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The CAPTIF unbound pavement strain measurement system

Chapter · September 2012

DOI: 10.1201/b13000-18


4 193

4 authors, including:

David Alabaster Bruce Steven

New Zealand Transport Agency Beca Ltd


Bryan Pidwerbesky
Fulton Hogan Ltd


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Epoxy Modified Porous Asphalt View project

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Advances in Pavement Design through Full-scale Accelerated
Pavement Testing – Jones, Harvey, Mateos & Al-Qadi (Eds.)
© 2012 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-62138-0

The CAPTIF unbound pavement strain measurement system

F.R. Greenslade & D.J. Alabaster

NZ Transport Agency, Christchurch, New Zealand

B.D. Steven
Beca Infrastructure Ltd., Christchurch, New Zealand

B.D. Pidwerbesky
Fulton Hogan Ltd., Christchurch, New Zealand

ABSTRACT: The Canterbury Accelerated Pavement Testing Indoor Facility (CAPTIF) has been measuring
elastic strain in unbound pavements for more than 40 years. This paper documents a brief history of the approaches
used at CAPTIF, the validation of the systems, the development of the latest system which has been built on
a scientific/industrial measurement platform from National Instruments (NI), and potential improvements into
the future.

1 INTRODUCTION flexible in that it could be used at different spacing

ranges and could be used with different coil diame-
One of the fundamental measurements that have been ters. By the early 1990’s, the Bison system at CAPTIF
recorded at the Canterbury Accelerated Pavement evolved to include manual switching (multiplexing) of
Testing Indoor Facility (CAPTIF) is elastic strains in coil pairs so that multi-coil pair installations could be
the subgrade and pavement. As New Zealand roads measured. A Hewlett-Packard datalogger was added
consist primarily of thin surfaced, unbound granular to record measurement values at high speed so that
pavements, the sensors used for this measurement have resilient strains could be recorded.
been inductive coil sensors because the free-floating
coils cause the least disturbance to the materials
compared with other strain-measuring devices. The 1.2 Saskatchewan system
principal of operation involves the mutual inductance
coupling of two co-axial sensors embedded within In the mid 1990’s a new coil measurement sys-
the subgrade or pavement layers. One of the coils tem was purchased from DDR Technologies Ltd,
is excited with an alternating current signal (trans- Saskatchewan, Canada. This system had been devel-
mitter coil). The other coil (receiver coil) returns an oped for the APT facility operated by Saskatchewan
induced alternating current signal due to the magnetic Highways and Transportation Department. It used
coupling between them. The coupling is extremely coils produced by the Bison Company. The
sensitive to axial spacing and hence can be directly Saskatchewan system had some advantages. It was
related to strain. CAPTIF has used and modified a vari- capable of measuring a vast number of channels by
ety of coil induction strain measurement systems, the daisy chaining together more electronic modules. The
first reported measurements were published in 1972 system was controlled by a personal computer (PC)
(Patterson, 1972). The following is a summary of those with software written in the “C” language, which
systems. could be altered to accommodate CAPTIF’s special-
ized requirements. The oscillation frequency of the
transmitter circuits was set to 150 kHz which caused
a fast generation and decay of the magnetic coupling.
1.1 Bison system
This allowed a much faster switching time between
CAPTIF started using the original ‘Bison’ equipment coil pairs and therefore many coil pairs could be mea-
in the early 1970’s. It had been developed by E.T Selig sured in one pass of the vehicle. A disadvantage of the
at State University of New York at Buffalo (Selig, system was that in order to enable the system to oper-
1969). The Bison apparatus could measure one coil ate at higher frequencies each coil pair had to be tuned
pair at a time. A dial on the front of the device was to that frequency. Cable lengths (6 m) were critical to
used to ‘null’ the signal before a voltage reading was achieve the ‘tuned circuit’ due to their capacitance.
measured from an output using a voltmeter. It was Additional tuning circuitry was necessary to achieve

the ‘tuned’ state. CAPTIF encountered a major prob-
lem with this system. The coils would tend to drift off
tune during a project and therefore did not match their
calibration equations. The Saskatchewan system was
abandoned when the Bison Company ceased operation
and production of Bison coils stopped.

