV potential can reduce corrosion
cracking susceptibility of sample. As the CP potential shifts to
the negative direction, the fracture strain of X80 steel de-
creases, indicating that the plasticity in steel sample de-
creases and the corrosion cracking susceptibility increases.
Additionally, at same protect potential, the fracture strain in
X80 sample for the condition with AC interference is smaller
than that without AC interference, confirming that the
cracking sensitivity in X80 steel is increased through AC.
The RA for X80 steel sample after SSRT test in various
conditions is exhibited in Fig. 9. Under OCP, the RA of X80 steel
is 59% when AC interference is not applied, and decreases to
40% after AC interference is applied. Whether AC interference
is applied or not, the RA of X80 steel at 850 mV potential is
greater than that at OCP. At the same CP potential, AC inter-
ference makes the RA in X80 steel always smaller than that in
the absence of AC interference, indicating that AC interfer-
Fig. 2 e Cell count results obtained by MPN method. ence can promote the cracking process in X80 steel. The shift
7736 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 7 7 3 2 e7 7 4 4

Fig. 3 e Fe 2p3/2 peak of X80 steel in different conditions (a) Without AC, OCP; (b) AC, OCP; (c) Without AC, ¡850 mV; (d) AC,
¡850 mV; (e) Without AC, ¡1000 mV; (f) AC, ¡1000 mV; (g) Without AC, ¡1200 mV; (h) AC, ¡1200 mV.

of the CP to the negative direction leads to a decrease in the RA 3.2.2. Observation of fracture morphology and surface
of X80 steel. For 1200 mV CP potential, the RA in X80 steel in morphology near fracture
the absence of AC interference decreases to 30%, which is The SSRT fracture morphology of X80 steel for various CP po-
about 1/2 of that under the OCP; the RA in X80 steel in the tentials is presented in Fig. 10. Under OCP, a great quantity of
presence of AC interference decreases to 13%, which is about dimples appears on surface fracture morphology of the sam-
1/3 of that under the OCP. ples without AC interference, accompanied by quasi-cleavage
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 7 7 3 2 e7 7 4 4 7737

Fig. 4 e Micromorphology of X80 steel after the removal of corrosion products (a) Without AC, OCP; (b) AC, OCP; (c) Without
AC, ¡850 mV; (d) AC, ¡850 mV; (e) Without AC, ¡1000 mV; (f) AC, ¡1000 mV; (g) Without AC, ¡1200 mV; (h) AC, ¡1200 mV.

characteristics. After the application of AC interference, dim- steel sample without AC interference appears pure cleavage
ples on the fracture become shallow and the number de- morphology, exhibiting a brittle fracture mode; the fracture of
creases, accompanied by obvious quasi-cleavage and brittle the sample after AC interference is applied exhibits brittle
fracture characteristics, demonstrating that AC improves the cleavage fracture with secondary cracks. The above results
corrosion cracking susceptibility in X80 steel sample. At indicate that 850 mV CP potential can effectively reduce
850 mV potential, the number of dimples at the fracture of cracking susceptibility in X80 steel sample, and it exhibits
the sample is more than that at OCP. When AC interference is greater SCC susceptibility as CP potential is negatively shifted.
not applied, the fracture morphology is mainly dimple, and In addition, AC can promote the corrosion cracking process in
ductile fracture occurs in X80 steel. After AC interference is steel sample at all test potentials. And for the environment
applied, the dimple area decreases and the quasi-cleavage area with D. desulfurican, the CP potential and AC together increase
increases. At 1000 mV CP potential, the fracture of X80 steel the SCC susceptibility in X80 steel sample.
sample without AC interference is dominated by cleavage Surface morphology near the SSRT fracture in X80 steel for
fracture, with a few dimples; after AC interference is applied, various CP potentials is exhibited in Fig. 11. Under OCP, the
the fracture surface appears obvious cleavage fracture with a X80 steel sample surface without AC interference is mainly
few micropores. For 1200 mV CP potential, the fracture in X80 pitting corrosion, accompanied by a few microcracks; after AC
7738 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 7 7 3 2 e7 7 4 4

Fig. 5 e CLSM images of X80 steel after the removal of corrosion products (a) Without AC, OCP; (b) AC, OCP; (c) Without AC,
¡850 mV; (d) AC, ¡850 mV; (e) Without AC, ¡1000 mV; (f) AC, ¡1000 mV; (g) Without AC, ¡1200 mV; (h) AC, ¡1200 mV.

interference is applied, the surface of the sample is distributed no microcrack is observed without AC; the cracks amount
with many cracks perpendicular to the tensile direction, and with AC is less than that at the OCP. At the potential of
no obvious pitting pits are observed. At 850 mV CP potential, 1000 mV, elongated cracks appear on X80 steel surface in
there are obvious pitting morphology on X80 steel surface, and lack of AC; in the case of AC interference, the crack becomes
wider and its length increases. At 1200 mV potential, there
are many elongated cracks on X80 steel surface without AC; in
case of AC interference, obvious corrosion pits occur and large
cracks extend to the edge of the sample, causing fracture.

