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B E N N E T T, C O L E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA B LI S H E D 1838 T I M E S O F I N D I A . C O M | M U M B A I | PA G E S 6 | P R I C E R s. 2.



An educatorbirthdays
tells usof famous ➤ How can your family help ➤ The Ashes Cup –
how tofrom variousself
inculcate fields (Jul you boost self esteem some controver- SATURDAY, JULY 8, 2023
TODAY’S 8-14) PLUS: Some personality
regulation skills in our PLUS: Start a conversation sies, some history

Newspaper in

development andthe
daily lives and body language with dad without sounding too

importance of it self
to be your best aggressive or impolite o gain maximum benefit
from your cycling ses-
PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 sion, you need to ride
the bike correctly. Just like
any other activity, you need
to be careful about your
CLICK HERE: PAGE 1 AND 2 form. Here are a few things
you must pay attention to:
Pics: Istock
alleviate the depletion of the ozone
layer. With zero emissions, bicycles
1 From head to toes your
body should be neutral.

help alleviate traffic congestion and

foster a cleaner, healthier, and more
breathable environment for all. Fur-
2 Your shoulders should be
relaxed and away from
your ears.
thermore, their ability to navigate


narrow lanes and bypass gridlocked
streets makes bicycles a practical
choice for daily commutes.
3 Your hands should be in a
relaxed position and
BICYCLES AS CATALYSTS ALTERNATIVE: shoulders bent to act as a
Rapid urbanisation has led to esca- suspension.
FOR CHANGE lating fuel prices and a higher cost A GLOBAL MOVEMENT
of living. Consequently, public trans-
GAINING MOMENTUM: 4 From the elbows to the

n today’s increasingly chaotic port fares and commuting expenses fingers, your forearms
and bustling cities, bicycles have soared. In response to these With governments implementing should be in a straight line.
are poised to emerge as a real challenges, the humble and afford- bike-friendly policies and infrastruc-
solution, providing individu- able bicycle has gained popularity ture, the momentum towards em-
als with a range of benefits
amidst the challenges of inflation,
as a cost-effective alternative. With
low maintenance requirements, bi-
bracing bicycles is gaining global
recognition. In addition to this, there
5 Avoid slouching in the rid-
ing position.
the climate crisis, and the pursuit of cycles eliminate the need for fuel are several organisations and educa-
a healthier lifestyle. Recognising
these advantages, governments
worldwide have begun implementing
expenses, parking fees, and public
transportation fares, resulting in
significant long-term savings.
tional institutions that are encourag-
ing employees and students to cover
their daily commute on a bicycle.
6 Your knees should be
exactly above the foot or
bike-friendly policies and infrastruc- - Arjun Choudhary, TOI Blogs
ture. Let us unite to help our cities
breathe better and embrace the trans- ENVIRONMENTAL
formative power of cycling:
Extended travel times in traffic jams
UNLOCKING PHYSICAL not only drain stamina and patience
but also squander our precious wak-
AND MENTAL WELL-BEING: ing hours. Moreover, the alarming
Post pandemic, people have been air pollution caused by vehicle emis-
driven towards healthier lifestyles, and sions is causing serious health is-
cycling has emerged as a fun and low- sues worldwide. Experts emphasise
intensity workout suitable for all age the urgency of addressing global
groups. By incorporating cycling into warming, and vehicles reliant on
daily routines, individuals can combat fossil fuels are significant contribu-
sedentary lifestyles, reduce the risk of tors to air and noise pollution. De-
chronic diseases, and enhance their spite numerous transportation op-
overall quality of life. In addition, by tions, these vehicles remain expen-
making bicycles easily accessible at sive, crowded, and detrimental to the
convenient locations, individuals can environment. Bicycles offer the most
adopt a hybrid model, saving transpor- efficient solution to combat climate
tation costs and valuable time. crisis, reduce carbon emissions, and


mooth, velvety and dark, chemicals, which are not good for especially in the context of preg-
chocolates are a bliss for the health and may pose health hazards. nant ladies and children.
soul, but are they actually As per the study, it was found that
good for health or is it just heavy metals like Cadmium and Lead
the fancy branding and silky were found in dark chocolate bars. IS IT ALL BAD?
taste that encapsulates our palate to As per the experts it was believed
believe the endorsements? Well, that not all chocolates contain
here’s research that delves deep into HOW MUCH IS TOO heavy metals and thus it is pos-
this chocolaty affair, so read on to find sible to create dark choco-
out more about it!
MUCH? lates without the addition
As per health experts around 4.1 ug/ of lead and cadmium.
day and for lead it’s 0.5 ug/day is “There are vegan ‘milk
IS CHOCOLATE ALL GOOD? deemed safe for consumption beyond chocolates’ which
Since ages we have been told about that may pose harmful effects on kids would dilute the
the health benefits of chocolates, es- and pregnant women. In fact, as per amount of ca-
pecially dark chocolate has been the study it was found that consuming cao, and there-
deemed as of the healthiest chocolate even one ounce can exceed the fore theoreti-
varieties, which are loaded with an- amount of heavy metals, which cally lead and
tioxidants and flavonols that help in makes it a threat for health. cadmium you
Let’s uncover the psychology and biology of daily planning as well as reducing stress, anxiety, heals early As per a news report published would be tak-
signs of aging and helps lowering bad in a digital daily citing a Dana Ellis ing in,” said
explore efficient strategies to maximise productivity with minimal effort cholesterol levels if taken in modera- Hunnes PhD, MPH, RD senior clinical Hunnes. In fact,
tion. However, the study came up dietitian at UCLA medical center said it is best to check

