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International Journal of Educational Administration, Planning and Research (IJEAPR)

Vol. 8, No. 1, June, 2016


Charles P. Akpan
Dept. of Educational Administration & Planning,
Faculty of Education
University of Calabar , Calabar.

We are living in a knowledge driven society in which technological development
has turned the world into a global village. The changes and development that take
place in the society infiltrate into the school system and influence the actions and
activities in the system. The advent of new technology, particularly Information
and Communication Technology, has significant impact on people’s culture, ways
of thinking and doing things and businesses. The development of modern
technology has brought innovative practices in government, business and in
education. In recent times, educational establishments are facing the challenge to
do more with fewer resources as they try to meet the complex and changing
demands of the society. The existence of modern technological tools has given
rise to the use of various innovative practices in the management of work
organizations. In order to keep pace with globalization, educational managers
have embraced innovative practices arising from the advent of new technologies
in the management of schools. Innovation therefore, means a purposeful,
organized and risk taking change introduced into any work organization to
ensure efficiency and increase productivity. The injection of innovations into
school management is in response to the technological development resulting in
creative and innovative practices all over the world. The aim is to improve school
standard, quality and institutional effectiveness. This paper, therefore, focused on
innovative practices in school administration. The concepts of administration and
innovation are discussed. Types of innovation, areas of innovative practices,
rationale and challenges of implementation of innovations in school were treated.
The paper proffered some recommendations on the way forward.

Education involves a systematic training and instruction that prepares an
individual for the future. It involves acquisition of knowledge, ability, skills,
development of character and mental power resulting from such training and
instruction. One important fact in education is the building of knowledge or
creation and sharing of knowledge with the learners so that at the end of schooling
the individual acquires the necessary knowledge, skill and expertise that will
enable the person to develop him/her and also contribute constructively to the
development of the nation (Akpan, 2015).
The effective management of educational institutions depends on the
quality of the institutional administrators, their qualifications, experiences and
professional exposure. We are living in a knowledge driven society in which

Charles P. Akpan

technological development has turned the world into a global village. The school
is a microcosm (small organization) existing in a macrocosm (the society). The
changes and development that take place in the society infiltrate into the school
system and influence the actions and activities in the system. The advent of new
technology, particularly Information and Communication Technology (ICT), has
significant impact on people’s culture, ways of thinking and doing things and
businesses. The development of modern technology has brought innovative
practices in government, business and in education. In recent times, educational
establishments are facing the challenge to do more with fewer resources as they
try to meet the complex and changing demands of the society (Akpan, 2008). This
calls for the use of ICT in the management of schools. Information and
communication technology (ICT) is a process of creating, processing, storage,
retrieval and dissemination of information and data using computers and
telecommunications. It allows electronic communication through facsimile, email,
voice mail, video conferencing and has led to the widespread use of networking
technologies such as internet, World Wide Web, intranet and extranet, online
databases, integration of information systems and mobile communication (Akpan,
In Education, ICT involves the application of digital equipment to all
aspects of school administration, teaching and learning. According to Johnson
(2007); ICT involves a combination of technologies for collecting, storing,
processing, communicating and delivery of information related to teaching and
learning processes. New and innovative techniques are now being used in
educational administration and in teaching. This paper therefore focuses on
innovative practices in school administration, teaching and learning. In this paper,
the concepts of administration and innovation are treated. Innovative practices in
school administration and teaching, rationale for innovative practices in schools,
challenges of application of innovation in education and possible measures for
improvement are discussed.
The Concept of Administration
The effectiveness of any school organization depends greatly on the ability
of the school administrator to create, direct, maintain and operate purposive
actions through coordinated cooperative human effort. Therefore, school
administration is the process of coordinating and integrating both human and
material resources for the achievement of the goals of the school system. This
definition depicts that
a. Administration as a process is continuous and dynamic.
b. Human and material resources are involved.
c. It is oriented towards achievements of set goals.
d. It involves interrelated activities of planning coordinating, organizing
and leading and controlling.
School administration is the process whereby school heads coordinate the
efforts and activities of both staff and students toward school goal achievement. It
is the day-to-day performance of leadership roles of the school heads. For the
school administrator to be effective and efficient in the discharge of his/her

