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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu!

Good morning everyone

Welcome to today's program entitled: gender sensitivity training and preparation and preparation of
2024 gender and development plan and budget

Brought to you by gender and development Focal Point System and Staff.

Hi, I am Sam Adapan from Population Division, your emcee for today's event.

As for this morning we have a very interesting topic which will hopefully empower us to become more
gender sensitive individual.

Before we proceed to the program proper, May I request everybody to please rise for the opening
prayer to be led to us by Uztad Sahabudin Amilil to be followed by singing of National Anthem and
Bangsamoro Hym.

Acknowledgement of Participants

I would like to acknowledge our Minister Dr. Rizaldy Piang, Sir!

Deputy Minister, Dr. Zul Qarneyn Abas, Sir and everyone who are here today.

Welcome Message

To formally begin our program, we are delighted to hear the welcome Message of our Population
Division Chief, Datu Abdulshattar E. Zailon, III, RN, MPH

- Thank you very much/Shukran for the warm welcome Sir Datu Abdulshattar E. Zailon, III, RN, MPH

Message of Commitment

Now, let us also lend our ears to Ms. Aljuria Sambolawan, MPA, Budget Officer V and Ms. Anisa A.
Matuan, MPA , Planning Officer V to give their message of Commitment

- Thank you for that wonderful message Mam.

Message of Support from the Office of Minister

Next, Let us also warmly welcome our Minister, Dr. Rizaldy Piang who is always present and supportive
in making this event possible.

- Thank you so much/Shukran Dr. Rizaldy Piang, our Minister of Health for inspiring words.

Now, without further ado

May I call on our Communication Specialist/ GAD TWG Ms. Daisy Jane A. Usman to introduce our
resource speaker

- That was a very enlightening talk Mam Rohaniya Abdula Mohammad, It is our privilege to hear an
insightful lecture and message from you, again, Shukran.

It's time for our open forum

If you have a question regarding the discussion, you can raise your hand or write it and Mam Rohaniya
Abdula Mohammad will accommodate your question.

- thank you so much. I'm sure everyone of us was able to learn a lot from Maam Mohammad's lecture
that we can take home and apply in every situation.

Lunch/Prayer Break

Thank you very much for your cooperation. Let's take our break and come back at exactly 1pm.


Good afternoon. Thank you for coming back for our Day 2 of (Title ng workshop). Yesterday, we have
Maam Mohammad who discussed to us about the (title nong gi lecture nya) that we all enjoyed.

For the continuation of our program, to talk about the guidelines for the preparation of Gender and
Development Plan and Budget and Accomplishment Report. Let us all welcome Accountant II/ RGRP ,
Mr. Arshied Alfonso.

- Thank you very much Mr. Alfonso for that very helpful and informative discussion.

We have now come to question and answer portion

If you have questions to Mr. Alfonso discussion. You may raise your hand or write it down.

End of program

Before we end our program let's hear Mam Weng for closing remarks and may I call on Sahabudin Amilil
for closing prayer.

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