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Assessment 5

Because the Philippines is a mineral-rich country, it is not surprising that there are

numerous mining corporations spread around the map. It generated socioeconomic prospects, but

mining has its drawbacks due to environmental damage, illicit operations, and mismanagement.

With DENR’s sustainable integrated area management and development (SIAMD) through

responsible mining, it advocates mining that would benefit communities affected by mining

operations to be able to generate sustainable employment, livelihood, and income-generating

activities in communities where businesses can operate (DENR, n.d.). One of the corporations that

signed a memorandum of agreement with DENR is the Masbate-based Filminera Resources

Corporation. The corporation makes sure to include initial impact management plans targeted to

the environment and communities where they will be doing their operations. These plans cover

the actual mining operations, mill processes, and up to decommissioning, which gives importance

to the condition of the environment when they are doing the operations and after, as well as to the

health and safety of the people surrounding their project. It includes regular inspection and

monitoring of the lands and waters, maintenance of ponds, progressive rehabilitation, emission

tests on vehicles and equipment, and coordination with LGUs to formulate and implement

sustainable livelihood programs for communities (Filminera Resources Corporation, 2018).

First and foremost, I want to say that converting an agricultural land into a commercialized

land or to infrastructures will never be sustainable in the first place. Yes, it creates opportunities,

jobs, and even houses for everyone but these will not suffice problems that may arise in the near

future like our food security. The Philippines is an agricultural country, but we have never been

able to put that in our advantage. According to a press released by the Senate of the Philippines,

Luzon suffers most from massive land conversion, making up 80.6% of the entire country's

approved land conversions; Visayas, 7.8%; and Mindanao, 11.6%. With the bill amendment

authored by Sen. Kiko Pangilinan, the bill intends to require extra consent from the Departments

of Agriculture, Agrarian Reform, and Environment and Natural Resources, as well as local

government entities regarding land reclassification and conversion (Senate of the Philippines,

2019). According to a study conducted outside the Philippines, in Jambi Province, Indonesia, it

showed that the conversion of agricultural lands threatens long-term food security which was also

stated by the press release that was mentioned above. The conversion also comes with a lot of

losses in terms of its negative impact on the environment as well as to the communities (Fajar et

al., 2018).

DEV'T. Retrieved from
Fajar et al. (2018). The Land Use Change From Agricultural to Non-Agricultural in Bungo
Regency, Jambi Province, Indonesia. Retrieved from https://www.e3s-
Filminera Resources Corporation (2018). Masbate Gold Project. Retrieved from
Senate of the Philippines (2019). Save farming and farmers, stop converting farm lands: Kiko.
Rertieved from

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