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The Future Perfect describes an action that will be completed by a specific time in the future.

The Future Perfect Tense is formed with: will + have + past participle
Jane will leave at 10:30, tomorrow. The film won't start until 7pm.
→ By 11 o'clock, she will have left. → When I get to the cinema, the film won't have started.

We normally use expressions of time or adverbials such as: by the time, when (+past), by, in 2029, etc.
Barry will have lived here for 10 years on the 20th of March.
The meeting will have ended when you get here.
They won't have finished the project by next April.
We will have made a lot of money by the end of the week.

Look at the sentences below:

➢ By the time we get to the airport, the plane will have taken off.
➢ By September we will have earned more than 10.000 dollars with this project.
In both sentences we used the future perfect to describe actions that will be completed at a certain
time in the future.
We form the future perfect with will have + participle.
By November we will have already gotten our driver’s license.

Now compare the two sentences below:

➢ By the time we got to the airport, the plane had taken off. (past idea)
➢ By the time we get to the airport, the plane will have taken off. (future idea)
When we connect two actions in the future, the previous action completed in the future is expressed
with the future perfect and the following action also happening in the future we describe with the

Fill in the gaps with the future perfect using the verbs indicated in brackets.
e.g: By the year 2100, astronauts will have walked on the surface of Mars. (walk)

1. They __________________________ lunch by three o’clock. (eat) .

2. I _______________________cooking the meal before 1pm. (not finish)
3. She ______________________the keys to Tom when the guests arrive. (give)
4. They _________________________ to guests before the weekend. (not speak)
5. When John arrives, we __________________________ dinner. (have)
6. They ________________________ the meeting by the time we get there. (start)
7. Bill is confident he _______________________how to speak Spanish by the time he moves to
Madrid. (learn)
8. Before the end of the afternoon, she _________________________all of the customers. (notify)
9. Ben __________________________ the children to school before his parents arrive. (not take)
10. We __________________________ all of the furniture by the time the decorators get to the
house. (remove)
11. The bus _____________________________ when we finish. (leave)
12. This summer, they _________________________for 25 years. (be married)

Mark (F) when it refers to a future action and (P) when it refers to a past action:

1. By the time the girl got to school, the class had already started. ( )
2. By the time we get married, we will have already saved enough money for our first house. ( )
3. By the time the game finishes, you will have spent all the money you have. ( )
4. By the time my sister hangs up the phone, she’ll have spent all her allowance with that long
distance call. ( )
5. By the time we went to bed, the kids had already slept. ( )
6. By the time this show ends, my neighbor will have slept on the sofa. ( )
7. By the time the lights went off, I had already written my report. ( )
8. By the time I take a shower, Paul will have already gotten ready for the party. ( )
9. By the time the prom started, most of the couples had already arrived. ( )
10. Getting read at this pace, by the time we get to the mall, it’ll have closed. ( )

Using the information given about the pictures, describe actions that will be completed at a certain
time in the future:
1- Jill / start her ballet classes / August.
2- Anna / do the finals / the end of the year.
3- Arnold / earn the black belt in karate / next month.
4- Julie and I / 5 o’clock / clean the house.
5- The secretary / November / get a promotion.
6- Bill / get his driver’s license / this time next year.
7- Lana / recover from the hangover / lunch time.
8- My sister and Bobby / get married / the end of this year.

Below are some things that may, or may not, have happened by the year 2100.
Say whether or not you think these things will have happened using the future perfect and the
pronoun, we or, when appropriate, a different noun or pronoun.
e.g: By the year 2100, we will have walked on the surface of Mars. (walk on the surface of Mars)
By the year 2100, England won’t have won the World Cup. (win the World Cup)
1. Find a cure for cancer.
2. Save the planet from environmental disaster.
3. Learn to control the weather.
4. Clone human beings. Start building cities in Antarctica.
5. Develop renewable energy.
6. Start building cities in Antarctica.
7. Develop renewable energy.
8. Find a way to safely send human beings outside the solar system.
9. Invent flying cars.
10. Connect the internet and computers directly to our brains.

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