Objective Proficiency Student's Book (Second Edition) - 41-46

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Discuss these topics with a partner.

• What is a shopaholic? Do you think
you're one? What percentage of
items that you buy are things you
want rather than need?
• How often do you buy clothes, CDs,
shoes, computer games, books and 2 1_...m3 You will hear a n i nterview between a radio presenter
chocolate? called Paula a nd her guest, Mike James, who is the presenter of
• How important are designer labels a programme called Pricewise. This is a TV programme which
for you? cham pions consumer rights. For questions 1-9, com plete the
• Do you think it's necessary to keep sentences with a word or short phrase.
in fashion? In 2002, Mike James began working on a ( 1 ) ....................................... .
• Have you ever had to complain for a nightly news programme.
about something you've bought? Mike says that the programme keeps all correspondence on
What happened? a ( 2) . .. .... . . .............. ........... . .. . .. for future use.
• Would you prefer a refund or an Mike says that it's important that (3) . ..... ........ ....... . . .......... ...... . read the
exchange if you took an item back to script carefully.
the shop? Mike gives the example of an advert which offered to sell
• Do you know what legal rights you people a ( 4) .. .. ..... .. .. ..... . .... .. .. .. . . . .. ...... and some land.
have as a consumer? If not, who Mike says a researcher was shown a table next to the
would you turn to for advice? (5) ... .. . .. . . . .. .. .. ...... . ... .. ... . ... .. . in a restaurant.

Mike talks about a story about ordering food

(f) Exa m spot

(6) . ........... ............ . . .... . .. . . .. .. . from a supermarket.
A supermarket customer was sent ( 7 ) .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .... .. ..... . .. .. . instead

I n Part 2 of Paper 3, you need to com plete n i ne of what they had ordered.
sentences with i nformation you hear on the
recording. There is no need to write very m uch,
Mike mentions people complaining about trainers which
just a word or short phrase. You should write ( 8 ) ...... .............................. . . .. .
down the words you hear - there is no need to Mike says that manufacturers and retailers are worried about
use you r own words.
poor (9) ........................................

U N IT 5
Vocabulary 4 For questions 1-8 , read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C
or D) best fits each gap.
Ph ra sa l ve rbs
3 1'lilll Listen to the conversation again
and write down the phrasal verbs you
hear which mean the following. (They
are all in the order in which you will
hear them.)
a to intend f to discover
b to agree to do g to test Standard ized shopping malls have become the new

c to investigate h to mention Main Streets of the USA accord ing to one (1 ) .............. ..
d to make inquiries i to tolerate on the s u bject. Along with antibiotics and personal
e to be highlighted to concede computers, the shopping mall has been (2) . ... ... . . . . . .. . . as
one of the top 50 wonders that have revolutionized the
lives of people today . But shopping malls didn't just
(f) Phrase s pot h appen out of the blue . The mall was o riginally

Mike James tal ked a bout Pricewise becoming (3) . . . ........ of as a comm u n ity center where people
. . .. .

a programme 'in its own right'. Jn its own right would (4) ........ . .. . .. . . for s hopping, cultural activity, a n d
mea n s by itself, without bei ng part of another
social interaction . I t is safe t o (5) .. . . . . . . ... ..... that t h e mall
program me.
has achieved and s u rpassed those early expectations .
There a re m a ny other expressions that use right.
the right way rou nd by rights The first enclosed mall was developed in a suburb
to serve someone right in the right of Min neapolis in 1 956 and was designed to get the
to be right u nder you r nose as right as ra in shopper out of the harsh weather. The phenomenal
to m a ke all the right noises right on time growth and development of shopping centers was a
to be with i n you r rights the film rights
natural (6) . . . . . .. ......... of the migration of population out
Choose one of the above expressions to from the cities a nd (7) ... ... . .. ... . .. . the g rowth of the use
complete the sentences below. (You m ight of the a utomobile . The success and impact of the
need to put it in a different form.)
shopping mall may have something to d o with their
a .... . .... .. . .... ...... . ...... ... . ....... you should be in bed at
9.00 pm. potentia l to (8) . ......... . . . . .. comm u n ity life .
b I've had a cold but I'll be ...................................... ..
when I 've had a holiday.
c I refused to a pologise because I knew I was

1 A scholar B master c body D authority

d The police never fou nd the m u rder weapon,
even though it was ................................. ....... 2 A put forward B set up c picked up D brought out

e His book has been very s uccessful 3 A imagined B devised c conceived D formulated
a n d it looks l i ke he's a l l set to sell 4 A cluster B converge c group D rally
........................................ too.
f Helena turned up to the meeting 5 A say B tell c speak D remark
........................................ ............................... ........ for a 6 A sequel B upshot c follow-up D consequence
cha nge. 7 A corresponded B paralleled c correlated D equated
g You'd be wel l ........................................ to take that
d ress back to the shop - it's torn at the col l a r. 8 A raise B magnify c enhance D heighten
h Dave ........................................ so I expect he'll be
promoted a head of me. 5 Tal k a bout the following with a partner.
Turn it the other way, you can't read it if it • Where do you like to shop - in a town centre or in an out-
isn't ........................................ .
It'l l ........... ............................ Michelle of-town mall?
........................................ if no one ever speaks to • What do you think of the threat to small independent shops
her aga i n ! from large chains?
• Why do you think shopping centres or malls are so popular?