Innovative Practices in School Administration

administrative functions, the person needs to be acquainted with the application of

innovations in school administration.
The Concept of innovation
Innovation is a purposeful organized and risk-taking change introduced into
any work organization or school system to ensure efficiency and increased
productivity. It is the introduction of new ideas, methods, strategies and
techniques for doing things into the school system for the purpose of improving
both internal and external efficiency of the system. The injection of innovations
into school administration is in response to the technological development
resulting in creative and innovative practices all over the globe. Innovation
therefore, is the economic application of ideas, technology and processes in new
ways to gain competitive advantage which could be in form of improved
productivity, job performance, services and commitment. Innovation can be
adopted or adapted. Uchendu (2015) describes innovation as a process in which
new programmes or practices are put in place or injected into the operation of a
system to replace old or ineffective ones.
Types of Innovation
Four types of innovations can be identified in research literature, which
are applicable in school management. These include:
1. Service Innovation: This involves the introduction of a new service that
greatly improves the management practices in schools. For example, the
introduction of e-payment for the workers and online payment of school charges
by students in higher institutions.
2. Process Innovation: This is the implementation of a new or improved
service delivery. The process innovation in school is intended to reduce unit cost
of service delivery and to improve or increase quality. Typical example of process
innovation in school management include the use of new teaching methods,
computer-based examination, use of ICT tools in teaching and learning etc.
3. Marketing Innovation: Marketing innovation involves the implementation
of a new marketing method involving significant changes in product design or
product promotion or pricing.
4. Organizational innovation: This involves implementing a new
organizational method in the school business management practices. This type of
innovation is intended to increase workforce satisfaction and good human
relations by reducing administrative bottle-necks. The ultimate aim is to increase
productivity, commitment and involvement among employees.
Other types of innovation are:
a. Incremental innovation: This involves a gradual improvement on existing
knowledge in the organization. It involves a planned and orderly process of
innovation implementation. The institutional administrator and the staff work
together to put in place strategies for achievement. This innovation leads to small
changes or improvements in service delivery or teaching and learning processes
easier in school.
b. Radical Innovation: This is a type of innovation that results in
fundamental changes in services or processes in the school system. This type of
innovation results from careful research and development into a specific issue or

Charles P. Akpan

problem in the organization and frequently makes use of new technology to solve
them. This type of innovation is sometimes described as “breakthrough”
innovation. Sometimes, the implementation of this innovation can completely
change the way the organization operates and can result in new services and
processes in the work organization. However, some scholars maintain that radical
innovation is unplanned and no deliberate attempt is made to bring about its
implementation (Uchendu, 2015). Nevertheless, due to the pressures continually
converging inside and outside the school, radical innovations often, are as a result
of coping reactions to the turbulence of events. For example in 2004/2005
academic session in the University of Calabar, there was leadership crises in the
Department of Educational Administration and Planning. To solve this problem, a
new Head of Department was appointed from another Department to neutralize
the leadership crises.
c. Disruptive Innovation: This is the type of innovation that can completely
change the status quo of an organization. This type of innovation can even change
the basis of society. For example, the transformation of the society, resulting from
the use of modern computing technology has completely revolutionized the globe
and change the world into a “global village”. This type of innovation is sometimes
referred to as transformational innovation.
Areas of Innovative Practices in School Administration
1. Strategic Planning/Management
This is otherwise known as corporate planning. It seeks to obtain a consensus
among “top people” in the school organization about the direction the school
should operate within a given period of time. The “top people” used here refers to
the school administrator, the vice and deputy heads, the heads of units or
departments and some experienced teachers. They meet at the instance of the
school head to develop the school philosophy, mission statement and objectives
that will direct the operation of the school over the medium to long term. These
things have to be communicated to all members of the school community to serve
as guidelines which spell out the direction the school will take and how the
various parts of the school fits into the plan. During strategic planning, the
following things are done:
a. Objectives are set for using available resources
b. Plans or polices are formulated for achieving these objectives.
c. Activities to be carried out are identified.
d. The activities are organized into categories or groups
e. Human resources (teachers/non-teachers) are provided to perform these
activities to achieve the set objectives.
f. Provision for motivating and empowering personnel to initiate work
g. Provision for incentives to encourage staff commitment to work, to the
organization and high productivity.
h. Provision for control measures and evaluation of achievement of
i. Provision for remedial actions in case of deficiencies in achieving the set