4. Discussion

4.1. Effect of CP and AC on the corrosion behavior of X80

pipeline steel under constant load and D. desulfurican

As described in section 3.1, at 1000 mV CP potential, sessile

D. desulfurican cells amount on X80 steel sample surface de-
creases by 1e3 orders of magnitude relative to that at the OCP,
but the total number remains at a high level. XPS analysis
results show that FeS exists in the corrosion products, which
confirms that D. desulfurican is involved in the corrosion pro-
cess for X80 steel sample under various CP potentials.
Without CP, severe pitting corrosion occurs under the ac-
tion of elastic stress and physiological activity of D. desulfur-
Fig. 6 e Maximum pitting depth and length of X80 steel ican, with a maximum pitting depth of about 32 mm (Fig. 6). The
sample. maximum depth of the pits on X80 steel surface after AC
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 7 7 3 2 e7 7 4 4 7739

Fig. 7 e Corrosion rate of X80 steel in different conditions.

Fig. 9 e RA of X80 steel in different conditions.

interference is about 87 mm. AC significantly aggravates the

pitting corrosion of the sample surface, which is related to more likely to diffuse to X80 steel sample surface and react
combined action of D. desulfurican, AC and stress. with the metal matrix. Therefore, at 1000 mV potential,
The pH value for coastal saline soil with saturated water although the uniform corrosion rate decreases, the depth of
content used in the experiment is 8.76, so the equilibrium corrosion pits is larger than that at 850 mV. In the case of
potential of hydrogen evolution reaction is as follows: 1200 mV CP potential, hydrogen evolution reaction rate
further increases. Liduino [28] believed that although sessile
EH ¼  0:0591pH ¼  518 mV ðvs: SHEÞ ¼  834 mV ðvs: CSEÞ
D. desulfurican cells amount attached to X80 steel surface was
reduced by applying CP potential, the large amount of H2
in the case of 850 mV CP potential, anodic dissolution reac- generated by cathodic hydrogen evolution reaction strength-
tion for iron oxidation is inhibited. Moreover, considering the ened activity of D. desulfurican secreted hydrogenase in bio-
potential drop in soils, CP does not provide a sufficiently large film. At 1200 mV potential, the cathodic depolarization of D.
overpotential to facilitate hydrogen evolution [22]. Therefore, desulfurican in biofilms is enhanced, and the cathodic reaction
the localized corrosion is significantly inhibited by 850 mV rate increases, which indirectly promotes the dissolution of
potential, while the corrosion rate is significantly reduced. iron. Meanwhile, the sulfide produced during D. desulfurican
Under 1000 mV CP potential, although anodic reaction pro- corrosion is deposited on the sample surface, which leads to
cess is suppressed, the sufficiently large overpotential pro- the acceleration of localized corrosion. Therefore, the
motes the acceleration of cathodic hydrogen evolution maximum depth of pits and corrosion rate for X80 steel at
reaction in the positive direction. The hydrogen produced may 1200 mV CP potential are greater than those at 1000 mV.
make surface corrosion products film more loosened under Under the influence of AC, on the one hand, the oscillation
the action of tensile stress. As a result, erosive ions in soil are effect of AC loosens the corrosion product film, which makes

Fig. 8 e SSRT curves of X80 steel in different conditions (a) Without AC; (b) AC.
7740 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 7 7 3 2 e7 7 4 4

Fig. 10 e The facture morphology of X80 steel (a) Without AC, OCP; (b) AC, OCP; (c) Without AC, ¡850 mV; (d) AC, ¡850 mV; (e)
Without AC, ¡1000 mV; (f) AC, ¡1000 mV; (g) Without AC, ¡1200 mV; (h) AC, ¡1200 mV.

