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Diesel-engine management

distributor fuel-injection pumps

Technical Instruction

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4th Edition, April 1999.

English translation of the German edition dated:
November 1998.
distributor fuel-injection pumps VE

The reasons behind the diesel-powered Combustion in the diesel engine

vehicle’s continuing success can be The diesel engine 2
reduced to one common denominator:
Diesels use considerably less fuel than
their gasoline-powered counterparts. Diesel fuel-injection systems:
And in the meantime the diesel has An overview
practically caught up with the gasoline Fields of application 4
engine when it comes to starting and Technical requirements 4
running refinement. Regarding exhaust- Injection-pump designs 6
gas emissions, the diesel engine is just
as good as a gasoline engine with Mechanically-controlled (governed)
catalytic converter. In some cases, it is axial-piston distributor fuel-injection
even better. The diesel engine’s emis-
sions of CO2, which is responsible for
pumps VE
the “green-house effect”, are also lower Fuel-injection systems 8
than for the gasoline engine, although Fuel-injection techniques 9
this is a direct result of the diesel Fuel supply and delivery 12
engine’s better fuel economy. It was Mechanical engine-speed control
also possible during the past few years (governing) 22
to considerably lower the particulate Injection timing 29
emissions which are typical for the Add-on modules and
diesel engine.
shutoff devices 32
The popularity of the high-speed diesel
engine in the passenger car though, Testing and calibration 45
would have been impossible without Nozzles and nozzle holders 46
the diesel fuel-injection systems from
Bosch. The very high level of precision Electronically-controlled axial-
inherent in the distributor pump means piston distributor fuel-injection
that it is possible to precisely meter pumps VE-EDC 54
extremely small injection quantities to
the engine. And thanks to the special
governor installed with the VE-pump in
passenger-car applications, the engine
axial-piston distributor fuel-injection
responds immediately to even the finest pumps VE-MV 60
change in accelerator-pedal setting. All
points which contribute to the sophisti- Start-assist systems 62
cated handling qualities of a modern-
day automobile.
The Electronic Diesel Control (EDC)
also plays a decisive role in the overall
improvement of the diesel-engined
passenger car.
The following pages will deal with the
design and construction of the VE distri-
butor pump, and how it adapts injected
fuel quantity, start-of-injection, and
duration of injection to the different
engine operating conditions.
in the diesel
Combustion in the diesel

Power stroke
The diesel engine Following the ignition delay, at the begin-
ning of the third stroke the finely atom-
Diesel combustion principle ized fuel ignites as a result of auto-igni-
The diesel engine is a compression- tion and burns almost completely. The
ignition (CI) engine which draws in air cylinder charge heats up even further
and compresses it to a very high level. and the cylinder pressure increases
With its overall efficiency figure, the diesel again. The energy released by the igni-
engine rates as the most efficient com- tion is applied to the piston.
bustion engine (CE). Large, slow-running The piston is forced downwards and the
models can have efficiency figures of as combustion energy is transformed into
much as 50% or even more. mechanical energy.
The resulting low fuel consumption,
coupled with the low level of pollutants in Exhaust stroke
the exhaust gas, all serve to underline In the fourth stroke, the piston moves up
the diesel engine’s significance. again and drives out the burnt gases
The diesel engine can utilise either the through the open exhaust valve.
4- or 2-stroke principle. In automotive A fresh charge of air is then drawn in
applications though, diesels are practi- again and the working cycle repeated.
cally always of the 4-stroke type (Figs. 1
and 2). Combustion chambers,
Working cycle (4-stroke) turbocharging and
In the case of 4-stroke diesel engines, supercharging
gas-exchange valves are used to control Both divided and undivided combustion
the gas exchange process by opening chambers are used in diesel engines
and closing the inlet and exhaust ports.
Fig. 1
Principle of the reciprocating piston engine
Induction stroke
TDC Top Dead Center, BDC Bottom Dead Center.
During the first stroke, the downward Vh Stroke volume, VC Compression volume,
movement of the piston draws in un- s Piston stroke.
throttled air through the open intake valve. VC

