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41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit AIAA 2005-3754

10 - 13 July 2005, Tucson, Arizona

Qualification status of Ariane 5ECA cryogenic upper stage

propulsion after flight 521

J. Grila *
Snecma , Forêt de Vernon, F- 27208 Vernon Cedex

J. M. Bahu†
Cnes, Rond Point de l'Espace, F-91023 Evry

The Ariane 5 upgraded version A5ECA of the European heavy lift launcher uses a new
cryogenic upper stage derived from previous Ariane 4 launcher. Ariane 5 payload capability
will be thereby raised up to 10 tons GTO. Ariane 5ECA has been developed by CNES by
delegation from ESA. The development and qualification of the propulsion system for the
upper stage ESC-A were granted to Snecma Moteurs which is also producing the cryogenic
engine HM7B, and the propulsive equipment of flight models. The ESC-A development
program aimed at taking off-the-shelves Ariane 4 proven propulsion equipment and engine
with minimal modifications and at using them in a thermal, functional and dynamic
environment as close as possible to Ariane 4 environment.

I. Introduction

T he Ariane 5G, generic version of Ariane 5, is

equipped with a 3T thrust upper stage EPS
using storable propellant. The development of a
new upper stage ESC-A, replacing the stage EPS,
was mandatory to increase significantly the
performances of Ariane 5 on the ECA version.
ESC-A stage architecture is based on the use of the
existing ARIANE 4 upper stage thrust cone,
oxygen tank and propulsion system.
The cryogenic propellant is stored in two separate
tanks. The oxygen tank is a 2.6 m diameter
cylindrical tank, closely derived from the H10 one.
The hydrogen tank is adapted to the 5.4 m outer
diameter of ARIANE 5. It reuses bulkhead
technology from ARIANE 5 main cryogenic stage.
The thrust frame bolted under the oxygen tank
supports the engine and the propulsion system.
This thrust frame is reused from Ariane 4 with
limited layout modification of lines due to different
interface locations with ground facility compared
to H10. Figure 1. ESC-A stage

Project engineer, Department A5 production,

Project engineer, Department Project A5ECA,
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Copyright © 2005 by Snecma. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission.
II. Propulsion system description1

A. Engine description
The HM7B engine burns liquid oxygen and hydrogen according to a gas generator cycle. It is a derivative flow
cycle, meaning that the turbine gases are ejected in a nozzle different from the main jet nozzle.
A two-stage turbine powers two centrifugal pumps that increase propellants pressure before entering the
combustion chamber. The turbine directly drives the hydrogen pump, while the oxygen pump is powered through a
gearbox. The turbine hot gases are created by deviating the propellants downstream the pumps into a gas generator.
Oxygen out of the pump is directly injected into the combustion chamber while Hydrogen flows into a manifold.
This manifold sends a portion of the flow into the nozzle to cool it ("dump cooling"). The main part of the hydrogen
flow circulates through the chamber wall channels to cool down the combustion chamber. Hydrogen is then gaseous,
and a part of it is tapped for hydrogen tank pressurisation, roll and attitude control system feeding, and turbopump
lubrication purpose.
Propellants are controlled by pneumatic valves. All these valves are actuated with helium of the pneumatic
control system (chapter II-I) by the means of electro valves.
The propellant loading of the tanks was chosen to maximise Ariane 5 performance into the geostationary transfer
orbit while respecting constraint of the engine in term of life time potential. The useable propellant mass of ESC-A
is 14.5 tons with a mixture ratio of 5. The operation time of HM7B engine on ESC-A is significantly increased by
about 150 s compared to H10-III.

B. Oxygen Pressurisation System

The pressurization of the oxygen tank is performed by helium stored in a vessel at 226 bar and 87 K and then
reduced to 23bar and heated through an exchanger in the turbine exhaust pipe. Tank pressure is controlled with great
accuracy by a pressure regulator.
During ascent phase and ballistic coast a relief valve limits the oxygen tank maximal pressure. It can also be
opened on command to generate a thrust through 2 nozzles to perform maneuver during ballistic phase.
The oxygen tank pressurization system is the same as on H10-III, except modifications of the helium vessel (see
chapter II-D) and of the heat exchanger in order to improve their performance.

C. Hydrogen Tank Pressurisation System

While the ESC-A engine is active, the hydrogen tank is pressurised with gaseous hydrogen tapped from the
regenerative circuit of the thrust chamber. This gaseous hydrogen is expanded at the calibrated tank pressure through
a pressure regulator.
The hydrogen tank pressure is controlled if necessary with helium while the ESC-A engine is inactive during the
ascent phase. A relief valve limits hydrogen tank maximal pressure.