1.3 Emu system

Around the year 2000, CAPTIF purchased the εmu
system developed by Nottingham University. The
εmu had manual controls and so in order to auto-
mate the system it was modified and a multiplexor
system developed to allow multiple channels to be
read. The multiplexor system and data acquisition was
achieved with the use of National Instruments (NI) Figure 1. CAPTIF strain coil.
data acquisition cards installed inside a PC. Software
was developed using NI Labview. The NI hardware The chassis was also fitted with a multiplexor
and software proved to be both reliable and flexible. switch, a data acquisition card and the SCXI-1540
Nottingham University provided instructions to LVDT module. A termination panel was designed for
build the εmu system and its coils so CAPTIF was no connecting the coils and included the pre-amp cir-
longer restricted to the use of Bison coils. The εmu cuitry. The industrial chassis and termination panels
system employed a more traditional approach than are installed in a standard industrial cabinet.
the Saskatchewan system and so avoided the tuning
problems. The CAPTIF implementation of this sys-
tem experienced electronic drift typically found with 2 HARDWARE
custom built electronic designs of its era. The drift
did not effect the excellent capabilities of measuring The CAPTIF system has been developed to measure
resilient strains; however, it limited it’s capability to strains or displacements that occur between pairs of
measure permanent (plastic) strains. inductive coils that are buried within pavement layers.
It can be used to measure the elastic strain generated
1.4 CAPTIF system by moving vehicles and can detect permanent strains
caused by repeated vehicle loading.
Since the NI hardware had proved reliable with the
εmu system, CAPTIF decided to investigate the use
of NI hardware for the coil excitation and signal con- 2.1 Inductive coils
ditioning. The induction process occurring in the coil
pair functions in a very similar way to a common The inductive coils consist of a circular plastic disk
displacement sensor known as the Linear Variable Dis- with a groove cut into the perimeter in which cop-
placement Transducer (LVDT). NI produces a module per wire is wound around to form an inductive circuit
(SCXI-1540) specifically for controlling and measur- (Figure 1).
ing LVDT’s and in 2006 this was trialed to assess The inductive coils are used as a pair. One of the
whether it would be suitable for strain coils. Initially pair becomes the transmitter in which an alternating
a selection of coils with different wire thickness and current is driven from an electronic source. This has
numbers of coil turns was tested to determine which the effect of generating an alternating magnetic flux
coil design produced the best output. Once the coil field around the coil. The receiver coil is placed within
selection was determined, a high grade pre-amplifier this magnetic flux field and this causes an alternat-
was developed to boost the signal from the receiver ing current to be generated within the receiver coil.
coil to a range that was suitable for use with the SCXI- This phenomenon is known as mutual induction. The
1540. These trials were very successful. The system magnitude of the generated signal is proportional to
proved very accurate, repeatable, and stable. The sta- the distance between the coils. This relationship is
bility was such that CAPTIF felt confident that the not linear (because the magnetic flux density gradi-
system could be used to measure permanent strains in ent is not linear). The receiver coil output is measured
pavement tests, which was previously not possible in by electronic detection circuits. Thus a pair of coils
previous systems because of the electronic drift. will provide a non-contact strain measuring device.
Based on this successful trial, CAPTIF decided to The magnetic flux occurring in the coil pair can be
develop a complete system based on NI hardware. influenced by metallic objects and external magnetic
This system comprised of an industrial NI PXI-SCXI- radiation. It is advisable to keep moving metallic
chassis fitted with an embedded controller running a objects at least 300 mm away. Where coils need to
Microsoft Windows operating system and NI Labview be placed higher in the pavement large metallic mov-
software. ing objects will generate an additional response in the