he concept of daily planning is so sim-
ple – determining what gets done each
THE POWER OF VISUALISATION with something that will shake up the
trust of chocolate lovers.
that too much consumption of lead
and cadmium can damage the liver
the amount of
these heavy met-
day before it happens and then putting Visualisation is a powerful tool that can help you According to a new study by Con- and kidneys and suggested to either als before gorging
that plan into motion. But it’s truly achieve success in your life. By picturing your sumer Reports, it has been found that choose brands with low or no metal on dark chocolates.
fascinating when you take a closer goals and tasks in your mind, you can stay moti- some dark chocolates do contain content or to avoid them at any cost, -- TOI
look at the science behind how effective this prac- vated and focused on a positive outcome. Wheth-
tice can be. er it’s imagining yourself acing a job interview
or visualising your next workout session, the
power of visualisation can help you achieve what
HOW DAILY PLANNING HELPS you want. Visualising your tasks is a technique
that’s easy to adopt and can make a significant
US FOCUS difference in your life.
Daily planning is not just a mundane task on your EXAMPLES OF
to-do list but a powerful tool to help you focus on
the essential tasks. It allows you to identify and SCHEDULING BREAKS BIOMIMICRY
prioritise your daily goals, allocate your time Taking breaks throughout the day is essential for
more efficiently, and reduce stress by avoiding
last-minute decisions. With a structured plan for
the day, you can easily stay on track and measure
maintaining productivity and preventing burn-
out. Studies have shown that regular intervals
can actually increase overall productivity and like
like mining
m ning
mini n ancient
a ient carbon and harmful
anc ha
h rmfm ull mim sha
mimic sharp
h rp
rpcla w and
1 The aerodynamics of the famous
Japanese Bullet train was inspired
by the shape of a bird’s beak.
your progress. improve mental well-being. However, finding the chemicals.
c mic
che i als.
l U Utilizing
zing recycling,
g rec
ycling rrenewable
ing, rene
le teeth
teeth into sspears,
n o spea
pears, tthe
rs, th e


time to take these breaks can be challenging, es-
pecially in today’s fast-paced work environment.
The key is to incorporate breaks into your daily
ergy sources,
a all
u es,
all crucial
ess and waste management
cruciiall to becoming
to be
b ecom
ming sself-sustain-
g a self
ing civilization.The term “biomimicry”
u ain
rightt Broth
mimicked the
o ers
th physical-
c l-
ity of birds to create our first airplanes,
2 The first flying machine heavier
than the air from the Wright
brothers, in 1903, was inspired by

Making a to-do list can be a lifesaver for those of schedule in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming t is a practice that learns from and first appeared in scientific literature in George de Mestral copied the behavior of
us feeling overwhelmed by our daily tasks. Yet, or disruptive. This could mean scheduling short mimics the strategies found in the year 1962, and it was henceforth used burrs to invent the Velcro, and quite re- flying pigeons.
frequently, our lists end up becoming longer than
our days. The key to effective to-do lists is what
we write down
five-minute breaks every hour or longer 30-min-
ute intervals every few hours.
nature to solve human design chal-
lenges—and find hope. We can use
biomimicry to not only learn from
primarily by material scientists in the
1980s. It was preceded by the term “biomi-
metics” in the 1950s by Otto Schmitt and
cently, solar panels have been developed
with major inspiration from leaves and
how they make energy from the Sun.
3 Architecture is inspired by ter-
mite mounds to design passive
cooling structures.
and how we nature’s wisdom, but also heal ourselves by “bionics,” which was used by Jack
structure it. By
s c h e d u l i n g Time blocking is a time management method
breaks, we allow that asks you to divide your day into blocks of
— and this planet — in the process. Nature
uses structure to perform functions and
passive forms of energy, whereas our in-
Steele in the 1960s.
The term may be quite new, but bio-
mimicry has been with us since the start
4 Velcro is born from the observa-
tion of the hooks implemented
by some plants for the propagation
ourselves the time. Each block is dedicated to ventions have typically used brute force, of civilization. Our ancestors used it to
chance to re- of their seeds via animal’s coat.
charge and better accomplishing a specific task,
focus on the tasks or group of tasks, and only
ahead. With a bit those specific tasks. Instead
5 The study of shark skin is at the
origin of particularly effective
swimming suits, as well as a varnish
of planning and
of keeping an open-ended for planes fuselage.
intentionality, a
to-do list can be- to-do list of things you’ll get to
come an effective as you’re able, you’ll start each
tool for productiv- day with a concrete schedule that lays out what
ity and peace of
mind. you’ll work on and when.
02 A page celebrating historical figures, young achievers, artists, writers. We look
at those in news, who have their birthdays in the week and just inspiring
personalities whom you can learn from