D. Helium vessel
The helium vessel is redesigned on ESC-A because the helium need increases mainly due to oxygen tank volume
increase compared to H10-III. Its volume is enlarged. Moreover its loading temperature and pressure are optimised
to maximal capability of the vessel and of the ground facility.

E. Feeding system
The feeding system conducts propellants from tanks to engine. It is mainly composed of lines and two feed
valves. The feed valves are located between tanks outlets and engine pumps. The cinematic of lines allows the
gimballing of engine. The Hydrogen line lay out is modified compared to H10 in order to fit the Hydrogen tank

F. Attitude and Roll Control System (SCAR)

During the HM7B firing phase, the SCAR controls only the roll parameter of the stage. The two other axes are
controlled by the engine gimballing. During the ballistic phase, it performs 3-axes control (roll, pitch and yaw).
While HM7B is firing, 2 SCAR clusters are used like on H10. They are fed with gaseous hydrogen tapped from
the engine regenerative cooling channel. During the ballistic phase, as the payload mass is significantly higher on
ARIANE 5, the attitude control system has been reinforced in order to perform the satellite injection maneuvers. The
attitude control system of ARIANE 4 upper stage is reused, but four pods instead of two are implemented on ESC-
A. They are fed with gaseous hydrogen tapped from the hydrogen tank through the pressurisation channel.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
G. Fill and Drain Systems
The ESC-A stage must be filled up with liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen and cold helium. In order to perform
these operations, the ESC-A stage is linked to the launch pad infrastructure through removable cryogenic arms
connected to the ESC-A stage by fill and drain coupling plates. For layout and mechanical reasons, the ground
couplings have been redesigned, however keeping principles and components of the ARIANE 4 couplings.

H. Purge connectors and balancing nozzle

In the case of an aborted launch when fill and drain coupling are disconnected, the propellant tanks can still be
drained and the helium vessel pressure regulated through 2 purge connectors, which are separated at take-off. These
devices are also used during the ascent launch phase in order to flow out the tank gases controlled by Oxygen and
Hydrogen relief valves of the pressurization system (chapter II-B&C)
A balancing nozzle is used together with the oxygen purge connector to create a longitudinal thrust during the
ballistic phases for satellites separation maneuver.

I. Pneumatic control system

The pneumatic control system is fed by 23 bar helium. A pressure regulator down stream of the high-pressure
storage regulates the gas pressure. The system feeds the pneumatic valves of the engine, the feeding valves and the
SCAR valves.

III. Propulsion system qualification2

A. Engine qualification
The propulsion system is based on the proven 65 kN HM7B engine
The impact of the longer firing duration on engine and propulsion equipment as well as on reliability was
analysed. The knowledge and confidence in the engine have been accumulated with the long duration tests
performed on ground all along the ARIANE 1 to 4 production phases and with 140 successful flights of ARIANE
with this engine. That lead to an acceptable reliability status without hardware modification for this purpose.
Nevertheless 3 engines have completed qualification hot firing test campaigns to verify some specifications in
relation to ESC-A specificities and Ariane 5 environment.
1. Dynamic environment
In the frame of ESC-A qualification a first HM7B engine M1221 has gone through an extensive dynamic testing
campaign in early 2000 at Intespace vibration centre in Toulouse, France. It has been submitted to low level
sinusoidal vibration in order to obtain a modal characterisation of the engine and compare it to calculation results,
high level sinusoidal vibration and random vibration in order to demonstrate margins with respect to ARIANE 5
dynamic specification. The same engine that went through the vibration tests successfully passed subsequent long
duration firing tests in the SNECMA test facilities in Vernon, France.
The 2 campaigns realized on the same engine M1221 showed a very good behavior of the HM7B in a sequence
which simulated, with margins, the life of the engine during Ariane 5 main stage and boosters flight for vibrations
and then during an ESCA flight.
The mechanical behavior of the engine has been also verified by the analysis of the results of a modeling. A
detailed mechanical model has been used and tuned with the results of tests performed at Intespace. The model has
been applied to both main cryogenic stage and to ESC-A stage phases.
Subsystems like turbopump, chamber combustion and nozzle extension were checked with refined models.
2. Thermal environment
Because of the cold temperature around the engine, specific Helium conditioning is implemented until lift-off.
The efficiency of this conditioning has been first determined by modeling and then verified on engine level before
being qualified at stage level on MR campaign (see chapter III-E).
As a consequence of the low temperatures obtained on MR a thermal envelope (called PTG) has been put around
the engine in complement of the Helium venting. PTG concepts lies on a confinement principle and ambient Helium
venting on the engine (except nozzle extension) to insulate it from cold gaseous fluxes stemming from upper stage.
This efficiency and the mechanical behavior of the PTG have been qualified on the M1223 engine tests
campaign and during a ground rehearsal before the qualification flight of ESC-A 521.
This configuration allows remaining in the thermal domain of H10 for the engine and secures the reliability of
the engine ignition and start-up phase.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
3. Electrical system
The inter stage volume between the two cryogenic stages EPC (main stage) and ESC-A is colder than the Ariane
4 inter stage between the L33 second storable stage and the H10. The effect of a colder temperature in flight on the
electrical valves is therefore closely investigated on test campaign of engine M1222R.
These tests are also the occasion to bring margins demonstration on the ignition and start up transient phase of
the engine in the thermal and electrical environment of ESC-A.
4. Chilling down of the engine
Some differences between H10 and ESC-A concerning the feeding lines and purging lines lay out as well as
acceleration profile of the main stage lead to re assess the chilling down tuning.
A two-phase model has been developed, tuned on H10 flights in vacuum conditions and on MR campaign of
ESC-A at sea level conditions. The chilling down duration of the engine on ESC-A has been set in order to reach the
same level of temperatures on the engine before ignition.