receiving coils which can be corrected for in later data 100. The SCXI-1540 has gain set to one. The output
processing. from channel zero of the SCXI-1540 is read in the
PXI-6221 DAQ. The voltage range is set to ±5 V for
plastic strain measurements.
2.2 LVDT technology To measure resilient strains, the static-loaded coil
LVDT’s are commonly used in scientific and indus- voltage is first measured. An equivalent voltage is then
trial applications. The electronic technology to mea- applied from an analog output to the non-referenced
sure LVDT’s has become very accurate and reliable. single ended (NRSE) input on the PXI-6221. Then
LVDT’s use the same principle of operation as strain the dynamically loaded coil voltage is measured with
coils, therefore it is possible to use the electronic cir- respect to this NRSE input. Therefore the difference
cuits that have been devised to work with LVDT’s with between the initial static-loaded coil voltage and the
the strain coils. The NI SCXI-1540 is an electronic changing coil voltage generated by the transient load
module that has been specifically designed to measure can be measured. Because the voltage difference is so
LVDT’s. It includes electronic circuits that generate small the range is set to ±200 mV, which allows a much
alternating current sources for excitation of sensors higher resolution of the very small resilient strains.
as well as signal conditioning circuits for detecting The PXI-2576 is configured to be a dual 32 × 1
alternating current signals. The SCXI-1540 is the heart multiplexor. This allows up to 32 transmitter coils and
of CAPTIF system. 32 receiver coils to be routed to the SCXI-1540. A
coil pair sequence is pre-programmed into the soft-
ware. The multiplexor is set to the first coil pair and a
2.3 Hardware main components static-loaded coil voltage is measured (this is used as
The CAPTIF system consists of the following the reference for the resilient strain measurement). As
components: a vehicle approaches it triggers a photo-electric sen-
sor (SUNX VF2-RM5-3). The photo-trigger is input
1. An NI PXI-1050 chassis. This is a combination into the trigger terminal on the PXI-6221, which ini-
chassis that is divided into two parts. The first tiates a dynamic measurement to be taken. The coil
part accepts PXI format cards. The second part pair is sampled continuously at an appropriate speed
accepts SCXI-format signal conditioning cards. to enable a trace of the resilient strain to be recorded.
2. An NI PXI-8184 embedded controller, which acts Once the measurement is taken the multiplexor is
as a stand alone computer. It runs a real time oper- set to the next coil pair. The process of taking an static-
ating system and controls the PXI and SCXI-buses. loaded coil measurement and a triggered resilient
It runs the data acquisition and control software and strain measurement repeats until all the coil pairs have
communicates via Ethernet connection to external been measured. For a 32 pair coil array this will take
computers. It has onboard memory and a hard drive. 32 passes of the vehicle.
3. An NI SCXI-1540 LVDT module (described
4. An NI PXI-6221 data acquisition card (DAQ), 2.5 Resolution specifications
which converts the analog signal output from the The NI PXI-6221 employs a 16 bit analog to dig-
SCXI-1540 to digital data. ital converter (DAC). The CAPTIF system utilizes
5. An NI PXI- 2576 multiplexor to enable switching the DAC in two modes. When taking a plastic strain
of the coil pairs to the SCXI-1540. measurement the DAC is set to an input range of
6. A CAPTIF designed termination panel, which ±5 V. Therefore the calculated resolution will be
provides coil cable connectors and connects via 10 V/2ˆ16 = 152.6 uV. At a coil spacing of 75 mm
ribbon cable to the PXI-2576. It also incorporates a 152 uV change in output is approximately equal
the CAPTIF designed pre-amplifier circuit that to 0.009 mm. This equates to 118 microstrain. When
boosts the receiver coil signal before entering the taking a resilient strain measurement, the range of
SCXI-1540. the DAQ Card is set ±0.2 V. The calculated reso-
lution will be 0.4 V/2ˆ16 = 6.1 uV. This equates to
2.4 Hardware operation 4.72 microstrain. However, due to electrical noise
these calculated resolutions cannot in practice be
The transmitter coil of each inductive coil pair is achieved.
routed from the termination panel via the PXI-2576
to the excitation terminals of channel zero on the
2.6 Practical resolution
SCXI-1540. The excitation signal is a 10 kHz 3.5 Vpp
alternating current signal. The transmitter coil induces All analog sensors and electronic devices have an
an alternating current signal in the receiver coil, which inherent electrical noise, which is superimposed on
outputs a very small voltage in the region of 30 mVrms the signal of interest. Electronic amplifier circuits
at 75 mm coil spacing. This signal is routed from will also amplify the noise as well as the signal. The
the termination panel via the PXI-2576 back to the CAPTIF system in the resilient strain measurement
CAPTIF pre-amplifier on the termination panel which mode records about 5 mV of noise at a 75 mm coil
feeds directly into the channel zero input terminals of spacing. In order to determine strain resolutions less
the SCXI-1540. The pre-amplifier has a fixed gain of than 500 microstrain it is necessary to process the data

