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Assignment 2

Business Mathematics-3
April-July, 2022

You are expected to write proofs / arguments with reasoning provided, in solving
these questions.

Question 1. Let f : [0, 1] −→ R be defined by

sin x1 if x irrational,

f (x) =
0 otherwise.

Show that f is not integrable in [0, 1].

Question 2. Show that

X k √
lim = ln 2.
n−→∞ k2 +n2

Question 3. Let f : [0, 1] −→ R be a monotonically increasing function, then

f is integrable in [0, 1].

Question 4. Solve the initial value problem

p dy
x2 − 9 = 1, where x > 3; y(5) = ln 3.

Question 5. Find dx , where
Z x2
3 1
1. y = (t + 1) 0 dt .

Z sin x
dt π
2. y = √ ; |x| < .
0 1−t 2 2

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