Nouns review

2 Some uncountable nouns can be made singular if

they a re used with a bit of or a piece of. They can
Corpus s pot
also be made plural by adding bits of or pieces of
Several of the sentences below, some from the Cambridge However, m a ny u ncou ntable nouns have special
Learner Corpus, contain common mistakes connected with
counta ble and u ncountable nouns. Correct the sentences words to make them singular or plu ral, for exam ple a
which a re wrong and leave the ones which are correct. loaf of bread.
EXAMPLE: It gives you new infurmations, I would say a larger
Match the noun with its special word.
window on the world.
I nformation is uncountable and should be singular. a a burst of glass
a The acoustics in this room are terrible. b a pane of smoke
b How many luggages did you bring with you ? c a stroke of abuse
c Doctors a n d scientists, with their researches, have
managed to give us a better l ife. d a grain of dust
d The news this morning were terri ble - more price rises and e a gust of thunder
a teachers' strike. f a speck of luck
e Thanks to the revol ution in tra nsports, travelling has
become easier. g a stream of emergency
f Ma rco Polo set off on his travels from Venice. h a ray of wind
g Drivers should watch out for roadworks on the M25 this
i a source of sunshine
h Equi pments such as the tape recorder and stereo are very j an item of applause
outdated. k a rumble of sand
My advice to you is to keep q u iet a bout what is happening
I a puff of amusement
in the office.
The future behaviours of our children will depend on a m a state of clothing/news
good upbringing.
k I l ive on the outs kirt of the city. 3 You must spell correctly in the examination. Read
I The fis h m onger weighed out three kilos of fishes. through the following advertisement a n d find the
m I was never m uch good at statistics. nouns which a re spelled wrongly. Use you r diction a ry
n The sceneries in New Zea land a re spectacular.

o Traffic is becoming a problem in most cities nowadays.

to help you.
p The police is aware of the break-in.
q My father is a Professor of Economic.

Some nouns have different mean ings according to Look aroun d . You ' re in the midst of
whether they are used u ncou ntably or with a or an a global maelstro m . A swirling mass
or in the plural. Write sentences which show the two of converging technologies and new
meanings of the following nouns. business oportunities unleashed by the
EXAMPLE: damage -
I nternet. All waiting to be harnessed by

The fire did enormous damage to the large IT service providors. As one has
town. said: 'We've focused our energy and

The judge awarded her £1 million in resauces on creating technology to solve

damages. the unique problems of thousends of

individual businesses. Last year alone we
a work f language
b iron g comfort invested $2 .5 bilion of our global IT and

c disorder h experience telecom u nications revenus on R & D .

d speech i capital Innervations that keep your company

e room coffee one step ahead of the Internet. And light

years ahead of the compettition . '

4 There are three ways of showing
Voca bulary
possession in English:
P re po s it i o n s
A The a postrophe
5 Read the a rticle and fill the spaces with a suitable preposition.
- used with people, e.g. customers'
rights (NB the customer's rights
refers to one customer; the
customers' rights refers to more
than one.)
used with time and distance, e.g. a
day's pay

B Using 'of'
- usually used with objects, e.g. the
price ofpetrol
- used to talk about position, e.g.
the back of the room

C Using a noun as an adje ctive

e.g. a table leg, a travel agency

Com plete the following sentences using

one of the forms a bove, A, B or C.
a (seat, back) Can I sit in the
........................................ on the way home?
b (boss, wife) His ........................................ is
in hospital having a baby.
c (room, corner) The boy was sitting
in the .............................. ...... .
d (day, pay) When is ........................................ ? There has been a huge rise (1) ..... .. ..... .... .. .. .. ........ ......... the
. number
e (week, holiday) Mary only had one of sports 'superstores' on the High Street. You go in a nd are •
........................................ last year. faced (2 ) .... ... .. .. ... ....... ..... ..... . ... .. ... a giant wall, consisting entirely
f (wine, glass) Would you prefer a (3) .. ...... ...... . . .. ... .... . .. .... ..... shoes, each model categorised
. . .

........................................ or a tumbler for (4) ........................................ either sports affiliation, basketball star,
your drink? economic class or consumer niche.

g (delay, moment) The decision was I noticed a boy (5) . ..... ..... .. .. .. . . ... ......... .... .. .. . even greater awe
taken without a ........................................ . (6) ... .......... ... . ... .. . ... ... .. ....... the towering selection of footwear than
. .

h (Anne, best friend) ...................................... .. I was. His eyes were glazed (7) ...... ...... .. .. . . .. .. ..... ....... ... a p sycho-
. . .

has just got a job in Milan. ph ysical response (8) .... . .. ... .... .. ... ...... .. .... .... . the overwhelming
. .. .