Figure 2. CAPTIF test facility.

to remove the noise. This can be done in post pro-

cessing of the captured raw data or can be done by
using the inbuilt software filter. Using the inbuilt fil-
ter, resilient strains of less than 50 microstrain can
typically be resolved. It may be possible with the use
of more sophisticated hardware and software filtering
to remove more electrical noise and get resolutions
closer to the calculated hardware resolutions. Figure 3. Plan view of typical CAPTIF pavement layout.
2.7 Improvements
vertical stack has seven pairs and will extend through
CAPTIF is about to trial a higher specification data
the basecourse and the subgrade material. Two fur-
acquisition card, the NI-PXI-6289. The analog to dig-
ther stacks are arranged around the main stack so
ital converter is an 18 bit device. The calculated
that longitudinal and transverse strains can be mea-
resolution would then be 29.5 microstrain for plastic
sured. These ‘side’ stacks also measure the vertical
strain measurements. The smallest range on this device
strains and act as a check against the main stack. Each
is ±0.1 V, which equates to a calculated resolution
section of the pavement will contain at least one of
of 0.59 microstrain for resilient strain measurements.
these arrays and measurements will be triggered by a
Practical limits due to electrical noise need to be
specific photo-detector for that array.
considered; however, some improvement is expected.
The PXI-6289 has onboard hardware filters to remove
3.2 Software programs
noise, which will be experimented with.
CAPTIF has developed three software programs for
the system. All programs access a pre-configured lay-
out file. This file is resident on the hard disc drive and
has all the information pertaining to the coil pair array.
The CAPTIF system uses custom software to provide
It includes a unique pair number, the transmitter and
control, data acquisition, data storage, and commu-
receiver coil numbers, and what multiplexor circuits
nication. The software has been written using NI
they are connected to.
Labview. The embedded controller runs a Windows 7
operating system. Drivers are loaded on to the con- 3.2.1 Calibration software
troller and allow operation of the PXI hardware by This software is used for calibrating the coils and is
the Labview software. The software was developed on used with the coil calibration jig (Figure 5). A pair is
the PXI controller and runs remotely from a PC over selected from the layout file and then measurements
Ethernet. are recorded at pre-determined coil spacings (Table 1).
The relationship between the coil spacing and volt-
3.1 A typical CAPTIF project and coil layout age output is logarithmic and the software calculates
The CAPTIF APT facility (Figure 2) consists of a a calibration equation that takes the form:
circular concrete tank in which a pavement is con-
structed. The circular pavement is normally divided
into six sections (Figure 3). Each section can be a
where: y = mm, and x = volts (Figure 6).
different pavement material. A test machine with a
rotating chassis and two loading vehicles is mounted 3.2.2 Static strain software
on a central pedestal. A photoelectric beam is used on This software is used to log plastic strain measure-
each section of pavement to act as a trigger for the data ments from the coil sensors. It is normally left run-
acquisition when a vehicle passes through it. ning continuously during the life of the project. At a
A common coil layout (Figure 4) used at CAP- pre-determined lap or time interval a sequence is
TIF captures strains in thee dimensions. The main initiated whereby all the coils in the array are measured

Table 1. Typical calibration data.

Date: 12/09/2010
Pair: S
tx coil no: 1
rx coil no: 2
plane: V
tx mux: 19
rx mux: 52
80 3.4293
78 3.6624
76 3.9172
74 4.1955
72 4.5003
80 3.4286
78 3.6623
76 3.9165
74 4.1950
72 4.4989
80 3.4274
78 3.6635
76 3.9181
74 4.1973
72 4.5010
Cal curve equation mm = Aln(X) + b
A: b: scale: residue:
−29.286 116.029 0.01902 0.0014

Figure 4. Cross section of coil array used at CAPTIF.

