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Amhara National Regional State Water Works Construction Enterprise

North Eastern Regional Office

Written Examination for Assistant Construction Engineer level-1
April, 2013
Maximum time allowed 1hr Maximum marks 100%

1. For what purpose we construct water supply projects? (10%)

2. Write procedures of laying of pipes in a water supply project. (10%)
3. List five types of construction equipments and machines. (15%)
4. Estimate the quantities of brickwork and plastering required in a wall 4 m long, 3 m high
and 30 cm thick. Calculate also the cost if the rate of brickwork is 320.00birr per cubic
meter and of plastering is 8.50 birr per sq m. (20%)
5. Given 10m3 Concrete C – 20 Mechanical mixes with mix ratio 1:2:4. Assuming that 30%
shrinkage and 5% wastage and also take density of cement as 1400kg/m3
a. Calculate the amount of cement required to make 10m 3 of 1:2:4 concrete in kilograms
b. Calculate the volume of sand in cubic meter (10%)
c. Calculate the volume of gravel (crushed stone) in cubic meter. (10%)
6. The water supply project has a reservoir with 40cm thick stone masonry sub-structure. If
2 mason with 6 daily labour constructs 5m3 per day. Take one working day as eight hour.
a. How many daily labors required in order to construct 15m 3 of 40cm thick stone
masonry? (5%)
b. How many masons required for constructing 15m3 of 40cm thick stone masonry?
c. How long (in hour) it will take to construct this 15m 3 of 40cm thick stone masonry?

2. Write procedures of laying of rising main pipes in a water supply project. (10%)
Procedures of Laying of pipes
Setting out alignment of pipes
Excavation for laying of pipes and precautions to be observed
Handling, lowering, laying and jointing of pipes
Testing of pipe lines
Back filling and restoration to original surface
4. Estimate the quantities of brickwork and plastering required in a wall 4 m long, 3 m high and
30 cm thick. Calculate also the cost if the rate of brickwork is 320.00birr per cu m and of
plastering is 8.50 birr per sq m. (20%)
Quantity of brickwork = L x B x H = 4 m x 3 m x .30 = 3.6 cu m. Quantity of plastering (two
faces) = 2 x Lx H = 2 x 4 m x 3 m = 24 sq m Cost of brickwork = 3.6 x 320.00= 1152.00 birr.
Cost of plastering = 24 x 8.50 = 204.00 birr
Total cost = 1152.00 +204.00 =1356.00birr.
5. Given 10m3 Concrete C – 20 Mechanical mixes with mix ratio 1:2:4. Assuming that 30%
shrinkage and 5% wastage and also take density of cement as 1400kg/m3.
a. Calculate the amount of cement required to make 10m3 of 1:2:4 concrete in kilograms
b. Calculate the volume of sand in cubic meter (10%)
c. Calculate the volume of gravel (crushed stone) in cubic meter. (10%)

Concrete Mix ratio = 1:2:4

Let Volume of concrete = 10 m3
Then a) Cement = 1/7 × 10m3 × 1400kg/m3 × 1.30 Shrinkage × 1.05 wastage
= 2730kgs
= 1.95m3
b) Sand = 2/7 × 10m3 × 1840kg/m3 × 1.30 Shrinkage × 1.05 wastage
= 7176kgs
= 3.9m3
c) Gravel = 4/7 × 10m3 × 2250kg/m3 × 1.30 Shrinkage × 1.05 wastage
= 17550kgs
= 7.8m3
6. The water supply project has a reservoir with 40cm thick stone masonry sub-structure. If
2 mason with 6 daily labour constructs 5m3 per day. Take one working day as eight hour.
a. How many daily labors required in order to construct 15m3 of 40cm thick stone masonry?
b. How many masons required for constructing 15m3 of 40cm thick stone masonry? (5%)
c. How long (in hour) it will take to construct this 15m3 of 40cm thick stone masonry? (5%)
a. 2*15/5 = 6 masons required
b. 6*15/5 = 18 daily labour
c. 15*1/5 = 3days = 24 hour

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