Compression stroke s
During the second stroke, the so-called Vh
compression stroke, the air trapped in the BDC
cylinder is compressed by the piston
which is now moving upwards. Com-
pression ratios are between 14:1 and
24:1. In the process, the air heats up to TDC

temperatures around 900°C. At the end


of the compression stroke the nozzle in-

jects fuel into the heated air at pressures BDC
2 of up to 2,000 bar.
(prechamber engines and direct-injec- Diesel-engine exhaust The diesel
tion engines respectively). emissions engine

Direct-injection (DI) engines are more ef- A variety of different combustion deposits
ficient and more economical than their are formed when diesel fuel is burnt.
prechamber counterparts. For this rea- These reaction products are dependent
son, DI engines are used in all commer- upon engine design, engine power out-
cial-vehicles and trucks. On the other put, and working load.
hand, due to their lower noise level, The complete combustion of the fuel
prechamber engines are fitted in passen- leads to major reductions in the forma-
ger cars where comfort plays a more im- tion of toxic substances. Complete com-
portant role than it does in the commer- bustion is supported by the careful
cial-vehicle sector. In addition, the matching of the air-fuel mixture, abso-
prechamber diesel engine features con- lute precision in the injection process,
siderably lower toxic emissions (HC and and optimum air-fuel mixture turbulence.
NOX), and is less costly to produce than In the first place, water (H2O) and carbon
the DI engine. The fact though that the dioxide (CO2) are generated. And in rela-
prechamber engine uses slightly more tively low concentrations, the following
fuel than the DI engine (10...15 %) is substances are also produced:
leading to the DI engine coming more
and more to the forefront. Compared to – Carbon monoxide (CO),
the gasoline engine, both diesel versions – Unburnt hydrocarbons (HC),
are more economical especially in the – Nitrogen oxides (NOX),
part-load range. – Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulphuric
acid (H2SO4), as well as
Diesel engines are particularly suitable – Soot particles.
for use with exhaust-gas turbochargers
or mechanical superchargers. Using an When the engine is cold, the exhaust-gas
exhaust-gas turbocharger with the diesel constituents which are immediately
engine increases not only the power noticeable are the non-oxidized or only
yield, and with it the efficiency, but also partly oxidized hydrocarbons which are
reduces the combustion noise and the directly visible in the form of white or blue
toxic content of the exhaust gas. smoke, and the strongly smelling alde-

Fig. 2
4-stroke diesel engine
1 Induction stroke, 2 Compression stroke, 3 Power stroke, 4 Exhaust stroke.
1 2 3 4

Bosch Ve Pumps
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Diesel fuel-
Diesel fuel-injection systems:
An overview An overview

Fields of application Technical

Diesel engines are characterized by their requirements
high levels of economic efficiency. This is
of particular importance in commercial More and more demands are being made
applications. Diesel engines are em- on the diesel engine’s injection system as
ployed in a wide range of different ver- a result of the severe regulations govern-
sions (Fig. 1 and Table 1), for example as: ing exhaust and noise emissions, and
– The drive for mobile electric generators the demand for lower fuel-consumption.
(up to approx. 10 kW/cylinder), Basically speaking, depending on the
– High-speed engines for passenger particular diesel combustion process
cars and light commercial vehicles (up (direct or indirect injection), in order to
to approx. 50 kW/cylinder), ensure efficient air/fuel mixture formation,
– Engines for construction, agricultural, the injection system must inject the fuel
and forestry machinery (up to approx. into the combustion chamber at a pres-
50 kW/cylinder), sure between 350 and 2,050 bar, and the
– Engines for heavy trucks, buses, and injected fuel quantity must be metered
tractors (up to approx. 80 kW/cylinder), with extreme accuracy. With the diesel
– Stationary engines, for instance as engine, load and speed control must take
used in emergency generating sets (up place using the injected fuel quantity with-
to approx. 160 kW/cylinder), out intake-air throttling taking place.
– Engines for locomotives and ships (up The mechanical (flyweight) governing
to approx. 1,000 kW/cylinder). principle for diesel injection systems is in-
Fig. 1
Overview of the Bosch diesel fuel-injection systems
M, MW, A, P, ZWM, CW in-line injection pumps in order of increasing size; PF single-plunger injection
pumps; VE axial-piston distributor injection pumps; VR radial-piston distributor injection pumps; UPS unit
pump system; UIS unit injector system; CR Common Rail system.








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