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Senior Economists

Dr. Bledi Taska

Chief Economist

• Leads team of economists & data scientists supporting the company’s public policy
• Frequent presenter to major organizations & academic institutions, including
UNESCO, CEDEFOP, OECD, World Bank, IADB, European Commision, ILO, & IZA
• Work featured in global media outlets including The Australian Financial Review, The
Daily Telegraph, The Economist, France 24, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The
Globe & Mail, The New York Times, & The Wall Street Journal

Ron Hetrick
Senior Economist

• Nationally recognized speaker on labor market economics & principal author of the
groundbreaking report: The Demographic Drought
• Has advised Federal Reserve chairs, US Congress, & Council of Economic Advisors
• Former economist at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
• Advises numerous Fortune 500 companies concerning workforce strategies

Rucha Vankudre
Senior Economist

• Frequent guest economist on finance news cable networks

• Author & speaker on the changing landscape of the labor market
• Research & insights cited in national media outlets including The Wall Street
Journal, U.S. News & World Report, Washington Post, CNBC, & The New York T mes

Duncan Brown
Vice President of Global Innovation

• Leads team of economists and data scientists serving education and

government organisations in Europe and APAC regions
• Author and speaker on changing labour market trends in UK and Europe
• Briefed education leaders and senior officials within government agencies
• Former economist at UK Commission for Employment and Skills
Will Markow
Vice President of Applied Research

• Author & speaker on the impact of emerging trends & technologies on the workforce
• Globally recognized cybersecurity talent market expert, & leader of in
partnership with CompTIA & the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education
• Advisor to Fortune 500 companies & multiple White House administrations
• Cited in national media including The Wall Street Journal, The New ork Times,
& The Washington Post

Layla O’Kane
Senior Economist

• Leads a corporate research team supporting the future of work

• Published multiple research reports in partnership with policy organizations, including the
US Chamber of Commerce & the Gates Foundation
• Presented at the United Nations, OECD, APEC, & SXSWEdu, & others
• Work has been featured in the The New York Times, The Boston Globe
& other national media

Elizabeth Crofoot
Senior Economist

• Author & speaker on business responses to labor shortages & solutions for increasing
women’s labor force participation
• Former senior economist at The Conference Board & former supervisory economist at
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

Departments of Education, Labor, & Commerce on the state of the US labor market
• Guest economist on Yahoo! Finance, the TD Ameritrade Network, & NPR’s Marketplace

Dr. Rachel Sederberg

Senior Economist

• Published academic researcher in peer-reviewed publications including Economics

Letters, The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, & the Journal of

• Author, researcher, & speaker on the impact of emerging technologies, including

green jobs, automation, & other related issues
• Former Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, ME


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