the erosive ions in soils easier to contact X80 steel matrix. On applied, some shallow pits appear on the surface of X80 steel
the other hand, the positive half-cycle AC increases the at 850 mV potential, which are mainly caused by D. desul-
anode current, which accelerates iron anodic dissolution furican and elastic stress. When 1200 mV potential is applied,
and weakens CP protective effect; the negative half-cycle AC a large amount of H2 will be produced at the cathode, which
and CP potential together increase the overpotential and not only enhances the activity of D. desulfurican but also makes
indirectly contribute to the positive hydrogen evolution reac- the corrosion product film looser, thus increasing the pit
tion, resulting in further destruction for corrosion products depth on the surface of X80 steel (Fig. 12b). At 850 mV po-
film structure, while the activity of D. desulfurican secreted tential, the application of AC weakens the protective effect of
hydrogenase is greatly enhanced. Therefore, the corrosion CP and accelerates the anodic dissolution of the steel (Fig. 12c).
rate and maximum depth of pits in X80 steel due to AC Under the condition of AC, when the CP potential is further
interference are larger than those for the lack of AC shifted negatively to 1200 mV, the negative half-cycle of AC
interference. and 1200 mV potential synergically promote the forward
Fig. 12 shows the schematic diagram of corrosion mecha- progress of hydrogen evolution reaction and further enhance
nism of X80 steel under the combined action of D. desulfurican, the activity of D. desulfurican, so the pit is significantly deep-
CP and AC. As can be seen from Fig. 12 (a), when AC is not ened (Fig. 12d).
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 7 7 3 2 e7 7 4 4 7741

Fig. 11 e Surface morphologies near the fracture of X80 steel (a) Without AC, OCP; (b) AC, OCP; (c) Without AC, ¡850 mV; (d)
AC, ¡850 mV; (e) Without AC, ¡1000 mV; (f) AC, ¡1000 mV; (g) Without AC, ¡1200 mV; (h) AC, ¡1200 mV.

4.2. Effect of AC on corrosion rate and CP potential We further elucidate the effect of AC on direct current (DC)
potential based on the model proposed by Lalvani and Lin [29]:
From section 3.1.3, it has been found that AC promotes an   ∞  
increase in the corrosion rate for X80 steel sample, and at CP EDC  Ecorr;DC X 1 Ep 2K
ia ¼ icorr;DC exp (3)
potential of 1200 mV, it is greater than that at the potential of ba K¼0 ðK!Þ
1000 mV. However, is there a synergistic acceleration effect
  ∞  2K
between AC and CP? It is analyzed by simple mathematical EDC þ Ecorr;DC X 1 Ep
ic ¼ icorr;DC exp (4)
operation. For the lack of AC, difference between the corrosion bc K¼0 ðK!Þ
2b c
rates at 1200 mV and 1000 mV CP potentials is about 0.005
mm/a, while in the presence of AC, the difference between the where ia and ic are the average anodic and cathodic current
two potentials is about 0.0244 mm/a. It can be seen that AC densities during the application of AC respectively, Ep is the
enhances the CP effect, and compared with 1000 mV, the peak potential, ba and bc are the anodic and cathodic Tafel
corrosion rate increases by about 18.3% in the absence of AC slopes, EDC is the DC potential during the application of AC,
and 33.1% with AC at 1200 mV CP potential. icorr,DC and Ecorr,DC are the corrosion current density and the
corrosion potential in the absence of AC respectively, K is a
7742 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 7 7 3 2 e7 7 4 4

Fig. 12 e Schematic diagram of corrosion mechanism of X80 steel under the combined action of D. desulfurican, CP and AC (a)
Without AC, ¡850 mV; (b) Without AC, ¡1200 mV; (c) AC, ¡850 mV; (d) AC, ¡1200 mV.

real number. Since EDC is the corrosion potential of steel in the hydrogen atoms through cathode depolarization. The clas-
presence of AC (Ecorr,AC), the offset value a of DC potential after sical cathodic depolarization theory is described as follows:
AC application is calculated as follows [30]: Anodic reaction:
2 3
∞  2K 4Fe / 4Fe2þ þ 8e (6)
6 1 7
b b 6K¼0 ðK!Þ2 2ba 7
a ¼ Ecorr;DC  Ecorr;AC ¼ a c ln6  2K 7 (5) Cathodic reaction:
ba þ bc 6