Pics: Istock

Indian founder and CEO of mobile payments company Paytm, Vijay Shekhar In
2017, ‘Forbes’
Sharma is truly one of Startup India’s big success stories named Sharma as One of the most well-liked and well-
the youngest billionaire
of India. At that time the regarded actors, Hanks is known for a lot
Delhi College of Engineering in 1994. payment ecosystem in net worth of his company
VIJAY SHEKHAR SHARMA front of his board. Paytm was $2.1 billion. In
of quotable quotes. We sharing the
FIRST JOB June 2019, the company wisdom from Hollywood’s Mr Nice Guy
is credited with a net

n 2018, Vijay Shekhar Shar- The advent of Yahoo, Netscape altered the worth of $2.7
ma’s Paytm got Warren Buf- jobs landscape in India. Stories from Silicon He put 1 per cent of his billion BIRTHDAY: JULY 9, 1956
fett to invest in his firm, a Valley of people who dropped out to create equity, which was about $2
rare deal for a man who firms became inspirational. Sharma million around 2011, on the table

typically avoids internet teamed up with a friend to start his first and said, “This is for all of you, if I waste ON THE MAGIC OF MOVIES
firms. Here is Sharma’s in- company — XS Corps — while still in col- the money that we put on the site.” He “The cinema has the power to make you not feel lonely, even when
credible story lege. The firm built content management adds, “There is no fun in doing what oth- you are. Everybody has something that chews them up and, for
systems for the web with his college hostel ers ask you to do, the real fun is in doing me, that thing was always loneliness. As a young man, even if I Chilean poet Pablo
room for office and a shopkeeper’s phone as what people say you can’t do.” was going to see a play or a film by myself, I didn’t feel like I was
SMALL-TOWN office landline. alone. There was something that was unfolding up there that Neruda won the Nobel
In 1999, he brought me into it. And I recognised that. For those two hours,
sold his WONDER DEMONETISATION EFFECT it made me feel like I belonged to something really good.”
Prize in Literature in
website indiasite.
net for $1 Brought up in the small THE FIRST SETBACK In November 2016, the Indian government 1971 “for a poetry that
town called Harduaganj In 2005, he had raised a hefty amount of ` announced one of the biggest ever demon-
near Aligarh, Sharma 8 lakh through his venture of which he etization moves on the earth in which the ON HEROES with the action of an
taught himself to read two was conned off 40 per cent. He was dev- high-value currency notes were with- “A hero is someone who voluntarily walks into the elemental force brings
books at a time – one in hindi astated. But Sharma was not a drawn. The move slashed away unknown. I have gone through so many examina-
and the other in English. Shar- man to give up so easily. Things In the cash worth billions of tions of what a hero is ... I think by and large a third alive a continent’s
ma finished school at the age of took to a better turn when he 2015, Sharma dollars within a very short of people are villains, a third are cowards, and a destiny and dreams”
14 way ahead of the level but began One97, the parent was credited with the period of time, a huge third are heroes. A villain and a coward can choose
had to wait for year to get into company of Paytm. He most coveted ‘India’s
Innovative CEO Award’. In a
segment of the popula- to be a hero, but they’ve got to make that choice,” he PABLO NERUDA
an engineering college because of started experimenting tion turned towards said. Speaking about his movie ‘Captain Phillips’ BIRTHDAY: JUL 12, 1904
celebration, Paytm was also DEATH: SEP 23, 1973
his age. Since Sharma had done with the three basics of recognised among Delhi’s top digital payments. It
most of his schooling in Hindi, the internet – content, adver- 50 brands. In 2006, Paytm was a big boost
mandatory English entrance tising and commerce. But was identified as the to Paytm that THREE ES ON BEING LOVED: “To
exam was a challenge. His tech- the big eureka moment “Most Innovative Start- showed incredi- “I try to do what I call the three Es – feel the love of people
nique to read two books helped came in 2011 when he first up of the Year” ble growth spurt educate, entertain, and enlighten. If
whom we love is a fire that
him crack the entrance for pitched the idea of entering the in this period. ET you don’t entertain, no one will show
up. But you also have to educate, feeds our life.”
because people want to discover
specific things about a world unlike ON LOVE AND DESPAIR:
Indian Bollywood actor and director, Guru Dutt was regarded as one of
their own – whether it’s how hard
it is to go to the moon or how scary
“Tonight I can write the sad-
dest lines I loved her, and
it is to be on Omaha Beach.”
sometimes she loved me too.”
Serbian-American physicist, electrical engineer and the greatest film directors of all time
ON HOPE: “You can cut all
inventor, Nikola Tesla is often referred to as ‘The GURU DUTT though ‘Sahib, ON HELPING OTHERS the flowers but you cannot
BIRTHDAY: JUL 9, 1925 Bibi...’ got “We are still in the position of
man who Invented the 20th Century’ DEATH: OCT 10, 1964 wide acclaim, waking up and having a choice. keep spring from coming.”
its average box Do I make the world better today
NIKOLA TESLA ON JOY: “Laughter is the lan-

high voltage. His work on the Tesla coil film- office returns somehow, or do I not bother? Help
BIRTHDAY: JUL 10, 1856 served as the inspiration for the circuit maker did nothing to publicly. Help privately. Help make guage of the soul.”
DEATH: JAN 7, 1943 design used in the first radios. whose restore his confi- sense where sense has gone miss-
Tesla Coil is Tesla’s one of the in- reper- dence. ing. Help science to solve and faith ON FINDING ONESELF:

