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V. Shnyakin
Yuzhnoye State Design Office
3, Krivorozhskaya St., Dniepropetrovsk, 49008, UKRAINE

Downloaded by CARLETON UNIVERSITY on September 10, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.IAC-06-C4.1.04

The paper considers preliminary results of qualification tests of the main engine assembly
(MEA) to be used at the upper stage of European launcher Vega. Main characteristics of the
MEA are presented on the basis of test results of qualification model # 1.

Creation of the main engine assembly Table 1

(MEA) for the upper stage (AVUM) of Engine Mode
Thrust, pcc, pa,
MR Isp, sec
European launcher Vega is an example of kgf kgf/cmP2 kgf/cm2
M 514.5 41.8 0.0225 1.92 318
effective cooperation between Yuzhnoye RD869
T 213.3 17.3 0.0096 2.0 310
State Design Office (SDO) and European RD866 M 513.5 41.5 0.0245 2.31 323.1
partners. The main components of MEA, MEA - 249.8 20.4 0.011 2.0 315.5
such as combustion chamber, valves, filters Note: M is main mode
and elements of general assembly are elabo- T is throttle mode
rated by Ukrainian specialists. Actuators of
the thrust vector control system and struc- The fire tests were performed at the test
tural frame-plate are elaborated by European bench of Yuzhnoye SDO provided with a
partners. vacuum cell and gas-ejecting device. The
units ME-A and ME-B were obtained by
The basic unit determining an appearance of improvement of available hardware.
the engine is combustion chamber. It is a
modified version of RD869 engine’s cham- Later on the requirements upon the MEA for
ber. Unique characteristics of chambers used Vega LV were refined: in accordance with
in engines RD866 and RD869 (see Table 1) Avio’s Technical Specification [2] its thrust
attract attention of European space special- shall be 2450 N. One of additional Avio’s
ists for a long time. First evaluation was requirements was utilization of only newly
made in 1999, when the Yuzhnoye SDO and manufactured hardware, especially, combus-
Yuzhmash plant elaborated, manufactured tion chambers. Resumption of chambers
and fire-tested two versions ME-A and ME- production, manufacture and development
B of these chambers of 1850 N thrust under of new engine components was carried out
a contract with Fiat-Avio, Italy [1]. The ob- under contract with Avio.
jectives of the fire tests were: demonstra-
tions/confirmation of basic characteristics in In conditions of small-scale production the
steady-state mode; demonstration of stability hardware cost grows considerably, as well
ranges in terms of inlet pressure and tem- as the cost of preparation and performance
perature; verification of startup/shutdown at of fire tests. So, for the MEA development,
“hot” restarts. at Avio’s urgen request only a single unit
was used, and for qualification – only two

units. At this, in order to decrease still more Table 2
the development cost of the Vega AVUM as Category Name of units
a whole, the first MEA is to be used after of units
1 Combustion chamber
qualification tests for two additional thermal
2 Cutoff valve
tests that will allow refinement of the tests 3 Solenoid valve, filter
with due regard for thermal reradiation from 4 Gimbal mount
the AVUM’s heat insulation. The second
MEA will be subjected to qualification fire Specifically for the MEA a solenoid valve
tests with shortened service life duration and (SV) was elaborated to be installed into oxi-
number of restarts in order to use the re- dizer/fuel lines in order to provide MEA
maining life for fire test of this engine in startup and shutdown, as well as propellants
AVUM LPS composition. discharge from the chamber’s cavities.

The MEA was designed on the basis of pre- For decreasing consumption of electric
Downloaded by CARLETON UNIVERSITY on September 10, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.IAC-06-C4.1.04

viously developed units (including combus- power during MEA operation and improving
tion chamber), well-proven technical solu- stability of dynamic characteristics a formed
tions supported by experimental develop- electrical signal is delivered to the terminals
ment and flight tests of numerous space en- of solenoid valve’s electric magnet. The
gines created by Yuzhnoye SDO. amplification scheme of SVs allows to regu-
late liquid flows of 0.6 kg/s at rather small
The MEA tests were preceded by autono- mass (0.7 kg).
mous development and qualification tests of
MEA components. In order to reduce cost of The SVs have high and stable characteristics
these tests a differential approach was ap- of low dependence on voltage, temperature
plied to their volume with allowance for the and pressure at their inlets within the work-
novelty level of respective technical solu- ing range from 29 to 36 kgf/cm2. Their de-
tions. All the MEA components were di- sign is such that typical influence of outlet
vided into four categories (see Table 2). cavity’s volume on time of action is ex-
cluded and identity of repeated startups and
The first category combines units adopted shutdowns is ensured.
without modification. Compliance of their
characteristics with consumer’s require- SV design is characterized by reliable opera-
ments is accepted at a level of the unit by tion, for instance, the high pressure-tightness
similarity. of the valve-seat contact (not more than
1⋅103 cm3/s at air test) is ensured by applica-
The second category includes adopted with- tion of fluoroplastic seals and special shape
out modification units that are proven, but of seats. For increasing the service life and
not qualified. In this case it is necessary to preventing generation of metallic particles at
complete their qualification under respective movement of valve’s moveable elements
additional program. they slide on fluoroplastic inserts.
The third category combines adopted units The SVs have gone through a complete cy-
with some negligible modification. They cle of verification – development and quali-
need additional or full qualification depend- fication tests. Their serviceability is con-
ing on results of the previous tests and de- firmed within a range of inlet pressures from
gree of modification. 15 to 65 kgf/cm2 at stable dynamic charac-
teristics, a large number of actions is en-
As to the units of the fourth category, they sured (exceeding 350), serviceability is con-
are completely new or need to be redesigned firmed during and after thermal-vacuum
significantly, so they have to go through tests.
both development and qualification.

