VO Guide Sept 14

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Provincial Grand Lodge Hampshire & Isle of Wight

Provincial Grand Lodge of

Hampshire and Isle of Wight
Visiting Officer’s Guide

Status: Interim
Author: Les Hipwell / Updated by Frank Milner
Date: August 2014
Version: 3.0
Circulation: Cabinet, Area Chairmen / Vice-Chairmen, Visiting Officers
Final Version 3.0 signed off.docx

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Provincial Grand Lodge Hampshire & Isle of Wight


Cabinet, Exec, VO’s.


Name Office Signature Date

W.Bro. L. Hipwell APGM V2.1 01/03/2013
W.Bro. L. Hipwell APGM 01/03/2013

W. Bro F Milner Dep to ProvGSec Interim amendment 06/05/2104

W. Bro F Milner ProvDepGSec 02/09/2014


Version Reason Who & When

1.0 First Draft PGM - 21st November 2010
1.1 Revision and Reformat. Extended VO’s Qualities and LH – 23rd November 2010
added a role Dimension
1.2 Minor tidy up of a few points. Made 2016 Festival LH – 23rd November 2010
more generic by removing the time bounding (13)
Removed the single ‘Grand’ for consistency (18)
removed ‘approximately’.
1.3 Inserted a 5(c). That VO’s should be present LH – 24th November 2010
documents such as Grand Lodge Certificates,
Provincial Booklets after Initiation and Raising.
1.4 Changed DepPGM title from V to WBro. {Final} LH – 24th November 2010
1.5 Added Appendix (a) Annual & Attendance Report (b) LH - June 2012
Essential Reading Section referring to the Lodge
Secretaries Handbook (b) changed most text from
third person to direct (c) reversed 1.4.
1.6 Updated overall format to latest version LH - June 2012
1.7 - 1.9 Feedback From Geoff Tuck & Mike Codd revision LH – June 2012
2.0 Formatted to final and distributed {Final} LH – July 2012
2.1 (a) Removed the Appendices that had been inserted LH – March 2013
into this document, in haste, as Word data. Tidy the
entire formatting. Reconstruct the Appendices as
Adobe Acrobat forms. Insert both into this
document and also provide them as stand-alone
Acrobat forms (b) added a new Section 2 setting out
the PGM’s January 2013 message (c) Appendix C is
2.2 Inserted PGMs address 11th Nov 2013 FM – May 2014

3.0 Full Document Review FM – Sept 2014

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Provincial Grand Lodge Hampshire & Isle of Wight

Table of Contents

1 APPOINTMENT ..................................................................................................................................................4

2 PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM THE PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER ...........................................................................4

3 QUALITIES OF A VO ............................................................................................................................................5

4 DIMENSION OF THE VO ROLE ................................................................................................................................6

5 THE SIX KEY FUNCTIONS OF A VISITING OFFICER....................................................................................................7

7 VISITING LODGES ..................................................................................................................................................8

8 VISITING OFFICERS RETURNS ..............................................................................................................................9

a) Annual Installation Report (FORM K) .............................................................................................................9

b) Informal Return (FORM J) ..............................................................................................................................9

9 ATTENDANCE AND OBSERVATIONS..............................................................................................................10

10 RESPONSE TO TOASTS .................................................................................................................................10

11 KNOWLEDGE OF CHARITIES .........................................................................................................................10

12 ALMONERS AND CHARITY STEWARDS ..........................................................................................................10

13 APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS ............................................................................................................11

1. STAGE 1 ......................................................................................................................................................11

Promotions, PPAGStB and 69a/b Appointments ...............................................................................................11

First Appointments ..........................................................................................................................................12

Provincial Grand Stewards ...............................................................................................................................12

2. STAGE 2 ......................................................................................................................................................13

3. STAGE 3 ......................................................................................................................................................13

4. STAGE 4 ......................................................................................................................................................13

14 SCHEDULE OF RANKS AVAILABLE FOR PROMOTIONS: ..........................................................................................14

ANNEX A PGMs Address to the VO’s Mess 11th November 2013..............................................................................15

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Provincial Grand Lodge Hampshire & Isle of Wight

The Area Chairman is responsible for recommending the allocation of Visiting Officers to Lodges
through and in conjunction with his APGM. The appointment is made by the Provincial Grand Master,
and is usually for a period of 5 years to a particular Lodge, but it may vary. All appointments are
notified by the Provincial Office.


“Yours is a caring and support role. You have been appointed because of your Masonic knowledge and
experience. I would like you to guide and support the Lodge to which you have been appointed and
therefore it is important that you have a thorough knowledge of the Visiting Officers’ Guide and the
Secretary’s Handbook.

It is important that you attend the Area Committee meetings so that you are always fully up to speed
with what is going on in the Province and the Area and can obtain or provide guidance on any
particular issues which have arisen.

Brethren within a Lodge may need help and guidance in performing their role and whereas the Lodge
Mentor and Personal Mentors will look after the more junior brethren, you will ensure that the Mentors
and the brethren occupying the administrative offices within a Lodge, are given such guidance and
support as may be necessary. You will do this without being intrusive – in many cases the Lodge
Officers will not need any guidance or assistance. But you will keep a watchful eye, identify needs, and
be there should the need arise.