B. Propulsion equipment qualification

As a prerequisite for the ESC-A programme, the existing propulsion system hardware is reused with the
objective of minimum design modification. The experience feedback of ARIANE 4 flights is intensively used in
order to consolidate the hardware characteristics. Naturally it was necessary to identify the performances or
functions on ESC-A which cannot be met without adaptation or modification of the H10 hardware.
Therefore, a detailed analysis of the ESC-A mission has been carried out, leading to dedicated specifications for
the propulsion subsystems. Each requirement of these specifications has been compared to the characteristics of the
ARIANE 4 upper stage propulsion hardware. Either the characteristics of the hardware comply with the ESC-A
requirement, hence the qualification is considered as obtained without additional effort, or differences are identified
which result in development activities. These activities range from technical studies to specific tests and if necessary
hardware modifications are implemented with the goal of minimum functional, cost and planning impact.
1) Pressurization equipment
Vibration tests performed a ESC-A stage level have determined dynamic requirement for propulsion equipment
A delta qualification has been required and then performed with success on both pressure regulator and relief valves
of the hydrogen pressurization equipment.
2) Helium vessel
The helium vessel, closely derived from the H10 vessel but with a larger volume, has been tested in vibration
and then pressurized until burst in order to validate the mechanical safety factor imposed by the ground safety
3) Attitude and roll control system
The attitude and roll control system of ARIANE 4 which is reused for the ESC-A have been mechanically
reinforced in order to comply with ARIANE 5 vibrations specification. Shock specifications deduced from ESC-A
stage shock test concluded to the implementation of a damper between the stage structure and the SCAR pods
hardware. A complete dynamic qualification of a SCAR pod has been performed including vibrations, shock and
electrical tests.
4) Fill and drain coupling
For layout and mechanical reasons, the ground couplings have been redesigned, however keeping principles and
components of the ARIANE 4 couplings.
The new fill and drain coupling plates have successfully undergone hydraulic validation tests, vibrations and
shock tests. A separation test with the new cryogenic arms has been performed in ambient conditions and the good
behavior demonstrated. A disconnection test in cryogenic environment has also been completed as part of the MR
campaign (see chapter III-E).
5) Purge connectors
Equipment such as purge connectors is located on the stage outer diameter and is submitted to a different
dynamic environment than the environment of the H10 configuration. Therefore a complete dynamic qualification
has been considered as necessary. A test campaign has qualified these devices to vibrations, shock and loads
simulation due to wind on the launch pad.
6) Balancing nozzle
The balancing nozzle is in the same area of concern as the purge connector concerning the dynamic environment
at the stage outer diameter. A test campaign has qualified this device for vibrations and shock.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
C. Pressurization system qualification
Oxygen and hydrogen pressurization loops have been early
tested at L'Air Liquide in Sassenage, France. The stability
margins of the loops have been checked in the flight domain of
temperature, flow rate and different tank ullage volumes.
Flight representative hardware (lines, pressure reducers, and
check valves) were set up on the bench.
The tests confirm the behavior prediction and show that the
oxygen and hydrogen pressurization loops are stable in the ESC-
A domain.
The pressurization loop test bench also provided an
opportunity to extend the qualification range of some
pressurization equipment.
When the stage design is completed and a stage model
available, the hydrogen loop has been tested again in the same
fluid representativity on a real stage. Dynamic excitation was
applied during the flow tests in order to verify that there was no Figure 2: H2 pressurization loop tests
coupling between the fluid and the stage hardware. with dynamic excitation