Figure 6. Typical calibration curve.

Figure 5. Jig used to calibrate the strain coil pair.

and recorded. A plot of displacement values with load

cycles at each coil pair (Figure 7) is produced with the

3.2.3 Dynamic strain software

This software records the resilient strains caused by
separate loading events and has been designed to suit
the operation of the CAPTIF test track facility. A typi-
cal resilient strain record for a single coil pair is shown
in Figure 8. In this case the coil data has been directly Figure 7. Load cycles vs. change in coil pair spacing at coil
converted to displacement (mm) and data has been pair mid points.
captured as a trace of 4,000 samples at a sampling
frequency of 3,000 samples/sec.
sampling rate gives a higher temporal resolution to
The user has control over a number of parameters:
the event.
• Rate: This is the number of samples per second that • Samples per channel: Sufficient samples must be
the data acquisition system will record. A higher recorded to capture the whole transient event.

Figure 9. Load cycles vs. peak vertical strain at coil pair
mid points.
Figure 8. Output from dynamic strain software.

• Start delay: A time delay is normally entered so

that recording does not start immediately after
the photo-detector has been triggered. This vehicle
takes a finite time to reach the coil array after pass-
ing through the detector. Data collected during this
passage would be redundant.
• Laps: The number of vehicle laps to record in the
data file.
• Input range: Enables selection of high or low
• Use photo-trigger?: The data capture can be initi-
ated by a photo-trigger or a software trigger. Figure 10. Depth vs. peak vertical strain at varying load
• Save: Saves the data to a file cycles.
• Filter: Employs a software filter to remove
unwanted noise. This filter applies a 16th order
Butterworth filter with a pass-band of 0.45 Hz to After the resilient strains have been recorded the
10 Hz. It is only used in this case to smooth the data dynamic strain software is stopped and the static strain
for viewing. The un-filtered data is saved to file for software is set running again to record the plastic
later processing by the project researchers. strains.
The dynamic strain software operates as follows: Figure 9 presents the peak vertical compressive
strain for a stack of coils during the early stages of
1. The setup parameters for the test are entered on a project. The break in readings at 35,000 cycles indi-
the front panel. cates where a thin surface was applied and the load on
2. The vehicle is run up to the required speed. the vehicles was raised from 40 kN to 50 kN.
3. The software is ‘RUN’. A more traditional plot of strain with depth is pre-
4. The software loads the coil layout file. sented in Figure 10. The brake in the plot illustrates
5. The software switches in the first pair of the array. the change from the unbound basecourse layer to the
6. The software waits for a trigger. subgrade layer.
7. Data is acquired for that pair.
8. The software plots a graph of the coil voltage
9. The software then switches to the next coil in the 4 VALIDATION
layout file and waits for a new vehicle trigger.
10. The process is repeated until all the coil pairs have 4.1 Static strain validation with profilometer
been tested.
Figure 11 presents a comparison of the change in coil
11. The full set of coils will be tested again a number
spacings against vertical surface deformation (VSD),
of times according to the number of LAPS set.
which was measured on the pavement surface with
12. A data file is stored on the hard disk.
a transverse profile beam. There is a strong rela-
The data file is stored on the PXI machine disk. tion between the surface measurements and the coil
The data is the raw displacement (mm) measured from changes, as expected. The relationship is not one to
each coil pair. A peak strain value is also calculated one because the coil pairs do not extend fully to the
and recorded. bottom of the concrete tank (pavement boundary), do
The dynamic strain software is run at pre- not extend fully to the surface of the pavement, and
determined ‘lap intervals’during the life of the project. are slightly offset from the peak VSD reported.

Figure 12. Strain profile at Station 9 for 50 kN/850 kPa
wheel load at 6 km/h, PR3-0404 pavement.

