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RC Circuit Analysis

1. For the 47 micro-F capacitor:

Data Table:
Least Count of Stopwatch=0.1 Sec
Lest Count of Voltmeter=0.01 V
Plot :

From the above plot we have claculate the Gradient which is m=-0.0674(1/S) . On comparison with the
equation we have:

= 0.067
And R= 100 ohm


( 100 ×0.067 )
Which gives

C= 14.92 micro Ferad

Error Aanalysis:

% Error = 1 −
( 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 )
( 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 ) |
× 100
For Capacitance:

Actual Value of capacitor= 47 micro Ferad

Experimental value = 14.92 micro Ferad

% Error= 1 −
47 ×10
14.92× 10−6

% Error =68.25 % Error in capacitance value.

For Time constant:

Actual Value of capacitor= 47 micro Ferad

Actual Value of resistor= 100 ohm

Time constant= R*C=0.47

Experimental Value= 0.14

% Error= 68.25

% Error =68.25 % Error in time constant value.

1. For the 100 micro-F capacitor:

Data Table:
Least Count of Stopwatch=0.1 Sec
Lest Count of Voltmeter=0.01 V
Plot :

From the above plot we have claculate the Gradient which is m=-0.031(1/S) . On comparison with the
equation we have:

tau = 0.031
And R= 100 ohm

1/tau= 0.031

Which gives

C= 100 micro Ferad

Error Aanalysis:

For Capacitance:

Actual Value of capacitor= 100 micro Ferad

Experimental value = 31 micro Ferad

% Error= 69

% Error =69 % Error in capacitance value.

For Time constant:

Actual Value of capacitor= 100 micro Ferad

Actual Value of resistor= 100 ohm

Time constant= R*C=0.01

Experimental Value= 0.03

% Error= 66.66

% Error =66.66 % Error in time constant value.

Discussion of RC Circuit Experiment:


The RC circuit experiment aimed to study the behavior of a simple circuit comprising a resistor (R) and a
capacitor (C) connected in series to a direct current (DC) power source. The circuit was subjected to
various input voltages and the resulting responses were observed and analyzed. This discussion will
delve into the observations, data analysis, and conclusions derived from the RC circuit experiment.


During the experiment, several key observations were made. Firstly, when the circuit was initially
connected to the power source, the capacitor started charging. As time progressed, the voltage across
the capacitor gradually increased. However, the rate of charging slowed down over time. This charging
process followed an exponential decay pattern.

Data Analysis:

To analyze the data collected from the experiment, the voltage across the capacitor was measured at
regular intervals. The measured values were then plotted on a graph. The resulting graph displayed an
exponential decay curve, which is a characteristic behavior of an RC circuit. By fitting the data to the
exponential decay function, we were able to determine the time constant (τ) of the circuit. The time
constant (τ) is a measure of the time it takes for the voltage across the capacitor to reach approximately
63.2% of its maximum value during the charging process. By analyzing the graph, we calculated the time
constant using the formula:


where R is the resistance and C is the capacitance.


Based on the observations and data analysis, several conclusions can be drawn from the RC circuit
experiment. Firstly, it was evident that the charging process of a capacitor in an RC circuit follows an
exponential decay pattern. This behavior is due to the interaction between the resistor and the
capacitor, which governs the time constant of the circuit.

The time constant (τ) is a critical parameter that determines how quickly the capacitor charges or
discharges. In our experiment, we found that increasing the resistance (R) or capacitance (C) increased
the time constant, resulting in a slower charging or discharging process. Conversely, decreasing R or C
led to a decrease in the time constant, resulting in a faster charging or discharging process.

Furthermore, the experiment reaffirmed the relationship between the time constant (τ), resistance (R),
and capacitance (C) in an RC circuit. The formula τ = R * C was successfully employed to calculate the
time constant and validate the experimental results.

In conclusion, the RC circuit experiment provided valuable insights into the behavior of circuits involving
resistors and capacitors. It demonstrated the exponential decay pattern during the charging process and
highlighted the significance of the time constant in governing the charging and discharging rates.

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