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Creative Coding with Scratch

Buzzing Bees
Getting Started
Select the Forest backdrop.
Upload or draw the following sprites
and decrease the size as needed:
Game Over

Challenge 1
Can you make a Bee sprite move up, down, left and right when the arrow keys are pressed?

Challenge 2
Can you create a scoring system for each time the Bee finds the Flower?

Challenge 3
Can you use a variable to add a countdown timer to your game?

Challenge 4
Can you make a Game Over sprite appear at the end of your game?

Challenge 5
Can you add a Clock sprite that adds time to your countdown when your Bee flies into it?

I can:
select a backdrop;
upload or draw a sprite;
make sprites move when arrow keys are pressed;
make a variable;
use a sensing function to alter a variable;
make a sprite appear at a given point of the game.

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Helpful Hints
Buzzing Bees
Each Creative Coding Challenge is an open-ended task, which can be approached in many different
ways. Pupils should be encouraged to have a go and tackle these tasks independently. The following
hints are not intended to provide complete solutions but may serve as useful cues for supporting
less-confident coders.

The following code belongs on the Bee sprite.

To make a Bee sprite move around when the arrow keys are pressed:

If the time remaining variable is not used, swap out with a forever loop.

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Helpful Hints
Buzzing Bees
The following code belongs on the Flower sprite.

To make the Flower score points and change location once found:

If the time remaining variable is not used, swap out with a forever loop.

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Helpful Hints
Buzzing Bees
The following code belongs on the Forest Backdrop sprite.

To create a countdown timer:

This code belongs on a Game Over sprite:

To make a Game Over sprite appear at the end of the game:

If the time remaining variable is not used, swap out with a forever loop.

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Helpful Hints
Buzzing Bees
The following code belongs on the Clock sprite.

To create a Clock sprite to increase the Time Remaining variable when the Bee flies into it:

To develop the game further, add a new variable named Hit. This can then keep track of
whether the Clock has been hit or not and award a time boost accordingly. You can also
use this to make your Clock sprite hide and change position, as shown in the code below:

If the time remaining variable is not used, swap out with a forever loop.

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