(door, handle) Take care with that sensory data . This phenomenon, known as the ' G ruen Transfer',

........................................ - it's loose. is commonly observed (9) . ........ . .... .. ..... ........ .. ..... . a
. . . shopping mall or

(field, sports) The team went out High Street store.

onto the ........................................ , wearing Having finished several years (10) ... . . . ..... .... . ... ... . .......... .. researc h
. . . . .

their new strip. (1 1) . ... .... ....... ........ .... ...... ..... .. this exact psychological state, I knew to
p ro ceed (12) .... ..... ......... .. .. .... .... .... .. .. caution. I slowly made my way

Ccij4fJ4MI (13) ....... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .......... ..... .. the boy's side a nd gently asked him,
'W hat is going (14) .... .... ... ... ..... .. .. . . ..... .. .. ... i n your mind right now?'
. . .

He res ponded (15) . ... .. ... .... ... .... .. .. ....... ...... ... the slightest hesitation,
'I don't know which trainer is me and I'm no good
(16) ...... .. ... ................... .......... making choices ! '

Discuss these questions in groups.
• Is there a certain advertisement that has appealed to you
more than others? Why? 2 Read the texts below on advertising.
• What do you think makes a good advertisement? Think a bout:
• Do you think admen can sell anything? Think of some • where you would find these texts,
things that might be difficult to sell. e.g. in a newspaper, magazine,
• Should advertising be curbed in any way? Should there be research paper, novel, encyclopaedia,
restrictions on, for example, junk food being advertised leaflet, brochure, etc.
on TV? • what style the writer is using, e.g.
• Do you think some people are more vulnerable to formal, informal, journalistic,
advertising than others? academic, personal, narrative, etc.

Text 1 Text 2

Advertising: exploiting
the vulnerable?
Advertising and young people
Concern about young people's lack of
It's been estimated that young people today shell out nearly life ski l ls and cognitive a b i l ity to evaluate
£50 a week on clothing, entertainment, and fast food. And advertisements has provided much scope
that's not all. It's now beginning to dawn on advertisers that, for research and heated debate. Embedded

through nagging power, young people not only influence with i n the discussion is the contention

the purchases of the goods and services that appeal to that advertising to this group is inherently
' u nfa ir'. H owever, many now believe that
them, but they also influence many of the purchases in
the vulnerabi l ities of young people are often
the entire household, even down to the family car. This is
overstated and that, having g rown up with
an advertiser's dream. People, especially in the 13-19 age
the constant barrage of advertising, they are
group, buy on impulse. They are less likely than others to
able to pay it little or n o attention. There is
weigh up price differences or get recommendations. They
also the argument that, by p roviding product
buy based on what their friends are buying, what will information, advertising helps young people
make them more popular with their peer group, or what a make more informed choices.
celebrity they are into says they need.

U N IT 5
3 Find words in the texts which mean the S Write two paragraphs, summa rising and using your own words
same as the following in the context. as far as possible, the information in the two texts. Begin with
(They a re in text order.) Use an English­ a sentence which tells the reader what the texts a re generally
English d ictionary to help you. a bout, for example:
Text 1 Text 2 The two texts discuss the pros and cons of advertising to young
occur to assess people.
pester extent
Then continue, summa rising the two points that each text
including claim
makes. Begin:
whim essentially
evaluate exaggerated Text 1 claims that . . .
Text 2 argues that . . .
4 Read through the sentences below a n d
decide which are t h e two m a i n points
that each text is making. Vocabulary
Text 1
Abst ra ct n o u n s
a Young people like to buy the same
things that everyone else does. 6 Being able to manipulate words is a very useful skill for both the
b Young people do not spend time Writing and Reading and Use of English Papers. Complete these
carefully considering what to buy. sentences by changing the word in brackets into an abstract
c Young people have more money noun. U se a dictionary to help you.
than ever to spend nowadays.
EXAMPLE: I value her (friend) greatly. friendship
d Young people have a great deal of
a They quarrelled out of sheer (bored).
influence on what is bought by their
b Some new products have built-in (obsolete).
friends and family.
c Environmental (aware) has increased dramatically over the
Text 2
last decade.
a Young people pay little attention to
d He felt great (proud) when his youngest daughter won first
advertising as they are used to it.
b There has been increased concern
e He's got the (confident) to walk into an interview and get
about the amount of advertising that
the job.
is aimed at young people. f The government believes that its (austere) programme will
c Advertising can be helpful to young reduce inflation.
people by providing them with
g His friends take advantage of his (generous), and borrow his
product information. things without asking.
d Young people don't have the
h Now she is 1 8, she is keen to have her (independent) from
background knowledge to be able to
her parents.
make sensible choices. He complained that the (inefficient) of the bus service was
having an impact on employment.
His feelings of (insecure) made him desperate to get other
people's approval.
k Scrooge is a character in Charles Dickens' book A Christmas
Carol who is famous for his (mean).
(Individual) is the idea that freedom of thought and action
for each person is the most important quality of a society,
rather than shared effort and (responsible).
m Louise's (aspire) to help others come from her own
misfortune as a child.
n I think it's important to treat his articles with a degree of
(sceptical) .


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