In the course of MEA development and MEA cavities, including SV, after shut-
qualification tests the SVs provide their ser- down. In the course of development model
viceability and stability of characteristics at fire tests the technology of MEA post-test
influence of propellants and their vapors treatment without removal from the working
within 50 days. place was refined. This treatment ensures
effective decontamination of both MEA and
The development tests were performed at bench startup lines.
the bench # 2 of Yuzhnoye SDO.
In order to ensure SV functioning, the post-
This test bench was designed and used for test decontamination of MEA lines and pos-
autonomous tests of combustion chambers sibility to perform the before-test checks the
intended for operation in high-altitude envi- bench was equipped with additional lines
ronment. As to the Vega AVUM MEA, the and valves, and with dampers at MEA inlet.
bench systems had to be adapted to speci- The selection of the bench’s optimal
Downloaded by CARLETON UNIVERSITY on September 10, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.IAC-06-C4.1.04

ficities of propellants expulsion feeding, es- scheme, time sequence of bench systems
pecially for the startup/shutdown processes operation before and during startup, at speci-
and post-test technological operations. In fied and transitional modes, at shutdown,
order to reduce cost of fire tests under Vega during post-run and post-test treatment – all
program they were planned as multi-mode this required experimental confirmation that
tests with considerable cutting down of their was realized during fire tests of MEA devel-
number. The major part of the fire tests had opment model. Besides, in comparison with
7 working modes plus initial technological tests of ME-A and ME-B chambers, as well
run, at this the nominal mode was realized as autonomous tests of chambers-
2-3 times – initial, final and one of middle predecessors at the bench # 2 the volume of
modes – to get additional evaluation of the measurement for MEA tests was increased
bench systems operational stability. The significantly. Consequently, the bench was
multi-mode type of tests is provided by the equipped with additional sensors, transduc-
bench’s throttles that change of propellants ers and modified cable network. The soft-
flowrates in accordance with respective pro- ware complex had to be adapted to these
gram through a change of propellant differ- changes respectively. The above changes
ential at the throttle’s working element. had to be experimentally verified at tests of
MEA development model.
The change of propellants flowrates is being
specified in advance (before the test) with For performing MEA tests without combus-
allowance for individual specificity of each tion gases separation from the chamber noz-
MEA in order to ensure required by [2] test zle the bench is equipped with gas-dynamic
modes in terms of inlet pressures. The tunnel (GDT) and gas-ejecting device
bench’s systems provide required flowrates (GED). Al first, the GED is being activated,
of propellants, and values of inlet pressures and then, after achieving stable preliminary
are only registered. evacuation inside the vacuum cell (not more
the 80 mbar) the MEA startup follows. At
The fire test is final and the most important joint operation of the GED and MEA a rare-
verification of the MEA manufacturing faction of about 4…5 mbar is established in
process. a region of the nozzle exit, which ensures
efflux of combustion gases without separa-
Duration of the fire tests campaign may con- tion from the nozzle.
sist of up to 1.5 months. Such prolonged im-
pact of propellants onto the SV increases The bench is equipped also with an after-
significantly initial requirements and may burner and dissipation outlet tube for provi-
lead to deterioration of SV characteristics sion of ecological safety. The plume, toxic
and serviceability. So, the bench systems liquids and gases are afterburned in products
shall ensure high-quality decontamination of of kerosene combustion in air.

The special attention was directed to The static loads were generated by centri-
strength tests, in the course of which the fuge in three mutually orthogonal directions.
MEA was tested statically and dynamically
for confirmation of design strength margins At dynamic tests of qualification models the
of safety. The tests were performed on the vibration loads were in compliance with the
MEA development model additionally to the modified technical specification.
contractual conditions, for own expenses of
Yuzhnoye SDO. These tests revealed critical Results of both static and dynamic tests have
areas of MEA design and allowed refine- confirmed sufficiency of safety margins for
ment of dynamic loads specified by the Con- MEA parts and units.
The most completing phase of MEA qualifi-
The vibration survival capability was deter- cation are fire tests.
mined on vibration equipment ensuring per-
Downloaded by CARLETON UNIVERSITY on September 10, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.IAC-06-C4.1.04