When you attend the Lodge to which you are appointed, you do so as my representative. You should
therefore make appropriate presentations; e.g. Grand Lodge Certificates, Welcome to the Initiate, the
Master Mason’s Guide – and ensure that these documents are presented. In particular, you should
ensure that on each Installation, you present the Lodge Wardens with the booklet ‘Approaching the
Chair' so that they are aware of the duties and responsibilities which lie ahead. Discuss their plans with
them at a future Lodge meeting; make sure they have such plans ; that they are addressing the future
of the Lodge; that they consider appointing a Recruitment Officer; and that they address the Social Side
as many of our vibrant Lodges are thriving on the back of Social Activities.

Some of our Visiting Officers have been promoted to the rank of PPJGW. Each such appointment has
been agreed by me on the personal recommendation of the Area APGM. The promotion is not a Right
arising out of the appointment of Visiting Officer and such promotions will only be made if the work of
the Visiting Officer is carried out to the required standard and to the satisfaction of the Area APGM.

My decision to make the office of Visiting Officer not the exclusive preserve of Grand Officers was based
on the changed requirements of the Office; and the fact that some Grand Officers would have difficulty
accepting those changes. I expect all my Visiting Officers, whether holding Grand Rank or not, to work
in accordance with this Visiting Officers Guide and this and any subsequent Bulletins.

Concern has been expressed that the Province is losing a number of Past Masters within a short time (a
few years) of their vacating the Chair and it was considered that the primary reason was that in some
Lodges there are not sufficient opportunities for brethren to take office and play a meaningful role in
the Lodge after vacating the Chair. As Visiting Officers I would like you to take a mentoring role to
ensure that Past Masters feel valued and are made aware of the opportunities open to them within a
Lodge; and in particular within an Area.

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In some cases the senior non-progressive offices in a Lodge are occupied for far too long by brethren
who make the Job their own. This can be unhealthy for the Lodge; and for its brethren who pass
through the Chair and then find that there is little chance for further progression within the Lodge. The
situation can be addressed by the Visiting Officer in two ways. First, discussion with those brethren who
have been in a senior non-progressive office for more than say five years, with a view to their “standing
down” to enable Past Master progression within the Lodge.

Secondly, by ensuring that the Lodge has an appropriate Future Plan which addresses, amongst other
things, progression to the Chair and beyond. Wardens should be encouraged to draft such a plan as a
necessary preliminary to their taking on the High Office of Worshipful Master.

The Appointments Committee, comprising the APGMs, ProvGSec, ProvGDC, and chaired by the DPGM,
meet for two complete days every January to decide on recommendations to me, for Provincial
Appointments and Promotions. It is important that you are aware of the time taken to ensure that all
brethren are appropriately recognised for their contribution to the Craft Province.

The Appointments Committee also decided that some brethren in the Province should be fast tracked
i.e. receive Provincial appointment prior to the usual period of 6/7 years. The reason for this is that
these brethren have been identified as having particular experience, and commitment to the Craft
Province, and there is no reason (save our own internal guidance) why the Province should have to wait
6/7 years before benefitting from what these brethren have to offer. It is important that you as Visiting
Officers are aware of this, whether or not one of the fast tracked brethren is a member of the Lodge to
which you are Visiting Officer, so that you can explain the rationale to brethren generally. Some
brethren who “waited” for the usual 6/7 years may be disappointed that brethren are now being fast
tracked. I hope not, but you should be prepared to deal with it.

In conclusion, may I thank you for accepting what might be regarded as a demanding role; but I am
sure that it is very rewarding and it is vital for the future wellbeing of our Craft Province.”


In general the Office of VO requires considerable tact and forbearance. Grand Officers, the Worshipful
Master and his Officers must be treated with the respect due to them. Specifically, three qualities are
essential to the role:

a) Oral Communication – must be fluent, articulate, uses language to put ideas across in a clear
organised manner and be a good listener.

b) Interpersonal Skills - must be highly aware of other people and amend approach accordingly. Able
to state own needs without causing a negative reaction. Must be approachable and act
confidentially when required.

c) Initiative - demonstrates a pro-active approach to UGLE & Provincial initiatives, favours getting
things started, and ensuring that tasks are seen through to completion.

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The role forms the communication lynch pin between the Lodge and the Province. Specifically,
ensuring that Provincial Policy and Information is understood by the Lodge and acted on wherever

Whenever UGLE & Provincial Initiatives are launched it is pivotal that they are understood by the
Lodge and that any resulting actions are implemented. For example, but not limited to:

The 4R’s Policy Initiative (Recruitment, Retention Re-engagement and Retrieval). Ensuring delivery to
the Lodge and adoption by them, of the critical sub-components of these initiatives as they have arisen
or may arise in the future e.g.
• The Management of Recruitment Leads from Events etc.
• Recruitment Guidelines and Best Practice for Lodges
• Interview Tips (which includes both Recruitment and Retrieval procedure)
• Help for Lodges in Difficulty or Decline
• In-Festival activities that occur during the Festival period that support it

When appropriate and without breaking any confidence, explain the purpose and reasoning behind
such initiatives and policies. Even if some brethren may not necessarily agree with a particular
initiative, then having the rationale explained will help understanding.