Innovative Practices in School Administration

In summary therefore, strategic planning or management is a systematic

planning of the direction and total resources of the school organization so as to
achieve set objectives over a given period of time. Strategic planning ensures
quality in the management of the school and provides a focus in the operation of
the school.
2) School leadership:
There is a paradigm shift from transactional to transformational
leadership. Transactional leadership involves the use of punishment, rewards and
coercion to seek compliance. Transformational leadership on the other hand, is a
type of leadership in which the leader plays the role model, inspires his
subordinates and challenges them to be more involved in their work. The leader
elicits a stronger sense of commitment from subordinates which will have a
positive impact on their job performance effectiveness and efficiency.
Transformational leadership has the following attributes:
a. Intellectual Stimulation
This refers to the ability of the leader to initiate innovations that can
challenge the status quo and encourage creativity among staff and students,
encourage them to explore new ways of doing things and new opportunities to
b. Individualized Consideration
This refers to the capacity of the leader to offer support and
encouragement to individual staff, keep lines of communication open and
recognizes the unique contributions of each staff.
c. Inspirational Motivation
The leader has a clear vision for the subordinates and helps them to have
same passion and motivation to fulfill their personal goals and those of the school.
The administrator stimulates both staff and students to achieve set goals.
d. Idealized influence
The leader serves as a role model. He leads by showing good examples.
The staff and students trust and respect the leader and they emulate the leader and
internalize his or her ideals.
School administrators should develop these transformational leadership
attributes. These attributes will help them to optimally stimulate and encourage
their subordinates to support them and work together for the growth and
development of the school. Transformational leadership is now widely advocated
for use by school leaders because if properly applied both students and teachers
would be adequately motivated to perform beyond expectation.
3) Pro-activism
All over the world, proactive approach to the management of human
resources in work organizations is gradually replacing reactive approach. A
proactive leader anticipates school problem particularly in his/her area of
responsibility and puts in place corrective measures before the problem emerges.
In this way leadership increases its contribution to the staff and students and the
school by predicting challenges before they arise. This is where the intelligence of
a leader is put to work. A proactive leader is one with initiative responsiveness to
the ability he possesses as he does things correctly without being told what to do.

Charles P. Akpan

School administrators should avoid the use of reactive approach in handling staff
and students’ problems.
4) Communication in School Administration
The use modern technological tools have greatly improved communication
in schools. School administrators should have the ability to use innovations
resulting from technological development to communicate with staff and students
within the school and outside the school. The use of e-mails, facsimiles, mobile
phones for calls, discussions and text messages enhances effective communication
and make communication faster than using letter writing and memos. If e-mails
are properly customized, automatic response can be received instantly. Minutes of
previous meeting can be sent to staff through their e-mails for them to read before
the next meeting. Administrators therefore, should learn to apply these
innovations in school management.
5. Record management
ICT tools can be used to enhance effective management of school records.
Information relating to staff employment, academic qualification, age, rank,
promotion, health, appointment and indiscipline behaviour can be stored using
ICT tools such as computer, rewritable CD, flash drives etc. for reference
purposes and quick retrieval when needed. The use of these tools in record
management reduces the stress associated with paper work and enhances
effectiveness and efficiency. Similarly, information relating to students can also
be effectively managed using ICT tools. Such students’ data include admission
data, personal details, contact address, academic records, examination results and
other information generated throughout their period of study in the school.
Financial records can also be efficiently managed using ICT tools. These data
include staff salaries and allowances. ICT tools can be used in tracking and
monitoring students’ fee payment and the account clerk’s or bursar’s fund
deposits in school account.
Similarly, financial data relating to supplies, income and expenditure
including maintenance funds, sales, imp rests and subventions from government,
procurement of infrastructure can be properly managed using modern technology.
This promotes prudential management of funds and accountability.
6. Management of examinations
Modern technology has made it possible for ICT tools to be used in the
management of examinations in schools and school administrators should key into
this to check examination malpractice. ICT tools can now be used to prepare
examination questions, administer the examinations (computer based) to students
and grade the students. The results of examination can be released to the students
immediately after the examination or in a few days time. The use of ICT
resources help greatly in the computation of students’ results
Teaching and Learning
Information and communication technologies are now the mainstream
issues in all facets of life including education. It is a well accepted practice to
integrate ICT into major logistical, organizational and educational processes.
Information and communication are two important processes in the
teaching/learning situation. In the classroom, it can be used to enhance teaching

