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Indar Soochit 4 Faith

Problem and Solution

Crime is a significant dilemma in the country of Trinidad and Tobago.
Murders, robbery and gang activities were recorded to be more intense in the
areas of Arima, Laventille, Barataria and particularly in the centre of the city
Port of Spain. Crime tends to occur in local communities due to the low
standard of living there. The lack of food, clothing and other daily necessities
may lead the theft or murder. Different types of media can lead to crime.
Many video games and films with vice can lead teens and some young adults
to commit illegal acts such as joining a gang or burglary. Gang violence and
gang wars is another serious crime in Trinidad and Tobago. Gangs may fight
each other for power or territory which can lead to multiple fatalities.
The counselor of such communities could report these problems to the
government and have them invest money to help raise the standard of living to
eliminate the need for residents to steal from others. The government can also
implement free youth programs to help develops skills for trade for everyone.
This can those who are unemployed to get jobs or start a business.
Parents should supervise their child when they're taking part in video
games or watching television, to confirm no violence happens that may have
an effect on their behaviour. Parents should strictly scale back the time spent
on the web.
Ways that the government can stop gang wars is to have more police
officers patrol around the area and have residents install surveillance cameras.
Residents can report to the police anonymously about areas with gangs
operate and have them arrested.
If these solutions are implemented by the government, crime rates will
drop and citizens will live peacefully. Furthermore, the country reputation will
increase and more tourists would come and visit the country which will
increase its revenue.

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