D. Feeding system qualification

A fluid characterization of the LH2 feeding line has been made by modeling and tests in order to validate the
stability margins of the engine during transient phases and steady state phases.
Some tests have been performed on a hydrogen feeding line including the tank collector and with flight
representative conditions in order to characterize the hydraulic characteristics of the fluid in the line. It was verified
the absence of gaseous bubbles during the transient start up and steady state phases of the engine.
An accurate transient mathematical model has been used to predict the start up and shut down phases of the
HM7-B engine. The goal was to describe precisely the pressure evolution at the pump inlet and to evaluate the risks
of coupling phenomena that could create pressure oscillations. The model calibrated with Ariane 4 flights and bench
tests showed that the ESC-A predictions were within the H10 domain of Ariane 4.
A POGO modeling has been also realized in ESC-A conditions.

E. Ground operations campaign

A stage model MR has been dedicated to ground
operations tests at the Ariane launch centre in Kourou, French
Guyana. Its main objectives were stage handling, mechanical
operations, thermal environment validation, equipment
replacement demonstration, electrical and functional
operations and validation of the operating process on the stage
before lift-off.
Many objectives of the MR campaign were dedicated to
propulsion system as part of its final qualification:
- Verification of the circuits purging and tightness
- Propellant tanks filling calibration
- Propellant tanks and helium vessel pressurisation
- Ventilation of engine after the filling of tanks in order to
avoid too cold temperature.
- Calibration of the engine chill-down in representative
stage conditions.
- Qualification of the automatic sequence before lift-off
and simulation of a start up sequence of ESC-A.
- Disconnection of the fill and drain coupling plates
simulating the launcher lift-off. Figure 3: MR ground operation tests

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IV. Cross checking method for qualification
The qualification logic before flight has included some "cross checking" activities on models that have not or
could not been anchored by completely representative tests on ground. These models developed by Snecma Moteurs
have been realised in parallel by another company: stage contractor or equipment sub contractor and the results
This was the case for thermal and mechanical modeling of HM7B nozzle extension that cannot be tested on
engine at sea level. The cross checking method has been also applied for the engine start up transient modeling
(chapter III-D) and the engine thermal model for the flight phase

V. Qualification flight analysis

The qualification flight of the launcher L521 in ECA was realized on the 12th of February 2005. The ESC-A
stage and its propulsion equipment have participated to the success of this major event.
First analysis of the flight measurements shows the good behavior of the HM7B and the equipment and confirms
the predictions of performances of the propulsive system.

A. Engine
Dynamic levels on engine and equipment were within
the specification. The measurements acquired during the
chill down process will permit to calibrate the model in
flight conditions. The efficiency of the thermal protection
around the engine kept the temperature in the same range as
on Ariane 4. The engine parameters during the ignition
phase and the start up sequence were very close to H10
flight parameters showing the good accuracy of the transient
model built for ESC-A. The behavior during the steady state
and the shut down phases were also within the predictions.

B. Propulsion system
The pressurization systems were quite stable. The
helium flow rate for the Lox tank and the hydrogen flow
rate for the LH2 tank pressurization were conform to
predictions and the helium consumption on the stage kept
sufficient margins in the Helium vessel at the end of the
mission. The good functioning of SCAR and Oxygen
thrusters during the ballistic phase permitted to inject the Figure 4: flight 521
payloads in perfect conditions.

VI. Conclusion
The development of a new stage on the Ariane 5 launcher by using proven engine and equipment of Ariane 4
was a challenge with risks due to the adaptation to a new thermal and dynamic environment. Little modifications of
the hardware were mandatory to be consistent with Ariane 5 requirement. Nevertheless these modifications as well
as the behavior of the propulsion system in the Ariane 5 environment needed to undergo a strong qualification
sustained by equipment and sub system tests and by mathematical models. The flight 521 measurement analysis
confirms the qualification and very good functioning of ESC-A propulsion system.

Individual Papers
Grila, J., Ferrandon, O., Dutheil, J.P., and Bahu, J.M., “ Status of Ariane 5 cryogenic upper stage Program-Propulsion
system,” AIAA 2000-3785.
Grila, J., Pitt, R., and Bahu, J.M., “ Status of Ariane 5 cryogenic upper stage Program-Propulsion system Qualification,
AIAA 2002-4211.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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