It will sometimes be necessary for the VO to mention in Open Lodge certain policies or
information, as is appropriate, so that they are brought out into the open and not unintentionally
withheld by any Lodge Officer. A VO is expected to be fully conversant with UGLE & Provincial
policies and be able to confidently discuss and explain them in detail when necessary.

It must be borne in mind that the role of a VO is to guide and assist Lodges so that the rules and by-
laws governing them are not inadvertently broken and the Lodge becomes 'In Default'. Interference by
the VO with a Lodge's internal workings should normally be avoided unless it is necessary to resolve a
specific issue. Before doing so, take advice from your Area Vice-Chairman or the Provincial Office.

The VO has a responsibility of care to enquire subtly if regulatory returns have been met and where
not, to facilitate their timely production in accordance with the Book of Constitutions (including
Information and Guidance for Members of the Craft), Provincial or Lodge By-laws. For example, this
will include:

1. Annual Returns to the Provincial Grand Secretary and Treasurer and to UGLE
2. Installation Returns (both UGLE and Provincial Installation Returns)
3. Charity returns.

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There is a ‘watching brief’ to see that the ‘health’ of the Lodge is satisfactory. For example:
• It is an enjoyable place to attend
• That visitors are welcomed and made to feel that they want to return
• That Past Masters know and adhere to their role of support and not decision making (a Past
Masters or GP Committee has no executive powers). They should plan for and encourage
succession by motivating less experienced brethren and knowing when to let go. They must
avoid internal piques or quarrels and display unity by supporting the Master and his Officers at
all times.
• That newer members are being cared for and integrated into the fabric of the Lodge.
• That Retention rate is high, and Resignation rate is low.


1. Promote Provincial Policies:

• Conveyed in the PGM’s Address annually at the July Provincial AGM. This is available on
the Provincial Web Site and from 2014; in the Provincial Year Book.
• Support the Provincial Mission Statement: ‘To establish a thriving Craft as part of the
Community of Hampshire and Isle of Wight’.

2. Support the Health of the Lodge:

• Source relevant statistics prior to your first visit
o Number of Lodge Members.
o Is there an attendance record and what is the status?
o Initiations / Joiners / resignations over the past 5 years.
o Average age.
o Names of members and specifically, the Lodge Officers.
o Performance in 2016 Festival.
• Keep abreast of these during your appointment.

3. Guide the Lodge in Recruitment, Retention, Re-engagement and Retrieval:

• Approach non-attending brethren to encourage them to return.
• Communicate with those intending to resign to discuss reasons and alternative
• Encourage members to recruit friends and colleagues.
• Acting with friendship, tact and diplomacy and with the full knowledge of the Lodge.

4. Encourage the Lodge to Develop and Maintain a Five Year Plan:

• Covering areas including Officer Progression, ceremonies, recruitment, retention and re-
engagement, retrieval, social events etc.

5. Be familiar with the Book of Constitutions and other Guidance and Lodge Documents:
• BoC, VO Guide, Lodge By-laws, ‘Information for the Guidance of Members of the

6. Support the Lodge on Working to an Acceptable Standard:

• Ritual, administration etc.

• Diplomatically encourage, advise and support Lodge officers and others in areas of

Page 7 Further Details and Duties:

Provincial Grand Lodge Hampshire & Isle of Wight
a) Gain a good understanding of the Lodge and its brethren with a view to feedback to the Area Vice-
Chairman and Area Committee who will be monitoring the “health” of Lodges within the Area. All
feedback, positive and negative, will be valuable and that good practice within a Lodge is
considered so that it may be made available to other Lodges within the Area/Province.
b) Present documents to Brethren. For example; Grand Lodge Certificates, or Provincial Booklets
after Initiation and Raising. However, with Provincial Booklets always encourage the Lodge or
Personal mentor to present these.
c) Make yourself acquainted with the Yellow Charities Booklet and the Booklet “Information for
Guidance of Members of the Craft”. These should always be presented at Initiations. Check with
the Lodge Secretary that they are available well before the meeting.
d) Liaise closely with the Area Vice Chairman and Area Chairman, especially if the Lodge has been
identified as being “In Decline”, with a view to assisting the members overcome their difficulties.
e) Keep a careful eye on requirements made of the Lodge by the Province and its administrative
Officers if the Lodge has been identified as being “in Default”, with a view to assisting
compliance and aiding the smooth running of the Lodge and the Province.
f) Monitor resignations and ensure details of all resigning brethren are notified to you by the
Lodge Secretary or Master within 72 hours of receipt and that this information is then sent on
immediately by the VO to the Area Vice-Chairman. Ensure that BoC Rule 183 (21 day cooling off
period) is invoked following each resignation.
g) Encourage compliance by the Lodge with Provincial Policy and good practice generally within the
Province and the Craft, particularly with regard to Mentoring, Caring for our Brethren, and
Keeping in Touch with those brethren who do not attend Lodge regularly or at all.
h) Consult with the Area Vice-Chairman in the first instance whenever a case of difficulty or discord
arises that cannot be resolved at Lodge level or by you as the VO. Except in cases of emergency,
which may bring Freemasonry into disrepute, the VO is expected to ensure that the Lodge contact
the Area APGM directly. However, if the matter is purely of an administrative nature, the
Provincial Office should be consulted first and foremost. Questions of Masonic protocol should be
referred to the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.
i) You are expected to be aware of issues in a Lodge that may disrupt harmony or cause a Lodge to
be in ‘Default’; and be alert to membership numbers, progression, lack of initiates, resignations
and other matters that may lead to a Lodge being in ‘Decline’.