– There was zero strain in the thin asphalt concrete

layer. This layer was 30 mm thick, therefore any
Figure 11. Vertical surface deformation vs sum of coil compression of the layer would be small com-
spacing changes. pared to the overall deflection/compression of the
pavement structure;
– To fit a straight line to the top two strain points
4.2 Dynamic strain (Emu system) validation with in the subgrade and to extrapolate this line up to
surface deflectometer and Falling Weight the basecourse/subgrade interface to determine the
Deflectometer (FWD) strain at the top of the subgrade, and
– The strain decreased at a constant rate from the
In order to verify the accuracy of the εmu soil strain measured value at lowest coil pair to a value of zero
system, the measured strains were integrated over at the bottom of the pavement tank (1,500 mm).
the depth of the pavement and compared against
the surface deflections measured with the CAPTIF The different steps in the computations carried out
Deflectometer (a modified Benkelman beam with to integrate the strains are detailed below:
continuous deflection readout) and a Dynatest FWD
(Steven, 2005). In order to reduce the effect that the 1. The as-constructed thicknesses of the asphalt
vehicle speed might have on the results, the strain concrete and basecourse layers were determined
data for comparing the deflectometer results was cap- from the construction records.
tured when the loading vehicles were moving at a 2. The actual strain coil depths below the surface were
steady speed of 6 km/h over the coils. The strain calculated from the construction records.
data for the FWD results was captured as the FWD 3. A straight line was fitted to the basecourse strains
was dropped over the coils. The pavement response (three values) using a least squares method. The fit-
was measured under three different loading config- ted line was extrapolated to the asphalt concrete/
urations for the deflectometer check and under four basecourse and basecourse/subgrade interface
different drop heights for the FWD check. These depths in order to determine the basecourse strains
checks were done on the pavement constructed for the at the top and bottom of the basecourse layer.
CAPTIF PR3-0404 research project after the applica- 4. The extrapolated basecourse strains were inte-
tion of 600,000 load cycles. The pavement construc- grated over the thickness of the basecourse layer to
tion was 25 mm asphalt wearing course over 275 mm calculate the compression in the basecourse layer.
premium aggregate basecourse over silty subgrade 5. A straight line was fitted to the top two strain points
with a California Bearing Ratio of 10%. In order in the subgrade and this line was extrapolated up to
to integrate the measured strains over the full depth the basecourse/subgrade interface to determine the
of the pavement, several assumptions were made to strain at the top of the subgrade.
account for the sections of pavement that were not 6. The subgrade strains were integrated over the
monitored by the soil strain system. These assumptions gauge length of the coil pairs and summed to
were: calculate the compression in the subgrade layer.
7. The calculated deflections were compared with the
– To calculate a linear regression for the basecourse measured deflection from the loading vehicle or
strains, the resulting line of best fit was extrap- FWD.
olated to the top of the basecourse and to the
basecourse/subgrade interface. A linear extrapola- A representative plot of the strain versus depth and
tion was chosen because the strains measured at the lines that are fitted to the strains is shown in Fig-
the three depths showed that the strains varied ure 12. The area under the dashed line is calculated in
linearly with depth; order to determine the surface deflection. A summary

Table 2. Results from strain integration calculations for a Table 3. Results from strain integration calculations for
rolling wheel. the FWD.

Station 9 Station 9 (FWD A)