Innovative Practices in School Administration

effectiveness. It can be used to prepare lesson plan, collect and analyze students’
achievement (Onuma, 2007).
Curriculum contents can be enriched through search in the internet by
teachers and information and relevant school practices hitherto unknown to
students and teachers that cannot be found in textbooks can be easily downloaded
for use from the internet. Therefore, ICT provides the needed information for the
enhancement of academic development of both teachers and students. ICT
provide access to current books, journals and other information resources held by
global network or online libraries.
Teachers can use ICT tools to give assignments to students and assess
their performance and also send the feedback to them. In this way, workload and
paper work is greatly minimized. Teachers should use modern technologies such
as overhead projector, multimedia projectors, and power-point in classroom
teaching. These tools help to stimulate and capture students’ interest in learning.
Flipping the Classroom
One outstanding innovative practice in the teaching/learning situation is
“flipping the classroom”. Increase access to technology and development of high
quality online educational resources have promoted this teaching strategy.
Flipping the classroom refers to a blended learning technique in which
instructor-created videos are viewed by students outside the classroom. The
teacher prepares the instructional materials, video the presentation and uploads it
to the school website or personal website for the students to read and study.
During class time, assignments, projects, exercises and discussions are completed
(Hanover Research,2012). It is a form of inverting the schedules on which
students receive instruction and practice new skills. This strategy allows for the
teaching component of instructional delivery to be completed outside the
classroom and allows for more interaction between the instructor and students as
they work through assignments during class time.
1. It gives the teacher enough time to spend on student one-on-one.
2. Enhances student/teacher relationship
3. Give the students opportunity to rewind lessons and master topics.
4. Enhances corroborative learning environment in the classroom.
However, to succeed in this pedagogical technique, the teacher must be ICT
compliance and the students also must be familiar with the use of ICT resources.

Rationale for Innovative Practices in School Administration

The reasons for application of innovative practices in education include
a. Improvement of school standard
b. To meet the expectation and aspiration of the society and stakeholders
c. To respond to global and best practices
d. To improve quality of teaching and learning outcome and hence, quality
e. The need for achievement and desire for creativity

Charles P. Akpan

Challenges of Implementation of Innovations in School Administration.

1. Lack of adequate training for school administrators and teachers in
innovation management
2. Lack of adequate training of school administrators and teachers on the use
of ICT facilities.
3. Eclectic supply of electricity
4. Lack of adequate funding
5. Workers tendency to resist change
6. Lack of clear school goals and objectives
7. Poor planning
8. Computer phobia
9. Hazards

Conclusion and Recommendations

In this period of global competitiveness and knowledge driven society
where emphasis is on quality education in terms of quality inputs, processes and
outputs, educational administrators and teachers should adopt or adapt innovative
practices in school administration and teaching. This is necessary for
improvement of school performance, productivity and quality education. To
succeed in this direction it is recommended that
1. Seminars, conferences and workshops should be organized periodically
for school administrators and teachers on innovation management in
2. Schools managers and teachers should be encouraged to develop interest
in the use of ICT tools in school management and teaching. They should
be trained in the use of these ICT tools.
3. There should be regular and constant supply of electricity to the schools
because these technological devices need steady power supply for their
4. Adequate ICT resources and personnel to operate them should be provided
in schools.
5. Educational managers should adopt strategic planning in school
6. School administrators should use transformational leadership in school
management as this has been found to stimulate staff to perform beyond

Innovative Practices in School Administration


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