esla had multiple accom- novations that set Tesla and Edison at toire to soothe. Help, and you will abolish “Someday, somewhere –
plishments. However, de- odds with one another. The direct cur- includes ‘Pyaasa’, apathy — the void that is so quickly filled
spite making numerous rent inventor, Edison, hired Tesla and ‘Kaagaz Ke Phool’ A SAD END by ignorance and evil.” anywhere, unfailingly, you’ll
billions, the unconven- gave him a $50,000 reward if he could and ‘Sahib, Bibi Aur With career setbacks, find yourself, and that, and
tional scientist practi- solve DC power’s issues. Tesla desired Ghulam’, Guru Dutt his personal life was also only that, can be the happi-
cally starved to death. Here is a look to use AC current. However, Edison was the best-known in tatters. His marriage ON DOING BETTER est or bitterest hour of
at his life in detail. worked to sabotage Tesla’s AC power proponent of film to actress-singer Geeta “We are in the third millennium. We have
through a propaganda campaign that noir genre in India. Maker of the first cine- Roy was on the rocks and Re- thousands of years of human history un- your life.”
said AC power was unsafe because he mascope film in India, Dutt’s skill was as hman left him to work with other der our belts. If we
EARLY LIFE was afraid of losing royalties. much in the techniques of cinema as in the directors. Dutt, in a low point,
MUST WATCH TOM HANKS FILMS are not continuously ON LETTING GO: “Love is so
Visionary genius Nikola Te- Although Guglielmo Mar- translation of complex ideas, almost unat- ended his life. The tortured ge- moving towards short, forgetting is so long.”
sla, recognised for his coni’s invention enabled the tempted on screen. nius met a sad end but created a ‘Big’  ‘Philadelphia’  ‘Forrest equal rights, equal
groundbreaking inven- first transatlantic radio film legacy that still lives on. Gump’  ‘Apollo 13’  ‘Saving opportunities, and ON LIFE AND DEATH: “We
tions, came up with a broadcast, Tesla is Guru Dutt’s position in Indian Private Ryan’  ‘You’ve Got Mail’ equal freedoms for are dust and to dust return. In
vision that revolu- known for developing EARLY SUCCESS cinema is a special one, especial-
 ‘The Green Mile’  ‘Cast
every member of the the end we’re neither air, nor
tionised people’s the radio. After Mar- Born Vasanth Padukone (later changed to ly for its connoisseurs. The inten- human race — not
lives. In terms of coni’s patents were Gurudatt), his debut on celluloid was in fact sity, the passion and the feelings Away’  ‘The Da Vinci Code’  just that half that is fire, nor water, just dirt, nei-
scientific advance- invalidated in 1943, as a choreographer in ‘Lakhrani’ in 1945. His that went into his movies have yet ‘Captain Phillips’  The ‘Toy male — then we have ther more nor less, just dirt,
ment, he was far Tesla and two other to be seen again on the Indian squandered all we and maybe some yellow flow-
Story’ series
ahead of his time. scientists were free to MILESTONES screen. TNN have learned.”
ers.” TNN
He also enjoyed take technology from
playing the show- him. Today, we can 1964: Dance director in ‘Hum Ek Hain’
man. While still a change the channel 1947-50: Assistant director in many films
student, Tesla demon-
strated impressive math-
ematical prowess. Tesla is
with the aid of remote
control without getting up
from the couch and adjusting
1951: Directorial debut with ‘Baazi’
1953: Debut as an actor in ‘Baaz’, which 6 According to Rubik, his inven-
tion is a “reminder never to give
up. There is always a solution.”
he also produced and directed
thought to have become unwell
while still a teen and only fully recov-
ered afterhis father decided to send
various components. Inventor
Nikola Tesla made this possible with
his innovativeness.
1954-57: Produced, directed and acted in
Ernő Rubik gave us the iconic game that In the
7 A robot called CubeStorm-
er 3 was developed initially
and could solve the cube
‘Aar Paar’, ‘Mr and Mrs 55’ and ‘Pyaasa’ initial days of
him to a technical college rather than in 3.253 seconds. Now a
pressuring him to become a priest. 1959: ‘Kagaaz Ke Phool’ is released. The has stood the test of time the Cube’s release,
robot named Sub1 can
Tesla received his engineering educa- TESLA TURBINE, X-RAY, movie bombed at the box office. This was a 13-year-old boy,
Patrick Bossert, published solve it in 0.887 seconds!
tion from the University of Prague.
HYDROELECTRIC POWER the last movie that he directed ERNO RUBIK wanted to in- a book called ‘You Can Do The human world re-
He wanted to focus on physics and 1960-62: Produced acted in ‘Chaudhavi BIRTHDAY: JUL 13, 1944 troduce the the Cube’ in 1981. It sold cord holder for solving
math, but he was also quite inter- Tesla created his unique turbine-style spatial move- over 1.5 million copies the Cube is Feliks Zem-
Ka Chand’ and ‘Sahib, Biwi Aur Ghulam’
ested in electricity. Tesla moved to the
USA in 1884 after working at the Con-
engine while collecting design features
from vehicle piston engines. It featured 1964: Died from overdose of sleeping pills 1 Even though Ernő Rubik
invented the famous
ment of bodies
to his university In
degs who solved the
Cube within 4.22 seconds.
tinental Edison Company in Paris. no blades and generated motion by
discs revolving in a container.
Tesla created the first X-ray ma-
first big break was when his friend Dev
Anand asked him to direct ‘Baazi’, a block-
Magic Cube in 1975, it
received its patent only
two years later on De-

