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A new corona virus firstly identified in Wuhan People’s Republic of China (PRC) in early

January, 2020. Ongoing covid 19 has impacted on the PRC as well as Asian countries and its’
economic and financial sector and its’ activities.
The COVID-19 pandemic, because of the coronavirus, has had profound global effects on so
many sectors such as, health, training, finance, and numerous different sectors of our society.
Due to the speedy spread of the virus, most of people in the world had to surge in
hospitalizations and deaths with the results of beaten healthcare structures.
Unexpected challenges have been faced by researches, and lack of key materials have bought
attention to the necessity of international corporation in helping healthcare workers. School
closing and online learning was introduced due to occur significant disruptions in the education
sector that affected billions of college students globally.
Economically, the pandemic has brought a huge loss such as business closures, and disruptions to
worldwide deliver chains. Sectors reliant on in-character interactions, inclusive of hospitality,
tourism, and retail, had been mainly tough-hit. Although the government of each country has
taken steps to support economies of them, recovery is still difficult.
This impact has led to an international recession and has had long-lasting results on both
financial markets and the general economic system. It has induced great monetary disruptions,
consisting of task losses, commercial enterprise closures, and reduced economic GDP.
Japan is an island and it formally referred to as the "Land of the rising solar," located in East
Asia. it is stated for wealthy cultural ancient, technological advancements, and monetary prowess
from the past. Currently, Japan’s population is over 126 million.
Natural resources of Japan are not common within the country. As natural resources such as,
traditional arts, cuisine, and visitor sights along with Mount Fuji and historic temples that
contributes to keep country’s standard attraction and to earn high income for government
revenue via tourism industry. Some resources such as oil, coal, and herbal gasoline imports from
foreign countries. But focusing on advancement of technology, like automobile production,
electronics, robotics and excessive-tech gadget have a high improvement rather than other
countries and they always try to find out new innovation using this technology advancements.
Japan's financial system is considered as the third-biggest financial system in the international
financial market. It has an exceedingly superior enterprise region and they have relatively
knowledgeable employees as well as they have a strong emphasis on education and innovations.
When looking at the economic side of Japan, their economic success can be assigned to some
factors such as having strong export-oriented sectors, culture of excellence, accuracy & modern
infrastructure and well-functioning banking system etc. the government also has played a
significant role in promoting economic growth policies, infrastructures development and attract
for more foreign trades.
however, Japan faces stressful conditions collectively with a growing older population and
having a significant public debt. These factors have caused efforts to sell structural reforms,
encourage entrepreneurship, and entice distant places funding.
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, also an island nation and located in south Asia. It is officially known as the
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and It is renowned for its rich cultural heritage,
diverse landscapes, and significant contributions to global trade throughout history. Sri Lanka is
strategically positioned in the Indian Ocean, making it a vital hub for maritime trade routes
around the world.
on the economic aspect, Sri Lanka has a developing economy with a mixed market system. The
country's monetary quarter contains banks, insurance businesses, inventory exchanges, and other
financial establishments. Colombo, the capital town, is domestic to the Colombo Stock exchange
(CSE), which plays a crucial function inside the monetary market.
When looking at the resources of Sri Lanka, country possesses a variety of valuable resources,
including fertile agricultural land, mineral deposits such as graphite and gems, and a favorable
climate for cultivating tea and spices. Specially from the past, Sri Lanka is world-renowned for
its high-quality tea production and as a result, Sri Lanka has become one of the largest tea
exporters in the world. Additionally, it is known for its precious gemstones, including sapphires,
emeralds, rubies, and diamonds.
The Sri Lankan economic system is based heavily on industries such as tourism, clothing
manufacturing, agriculture, and offerings. Tourism is a vast contributor to the financial system,
attracting visitors with its picturesque landscapes, historic ruins, and vibrant cultural heritage.
The clothing enterprise is another key quarter, with Sri Lanka being identified for its fabric
exports. When looking at financial sector of Sri Lanka, currently, they face financial demanding
situations, inclusive of high public debt and financial deficits. The most of authorities has applied
various financial reforms and rules to address those issues.
In latest years, Sri Lanka has centered on developing infrastructure, inclusive of ports and
transportation networks, in order to enhance its connectivity and boost alternatives. universal, Sri
Lanka's rich resources, cultural background, and efforts to decorate its monetary infrastructure.

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