Activity 2 Mark Louie J. Bargo

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Exercise 1 

Pair and Share 

Listen to the song “One Tin Soldier” then sing it with a partner. After singing the 
song, reason together by answering the questions. Write your answer in the Pair and Share 
Answer Sheet. 
One Tin Soldier 
(The legend of Billy Jack) 
Words and music by Dennis Lamber and Brian Potter 
Copyright©1969 by ABC/Dunhill Music, Inc. 

Listen children to a story that was written long ago 

‘bout a kingdom on a mountain and the valley folk below. 
On the mountain was a treasure buried deep beneath a stone, 
and the valley people swore they’d have it for their very own. 

Go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and cheat a friend. 
Do it in the name of heaven, justify it in the end. 
There won’t be any trumpets blowin’ come the judgment day 
on the bloody morning after…one tin soldier rides away. 

So the people of the valley sent a mssage up the hill 

asking for the buried treasure, tons of gold for which they’d kill. 
Came an answer from the kingdom: ”With our brothers we will share 
all the secrets of our mountain, all the riches buried there.” 

Now the valley cried with anger; mount your horses, draw your sword! 
and they killed the mountain people, so they won their just reward. 
Now they stood beside the treasure on the mountain, dark and red, 
turned the stone and looked beneath it. “Peace on earth” was all it said.

1. What does the song tell us? Does this really happen? 
2. How can this happen? 
3. What is genocide? What are the forms of genocide? 
4. What is the implication of committing genocide? 
5. How does this relate to our life now? 
6. Why would people adhere to arrogance and greed? Why would people crave for more? 
Why would people kill? 
7. Is it true that people never get contented? Why?

Pair and Share Answer Sheet 

1. The song tell us about the important things in the world is not treasure but peace. Indeed,
that money is the root of all evil. What happen in the song is that people kill just for the
treasure. To the question does this really happen? Yes, people are insatiable and have this lust
for money and power. If you have riches then you are fame and powerful. People ended up
killing and taking others life just to achieved their goal. But at the end of all the realizations, it is
understood that what really matters are not things of this world, but those we can bring to
eternity with GOD.

2. As what I explained, it happens because people are obsessed and has lust for power, fame
and money. People are too selfish that they think only of themselves and not others. Even
resorting to killing just to attain what they want.

3. The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group
with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Killing members of the group. Causing serious
bodily or mental harm to members of the group Article II(b) Deliberately inflicting on the group
conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction. Imposing measures intended
to prevent births within the group.

4. Genocide is implicating harm to group of people or should I say that it is killing. Implication
of committing this kind of crime is punishable by law. You will be accountable for the
crimes you have committed. What will happen is that oppression of the particular group will be
endangered or totally erase the identity or existence of this particular group making it

5. If we will relate this with our life now, we tend to forget our own identity because of the
oppression that we experienced. It is not also good that we kill or take away lives just for our
own agendas of grasping all the riches of the world. Exterminating the whole group of people
having their own identities are punishable by law.
6. It all happens because of people lust for power. Going beyond the usual is obsession.
People are obsessed in a lot of things. People have lust for power, fame and glory. Because of
so much obsession that people opt to killing just to gain what they really wanted to achieved.

7. Nature has given us the ability to grow and evolve by constantly changing ourselves and our
surroundings. This may be the reason why we people never feel satisfied with our present
condition, and hence always strive to do better for ourselves in the future.


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