4 Solving the
2015, the
Rubik’s Cube was
the best-selling toy
8 ‘Donnie Darko’, ‘The
Engineer’, ‘Armaged-
don’, ‘The Pursuit of
TESLA COIL, RADIO, AND chine. Through radiation experiments, buster. ‘Jaal’, ‘Aar Paar’ and ‘Mr and Mrs 55’ cember 31, 1977. sional puzzle in Walmart back in Happyness’ are just a
2015 with over $111
The Tesla coil, a system made up of a
he was able to capture a few “shadow-
graphs”, or X-ray pictures of the hu-
man body. His photograph of a foot
followed – which established him as a some-
one comfortable with different genres. 2 The original
name was Magic
Cube, which was
game” can be chal-
lenging, which is
not a coincidence, as
few of the films in
which the iconic cube
turned up.
general and a specific coil, was one of
Tesla’s most impressive creations.
Each component in the pair featured
wearing a shoe, made in 1896, is said to
be the country’s first X-ray. Tesla also
foresaw the negative consequences of
In 1953, he set up his film production com-
changed to Ru-
bik’s Cube by the
inventor in 1980.
its sides can be rotated
into an unspeakable num-
ber of different positions; numer-
9 Since its inception, more
than 500 million units
have been sold.
a capacitor that functioned like a bat-
tery to retain electrical energy. The
Tesla coil was a device that generated
X-rays. Also, Tesla and George West-
inghouse invented the Adams Power
Station, which helped understand how
pany, through which he introduced Waheeda
Rehman. The commercial disappointment
of ‘Kaagaz Ke Phool’ deeply shocked him and
3 Rubik original-
ly developed his
invention for teach-
ically: 43, 252, 003, 274, 489, 856, 000.

5 The inventor also admitted that

initially, it took him weeks to
10 Rubik was awarded with the
Grand Cross of the Order of
Saint Stephen in 2014 – the highest
sparks by combining low current with to harness Niagara Falls. ET he never again took credit for his films. And ing purposes. He solve the riddle of the cube. medal awarded by Hungary.

ours and preferences, patterns and comes to participating in vari-
also how to incorporate your per- ous competitions or speaking
sonal style in dressing. up in class. Nothing is more
attractive than knowledge and
knowing something well will
7. PRACTICE always give you the confi-
Children gain a lot by learning pub- dence to speak up. Remember
tice public speaking at home by get- “The more that you read,

he movements and man- Avoiding eye contact is a trait of peo- rather than just hearing increase, know what you are talking about, ting a microphone. This way you can the more things you will
nerisms by which liv- ple who lie a lot or are under-confi- leaving little or no scope for someone and also that you are an active part get used to the sound of your voice know. The more that
ing beings communi- dent – and you don’t want to come to get bored of your talk. Think Ted- of the conversation. on a mic. You can also stage you learn, the more
cate with others can across as either of the two. Talks format! shows at home for your fam- places you’ll go.” TNN
have a big deal of im- ily to gain further confidence
pact. The art of body language, 6. DRESS UP RIGHT and this helps overcome
when mastered, will not only help 2. HAND GESTURES 4. USE YOUR HEAD What you wear plays a big role in stage fright.
you be more confident and success- Using your hands while you talk to This is not about using what’s inside how you are perceived. Dressing as
ful in daily life, but would also help someone has always been, literally, a your head but using your head move- per roles and goals is important to
you work out things you can never thumbs-up. The role that your hands ments to make an impact. Nodding create an appropriate clothing 8. READ
imagine to do otherwise. Given be- play when you are trying to convince or shaking your head a little while communication. Dressing right for A reading habit will
low is a list of some of the easiest someone, or putting ahead your point, talking/listening shows that you are important events creates an always hold you in
and successful tips that will help can never be underestimated. While interested in the conversation and impact the moment you take cen- good stead when it
you come out of your shell and correct hand gestures include moving are paying attention. tre stage. You need to consider var-
make a positive impression. your wrists back and forth, gestures ious aspects like your body shape,
like touching your face or using fin- background, personal col-
gers to point at someone are never 5. SMILE
1. MAKE EYE CONTACT advisable. Also over gesticulating is This is the best body language that
Hands down, this is the best way to never a good idea. Think controlled you can learn and use while talking
charm someone. But be aware that and assured hand movement. to someone. A smile on your
too much eye contact can also ala- face shows that you are
larm someone! The key is to make confident, you
moderate eye contact and not appear 3. WALK AROUND
to be staring too hard. Anything that This generally comes in use when
you want to convey should be said you are speaking in public or giving
while looking in the eye. Using your a presentation. When you move from
eyes to communicate does not only one place to another, keeping your
make you look more confident, it also back straight and hands in motion,
makes the other person comfortable. chances of people listening to you
Family time is sacred time and should be
protected and respected


Many-a-times, we
find it difficult to
communicate with
our family. While
it’s easy to get our While weekends are the time of the week that can be used for relaxing, it is also the
point across with time to spend quality time with family. This is what you can plan this time... Here are
two healthy recipes you can cook for your family with a little help
mom, the scenario is
slightly different This is a simple no-oil pancake and can be made
with fathers. Here in a jiffy too without much effort. To make this
pancake delicious, you can also use almond flour.
It may sound strange, but this can be
a perfect go-to-meal for all rice lovers.
To make this easy recipe, you need 1 zucchini It is simple and you can add your own
are a few ice- and 2 potatoes grated, 1 cup oats flour, 1 teaspoon twist, once you know the hack of
baking powder, 1 teaspoon black pepper, handful making the no-fry-fried rice!
breakers for coriander leaves, To make this dish, place a non-
1 egg and some stick pan over medium flame. In the
conversations to salt for season-
ing. Make a
meantime, cut the veggies and wash
the rice. Add some water in the pan,
make your dad sit coarse blend of
grated potatoes
then add in the washed rice and make
sure the rice is well soaked. Then add

down and LISTEN! and zucchini

along with cori-
in the veggies, meat chunks, garlic,
ginger paste and some black pepper
a n d e r l e ave s, and salt for seasoning.
then mix with an Cover the lid
egg, spices and stir occasion-
and flour to ally and your
make a rice, veggies
smooth and meat will
batter. cook together
Take a baking tray, place a parchment and then
paper, pour a ladle full of batter. Repeat open the lid
with the rest of the batter, you may have and garnish
to do this in batches but it is all worth the with some
effort as there’s no oil. Bake the pancakes fresh coriander
to perfection at 200 degree celsius, flip sides and serve hot!
and your pancakes are ready.

