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YouTube stats:

1. YouTube has over 2 billion monthly active users

2. Technically, YouTube is the second-largest search engine, after Google

3. The three countries accessing YouTube the most are the United States, India and Japan

4. YouTube generated $8.6 billion in ad revenue in Q4 2021

5. YouTube saw a 25% YoY increase in ad revenue from 2020 to 2021

6. 70% of people have bought a product after seeing it in a YouTube ad

7. 50% of marketers currently use YouTube in their marketing strategy

Please answer these questions below.
(It will help me develop a growth strategy that better suits your needs.)

1. What is your occupation and background?

2. What kind of YouTube content can you produce?

3. Who is your target audience/customer?

4. Please list your equipment: camera, laptop etc.

5. Do you have video editing skills?

6. How many YouTube videos can you easily produce per month?

7. How many followers do you have on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok etc.?

8: What is your growth expectation for your YouTube channel in the next 6 months?

9: What is your budget for growing your YouTube channel?

Note: Feel free to add anything you think is important or missing.

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