Attend the Lodge to which you are appointed as often as you can. You are entitled to be placed on the
immediate right of the Brother presiding or on an Official Visit to the immediate right of the VIP unless
a Chain Bearer is present in which case you should defer to him if it is his wish. Please insist on paying
your own dining fee. It is necessary for you to get to know the Lodge and its brethren, to appraise the
standards worked in the Lodge, and keep your Area Vice-Chairman and relevant Area Committee
informed of the Lodge and its development. You cannot be appointed to a Lodge of which you
are a member. You need to build a trusting relationship with the Lodge members and be available to
give advice and support.

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a) Annual Installation Report (FORM K)

The template is available from your Area Vice Chairman or Chairman in electronic format and is
intended to cover a whole year. This form and its contents are private and confidential for the
exclusive use of the Visiting Officers and the Area Chairman / Vice-Chairman . To be completed by the
VO and returned to the Area Vice Chairman, no later than 28 days after the installation meeting and to
be in respect of the lodge year to that installation meeting.

The VO will:

• Complete the form immediately after the Installation Meeting in respect of the Lodge's
Masonic year prior to that Installation Meeting and returned to the Area Vice Chairman within
28 days.
• Consider and, if appropriate, submit a dedicated form about the outgoing WM to the Area
Vice-Chairman for consideration by the Area APGM for recommendation as a Provincial Grand

The Area Vice-Chairman will:

• Review the form

• Clarify or expand any comments within the form that need further explanation and enter
• Complete his section of the report.
• Follow up any deficiencies in the application of the “Caring for our Brethren” programme.
• Recommendations for First Appointments should be noted for use at the appropriate time.
• Recommendations for Promotion should be acted upon by the provisions of a promotion form
to the Lodge.
• Recommendation for future Grand Rank – The names should be extracted from the form and if
the Area Chairman supports the recommendation he should notify, by separate
communication to his APGM in order that, if in agreement, the APGM includes him on the
• In addition at the appropriate time he must raise and submit the form for consideration for
Grand Rank.
• Submit the form to the Area Chairman and APGM within 28 days of receiving it.

The APGM will:

• Review form (s)

• Extract any information he wishes to retain.
• Question any comment that is not fully explained or justified.
• The Area Chairman will update the matrix and notify the Provincial Office of any changes.

b) Informal Return (FORM J)

The template available from your Area Vice Chairman or Chairman in electronic format (fillable PDF).
This form can be used whenever you attend a meeting. Once complete it should be forwarded within
28 days to the Area Vice-Chairman for onward transmittal.

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You are expected to attend in good time for the Lodge's Tyling and be present in Lodge to observe
both the Opening and Closing ritual, unless taking part in the procession for a VIP. VOs are not to take
part in any Ceremony unless specifically invited to do so and should not pass comment or interfere
in any Ceremony or working of the Lodge, except to prevent a breach of the Constitutions governing
the Craft or the Lodge's own By-Laws.

Should you consider it necessary to comment on any Lodge procedures, mention it tactfully and
privately to the Master and Lodge Director of Ceremonies, and/or Secretary, after the Lodge is closed.
Public displays of indifference are unnecessary and unhelpful. As a VO you attend the Lodge as the
PGM's representative, so lead by setting a good example, use tact, stay alert and always remember to
be constructive, not destructive.

It is expected that you will respond to the Toast to Provincial Grand Lodge after dinner when
appropriate, having first consulted with the Lodge Director of Ceremonies. Communicate to the
Brethren any initiatives or Policy decisions made from time to time by the Provincial Grand Master and
Cabinet/Executive, or as directed by the Area APGM or Area Chairman / Vice-Chairman (these will
usually be communicated to VOs at Group Committee meetings).

Make yourself familiar with the workings of the four major central Masonic Charities, as well as the
Provincial Charities such as the General Charitable Trust and the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Masonic
Grand Charity (Tom Langton Fund). Brief up-to-date details on all of these Charities are readily
available by referring to the white pages at the back of the current Provincial Yearbook and in the
Yellow Charities Booklet.


Encourage the Lodge Almoner to be knowledgeable and up-to date about Masonic Charities. You
should be pro- active and ensure the Almoner makes full use of the advice and relief available to his
Brethren and dependents who are in need. Be supportive of the Lodge Mentor and Charity Steward,
especially the latter during Provincial Festival Appeals, by encouraging the Brethren to support the
Masonic Charities and identify cases of need through the Province's 'Caring for our Brethren' policy. If
during a Festival Appeal there is no Agenda Item for Festival Update as advised by the Provincial Grand
Secretary, tactfully point out to the Lodge Secretary that this is the wish of the PGM.