Protect yourself and your family
There is a common notion that
dads are not fond of appreciation.
Fathers lead the family in
many households. They work
from common monsoon diseases
They don’t like receiving or giving alongside moms to make he rainy season certainly brings res-
praise when it’s absolutely not re- home a better place for every- pite from the sweltering heat, but this
quired. But, but... deep inside, they one. But rarely do we speak of season is infamous for attacking one’s Ginger is another important spice that is
don’t mind getting a compliment their contribution. immunity and making one prone to various popular for its diverse health benefits. The
or two for their looks and their at- Initiate a conversation by infections. The season brings a host of infec- root is packed with essential nutrients that
tire. There you have it - compli- complimenting your dad on tions right from mosquito-borne diseases promote your immunity, supports digestion,
menting your dad for the nice shirt the impeccable leadership like chikungunya, typhoid, and dengue to helps with motion sickness and reduces
he is wearing can be a good conver- skills he has and you will be water-borne illnesses like leptospirosis (a pain.
sation initiator. PS: Do not overdo opening up a portal for him. bacterial infection transmitted through
it, daddy will know! Just listen to him from here urine or excreta of rats and cattle). Here are
on! some common home remedies that can help GREEN TEA
you boost your immune system Having herbal teas
THANKS FOR BEING or even green tea
can help boost our
A GOOD SUPPORT; TURMERIC immunity to stay
IS A WINNER Antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti- fit in this season.
NOTHING BEATS inflammatory in nature, turmeric is Tea is loaded
Even if you don’t say this THIS - YOU ARE an excellent spice to keep different with antioxi-
often, you do realise that types of infections at bay. Add this yel- dants that help to
dad will still remain
A GREAT LISTENER low spice in your food or you can even keep cold, cough
your first and most mix a pinch of turmeric in your milk to and other infections
solid support system. Our dads are silent heroes. We often notice stay protected this rainy season. at bay. Sipping a warm
Thanking your dad their visible silence but what we miss is cup of tea also helps
for supporting you at their listening ability. Fathers are great lis- soothe the throat and keep the tonsils in
times when you had teners. They are great observers too. Com- check.
lost your confidence is pliment your dad for being such a good
a great way to start a listener and observer and also for being
conversation. Sit with the one who has more confidence in CONSUME HOT FOOD
him and help him re- your strengths. Once established Having cold food can lead to stomach infec-
member the incident. you can move on to other tions, loose bowels, and food poisoning.
Maybe he would also start deeper topics. Drinking lukewarm water is also a good
sharing a few of his own sto- option for proper digestion of food. It helps
ries. to flush out the toxins from the body and
cleanse your system.


t is more crucial than ever to foster ting fear? If yes, then here is the reason.
ourselves with self-esteem in this fast- “For the purpose of boosting their
paced, cutthroat world of today. Our self-esteem, parents must let their kids
emotional and psychological well-being make decisions and choices that are ap-
is fundamentally based on our sense of propriate for their age. When kids have
self-worth, which is also a key factor in the chance to exercise autonomy, they
determining the level of success and hap- learn to believe in their own judgement
piness in the future. One side of the coin and grow to feel worthy of respect. En-
is to support yourself while the other is courage them to take initiative by letting
your family that helps in building a posi- them choose things like what to wear,
tive self-esteem. Parents can create an what extracurricular activities to join,
atmosphere that encourages you to feel or how to participate in family discus-
good about yourself. sions. Give them advice and encourage-
Ajay Gupta, founder of Bachpan Play ment when they make mistakes, stressing
Schools says, “Self-esteem is a person’s that they are not failures but rather price-
opinion of and value for themselves. It less learning opportunities,” says Gupta,
encompasses notions of one’s potential, who is also the co-founder of Must &
worth, and capacity for overcoming dif- More Diagnostic Center.
ficulties. Children who feel confident in
themselves are more likely to approach
life with optimism, resiliency, and an their efforts and accomplish-
openness to new opportunities. They are ments, whether it be learning TEACHING
able to set challenging goals and tena- a new skill or showing kind- RESILIENCE AND
ciously pursue them because they have ness to others, strengthens
faith in their capacity to succeed. Chil- their sense of compe- GROWTH MINDSET
dren with low self-esteem, on the other tence and raises their Resilience is the capacity to overcome
hand, might experience self-doubt, a fear self-esteem. We can as- difficulties and failures. By instilling resil-
of failing, and trouble recovering from sist them in creating a ience, you gain the skills to confidently face
setbacks.” positive self-image by the challenges of life. Parents help you adopt
concentrating on their a growth mindset by highlighting how skills
Here are a few ways This is how your is one of the best ways to boost your self- skills and strengths. can be improved with effort and practice. They
family helps in growing your self esteem. First, notice how your parents help you view setbacks differently—as chanc-
esteem: offer acceptance and love without condi- es to grow and learn rather than as indica-
tions. You must understand that you are ENCOURAGING tions of your inadequacy or shame. By
valued and admired for who you are, not
just for what you have accomplished.
AUTONOMY AND placing a strong emphasis on effort,
perseverance, and problem-solv-
ENVIRONMENT Tip for parents: It’s also crucial to set DECISION MAKING ing, you develop a sense of
reasonable goals for your children and to Does your parent let you choose on some self-worth.
Making a nurturing environment that acknowledge all of their accomplish- parts? Do they also encourage you to take
supports your growth and development ments, no matter how minor. Recognising steps and never fear the chances of get-
04 “Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.”


