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Exercise 1 

Illustrate through symbols the 21 century world and its milestones and  demands and why

everyone needs to prepare and cope with it. 

Exercise 2 

Answer and discuss the following questions (5pts. Each) 

1. How and why has the world changed? 

_ The only constant thing in this world is “change”. The world changes all the time and it will
change with time. People change as well. They are the one who could change the world either,
vice-versa. Just by being on Earth, at any given moment, and doing something or even nothing,
we are already changing the world. The world constantly changes because people are evolving.
Science, Technology, Development and Innovations are the major advancements why our world
changes steadfast for the past years. It’s because of humanity trying to aim for the goal of upmost
optimal state of balance and perfection for the future. Other significant causes of global change
might include things we cannot control, like weather circumstances, natural disasters, wars, and
phenomena that are beyond our control. During the pandemic, we have openly observed how the
world itself alters us. the globe has been discovering new ways to live, learn, and carry out tasks
for almost two years. With Covid-19, we adapt in the most cautious and safe way possible. We
continue to live and thrive for development in the safest way possible, and it teaches us gratitude,
lessons, and realizations that change the way we see life and the rest of the
___ _______________________________

2. How do I equip myself with the 21 century skills in order to cope? 


_ In a world where change is constant and learning never ceases, I would continue to thrive
as a student living in the 21st century. I'll strengthen my   21st century skills to improve my
character. I must make sure to develop my reading, learning, and life skills because they are
all crucial in the Internet age, regardless of whether I'm still a student or when I start my
work as a professional. _________________________________________________________

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