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The Promotions and First Appointments process begins in late July and makes use of the five electronic
forms (which will be distributed at the appropriate time);

• Form A: First Appointments

• Form B: Promotions
• Form C: Provincial Grand Steward
• Form D: PPAGStB (for those brethren who have not been through the chair)
• Form E: Appointments under rule 69a/b
Each form has an identification ‘letter’ clearly displayed alongside the title of the form to avoid any
confusion as to which form to use.

There are three distinct and separate processes:

1. Promotions (which for this purpose will include PPAGStdB and Rule 69a/b appointments)

2. First Appointments

3. Provincial Grand Steward

1. STAGE 1
APGMs and ACs / AV-Cs will be kept informed at each stage of this process and will receive draft copies
when emails are sent directly to Lodge Secretaries.

Promotions, PPAGStB and 69a/b Appointments

Lodge Secretaries may nominate brethren for promotion / appointment if they satisfy one of the
following criteria:
a) Provincial Promotion: The brother currently holds a Provincial Office (awarded in our Province)
and it is 7 years or more since their last Promotion or 1st Appointment (excluding Provincial
Grand Stewards) and who has held an Office or Offices in Lodge since his last Provincial Honour.
b) PPAGStB Appointment: The brother is a Master Mason who has given outstanding service to his
Lodge and held a non-progressive office/offices(s), such as Secretary, Treasurer, Almoner,
Charity Steward, Organist, Tyler, etc., for a minimum period of seven years (in the aggregate)
and has been a member of the Craft in excess of ten years.
c) 1st Appointment under rule 69a/b: Past Masters of and joining from another Province may be
considered for a First Appointment to a PAST Rank in this Province under B of C Rule 69a/b. To
qualify Brethren must normally have been a Subscribing Member of a Lodge or Lodges in this
Province continuously for at least 9 years and have rendered meritorious service in this
• All Lodge Secretaries will be sent an email explaining the process and deadline.
• The lodge VO will be sent a separate email informing him of the email to the secretary and
requesting him to communicate with the Secretary to ensure receipt of the email and offer
his advice.
• Lodge Secretaries must contact their Area Vice Chairman either by telephone or email in
order to agree the names of those brethren to be considered (generally no more than 2
promotions per lodge excluding PPAGStB). The Area Vice Chairman will note the names of
brethren nominated and email the appropriate forms to the Lodge Secretary.

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• Once agreed, the Lodge Secretary should convene a meeting of Past Masters (may be
combined with the 1st Appointment meeting) to consider the proposed nomination.
Following this meeting, Form ‘B’, ‘D’ or ‘E’ should be completed as appropriate in the fillable
PDF format. It would be useful for the VO to confirm the date of the meeting beforehand to
ensure that it is to take place.
• If the brother is currently a member of more than one Lodge, the views of the other lodges
should be sought and considered.
• The completed form(s) should be emailed to the lodge VO in electronic format to arrive no
later than 15th October.

First Appointments
• A list of Past Masters to be considered for a First Appointment to Provincial Grand Rank will
be generated by the Provincial Office during the month of August; i.e. those Past Masters
who first occupied the chair of a Hants and IOW lodge between 1st April and 31st March of
the appropriate year.
• This list will be sent to APGMs, Area Chairmen and Area Vice Chairmen prior to advising the
Lodge Secretaries.
• The appropriate Lodge Secretaries will be sent an email confirming the name of the brother
eligible for consideration for First Appointment. This email will confirm the Lodge name and
number, the details of the candidate for first appointment and re-confirm the VOs email
• The lodge VO will be sent a separate email informing him of the email to the secretary and
requesting him to communicate with the Secretary to ensure receipt of the email and offer
his advice. The Secretary should convene a meeting of Past Masters, of and within the
Lodge, to consider the merits and suitability of the Past Master in question. Following this
meeting, Form ‘A’ should be completed in the fillable PDF format (this form will be sent
directly from the Provincial Office only to lodges with eligible candidates). It would be useful
for the VO to confirm the date of the meeting beforehand to ensure that it is to take place.
• If the brother is currently a member of more than one Lodge, the views of the other lodges
should be sought and considered.

The completed form should be emailed to the lodge VO in electronic format to arrive no later than 15th

Provincial Grand Stewards

Appointment to Provincial Grand Steward is an Active Office offered to Past Masters who have
demonstrated above average ability in Masonic Ritual, administration, character and general bearing.

• Recommendations should be made by the VO as soon as possible after the Brother has
completed his year as Master. The Lodge should not be involved in this procedure nor should it
be made aware that any recommendation is being made.
• Special forms for recommendation (Form ‘C’) are available on request from the Area Vice
Chairman, and should be completed by the Visiting Officer, and returned to the Area Vice
Chairman for his comment and further action. In this instance only, the completed form should
be returned to the Area Chairman and copied to the APGM by 15th October.

