Revised Score Sheet For Grade 12 Revised Marking Criteria - Design and Technology

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Topic Skill Levels Of Response Focus Tick Total
1 Theme 1.1 Demonstrate a clear understanding of the 1. Provide a clear definition of the theme Definition 
theme 2. Provide real life situation examples of aspects related to Examples 
the theme 4
3. Explain activities related to the theme Related Activities 
4. Provide a clear interpretation of the theme. Interpretation 
2 Situation 2.1 Derive a situation from the theme 1. Provide a clear description of the situation Activity
Concern  2
Place 
3 Problem 3.1 Identify a problem from the situation. 1. Derive the problem from the situation.  1
4 Brief 4.1 Formulate a brief from problem 1. Provide a statement of intent. User 
Function  2
5 Research 5.1 Generate possible solutions 1. Consider existing ideas for modifications. Existing ideas 
2. Analyse materials and construction (joints and finishes) Materials 
3. Consider measurements and function. Size, Function  4
4. Consider cost and safety Cost, Safety 
6 Specification 6.1 Formulate Specifications 1. State clearly the function of the artefact Function 
2. Provide a general description of the quantity, sizes, capacity Sizes, capacity
and/or weight of the artefact and/or weight 
3. State the properties of the materials, economic use and Materials  5
4. Estimate the cost of the artefact Cost 
5. Possible methods of construction and safety of the artefact Construction and 
7 Possible Solutions 7.1 Generate a variety of possible solutions. 1. Sketch a variety of possible solutions (Creativity Creativity in 3 
demonstrated in the design solutions) sketches
2. Possible material to be used in each solution indicated Material 
3. Possible methods of construction in each solution indicated Construction  10
4. Analysis each design idea and justifying the chosen solution Why Chosen 
8 Development of 8.1 Show the logical progression of all the 1. Methods of construction and materials to be used. Indigenous Mate 
Chosen Solution aspects of development 2. Indicate possible processes to be used. Processes 

Topic Skill Levels Of Response Focus Tick Total
3. Indicate any safety measures about the artefact Safety  6
4. Determine the final sizes Sizes 
5. Draw the chosen solution Drawing 
9 Presentation of 9.1 Show the pictorial drawing of final idea 1. Produce a scaled drawing of the final idea Pictorial  3
Final Idea. 2. Correct application of enhancements in the drawing Enhancements 
10 Working Drawing 10.1 Produce a working drawings 1. Present the developed solution in orthographic projection Front Elevation
Plan 12
End Elevation
Correct Spacing 
1st or 3rd Angle 
Dimensioning  19
Line work 
Neatness 
 Title 
 Proj symbol 
11 Production Plan 11.1 Produce a detailed production plan 1. Compile a detailed materials list. Materials list. 
2. Produce a sequential plan for making the artefact Sequential plan 
3. Show the processes and tools to be used when making Processes 
4. Estimate the time required for each task. Tools 
5. Show evidence of sticking to the production plan. Cutting/Joining  10
Finishing steps 
Estimated time 
Actual time 
Sticking to Plan 
12 Evaluation 12.1 Appraise the artefact in line with the brief 1. State whether the artefact meets the brief and specification Reference to 
and 2. Analysis of the artefact stating its strengths and Analysis 
weaknesses. 7
3. Comments on possible modifications and improvements. Modifications 
4. Outline limitations in designing and making the artefact Limitations 
13 Portfolio 13.1 Present the completed portfolio 1. Design ideas in a variety of graphical techniques. Bubble Charts 
Presentation 2. Ideas and information communicated clearly in writing. Hand written 
3. Drawings enhanced in a variety of techniques Paste-ups  6
4. Components of the portfolio arranged sequentially Sequential 
Binding 
On A3 paper 
Topic Skill Levels Of Response Focus Tick Total
1 Suitability for 1.1 Show how the outcomes satisfy the 1. Artefact conforms with the design brief Functions as in the brief + name 
Purpose requirements. 2. Make the artefact functions effectively Meets 1 element of the 
specifications 5
Meets 2 elements 
Meets 3 elements 
Meets 4 elements 
2 Workmanship 2.1 Produce a quality artefact. 1. Appropriate construction skills exhibited 1 skill exhibited in the artefact 
2 skills exhibited in the artefact 
3 skills exhibited in the artefact 
4 skills exhibited in the artefact 
5 skills exhibited in the artefact 
6 skills exhibited in the artefact 
7 skills exhibited in the artefact 
8 or more skills exhibited 
2. Consider all safety aspects of the artefact Safety considered 
3. Appropriate finish applied correctly. Finish applied 
4. Produce an appealing artefact Aesthetic artefact 
5. Evidence of creativity Creativity exhibited 
6. Evidence of innovation Innovativeness exhibited 
7. Construction methods Few appropriate 
Most appropriate 
All appropriate 
3 Materials 3.1 Make sound judgment in the choice of 1. Suitable materials used Suitable  2
materials 2. Make economic use of materials. Economical 

Note to the Teacher

• This is a continuous assessment activity and teachers are expected to continue marking while teaching.
• The main decisions and judgment are to be made by the candidates.
• All Practical work should be done by the candidates
• Complicated processes can disadvantage candidates if they are not well executed.
• Portfolios and Artefacts are supposed to be kept in school at all times


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