ngland wicketkee per Jonny CRICKET. THE LATEST
Bairstow’s controversial dismissal
in the second Test between England
and Australia sparked Ashes fury JONNY BAIRSTOW’S
at Lord’s last week. Bairstow
ducked and avoided a Cameron Green bouncer
and allowed it to pass to the wicketkeeper. As- MISSAL SHIFTS THE
suming the ball to be ‘dead’, Bairstow stepped
out of his crease only to have the wickets shat- FOCUS ONCE AGAIN
tered by Aussie wicketkeeper Alex Carey. A be- ON THE MANY TOUCH
mused Bairstow looked on as he was adjudged
‘out’. The event struck a furious controversy OFF MOMENTS
with England supporters accusing the Austral-
ian players of violating the ‘spirit of cricket’.
The ‘Bairstow incident’ overshadowed a stun- AND ENGLAND. HERE
ning century by England captain Ben Stokes who
failed to take his team to victory as Australia
won by 43 runs and went ahead 2-0 at Lord’s. THE ASHES ARE ALL

One of the first great Ashes scandals
occurred in the 1932-33 series when
England controversially used a tactic
that became known as bodyline bowl- THE ASHES? BEST BATSMEN IN
ing. England captain Douglas Jardine
told his fast bowlers to bowl at the body of Aus- The Ashes is a Test cricket series ASHES SERIES
tralian batters in the hope of intimidating them played between England and Austral- PAT CUMMINS BEN STOKES
into giving catches to the close fielders. Largely ia. The series has been varied in length,
designed to stop Australia’s legendary batsman
Don Bradman, the tactic worked well. Bradman’s
between one and seven Test matches,
but since 1998, it has been consistently
series average of 56.57 was the worst of his career, a five-match series. This is cricket’s most 974 RUNS IN FIVE TESTS
but it soured relations between England and Aus- iconic, historic rivalries and one of the
tralia. Australia captain Bill Woodfull said: longest-running face-offs in sport. The AND SEVEN INNINGS
“There are two teams out there; one is trying to two nations meet roughly every two
play cricket and the other is not”. The laws of years, with the winners claiming one The legendary Austral-
cricket were eventually changed to restrict the of the most famous (and smallest) ian batsman was a thorn
effectiveness of bodyline bowling.
(Photo by Paul Popper/Popperfoto via Getty Images)
trophies in sport — the Ashes Urn.
It is held alternately in England
NOMENCLATURE in the side of the Eng-
lish bowlers ever since
and Australia, with England The term originated in a satirical his debut against them
hosting this time. obituary published in a British newspa- a n d n o t m u ch h a d
per, The Sporting Times, immediately after changed when the Aus-
Australia’s 1882 victory at The Oval, its first sies toured their great
ars later,
More than 100 ye
Test win on English soil. The series defeat rivals in 1930. Bradman
lives in the shocked the sporting world at the time and was in imperious form,
the original Urn prompted ‘The Sporting Times’ newspaper to finishing the tour with
et Club (MCC)
Marylebone Crick
print a story on the “death of English cricket”. an average of 139.14 and

’s cricket
The newspaper said English cricket would be scoring four centuries
museum at Lord burnt down and the ashes sent to Australia. along the way to help
. In 1903,
ground in London er captain
When England next toured Australia those ash- Australia come from 1-0
es became real — a pair of bails were down and win the series
Pelham Warner, burned and the ashes put into the now fa- 2-1.
cr icket team, mous Urn. The winning team is given
of the England a replica to celebrate with, as the
med ‘How We WALLY HAMMOND – 905
wrote a book na
Australian captain Bill Woodfull ducking under a short ball real trophy is far too fragile.
from Harold Larwood of England surrounded by a cordon of
leg-side fielders during the first match of the Bodyline Test Recovered The A
series between Australia and England at the Sydney Cricket
Ground, circa December 1932. England won the series and
the Ashes 4-1
WOMEN’S the first Test at Lord’s, and the
ashes were placed inside a
England legend Wally Hammond dominated Aus-
tralia’s bowling line-up during their tour down

cricket ball to make a trophy. under in 1928-29. He fin-
Former Australia fast bowler Dennis In 2013, a new Women’s Ashes ished the tour with a
Lillee went out to bat during an Ashes trophy was produced. The stunning average of
Test in Perth in 1979 with an alumini- The women’s teams play a ver- Women’s Ashes is decided 113.12 and made four
um bat manufactured by a friend’s sion of the Ashes too. The first from a mix of matches - Tests, centuries to help Eng-
company. There were no rules against women’s Test series between One Day Internationals and land register a comfort-
using an aluminium bat but England captain England and Australia - the Twenty20 Inter national able 4-1 series win. Ham-
Mike Brearley complained to the umpires, claim- first women’s Test series any- matches as well. mond scored big tons,
ing it was damaging the ball. The umpires told where - was played in 1934-35. Four points are awarded the first of which came
Lillee he had to change his bat but he refused. The contest was not officially for victory in a Test match, two in England’s first in-
Australian captain Greg Chappell was forced to called ‘the Women’s Ashes’ each for a draw, and two points nings of the second Test
come out onto the pitch to plead with Lillee to until 1998, when an auto- for winning a One Day or when he made 251. His
use a normal wooden bat. Lillee famously threw graphed bat was burned before Twenty20 match. second century was an-
his aluminium bat across the pitch in disgust other double ton – 200 to
after being convinced to stop using it. be precise – and it hap-
(Photo by Adrian Murrell/Allsport UK via Getty Images)


pened in the first in-
nings of the third Test.