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2. STAGE 2
• Following 15th October, Visiting Officers should review each form individually and add their
comments to part 3.
• It is important that the integrity of the electronic format is maintained.
• Completed forms should be emailed to the appropriate Area Vice Chairman before 31st October
and for Prospective Provincial Grand Stewards, by 15th October.

3. STAGE 3
• Following 31st October, the APGM, Area Chairman and Area Vice-Chairman should convene an
Area Collars Meeting with the VOs, review the forms and agree comments and suggested
• It is important that the integrity of the electronic format is maintained.
• Completed forms should be emailed to the Provincial Office, copied to the DPGM before 30th

4. STAGE 4
• The Provincial Collars Meeting will be convened in early January.

The number of Active Ranks available is governed by the size of the Province in terms of the number of
Brethren. Certain offices are not available for general recommendation for appointment because of
the specialist nature of the Office - these include Wardens, Chaplain, Treasurer, Registrar, Secretary,
Director of Ceremonies, Deputy Director of Ceremonies, Almoner, Charity Steward, Assistant
Secretary, Organist and Tyler. Recommendations may be made for:

ProvGSwdB x 1 ProvGSuptWks x 1 ProvDepGChap x 1 ProvDepGReg x 1

ProvDepGSwdB x 1 ProvDepGSuptWks x 1 ProvSGD x 4 ProvJGD x 4
ProvAGChap x 1 ProvAGReg x 2 ProvAGDC x 6 ProvAGSwdBx2
ProvAGSuptWks x 2 ProvGStB x 2 ProvAGStB x 4 ProvGPurs x 1
ProvAGPurs x 3 ProvGStwds x 18 (see below)

A suitable Candidate for Active Rank should be in good health, have good Masonic abilities, good
bearing and be able to attend Official Visits in all parts of the Province throughout the year, at his own
cost, without detriment to his family and business commitments. (There may also be a dining cost on
some official visits). It should also be borne in mind that a successful nomination for Active Rank
could result in the Brother being offered an appointment junior to a direct past rank.

There are also restrictions on the number of Past Rank First Appointments which can be made, and
also the Ranks generally available are limited to:


Low: PPAGSuptWks, PPGStB

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Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden (this is an exceptional promotion usually initiated by the PGM)
Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden
Past Provincial Grand Registrar
Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer
Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Registrar
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies (past Active ProvAGDCs only)
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Sword Bearer
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Superintendent of Works
Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon
Past Provincial Junior Grand Deacon
Past Provincial Assistant Grand Registrar
Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
Past Provincial Assistant Grand Sword Bearer

Ensure that recommendations will be made based on Masonic ability, manner, bearing, conduct and
commitment of the Brother concerned and not on prejudice of any kind from any source.

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ANNEX A PGMs Address to the VO’s Mess 11th November 2013

1. Welcome to you all – it’s good to see so many of you here albeit we have a three line whip. This
Visiting Officers’ Mess has been established in recognition of the importance of the role and will be
highly beneficial to me, as a means of communicating directly with my Visiting Officers across the
Province, and will be useful to you for networking and interaction amongst your peers.

2. Let me start by saying that attendance at this Mess, which will be an annual event, is vital – and I do
hope that those Visiting Officers who are not here have made arrangements to be briefed because
otherwise they, and therefore the Lodges which they serve, will be severely disadvantaged.

3. I am now in my fourth year as PGM. When I became responsible for the Province, I had been at or
close to its centre for over 12 years as APGM and DPGM. Over those years and previous years I had
served five PGMs. I therefore had considerable experience of how the Province worked; and of the
workings of other Provinces.

4. My vision for our Province is incorporated in the new Mission Statement which was recently agreed
at Cabinet and which is:

‘To establish a thriving Craft as part of the Community of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight’

This was my goal from the outset, but I needed to establish appropriate systems and procedures which
we have been doing over the past three years. I believe that the various changes which we have made
during that time will enable us to move forward with confidence and that we will achieve our goal.

5. Analysis of the Mission Statement is helpful. We start with the word “Thriving.” The Craft will only
thrive if it is enjoyable for all its members; and growing.

6. So enjoyment and numbers are at the forefront. They are of course related because if men are
enjoying their Freemasonry then they will remain members and play their part.

7. Let me give you a statistic – in the year to July 2010 the Province lost 454 Members – brethren who
had left the Craft. The number was not untypical of previous years.

8. I could either accept that situation as a sign of the times – or address it and deal with it. I believe
that our core principles are such that if men and indeed their ladies understood what we do and why,
then men would be queuing up to join us. Not only was that not happening, but those who did join us,
were leaving in their droves.

9. So we ask the question – Why? It may be stating the obvious, but brethren were not leaving the
Province; or indeed the Craft; they were leaving individual Lodges. And so we needed to address the
position within individual Lodges.

10. I am responsible for 250 Lodges – each an individual and autonomous unit. Even as PGM I cannot
direct those Lodges how to conduct their affairs. The Province can advise and guide and support but at
the end of the day the Lodge decides.

11. Or does it? What is a Lodge in this context? Is it the members? Or the GP Committee? Or the
Master? Or some senior PMs with influence well beyond their entitlement? Those once highly
respected brethren whose Passion for the Craft has regrettably become an Obsession.

