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Energy Acres, PO Bidholi,Via Prem Nagar,Dehradun-248007


Date 23.06.2023 GRADE CARD

Enrollment No:500091904 Name:Aman Kumar
Program:B.TECH(CSE - SPL. CC&VT) Academic Session:2021-2025
Course Code Course Name Credits Grade Result
CSEG2008 Software Engineering & Project Mgmt. 3 F Repeat
CSEG2020 Object Oriented Programming 3 F Repeat
CSEG2021 Design & Analysis of Algorithm 3 F Repeat
CSEG2120 Object Oriented Programming Lab 1 B
CSVT2001 Intro. to Virtualiza. & Cloud Computing 3 F Repeat
CSVT2004 Dynamic Paradigm in Cloud Computing 1 0 Q Qualified
CSVT2101 Intro. to Virtualiza. & Cloud Compu. Lab 1 C+
SLLS0201 Design Thinking 2 A
SLLS2001 Social Internship 0 Q Qualified
SLSG0201 Ethical Leadership in the 21st Century 3 B+
SOL20B001 Constitution and Indian Polity 3 C

TotalCredits: 22
Semester Result : SGPA Qualifying Criteria Not Met SGPA NC

Candidate in consultation with the Dean/Program Co-ordinator SOCS - DDN

needs to reappear in one or more low scoring courses to meet SGPA criteria.
This grade supercedes all grade cards issued previously.
**Appeared in Supplementary/Improvement
RPM/RPF/Repeat:Repeat Term-end Examination
SGPA:Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA:Cumulative Grade Point Average
NC:Not Calculated

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