Conworl Journal 3

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Journal 3

Entering its fifty-fifth year, the ASEAN, or Association of Southeast Asian Nations, has a

fair share of its achievements as well as a variety of challenges throughout the years. It has helped

to bring peace and security to Southeast Asia. It has aided economic development and helped the

social advancement of its citizens. However, ASEAN is currently facing several external and

internal challenges like the competition among major powers in the Indo-Pacific region, the

Myanmar crisis, the pandemic, and their work ethics.

ASEAN has kept the region peaceful and stable. They have developed and expanded the

Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia as a framework for inter-state relations, which

has been endorsed by 27 states from Southeast Asia and beyond. In addition, ASEAN has adopted

two conventions to combat transnational crime: the ASEAN Convention on Counter-Terrorism in

2007 and the ASEAN Convention on Human Trafficking in 2015. Through the ASEAN Socio-

Cultural Community, ASEAN is focusing on building socio-cultural relationships among member

states, which has positively contributed to social progress by reducing the proportion of people

living on less than US$1.25 per day from one in every two to one in every eight within two decades

and reducing infant and maternal mortality in the region (Pakpahan, 2019).

Despite ASEAN's strong track record, it confronts ongoing challenges and must respond

to global instability. With the pandemic happening and at the same time the Myanmar crisis,

ASEAN’s decision and policy making is being tested (Chongkittavorn, 2021). The new

chairmanship led by Cambodia will be facing challenges on how countries must prepare for the

post-pandemic world.
Chongkittavorn (2021). Asean at 54: In need of some speed. Retrieved from
Pakpahan (2019). ASEAN at 52: Achievements and Challenges Ahead. Retrieved from

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