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12. The only way to address this was to drill down into the Lodges. Each Lodge at the time had a VGO,
and many VGOs had a number of Lodges. Their primary duty was to “be available as an independent
source of discreet advice” and “to offer assistance if approached; and not therefore become too closely
involved in the Lodge.” VGOs were required to restrict their number of visits, in order to retain the
feeling of a “special occasion” when the VGO is present.

13. The obvious answer was to use the VGOs to drill down into the Lodges – which had its own problems.
First, Masons as a breed (if I can put it like that) don’t like change, and the Visiting Officer’s Role would
have to change fundamentally. Secondly, we didn’t have enough GOs to cover all our Lodges. The
solution quite simply was to appoint senior and influential brethren who were not Grand Officers to
assume the role of Visiting Officer.

14. The effect was several fold. It would ensure that Lodges (as an entity) had the benefit of detailed
guidance and support from the Province; and it would give worthy brethren who were not Grand
Officers the opportunity to serve the Province in a senior role. It would also enable those GOs who had
difficulty accepting the changes to stand down.

15. So the decision to appoint non GOs as Visiting Officers was made by the Cabinet nem con; and I have
to say without any real discussion. It was the obvious way forward. It was one of my first and
fundamental changes – but as with everything in life and particularly in Freemasonry, putting things
into effect takes time.

16. We are now 3 years on and the majority of our Visiting Officers are Provincial rather than Grand
Officers. It is vitally important that all our Visiting Officers understand the Provincial requirement
which is why this Mess has been organised and why I am keen for all our Visiting Officers to attend.

17. There is of course a comprehensive Visiting Officers’ Guide which is probably now due for review.
But to put it succinctly the Visiting Officers prime function is to guide and assist and support the Lodge
in accordance with Provincial Policy. The first task therefore is to get to know the Lodge – attend all its
meetings and get a feel for the Lodge.

18. In respect of many Lodges this can be relatively straightforward. If the Lodge is itself a thriving unit
with a supply of Candidates the work of the Visiting Officer may be minimal – ensuring that the main
administrative officers observe Provincial requirements in a timely way – returns, accounts, and so
forth. But even in these Lodges, the Visiting Officer needs to be alert and take an objective view of the

19. Some Lodges think that they are doing well if they have a supply of Candidates for initiation.
Whereas this might be a good start, what happens to those candidates? Do they attend? If not, why
not? Are they looked after? What is the Mentoring position? What is the resignation/attendance
profile of the Lodge?

20. And then there are Lodges at the other end of the scale – struggling and perhaps without
Candidates. Why so? Why do we have some Lodges with an embarrassment of riches in terms of
Candidates; and others who have not seen a Candidate for some years?

21. The reason is usually very obvious. The solution is likewise usually obvious. Implementation of the
solution may require tact and diplomacy - two very important requirements for a Visiting Officer.

22. If the Visiting Officer has any concerns he should raise them with his GR who will as appropriate
raise it with the Group APGM through the relevant Committee. Guidance will be readily available and
in some cases the APGM or GR may get involved directly to assist.

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23. At this stage I think it is appropriate to make one or two things absolutely clear. First, the GP
Committee of a Lodge has no Executive Power or authority. It is an advisory Committee – to advise on
matters referred to it by the Master.

24. Now if the Master supported by the grass roots if I can put it like that wants to implement certain
changes he can seek the advice of the GP Committee if he wishes to do so, or he can advise the GP
Committee of his intentions. These things are best done in discussion with individuals as it is preferable
for the members of the GP to be on board. But far too often the GP Committee is influenced by so
called senior members set in their ways who will resist change at all costs and often it has to be said to
the serious detriment of the Lodge, individual brethren, and indeed Freemasonry.

25. Let me give you an example. I attended a Lodge which had not had a Candidate for some years.
They had MMs in key positions and MMs in most progressive offices, but they were not to keen to
progress. It was very easy to ascertain why.

26. They were expected to attend rehearsals twice a month (notwithstanding no candidates), they felt
uncomfortable if their ritual was not all that was expected of them because of comments made during
ceremonies, Masters of the Lodge were forbidden to share the ritual, they had difficulty committing to
every Lodge meeting which was the Lodge requirement of Lodge Officers, and some had difficulty
attending Lodge because the time of tyling was such that they had to take a “sicky” to get there on
time. And they say Freemasonry is a supportive organisation.

27. The GP Committee had apparently considered putting back the time of tyling but decided against.
The Lodge was effectively being run, or strangled, by some PMs who were living in the past. Did they
realise? Did they care? I can make the Provincial position very clear but I then move on.

28. What will the Lodge do? I would say that the vast majority of the members of the Lodge were in
favour of making changes – but someone will have to take the lead. This is where the Visiting Officer
can come into his own. And the reality is, that once the changes have been made, the Lodge will
benefit, and those against the changes will fall into line.