1 Ep
ðK!Þ 2bc
K¼0 8Hþ þ 8e /8Hads (7)

According to Eqs. (3) and (4), when the ratio of tafel slope ba
8Hads /4H2 (8)
to bc is less than 1, the increment of anodic current density is
greater than that of cathodic current density, which indicates Cathodic depolarization:
that anodic dissolution is accelerated. In our previous study,
4 þ 8Hads / S
þ 4H2 O (9)
anodic and cathodic tafel slopes under AC are 78 mV/dec and
336 mV/dec respectively [25]. As being able to be noticed from in addition, the metabolic process of D. desulfurican produces
Eq. (5) that DC potential for X80 steel sample under the action S2, HS, and H2S that can accelerate reaction (7) and restrain
of AC is more negative than that without AC, indicating that the reaction (8), giving rise to the increase of hydrogen con-
AC can cause CP potential to move toward the negative di- centration on the sample surface [31]. Hydrogen atoms can
rection. Therefore, negative shift disturbance of CP potential accumulate at the crack tip, leading to anodic dissolution
caused by AC may be the reason for the additional increase of intensification, thereby amplifying corrosion cracking sus-
corrosion rate under the combined action of AC and CP. ceptibility [32]. As described in section 4.1, the hydrogen
evolution rate accelerates with the decrease of CP potential. At
4.3. Effect of CP and AC on SCC susceptibility of X80 the same time, the ability of D. desulfurican in soil to secrete
pipeline steel under D. desulfurican hydrogenase is enhanced, which further increases the
hydrogen concentration on steel surface. Therefore, as CP
SSRT test results show that AC increases corrosion cracking potential decreases, corrosion cracking tendency of X80
susceptibility for X80 steel sample at same CP potential. In the pipeline steel increases. As AC interference is imposed, the AC
meantime, CP and AC can cooperate to assist cracking ten- negative half-cycle can promote the hydrogen evolution re-
dency. As mentioned in the section 4.1, the combined action action; the AC positive half-cycle promotes the iron dissolu-
of AC, CP and D. desulfurican can induce pitting corrosion on tion rate at the crack tip and accelerates the crack growth [33].
the sample surface. Tensile stress can lead to stress concen- Meanwhile, the AC electric field can accelerate the diffusion
tration under the pits, promoting SCC crack initiation. rate of reaction ions and the diffusion of hydrogen atoms into
D. desulfurican exists in the soil environment, which can the metal matrix [34]. In summary, AC interference further
secrete hydrogenase and accelerate the generation of increases the corrosion cracking tendency.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 7 7 3 2 e7 7 4 4 7743

investigated by constant load test and SSRT test. The main

conclusions were as follows.

(1) The CP potential had little effect on the growth and

reproduction of planktonic D. desulfurican cells in soils.
However, when the CP potential is lower than
1000 mV, the number of sessile D. desulfurican cells on
the surface of X80 steel sample was significantly
(2) When the CP potential is 850 mV, the SCC suscepti-
bility of X80 pipeline steel decreased compared with
that under OCP. With the negative shift of CP potential,
the SCC susceptibility of X80 pipeline steel increased.
(3) At the same CP potential, X80 pipeline steel with AC
interference in Dagang saline soil had greater SCC sus-
ceptibility than that without AC interference.
(4) In the soil environment with D. desulfurican, when the
engineering design required that the SCC susceptibility
Fig. 13 e Failure/safety diagram of X80 pipeline steel in the
of X80 pipeline steel did not exceed 50% (Ij < 50%), the
presence of AC and D. desulfurican.
optional range of CP potential in the environment
without AC interference was [950 mV, 1146 mV].
When AC interference existed, the SCC susceptibility of
X80 steel increased, and there was no reasonable CP
potential range. Some methods should be taken to drain
For practical applications, RA is not a particularly practical AC stray current.
parameter for the evaluation of SCC susceptibility. Therefore,
the decrease of RA (Ij) is used to predict the fracture suscep-
tibility and calculate the reasonable CP potential in the
experimental condition [35,36]: Data availability statement
Ij ¼ 1  soil  100% (10) Some or all data, models, or code that support the findings of
this study are available from the corresponding author upon
where jsoil and jair is the RA of X80 pipeline steel in soil reasonable request.
environment and in air, respectively. Fig. 13 displays the
safety/failure diagram for X80 steel sample in presence of D.
desulfurican and AC. This data in the diagram corroborates that Declaration of Competing Interest
the negative shift of CP potential and AC both improve the
fracture susceptibility for X80 pipeline steel, and the figure can The authors declare that they have no known competing
provide guidance for the reasonable selection of CP potential financial interests or personal relationships that could have
of buried pipelines. If it is required to be less than 50% appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
(Ij < 50%), the CP potential should not be negative than
1146 mV when there is no AC interference; when there is AC
interference, CP potential should not be negative than
955 mV. Horvarth et al. [37] and Fischer et al. [38] concluded
that CP potential needed to be negative to 950 mV when D.
This work was financially supported by the National Natural
desulfurican was present in the environment, which was the
Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51771213 and 51871228).
currently common CP standard. Therefore, the optional range
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