Hammond’s other two
hundreds both came in
the fourth Test after he made an unbeaten 119 in
the first innings and 177 in the second.

A dramatical last ball shot turned out
to be one of the highlights of Steve
Waugh’s memorable career. In 2003, The only six-match Ashes on this list, the 1989
Waugh scored a boundary to reach his tour of England was a highly productive one for
29th career century, thus equaling Don Mark Taylor who had just made his debut for the
Australian fast bowler Dennis Lillee talks to England captain Bradman’s record of 10,000 Test runs. Aussies earlier that year. He finished the tour
Mike Brearley about Lillee’s illegal aluminium bat. Lillee It was one of the most fantastic mo- with an average of
eventually uses a traditional wooden bat. Australia v England ments. 83.90 and notched
1st Test at Perth up two hundreds
and five fifties, in-

cluding a best of
England pace bowler Stuart Broad has 219. He scored 136
often been an Ashes villain in Austral- MOMENT in the opening in-
ian eyes and the 2013 series was the nings of the first
catalyst for that image. Broad stood In 2005, Australia was facing one of its Test and his 219
his ground after clearly edging a ball biggest nightmares. When the final came in the fifth
from Ashton Agar to slip, with umpire Aleem Dar The 21-years-old Don Bradman scored wicket fell, Australia were just two Test, which he was
giving him not out. Australia had used up all of a double century of his 254 runs in 376 runs short of the target. Even as drama adjudged the Player
their reviews at the time and Broad went on to balls and smashed 25 fours on the 2nd wrapped up in a two-run victory, Eng- of the Match for.
share a crucial partnership with Ian Bell as Eng- Test at Lords on June 27, 1930. In the land’s Andrew Flintoff went up to Aus- Australia won both
land won the first Test. end, Australia won by seven wickets. tralian batsman Brett Lee and put his t h e m at ch e s i n
Australia coach Darren Lehmann was furi- It is one of the most memorable mo- hand on his shoulder to console him. which Taylor
ous, calling the incident “blatant cheating”. “I ments from the Ashes Series. It not only created headlines, it became scored a century and he was consistent through-
hope the Australian public give it to him this the most iconic image of the 2005 se- out the tour as his five fifties suggest. Australia
summer and I hope he cries and goes home,” he ries. This image of the commiseration eventually won the series 4-0 after claiming vic-
said. A defiant Broad shot back: “I never once RAINING WICKETS summed up the very essence of sports- Given a total lack of form, the cap- tories in the second and fourth Tests as well.
thought ‘I’m gonna walk off here’. I’ve never manship. taincy was taken away from Ian Both-
walked in cricket. I don’t see why I would.” In The 1956 series was one of the most am after a disastrous start to the Ash-
that series 22 different players nicked the ball and memorable. James Laker took 19 wick- es. His team was toasted in the third STEVE SMITH – 774 RUNS
didn’t walk.
(Photo by Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images)
ets. In the first innings, he took nine WARNE HAT-TRICK Test, and it looked like a walkover was
wickets with an economy of 2.22 and imminent for Australia. But Botham
gave 37 runs. In the second innings, he
took ten wickets with an economy of 1.03
In the year 1994, Shane Warne took 34
wickets in the Ashes series. He also
scored an electric 149 not out — from
148 balls, no less — giving England a
and gave 53 runs. In the end, England took a hat-trick. It was one of the most tantalising lead of 129, setting the The most recent series on
won by an innings with 170 runs. incredible moments in the history of scene for Bob Willis to create his own the list, Steve Smith’s he-
the Ashes. Headingley miracle. It changed the roics in the 2019 Ashes
Ashes forever and set Headingley apart tour will live long in
as a venue where anything is possible. memory. Making his Test
comeback after a year-
2019 OZ WIN long ban due to ball-tam-
pering, Smith wasn’t just
The 2019 Ashes was one of Australia’s up against England’s
most exciting moments. They won the strong bowling line-up
series 4-0, with players coming up with but also a hostile crowd
Phil Hughes, Michael Clarke, Ed Cowan, wicketkeeper Brad fantastic figures. In the first test, Aus- desperate to see him fail.
Haddin and Ashton Agar of Australia appeal unsuccessfully tralia won by nine wickets. Travis Smith, though, batted
for the wicket of Stuart Broad of England during day three of Head scored 152 runs in 148 balls laced like a man possessed,
the 1st Investec Ashes Test match between England and with 14 fours and 4 sixes. Australia making three tons and
Australia at Trent Bridge Cricket Ground on July 12, 2013 in then went on to win the second Test by three fifties at an average
Nottingham, England 275 runs. Marcus Labuschagne scored of 110.57.
103 runs in 305 balls and hit eight fours.

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