29. As PGM I have one crack at a Lodge. I attend, assess, and say what I think. The Visiting Officers can
be much more measured and supportive – always bearing in mind the health of the Lodge and the
welfare of the brethren.
30. It would help if Masters understood that they have a responsibility to manage the Lodge during their
year. It is not sufficient, and indeed it is unacceptable, for a Master to take the Chair and do what is
required of him by the Secretary during his year. The Secretary does not run the Lodge – though some
think they do. They have a vital role to play, but the best secretaries understand their role.

31. Which brings me on to planning; Every Lodge, regardless of how good it is, should have a five year
rolling plan. The Master and particularly the Wardens should be the key players in devising the Plan.
Past Masters should obviously be involved on a consultation basis.

32. The Plan should cover introduction of Candidates (making use as necessary of the various Provincial
initiatives), the social side, the work in the Lodge, the Officers going forward – and be mindful of the
fact that no one is indispensable, 5 years is quite long enough in any office, working brethren need to
be catered for and supported if they are not able to commit to every meeting, shadows being arranged
as appropriate.

33. I know that a number of Lodges which I have visited have prepared a plan. Following a recent visit
where I mentioned the importance of planning the future during my response, a brother who was at
the meeting subsequently Tweeted, the he was reminded of the saying that ”Failing to plan is planning
to fail.” I couldn’t have put it any better.

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34. The Visiting Officer should have sight of the Plan – and if he is happily in the right position with the
Lodge, be able to give input into the plan.

35. Visiting Officers should be aware of, and monitor, the attendance profile of the Lodge. Why are
some brethren not attending? Enquire of the brother – by telephone if he does not attend. Is it the
particular Lodge? Should he be referred to a more appropriate Lodge? Is the Lodge following the
Provincial Recruiting Policy? Does the Lodge contact those who do not attend?

36. Likewise with resignations. The Visiting Officer should always make contact with the brother
immediately after the Resignation, ascertain the real reason, and report to the Group Committee.

37. The Visiting Officer’s role here is the welfare of the individual brother who may be far more inclined
to discuss matters openly with the VO than with a member of the Lodge.

38. We have recently decided that Lodges will be categorised as Red, Amber, or Green. There should be
an Action Plan in respect of all Red Lodges, agreed by the Group Committee after consultation with the
Lodge, to be monitored and managed by the Visiting Officer? The sole objective is support for the
Lodge and its all members.

39. It is obviously important that our Visiting Officers understand the decisions made by the Cabinet –
very often this will be self-evident but if there is any concern, it should be raised at the regular meetings
with the APGM so that the decisions can be explained for the benefit of all.

40. Let me go off in a tangent. Clearly it is the best interests of the Craft to reduce the age profile of the
organisation which currently has more members over 60 than under 60. So we introduced Under 40s

41. Meetings – a very sensible idea one would think to encourage younger men into the Craft. Yet this
has been grossly misinterpreted in some quarters that we are focussing on the younger men and that
those in their 60s have no future in the organisation. What sort of warped view is that?

42. We need to address this sort of bizarre attitude because it is restrictive and highly damaging, and is
preventing a number of our Lodges from making progress in the modern world. Just to make my
position on ageism clear, I have appointed an APGM in his seventies, many of my new Visiting Officers
are in their seventies – appointed because of their knowledge and experience and the contribution
which they can make in taking the Craft forward and which I value.

43. I have introduced a Special Provincial Meeting each year to honour brethren whose contribution has
been overlooked for many years. Next February will be the fourth such meeting – most of the brethren
being honoured are over 60, many are in their 70s and 80s, and some are in their 90s.

44. Age is irrelevant. And so it is with those brethren who have been fast tracked – not all young men,
but each with an ability which will benefit the Craft and Province going forward.

45. Brethren; what we have been doing over the past three years is having a highly beneficial impact.
We have more than halved the annual loss from three years ago, from 454 to 215 members, a
reduction of 52%. The number is still too high, but clearly we are moving in the right direction.

46. You will now take this on to the next stage – and together we will reverse the downward trend.

47. I want you all to be recognised as my representatives across the Province and so the Visiting Officers
Tie has been introduced as an outward and visible sign that you are my representative. I would want
you to wear the tie during all Craft Meetings. I hope that our Grand Officers will be proud to be part of
what we are doing and will likewise wear the tie.

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48. This VOs’ Mess is a must attend for all our Visiting Officers. It’s not intended to be a social - but I
hope that the meetings will be enjoyable for all and that the Mess will act as a bond between Visiting
Officers. The role of Visiting Officer is far too important to be taken for granted.

49. Our Visiting Officers should provide a lead for the brethren; and particularly the Lodges to which they
have been appointed. Inevitably this means the Visiting Officers knowing and supporting what is going
on across the Province; and within the Groups and our Masonic Centres.

50. Ensure that all such are well publicised in your Lodges, and encourage support from the brethren -
the Provincial Meetings including the Special Meeting in February, the Annual Cathedral Service, the
Freemasonry in the Community Unit, Open Days, White Tables, Dine a Friend. Encourage involvement
in Social Media – a great free means of communication amongst brethren and Lodges and across

51. Brethren, have a great year in your role. I look forward to attending the next Mess when I will report
on the progress which we will have made through the year, and give further guidance on the next stage
of our progression.
Michael J Wilks

Provincial Grand Master

11th November 2013

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