EBIO Terrestrial Eco Sci Paper 2

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Laboratory Activity No.


Matina, Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

EBIO314L (6608) – Terrestrial Ecology

Submitted by






February 2023
I. Introduction

Soil refers to the loose surface material that covers most land and consists of
inorganic particles as well as organic matter. Soil provides structural support to plants used in
agriculture and is the source of water and nutrients (Agriculture Victoria, 2022). Soil has
numerous properties, both physical and chemical. The physical properties of soil include
color, texture, size, air space, water availability, and permeability while its chemical
properties include the inorganic matter and minerals present in the soil itself. Soil is an
essential material not only for the flora of an ecosystem, but also for providing us with food,
water, and protection, and regulating the Earth's climate by storing vast amounts of carbon.

The color indicates the mineral composition of the soil as well as water and organic
contents. This also provides clues as to the conditions that the soil is subjected to (Jackson,
2020). Soil colors range from black to red to white, which is influenced by previously
mentioned soil composition as well as condition. Soil texture refers to the size of the particles
that make up the soil and depends on the proportion of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles and
organic matter in the soil. Soil particles vary in size, which is evident when observed under
microscopic conditions. Soil particles are classified into sand, silt, and clay, with the finest
being clay and sand being the largest and grittiest. Soils are generally filled with water and
air, these are referred to as air space and water availability. The spaces between the solid soil
particles either contain water or are filled with air. Additionally, the primary soil gases found
in soil include nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen (Wikipedia, 2022). Water availability
refers to the difference between field capacity, the maximum amount of water the soil can
hold, and wilting point, the extent of the soil's ability to extract water. (Sheppard, 2023) The
permeability of soil is the capacity of the soil to allow water to pass through it. Additionally,
it is the property of the soil to transmit water and air. Permeability is typically represented by
k, where it is the rate of flow of water per unit area of soil when under a unit hydraulic
gradient (Zamara, 2022).


At the end of this activity, you are expected to:

 Compare soil texture based on the physical characteristics of soil particles. Physical
characteristics to be observed and tested include size, texture, air space, water
availability, and permeability.
II. Materials

- Pen
- Activity sheet

III. Procedures

1. Read the instruction on the next page. Get three soil samples in different location
within the vicinity of your house.

2. Follow the instruction on the next page and make a list that describes the properties of
the soil.

3. Provide at least three documented pictures of the experiment highlighting the

IV. Data and Observation

Table 1. Soil particle characteristics

Particle Size (mm) Water Water-Holding pH

(Soil Infiltration Capacity

Sand 0.063 mm Over 30 1.25 – 1.75 8

Silt 0.002 mm 10 – 20 1.50 – 2.30 7

Clay 0.002 mm 5 – 10 1.60 – 2.50 9

Table 1. The table above shows the various characteristics of each soil particle gathered
within UM campus in tabular form. The uppermost row lists the categories for each
characteristic which includes size in millimeters, water infiltration and holding capacity,
fertility of each soil, aeration or air space, workability, and feel of the soils. According to an
article by Science Learning Hub (2015), All soils contain mineral particles, organic matter,
water and air. The combinations of these determine the soil’s properties – its texture,
structure, porosity, chemistry and color. Sand is the largest of the soil particles, as well as
being the most permeable with water. Silt and clay have generally higher water-holding
capacity than sand mainly due to having smaller particles which allows them to hold more
water. Lastly, all of the texture’s pH levels are below acidic levels, falling under basic levels
except for silt which is under 7, considered as neutral.

Table 2. Soil Description

Particle (Soil Feel Color Odor


Sand Gritty White Salty

Silt Fine Black None

Clay Sticky Dark Brown None

Table 2. The table above shows the description of the soil based on feel, color, and odor.
Sand has a gritty feel, silt has fine texture, and clay has sticky qualities. For factual proof,
according to an article of UKnowledge (2015), Sand feels gritty to the touch and holds very
little water. Dry silt particles feel like flour or baby powder. When wet, silt will feel smooth.
Clay will feel sticky when wet and hard and brittle when dry.

Table 3. Soil Under Microscope

Particle (Soil Illustration Description



Sand under a
microscope gives the
appearance of a bumpy


Silt under a microscope

gives the appearance of
a small, smooth rock
with smaller dust-like
particles surrounding it.


Clay under a
microscope gives the
appearance of a lumpy,
small particle with
smudges surrounding it.
Table 3. The table above shows the drawn illustration of the three different soil textures
observed and magnified under a microscope. All textures have identical visual features,
however, their physical description says otherwise. This is stated in Table 2. The concept of
viewing soil textures under microscopic conditions is an essential process, as stated in an
article from Science Learning Hub (2021), “Microscopes are the tools that allow us to look
more closely at objects, seeing beyond what is visible with the naked eye. Without them, we
would have no idea about the existence of cells or how plants breathe or how rocks change
over time.” The same statement is applied to soils, as they are an essential part of life.

Table 4. Air Space

Particle How Fill the container with What is What is the volume of
(Soil much does water until it reaches the weight air in this soil sample?
Texture) 100 ml of the topsoil. How much of the (NOTE: 1 gram of water
the soil does 100 ml of soil water? displaces 1 ml of air)
weigh? and water weigh?