Load/Pressure (kN/kPa) 40/650 40/850 50/850 FWD load (kN) 25.3 33.2 51.8 71.7
Integrated deflection (mm) 1.155 1.205 1.388 Integrated deflection (mm) 0.735 0.947 1.369 1.773
Deflectometer deflection (mm) 1.065 1.098 1.281 FWD deflection (mm) 0.642 0.837 1.200 1.426
% Difference 8.5% 9.8% 8.4% % Difference 14.5 13.1 14.1 24.3
Absolute difference (mm) 0.090 0.107 0.107 Absolute difference (mm) 0.093 0.110 0.169 0.347
Station 23 Station 23 (FWD A)
Load/Pressure (kN/kPa) 40/650 40/850 50/850 FWD load (kN) 23.8 31.2 48.3 67.6
Integrated deflection (mm) 1.139 1.161 1.349 Integrated deflection (mm) 0.624 0.808 1.219 1.556
Deflectometer deflection (mm) 1.167 1.146 1.310 Deflectometer deflection (mm) 0.578 0.765 1.184 1.413
% Difference −2.4% 1.3% 3.0% % Difference 8.0 5.7 3.0 10.1
Absolute difference (mm) −0.028 0.015 0.039 Absolute difference (mm) 0.046 0.043 0.035 0.143
Station 37 Station 9 (FWD B)
Load/Pressure (kN/kPa) 40/650 40/850 50/850 FWD load (kN) 20.3 42.5 57.1 70.8
Integrated deflection (mm) 0.855 0.860 1.039 Integrated deflection (mm) 0.603 1.129 1.424 1.658
Deflectometer deflection (mm) 0.710 0.686 0.805 Deflectometer deflection (mm) 0.502 1.023 1.324 1.550
% Difference 20.5% 25.3% 29.0% % Difference 20.1 10.3 7.5 7.0
Absolute difference (mm) 0.145 0.174 0.234 Absolute difference (mm) 0.101 0.106 0.100 0.108
Station 37 (FWD B)
FWD load (kN) 20.4 42.7 57.5 71.3
Integrated deflection (mm) 0.473 0.811 1.034 1.216
Deflectometer deflection (mm) 0.359 0.713 0.899 1.067
of the calculations for the strain/deflections measured
% Difference 31.8 13.7 15.0 13.9
by the deflectometer is shown in Table 2. Absolute difference (mm) 0.114 0.098 0.135 0.149
The calculated results for Stations 9 and 23 are
within the range of −2.4 to +9.8% of the measured
values. This is considered an acceptable result given
the various assumptions that were made. The calcu- 5 CONCLUSIONS
lated results for Station 37 show a greater variation
against the measured values, with calculated values CAPTIF has used, evaluated and modified various
ranging from 20.5 to 29.0% of the measured values. strain coil systems over many years. Each system
A possible reason for the bigger percentage difference has provided useful and appropriate data accord-
for the Station 37 results is that the actual deflection ing to the state-of-the-art technology of the day.
and strain values are lower than the other two stations This data has been validated with data output from
(approximately 0.73 versus 1.18 mm and 1,151 versus other measurement devices. Some coil systems proved
2,355 and 3,960 microstrain for the average strains at better suited for resilient strains and others for plastic
the top of the subgrade), and any inaccuracies in the strains. CAPTIF’s new system, using ‘off-the-shelf’
assumptions will have a bigger effect on the computed electronic modules has excellent stability and reso-
deflections. lution. It provides the best performance to date for
The same procedure was followed for the FWD combined resilient and plastic strain measurement.
measurements. In this test, the FWD weights were
dropped from four different heights and the response of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the strain coils was recorded for each drop height. The
FWD contractor carried out the testing in two visits to The authors acknowledge specific input from Alan
the CAPTIF facility. Due to other work requirements, Fussell, and Frank Adams who installed the system
the contractor was required to use two different FWD at the CAPTIF facility. The authors also gratefully
machines for the two visits, even though the visits were acknowledge New Zealand Transport Agency for
only three days apart. funding the CAPTIF project.
A summary of the calculations for the strain/
deflections measured by the FWD is shown in Table 3.
The deflections obtained by integrating the strains REFERENCES
from the FWD loading show a greater difference with
the deflections measured by the FWD device. For this Patterson,W.D.O. 1972. The measurement of Pavement
comparison, the differences are up to 25%, although Deformations using Induction Coils. Road Research Unit,
most (13 of 16) of the differences are 15% or less and National Roads Board, Wellington, New Zealand.
14 of the 16 measurements have differences that are Selig, E.T. 1969. A New Technique for Soil Strain Measure-
less than 0.150 mm. ment. State University of New York, Buffalo, NY.
Steven, B.D. 2005. The Development and Verification
In conclusion, these measurements show that the of a Pavement Response and Performance Model for
strains measured by the εmu soil strain system are Unbound Granular Pavements. PhD Thesis, University of
realistic, and that they can be verified against an Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
independent measurement method.


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