formance of tests in good approximation to The MEA development model has gone
the actual flight conditions. through 9 fire tests of 1739 sec total burn
time at 20 runs including 11 hot restarts. The
On the basis of our extensive experience and tests have confirmed MEA serviceability
proven methodical approach the vibration and main characteristics. In the course of
tests are to be conducted at the first step of tests some critical design areas were re-
development, so Yuzhnoye SDO has per- moved. The tests were performed in the de-
formed additionally to the Contract condi- velopment envelope and extended one (see
tions, for their own means, static and dy- Figure 3) in comparison with specification
namic tests on the MEA development (max development value of POX IN plus
model. In the course of these tests some 21.5%; min development value of POX IN
critical points of hardware were determined minus 10% and max development value of
and dynamic loads specified by the Con- PFU IN plus 19,6%; min development value
sumer in low-frequency range were refined. of PFU IN minus 15%). Performance of fire
tests within extended envelope of PIN/MR
For evaluation of vibrational loads influence increases reliability at limited number of
onto MEA stiffness and serviceability its units and tests.
amplitude-frequency characteristics were
determined, pressure-tightness of MEA The tests of development model have al-
channels was checked and functional tests of lowed verification of test procedures and
valves were performed. cyclograms for both multi-mode tests and
hot restarts.
40 314.8
36 314.2
34 K1 D1 Isp 313.8
Рfu in, bar

32 313.6
F C M M2
H M1 313.4
30 G A 313.2
L1 L
28 E N 312.8
L2 E1 N1
26 1.85 1.9 1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15

24 N2

22 Figure 4 Dependence of Isp on MR

24 26 28 30 32 34 36
Рox in, bar
The qualification model MEA QM-1 has
Figure 3 Test envelope of MEA gone at the time being through 7 fire tests of
development model 2376 sec total burn time at 15 runs. There

are no any negative remarks, the tests are pellants pressure oscillations upstream of
progressing. In the course of tests the fol- injector posts, and through measurement of
lowing dependences were obtained: Isp vs vibration accelerations of the chamber in
MR (Figure 4), Isp vs Pcc (Figure 5), Isp vs lateral direction near the injector.
MR and Pcc (Figure 6) and Isp vs PIN (Fig-
ure 7). During development of the predecessor a
scheme of propellant mixing was chosen
315 ensuring low-frequency combustion stability
314.5 at comparatively low pressure drops on in-
jector posts. So, at Pcc≥15.5 kgf/cm2 and
Isp MR=1.62…3.0 the low-frequency oscilla-
tions inside predecessor’s chamber did not
Downloaded by CARLETON UNIVERSITY on September 10, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.IAC-06-C4.1.04

18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22

In order to increase margins of high-
frequency stability anti-oscillation baffles
Figure 5 Dependence of Isp on Pcc were installed on the injector’s fire face. The
processor was developed within envelope of
Pcc=36…62 kgf/cm2 and MR=1.6…2.6 as
well as at Pcc=11.4…23.5 kgf/cm2 and
313 314.5-315
Isp 312.5
There were no high-frequency instability
311.5 313.5-314 initiation.
310.5 313-313.5
310 312.5-313
18 The said design measures have provided
19 high reliability as to the high-frequency and

low-frequency combustion stability.

Pcc 21 MR


Figure 6 Dependence of Isp on MR and Pcc The MEA operational modes are within a
development range of the chamber-
predecessor, combustion of which was sta-
ble in relation to both low and high gas os-
316 316-318
On the basis of substantial volume of ex-
314 314-316
312 312-314
perimental data on combustion stability in
310 chambers-predecessors the criteria were es-
306 28 tablished for the MEA combustion stability.
304 29
300 30 Pox
An analysis of the measurements has shown
29 31
that propellants pressure oscillations up-
32 stream of injector posts do not exist at natu-
Figure 7 Dependence of Isp on propellants ral frequencies of axial, tangential and radial
inlet pressures modes of gas oscillations inside the cham-
ber. It is confirmed by low level of chamber
The obtained results meet requirements of vibration, spectra of which are characterized
Consumer’s Technical Specification. by noise nature. In general, operation of the
combustion chamber is distinguished by low
Combustion stability at qualification tests level of high-frequency pressure oscillations
was evaluated through measurement of pro- and vibration accelerations.

Thus, values of high-frequency pressure os-
cillations upstream of injector posts at quali-
fication model fire tests do not exceed
0.15 kgf/cm2 during startup and steady state
mode, and vibrational accelerations are
equal to 4g; those values are considerably
lower than allowable levels (stability crite-

There were no any defects and losses of ser-

viceability due to vibrations.

All the said above is a witness to combus-

tion stability during startup, transitional and
Downloaded by CARLETON UNIVERSITY on September 10, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.IAC-06-C4.1.04

steady state modes of MEA operation.

In general it is possible to conclude with cer-

tainty that MEA qualification progresses
successfully in compliance with the techni-
cal specification.

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