Sand 100 g 124.7 g 24.7 g 0.0247 ml

Silt 100 g 114.3 g 14.3 g 0.0143 ml

Clay 100 g 117.2 g 17.2 g 0.0172 ml

Table 4. The table shown above depicts the specific questions concerning soil air space or
aeration. As stated above, 100 ml of each soil texture is equivalent to 100 g. The second
question asks the weight of both soil and water in the same visual proportions in a container.
Sand is the heaviest likely due to having the highest water infiltration level of all the soil
textures as shown in table 1. The third question asks the weight of the water in the second
question, to which the answer is simply the difference of the given values in both the first and
second questions. Lastly, the fourth question asks the volume of air in the weight of the water
in question 3. The resulting answers for this question are precisely identical to the given
answers in the third question. This is further supported according to an article that states: The
amount of air or soil-air content is directly related to the bulk density of the soil and the
amount of water in the soil profile (Rolston, 2005).
V. Questions to Answer

1. What characteristic of soil is most important in determining water-

holding capacity? Porosity is the most important in determining water-holding capacity.

Soil texture and organic matter have the greatest influence on water-holding capacity.
Smaller particle soils (silt and clay) have a larger surface area than larger sand particles, and a
greater surface area enables soil to hold more water. In other words, fine soil has a better
water-holding capacity than soil with a high concentration of silt and clay particles.

2. Why is it important to get the pH of the soil?

Soil pH is a measurement of the soil's acidity or alkalinity. Thus, determining the soil
pH is crucial since it controls which nutrients are accessible to the roots and the quantity of
compounds that are soluble in soil water. If the pH is overly acidic or alkaline, it can inhibit
or impede root development, limiting water and nutrient intake. Moreover, high pH renders
essential plant nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) inaccessible. Plants will
deteriorate and maybe die if they are not adequately nourished.

3. What are the properties of plants that can withstand the various types of
soil (clay, loam and sand)? How can these characteristics help the plants to survive?

Soil is generally described by the amount of sand, clay, and silt it contains. This is
known as texture. Soil texture is directly related to nutrient quality and drainage capabilities.

Sandy soils are light and gritty to the touch. Because sandy soils have large particles,
they dry out quickly, are often low in nutrients and acidic. Both water and fertilizer have a
tendency to leach out of the soil - escaping to waterways before the plant can utilize them.

Clay soils are the heaviest of soil types and are often considered the hardest to work
with. They hold onto water and often take longer to warm in the spring. Soil compaction and
cracking are also a big risk of clay soils. Ultimately this doesn’t just look ugly - but it also
keeps plant roots from breaking through hard layers of clay. But, unlike sandy soils, clay soils
are rich in nutrients! With clay soils, nutrients are stored for much longer and have a
tendency not to leech away.

More fertile than sandy soils, silty soil is the intermediary between sandy and clay
soils. Silty soils have a greater tendency than other types to form a crust. When dry, silty soil
feels floury to the touch, but when wet, you can easily form balls in your hand.

The physical properties of the soil are very important for agricultural production and
the sustainable use of soil. The amount and rate of water, oxygen, and nutrient absorption by
plants depend on the ability of the roots to absorb the soil solution as well as the ability of the
soil to supply it to the roots. Some soil properties, such as low hydraulic conductivity, can
limit the free supply of water and oxygen to the roots and affect negatively to the agricultural

VI. Conclusion

The gathered soil samples within the school campus showed variations in soil
particles, which explains their different textures based on microscopic observation and
physical contact.

Sandy soil particles have the largest particle size compared to silt and clay. As for
characteristics, sand is described as gritty and white-colored with a salty odor. Under
microscopic observation, sand particles show the appearance of a bumpy rock. Sand particles
have an air space of 0.0247 ml, the highest of the three soils. Sand particles also have the
lowest water-holding capacity of the soils, measured at 1.25 - 1.75, despite having the highest
permeability, having its water infiltration level over 30.

Silt soil particles displayed an average size, which is tied with clay particles regarding
particle size. In terms of characteristics, silt is described as a fine, odorless, and black colored
soil texture. If viewed under a microscope, silt soil appears as a smooth rock with dust-like
particles surrounding it. Silt soil has a volume of about 0.0143 ml of air, the lowest of the
three soils. Silt also has an average water holding capacity of 1.50 - 2.30, as well as an
average water infiltration level of 10 to 20.

Clay soil particles have generally low statistics compared to sand and silt. Clay soil
has the same size as silt, measured at 0.002 mm. Clay has a sticky feel, with a dark brown
coloration and being odorless. Microscopic view of clay soil particles depicts a lumpy
characteristic with smudges. Clay soil particles have an average air space compared to sand
and silt, measured at 0.0172 ml. Clay particles also have the highest water-holding capacity at
1.60 - 2.50, though have low permeability in terms of water infiltration levels, measured at 5 -

Agriculture Victoria (2022) What is soil? Retrieved from https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/farm-


Almendro-Candel, M. B., Lucas, I. G., Navarro-Pedreño, J., & Zorpas, A. A. (2018).

Physical Properties of Soils Affected by the Use of Agricultural Waste. Agricultural Waste
and Residues. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.77993

Cotching WE. Organic matter in the agricultural soils of Tasmania, Australia – A review.
Geoderma. 2018;312:170-182. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.10.006

Jackson, R. S., (2020) Site selection and climate. Retrieved from


Soil gas (2022). Published by Wikipedia. Retreived from


Sheppard, J. & Hoyle, F., (2023) Water availability. Retrieved from


Yates (2020) The Importance of Soil pH for Plant Nutrition & Health. Retrieved from

Zamara, K. (2022) The permeability of soils explained. Retrieved from


Soil properties (2015). Published by Science Learning Hub. Retrieved from


Rolston, D. E., (2005) Aeration. Published in Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment.

Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/soil-

Figure 1. Actual photo of silt under a Figure 2. Actual photo of clay under
microscope a microscope

Figure 3. Actual photo of sand under

a microscope
Figure 4. Silt, sand, and clay samples
in beakers with water

Figure 5. Collecting soil sample

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